[Mlir-commits] [llvm] [mlir] [mlir][OpenMP] - Implement lowering from MLIR to LLVMIR for `private` clause on `target` constructs (PR #105471)

Kareem Ergawy llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Aug 22 22:50:29 PDT 2024

@@ -3241,12 +3242,140 @@ convertOmpTarget(Operation &opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
   DataLayout dl = DataLayout(opInst.getParentOfType<ModuleOp>());
   SmallVector<Value> mapVars = targetOp.getMapVars();
   llvm::Function *llvmOutlinedFn = nullptr;
   // TODO: It can also be false if a compile-time constant `false` IF clause is
   // specified.
   bool isOffloadEntry =
       isTargetDevice || !ompBuilder->Config.TargetTriples.empty();
+  if (!targetOp.getPrivateVars().empty()) {
+    OperandRange privateVars = targetOp.getPrivateVars();
+    std::optional<mlir::ArrayAttr> privateSyms = targetOp.getPrivateSyms();
+    auto &firstTargetRegion = opInst.getRegion(0);
+    auto &firstTargetBlock = firstTargetRegion.front();
+    auto *regionArgsStart = firstTargetBlock.getArguments().begin();
+    auto *privArgsStart = regionArgsStart + targetOp.getMapVars().size();
+    auto *privArgsEnd = privArgsStart + targetOp.getPrivateVars().size();
+    BitVector blockArgsBV(firstTargetBlock.getNumArguments(), false);
+    omp::PrivateClauseOps newPrivateClauses;
+    MutableArrayRef argSubRangePrivates(privArgsStart, privArgsEnd);
+    for (auto [privVar, privatizerNameAttr, blockArg] :
+         llvm::zip_equal(privateVars, *privateSyms, argSubRangePrivates)) {
+      SymbolRefAttr privSym = llvm::cast<SymbolRefAttr>(privatizerNameAttr);
+      // 1. Clone the privatizer so that we can make changes to it freely
+      MLIRContext &context = moduleTranslation.getContext();
+      mlir::IRRewriter rewriter(&context);
+      omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer =
+          SymbolTable::lookupNearestSymbolFrom<omp::PrivateClauseOp>(&opInst,
+                                                                     privSym);
+      // Handle only private for now. Also, not handling allocatables yet.
+      if (privatizer.getDataSharingType() !=
+              omp::DataSharingClauseType::Private ||
+          !privatizer.getDeallocRegion().empty()) {
+        newPrivateClauses.privateSyms.push_back(privSym);
+        newPrivateClauses.privateVars.push_back(privVar);
+        continue;
+      }
+      auto &allocRegion = privatizer.getAllocRegion();
+      // `alloc` region should have only 1 argument
+      assert(allocRegion.getNumArguments() == 1 &&
+             "alloc region of omp::PrivateClauseOp should have one argument");
+      auto allocRegionArg = allocRegion.getArgument(0);
+      // Assuming we have the following targetOp and Privatizer
+      //
+      // omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : !llvm.ptr alloc {
+      //   %1 = alloca...
+      //   omp.yield(%1)
+      // }
+      // omp.target map(..) map(..) private(privVar) {
+      //  ^bb0(map_arg0, ..., map_argn, priv_arg0):
+      //    ...
+      //    ...
+      //   store %v, %priv_arg0
+      //   omp.terminator
+      // }
+      // Roughly, we do the following -
+      // Split the first block (bb0) of the first region of the target into
+      // two block. Then clone the alloc region of the privatizer between the
+      // two new blocks. When cloning replace the alloc argument with privVar.
+      // We'll then have
+      //
+      // omp.target map(..) map(..) private(privVar) {
+      //  ^bb0(map_arg0, ..., map_argn, priv_arg0, ..., priv_argn):
+      //  ^bb1:  (cloned region)  // no predecessor
+      //   %1 = alloca...
+      //   omp.yield(%1)
+      //  ^bb2:                   // no predecessor
+      //    ...
+      //    ...
+      //   store %v, %priv_arg0
+      //   omp.terminator
+      // }
+      // Next, add an unconditional branch from ^bb0 to ^bb1 and change the
+      // yield in the last block of the cloned alloc region to an unconditional
+      // branch before replacing all uses of 'priv_arg0' with the yielded value
+      // to finally get the following
+      //
+      // omp.target map(..) map(..) private(privVar) {
+      //  ^bb0(map_arg0, ..., map_argn, priv_arg0, ..., priv_argn):
+      //   llvm.br ^bb1
+      //  ^bb1:  (cloned region) // pred: ^bb0
+      //   %1 = alloca...
+      //   llvm.br ^bb2
+      //  ^bb2:                  // pred: ^bb1
+      //    ...
+      //    ...
+      //   store %v, %1          // %priv_arg0 replaced with the yield value
+      //   omp.terminator
+      // }
+      Block *newBlock =
+          rewriter.splitBlock(&firstTargetBlock, firstTargetBlock.begin());
+      rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&firstTargetBlock);
+      Location loc = targetOp.getLoc();
+      rewriter.create<LLVM::BrOp>(loc, ValueRange(), newBlock);
+      IRMapping cloneMap;
+      cloneMap.map(allocRegionArg, privVar);
+      auto secondBlockIter = std::next(firstTargetRegion.begin(), 1);
ergawy wrote:

nit: I think this makes it a bit easier to connect the dots in the code.
      auto newBlockIter = std::next(firstTargetRegion.begin(), 1);


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