[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][bufferization] Never pass ownership to functions (PR #80655)

Matthias Springer llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Feb 5 01:58:33 PST 2024

https://github.com/matthias-springer created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/80655

Even when `private-function-dynamic-ownership` is set, ownership should never be passed to the callee. This can lead to double deallocs (#77096) or use-after-free in the caller because ownership is currently passed regardless of whether there are any further uses of the buffer in the caller or not.

Note: This is consistent with the fact that ownership is never passed to nested regions.

This commit fixes #77096.

>From 44223f2f494d5526eac3d06e1df912385a2e4212 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Springer <springerm at google.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 09:57:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [mlir][bufferization] Never pass ownership to functions

Even when `private-function-dynamic-ownership` is set, ownership should never be passed to the callee. This can lead to double deallocs (#77096) or use-after-free in the caller because ownership is currently passed regardless of whether there are any further uses of the buffer in the caller or not.

Note: This is consistent with the fact that ownership is never passed to nested regions.

This commit fixes #77096.
 mlir/docs/Bufferization.md                    | 52 ++++++++-----------
 .../Dialect/Bufferization/Pipelines/Passes.h  |  6 +--
 .../OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp      | 45 +++++-----------
 .../dealloc-callop-interface.mlir             |  4 +-
 .../dealloc-function-boundaries.mlir          | 47 ++++++++++++-----
 5 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/docs/Bufferization.md b/mlir/docs/Bufferization.md
index 8329999162fb5..91cb35429433f 100644
--- a/mlir/docs/Bufferization.md
+++ b/mlir/docs/Bufferization.md
@@ -502,31 +502,26 @@ accordingly:
 ### Example
-The following example contains a few interesting cases:
-*   Basic block arguments are modified to also pass along the ownership
-    indicator, but not for entry bocks of non-private functions (assuming the
-    `private-function-dynamic-ownership` pass option is disabled) where the
-    function boundary ABI is applied instead. "Private" in this context refers
-    to functions that cannot be called externally.
-*   The result of `arith.select` initially has 'Unknown' assigned as ownership,
-    but once the `bufferization.dealloc` operation is inserted it is put in the
-    'retained' list (since it has uses in a later basic block) and thus the
-    'Unknown' ownership can be replaced with a 'Unique' ownership using the
-    corresponding result of the dealloc operation.
-*   The `cf.cond_br` operation has more than one successor and thus has to
-    insert two `bufferization.dealloc` operations (one for each successor).
-    While they have the same list of MemRefs to deallocate (because they perform
-    the deallocations for the same block), it must be taken into account that
-    some MemRefs remain *live* for one branch but not the other (thus set
-    intersection is performed on the *live-out* of the current block and the
-    *live-in* of the target block). Also, `cf.cond_br` supports separate
-    forwarding operands for each successor. To make sure that no MemRef is
-    deallocated twice (because there are two `bufferization.dealloc` operations
-    with the same MemRefs to deallocate), the condition operands are adjusted to
-    take the branch condition into account. While a generic lowering for such
-    terminator operations could be implemented, a specialized implementation can
-    take all the semantics of this particular operation into account and thus
-    generate a more efficient lowering.
+The following example contains a few interesting cases: * Basic block arguments
+are modified to also pass along the ownership indicator, but not for entry bocks
+where the function boundary ABI is applied instead. * The result of
+`arith.select` initially has 'Unknown' assigned as ownership, but once the
+`bufferization.dealloc` operation is inserted it is put in the 'retained' list
+(since it has uses in a later basic block) and thus the 'Unknown' ownership can
+be replaced with a 'Unique' ownership using the corresponding result of the
+dealloc operation. * The `cf.cond_br` operation has more than one successor and
+thus has to insert two `bufferization.dealloc` operations (one for each
+successor). While they have the same list of MemRefs to deallocate (because they
+perform the deallocations for the same block), it must be taken into account
+that some MemRefs remain *live* for one branch but not the other (thus set
+intersection is performed on the *live-out* of the current block and the
+*live-in* of the target block). Also, `cf.cond_br` supports separate forwarding
+operands for each successor. To make sure that no MemRef is deallocated twice
+(because there are two `bufferization.dealloc` operations with the same MemRefs
+to deallocate), the condition operands are adjusted to take the branch condition
+into account. While a generic lowering for such terminator operations could be
+implemented, a specialized implementation can take all the semantics of this
+particular operation into account and thus generate a more efficient lowering.
 func.func @example(%memref: memref<?xi8>, %select_cond: i1, %br_cond: i1) {
@@ -543,10 +538,7 @@ func.func @example(%memref: memref<?xi8>, %select_cond: i1, %br_cond: i1) {
 After running `--ownership-based-buffer-deallocation`, it looks as follows:
-// Since this is not a private function, the signature will not be modified even
-// when private-function-dynamic-ownership is enabled. Instead the function
-// boundary ABI has to be applied which means that ownership of `%memref` will
-// never be acquired.
+// Function boundary ABI: ownership of `%memref` will never be acquired.
 func.func @example(%memref: memref<?xi8>, %select_cond: i1, %br_cond: i1) {
   %false = arith.constant false
   %true = arith.constant true
@@ -602,7 +594,7 @@ func.func @example(%memref: memref<?xi8>, %select_cond: i1, %br_cond: i1) {
              : memref<i8>, memref<i8>, memref<i8>)
         if (%false, %not_br_cond, %false)
     retain (%memref, %select : memref<?xi8>, memref<?xi8>)
   // Because %select is used in ^bb1 without passing it via block argument, we
   // need to update it's ownership value here by merging the ownership values
   // returned by the dealloc operations
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Pipelines/Passes.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Pipelines/Passes.h
index 7acacb763cd2c..32565b61f5ff9 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Pipelines/Passes.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Pipelines/Passes.h
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ struct BufferDeallocationPipelineOptions
   PassOptions::Option<bool> privateFunctionDynamicOwnership{
       *this, "private-function-dynamic-ownership",
-          "Allows to add additional arguments to private functions to "
-          "dynamically pass ownership of memrefs to callees. This can enable "
-          "earlier deallocations."),
+          "Allows to add additional results to private functions to return "
+          "ownership of returned memrefs to callers. This can avoid spurious "
+          "buffer clones in the callee."),
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp
index c535d6c130edb..fa4ea2c10842b 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp
@@ -292,11 +292,10 @@ class BufferDeallocation {
   FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(RegionBranchOpInterface op);
   /// If the private-function-dynamic-ownership pass option is enabled and the
-  /// called function is private, additional arguments and results are added for
-  /// each MemRef argument/result to pass the dynamic ownership indicator along.
-  /// Otherwise, updates the ownership map and list of memrefs to be deallocated
-  /// according to the function boundary ABI, i.e., assume ownership of all
-  /// returned MemRefs.
+  /// called function is private, additional results are added for each MemRef
+  /// result to pass the dynamic ownership indicator along. Otherwise, updates
+  /// the ownership map and list of memrefs to be deallocated according to the
+  /// function boundary ABI, i.e., assume ownership of all returned MemRefs.
   /// Example (assume `private-function-dynamic-ownership` is enabled):
   /// ```
@@ -309,17 +308,15 @@ class BufferDeallocation {
   /// becomes
   /// ```
   /// func.func @f(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32> {...}
-  /// func.func private @g(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32> {...}
+  /// func.func private @g(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> (memref<2xi32>, i1) {...}
   /// %ret_f = func.call @f(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32>
   /// // set ownership(%ret_f) := true
   /// // remember to deallocate %ret_f
-  /// // (new_memref, own) = getmemrefWithUniqueOwnership(%memref)
-  /// %ret_g:2 = func.call @g(new_memref, own) :
-  ///   (memref<2xi32>, i1) -> (memref<2xi32>, i1)
+  /// %ret_g:2 = func.call @g(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> (memref<2xi32>, i1)
   /// // set ownership(%ret_g#0) := %ret_g#1
-  /// // remember to deallocate %ret_g
+  /// // remember to deallocate %ret_g if it comes with ownership
   /// ```
   FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(CallOpInterface op);
@@ -444,8 +441,8 @@ class BufferDeallocation {
   static LogicalResult verifyOperationPreconditions(Operation *op);
   /// When the 'private-function-dynamic-ownership' pass option is enabled,
-  /// additional `i1` arguments and return values are added for each MemRef
-  /// value in the function signature. This function takes care of updating the
+  /// additional `i1` return values are added for each MemRef result in the
+  /// function signature. This function takes care of updating the
   /// `function_type` attribute of the function according to the actually
   /// returned values from the terminators.
   static LogicalResult updateFunctionSignature(FunctionOpInterface op);
@@ -650,7 +647,7 @@ LogicalResult BufferDeallocation::deallocate(Block *block) {
     // Adhere to function boundary ABI: no ownership of function argument
     // MemRefs is taken.
-    if (isFunctionWithoutDynamicOwnership(block->getParentOp()) &&
+    if (isa<FunctionOpInterface>(block->getParentOp()) &&
         block->isEntryBlock()) {
       Value newArg = buildBoolValue(builder, arg.getLoc(), false);
       state.updateOwnership(arg, newArg);
@@ -838,26 +835,10 @@ FailureOr<Operation *> BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(CallOpInterface op) {
     isPrivate = symbol.isPrivate() && !symbol.isDeclaration();
   // If the private-function-dynamic-ownership option is enabled and we are
-  // calling a private function, we need to add an additional `i1`
-  // argument/result for each MemRef argument/result to dynamically pass the
-  // current ownership indicator rather than adhering to the function boundary
-  // ABI.
+  // calling a private function, we need to add an additional `i1` result for
+  // each MemRef result to dynamically pass the current ownership indicator
+  // rather than adhering to the function boundary ABI.
   if (options.privateFuncDynamicOwnership && isPrivate) {
-    SmallVector<Value> newOperands, ownershipIndicatorsToAdd;
-    for (Value operand : op.getArgOperands()) {
-      if (!isMemref(operand)) {
-        newOperands.push_back(operand);
-        continue;
-      }
-      auto [memref, condition] =
-          materializeUniqueOwnership(builder, operand, op->getBlock());
-      newOperands.push_back(memref);
-      ownershipIndicatorsToAdd.push_back(condition);
-    }
-    newOperands.append(ownershipIndicatorsToAdd.begin(),
-                       ownershipIndicatorsToAdd.end());
-    op.getArgOperandsMutable().assign(newOperands);
     unsigned numMemrefs = llvm::count_if(op->getResults(), isMemref);
     SmallVector<Type> ownershipTypesToAppend(numMemrefs, builder.getI1Type());
     unsigned ownershipCounter = op->getNumResults();
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-callop-interface.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-callop-interface.mlir
index 02bf2d10e9e3f..63947150c23b3 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-callop-interface.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-callop-interface.mlir
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func.func @function_call() {
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-LABEL: func @function_call()
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: [[ALLOC0:%.+]] = memref.alloc(
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: [[ALLOC1:%.+]] = memref.alloc(
-//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: [[RET:%.+]]:2 = call @f([[ALLOC0]], %true{{[0-9_]*}}) : (memref<f64>, i1) -> (memref<f64>, i1)
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: [[RET:%.+]]:2 = call @f([[ALLOC0]]) : (memref<f64>) -> (memref<f64>, i1)
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: test.copy
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: [[BASE:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]{{.*}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata [[RET]]#0
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc ([[ALLOC0]], [[ALLOC1]], [[BASE]] :{{.*}}) if (%true{{[0-9_]*}}, %true{{[0-9_]*}}, [[RET]]#1)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func.func @function_call_requries_merged_ownership_mid_block(%arg0: i1) {
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   [[ALLOC0:%.+]] = memref.alloc(
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   [[ALLOC1:%.+]] = memref.alloca(
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   [[SELECT:%.+]] = arith.select [[ARG0]], [[ALLOC0]], [[ALLOC1]]
-//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   [[RET:%.+]]:2 = call @f([[SELECT]], [[ARG0]])
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   [[RET:%.+]]:2 = call @f([[SELECT]])
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   test.copy
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   [[BASE:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]{{.*}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata [[RET]]#0
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT:   bufferization.dealloc ([[ALLOC0]], [[BASE]] :
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-function-boundaries.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-function-boundaries.mlir
index de71f23cfad6f..a7735aa8ce11b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-function-boundaries.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation/dealloc-function-boundaries.mlir
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ func.func private @emptyUsesValue(%arg0: memref<4xf32>) {
 //  CHECK-NEXT: return
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-LABEL: func private @emptyUsesValue(
-//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-SAME: [[ARG0:%.+]]: memref<4xf32>, [[ARG1:%.+]]: i1)
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-SAME:     [[ARG0:%.+]]: memref<4xf32>)
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: [[ALLOC:%.*]] = memref.alloc()
-//      CHECK-DYNAMIC: [[BASE:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], {{.*}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata [[ARG0]]
-//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc ([[BASE]] :{{.*}}) if ([[ARG1]]) 
-//   CHECK-DYNAMIC-NOT:   retain
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: "test.read_buffer"
 //  CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc ([[ALLOC]] :{{.*}}) if (%true{{[0-9_]*}}) 
 //   CHECK-DYNAMIC-NOT:   retain
@@ -74,13 +72,11 @@ func.func private @redundantOperations(%arg0: memref<2xf32>) {
 // CHECK-NEXT: return
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-LABEL: func private @redundantOperations
-//      CHECK-DYNAMIC: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: memref{{.*}}, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
+//      CHECK-DYNAMIC: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: memref{{.*}})
 //      CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[FIRST_ALLOC:.*]] = memref.alloc()
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: test.buffer_based
 //      CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[SECOND_ALLOC:.*]] = memref.alloc()
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: test.buffer_based
-// CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: %[[BASE:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], {{.*}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata %[[ARG0]]
-// CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc (%[[BASE]] : {{.*}}) if (%[[ARG1]])
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc (%[[FIRST_ALLOC]] : {{.*}}) if (%true{{[0-9_]*}})
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-NEXT: bufferization.dealloc (%[[SECOND_ALLOC]] : {{.*}}) if (%true{{[0-9_]*}})
@@ -121,14 +117,39 @@ func.func private @memref_in_function_results(
 // CHECK-DYNAMIC-LABEL: func private @memref_in_function_results
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: memref<5xf32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: memref<10xf32>,
-//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-SAME: %[[RESULT:.*]]: memref<5xf32>, %[[ARG3:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG4:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG5:.*]]: i1)
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-SAME: %[[RESULT:.*]]: memref<5xf32>)
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[X:.*]] = memref.alloc()
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[Y:.*]] = memref.alloc()
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: test.copy
-//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[BASE0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], {{.+}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata %[[ARG0]]
-//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: %[[BASE1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], {{.+}} = memref.extract_strided_metadata %[[RESULT]]
 //       CHECK-DYNAMIC: bufferization.dealloc (%[[Y]] : {{.*}}) if (%true{{[0-9_]*}})
 //   CHECK-DYNAMIC-NOT: retain
-//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: [[OWN:%.+]] = bufferization.dealloc (%[[BASE0]], %[[BASE1]] : {{.*}}) if (%[[ARG3]], %[[ARG5]]) retain (%[[ARG1]] :
-//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: [[OR:%.+]] = arith.ori [[OWN]], %[[ARG4]]
-//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: return %[[ARG1]], %[[X]], [[OR]], %true
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: return %[[ARG1]], %[[X]], %false, %true
+// -----
+// CHECK-DYNAMIC-LABEL: func private @private_callee(
+//  CHECK-DYNAMIC-SAME:     %[[arg0:.*]]: memref<f32>) -> (memref<f32>, i1)
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[true:.*]] = arith.constant true
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[alloc:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<f32>
+//   CHECK-DYNAMIC-NOT:   bufferization.dealloc
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   return %[[alloc]], %[[true]]
+func.func private @private_callee(%arg0: memref<f32>) -> memref<f32> {
+  %alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<f32>
+  return %alloc : memref<f32>
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC: func @caller() -> f32
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[true:.*]] = arith.constant true
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[alloc:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<f32>
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[call:.*]]:2 = call @private_callee(%[[alloc]])
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   memref.load
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   %[[base:.*]], %[[offset:.*]] = memref.extract_strided_metadata %[[call]]#0
+//       CHECK-DYNAMIC:   bufferization.dealloc (%[[alloc]], %[[base]] : {{.*}}) if (%[[true]], %[[call]]#1)
+//   CHECK-DYNAMIC-NOT:   retain
+func.func @caller() -> (f32) {
+  %alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<f32>
+  %ret = call @private_callee(%alloc) : (memref<f32>) -> memref<f32>
+  %val = memref.load %ret[] : memref<f32>
+  return %val : f32

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