[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][sparse] refine sparse assembler strategy (PR #80521)

Yinying Li llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Feb 5 10:00:34 PST 2024

@@ -132,29 +132,29 @@ void convVals(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, TypeRange types,
 namespace {
 // A rewriting rules that converts public entry methods that use sparse tensors
-// as input parameters and/or output return values into wrapper functions
-// that [dis]assemble the individual tensors that constitute the actual
-// storage used externally into MLIR sparse tensors.
+// as input parameters and/or output return values into wrapper methods that
+// [dis]assemble the individual tensors that constitute the actual storage used
+// externally into MLIR sparse tensors before calling the origal method.
yinying-lisa-li wrote:

typo: original


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