[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Improvements to the 'quant' dialect (PR #100667)
Rafael Ubal
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Aug 27 11:46:40 PDT 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+//===- QuantBase.td - Quantization dialect base ------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Predicates for types in the Quantization dialect.
+#ifndef QUANT_BASE
+#define QUANT_BASE
+include "mlir/IR/OpBase.td"
+def Quant_Dialect : Dialect {
+ let name = "quant";
+ let description = [{
+ The `quant` dialect offers a framework for defining and manipulating
+ quantized values. Central to this framework is the `!quant.uniform` data
+ type, used to represent quantized values. This dialect also provides a
+ suite of operations to handle and convert quantized values between their
+ original floating-point representations and the optimized, lower bit-width
+ integer representations. The `quant` dialect is instrumented with
+ transformation passes to lower these operations into other core MLIR
+ dialects, while also flattening all occurrences of quantized types into
+ their integer counterparts.
+ ## The `!quant.uniform` type
+ The quantization process establishes a relationship between two types of
+ values: an *expressed value* and a *stored value*. The former refers to the
+ floating-point representation used in an original machine learning model,
+ capturing the precise numerical characteristics needed for accurate
+ calculations. The latter is the simplified integer representation that
+ resides in memory after quantization. The `!quant.uniform` data type
+ encodes the necessary information for (lossy) round-trip conversion between
+ an expressed and a stored value.
+ The `quant.uniform` type has two variants: per-layer quantization and
+ per-channel (or per-axis) quantization. In per-layer quantization, the
+ quantization information affects an entire tensor uniformly. Conversely, in
+ per-channel quantization, the data type encodes the specific tensor axis
+ that serves as the channel and includes quantization information for each
+ individual channel within the tensor. Below are the specific syntactic and
+ semantic considerations for each modality.
+ ### Per-layer quantization
+ This is the general syntax of the `!quant.uniform` type representing
+ per-layer quantization:
+ ```
+ `!quant.uniform` `<`
+ storedType (`<` storageMin `:` storageMax `>`)? `:`
+ expressedType `,`
+ scale (`:` zeroPoint)?
+ `>`
+ ```
+ The type contains the following parameters:
+ - `storedType`: Integer type of the value stored in memory. This type
+ conveys the bit width and signedness of the quantized stored value.
+ Signed integer types are represented as `'i' bitWidth` (e.g., `i8`),
+ while unsigned integer types are represented as `'u' bitWidth` (e.g.,
+ `u8`).
+ - `storageMin`, `storageMax`: Optional bounds for the stored value. If
+ given, they must be within the range of `storedType`. If omitted, the
+ entire range of `storedType` is allowed (e.g., `-128...127` for `i8` or
+ `0...255` for `u8`).
+ - `expressedType`: Floating-point type of the value expressed by this
+ quantized type.
+ - `scale`: Floating-point value of type `expressedType` used in the
+ conversion between stored and expressed values.
+ - `zeroPoint`: Optional integer value of type `storageType` used in the
+ conversion between stored and expressed values. If omitted, the default
+ is 0.
+ Type conversions, rounding methods, and clamping actions aside, the
+ relationship between the expressed and stored values as encoded in a
+ quantized type is denoted by the following formula:
+ $$
+ expressedValue = (storedValue ~-~ zeroPoint) ~\times~ scale
+ $$
+ Operations `quant.qcast` (quantize cast) and `quant.dcast` (dequantize
+ cast) can be used to quantize a floating-point value and dequantize a
+ stored value, respectively. See the documentation for these operations for
+ details on how the quantization and dequantization processes are influenced
+ by the `!quant.uniform` type parameters.
+ Here are some examples of the use of `!quant.uniform` with per-layer
+ quantization:
+ ```
+ // An 8-bit signed integer type is used to represent a 32-bit float. No
+ // clamping information is provided, so the full [-128, 127] range is
+ // available. The scale is set to 3.0, and the zero point takes its default
+ // 0 value.
+ !quant.uniform<i8:f32, 3.0>
+ // A 16-bit unsigned integer type is used to represent a 32-bit float. Out
+ // of the 16 bits, only 10 are used, acoording to the 0..1023 clamping
+ // range. The type sets the scale to 1.23 and the zero point to 512.
+ !quant.uniform<u16<0:1023>:f32, 1.23:512>
+ ```
+ ### Per-channel quantization
+ The general syntax of the `!quant.uniform` type representing per-channel
+ quantization is as follows:
+ ```
+ `!quant.uniform` `<`
+ storedType (`<` storageMin `:` storageMax `>`)? `:`
+ expressedType `:`
+ channelAxis `,`
+ `{`
+ scale0 (`:` zeroPoint0)? `,`
+ scale1 (`:` zeroPoint1)? ...
+ '}'
+ `>`
+ ```
+ In this data type, there are multiple pairs of `scale` and `zeroPoint`
+ values. The `channelAxis` field represents the dimension of the containing
+ tensor acting as the channel. The size of the tensor along this dimension
+ is expected to match the number of provided `scale`-`zeroPoint` pairs, and
+ a given pair *i* applies to all elements in the tensor whose index along
+ dimension `channelAxis` is *i*. A quantized data type using per-channel
+ quantization is always expected to be contained within a tensor type.
+ Here are some examples:
+ ```
+ // A 2x3x4 tensor contains 8-bit signed integers representing 32-bit
+ // floats. Dimension 1 of the tensor acts as the channel dimension. Its
+ // size 3 matches the number of provided scale values. Tensor elemenets at
+ // positions [*][0][*], [*][1][*], and [*][2][*] use scales 3.0, 4.0, and
+ // 5.0, respectively.
+ tensor<2x3x4x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {3.0, 4.0, 5.0}>>
+ // A 2D dynamically sized tensor contains 16-bit unsigned integers
+ // representing 32-bit floats. Dimension 0 of the tensor acts as the
+ // channel dimension. Since 2 scale and zero-point values are provided, the
+ // size of dimension 0 is expected to be 2 at runtime. Tensor elements
+ // [0][*] use scale 2.0 and zero point 10, while elements [1][*] use scale
+ // 3.0 and zero point 20.
+ tensor<?x?x!quant.uniform<u16:f32:0, {2.0:10, 3.0:20}>>
+ ```
+ ## Per-axis quantization integrity
+ When type `!quant.uniform` contains per-axis quantization information, the
+ rules below are enforced. These rules guarantee that the quantization
+ information encoded in the data type is applicable to the context in which
+ the quantized type is used. For efficiency, these rules are actively
+ enforced by the verifiers of `quant` dialect ops, but they must be
+ respected in any context in which the `!quant.uniform` data type is used,
+ such as the header of a `func.func` op, or the input of an arithmetic
+ operation.
+ - A quantized type with per-channel quantization information must be the
+ element type of a tensor container type, and may not occur directly as
+ the data type of a scalar value.
+ ```
+ // Incorrect. Type !quant.uniform specifies per-channel quantization for a
+ // scalar type.
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : f32 to !quant.uniform<i8:f32:0, {1.0, 2.0}>
+ // Correct. Type `!quant.uniform` with per-channel quantization is wrapped
+ // in a `tensor` type.
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<2xf32> to tensor<2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:0, {1.0, 2.0}>>
+ ```
+ - If the tensor containing the `!quant.uniform` type is ranked, its rank
+ must be greater than the channel axis specified in the quantized type.
+ ```
+ // Incorrect. The tensor rank (2) is not greater than the channel axis in
+ // the quantized type (3).
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<1x2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:3, {1.0, 2.0}>>
+ // Correct. The tensor rank (2) is now greater than the channel axis (1):
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<1x2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {1.0, 2.0}>>
+ ```
+ - If the axis dimension in the containing tensor is static, its size must
+ be equal to the number of scales present in the quantized type.
+ ```
+ // Incorrect. The channel axis is 1, and the size of dimension 1 in the
+ // containing tensor is 3. However, there are 4 scale values present in the
+ // quantized type.
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<?x3xf32> to tensor<?x3x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}>>
+ // Correct. The quantized type now includes 3 scale values, matching the
+ // size of dimension 1 of the result tensor.
+ %result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<?x3xf32> to tensor<?x3x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {2.0, 3.0, 4.0}>>
+ ```
+ }];
+ let cppNamespace = "::mlir::quant";
+ let useDefaultTypePrinterParser = 1;
+// Type definitions
rafaelubalmw wrote:
These are actually type predicates used in op argument definitions in `QuantOps.td`. I changed this title to "Type predicates".
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