[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][OpenMP] Fix MLIR->LLVM value matching in privatization logic (PR #103718)

Kareem Ergawy llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Aug 16 01:40:07 PDT 2024

https://github.com/ergawy updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/103718

>From 27639c8472e55af9e7a394d1af40a73ed1bfef33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ergawy <kareem.ergawy at amd.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 03:40:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [MLIR][OpenMP] Fix MLIR->LLVM value matching in privatization

Fixes #102935

Updates matching logic for finding the LLVM value that corresponds to
an MLIR value. We need that matching to find the delayed privatizer for
an LLVM value being privatized.

The issue occures when there is an "indirect" correspondence between
MLIR and LLVM values: in some cases the values we are trying to match
stem from a pair of load/store ops that point to the same memref. This
PR adds such matching logic.
 .../OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp      | 129 ++++++++++++++----
 .../Target/LLVMIR/openmp-firstprivate.mlir    |  42 ++++++
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp b/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
index 458d05d5059db7..82a1e322b1b2b7 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
@@ -690,14 +690,14 @@ inlineOmpRegionCleanup(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Region *> &cleanupRegions,
                                           : &builder.GetInsertBlock()->back();
     if (potentialTerminator && potentialTerminator->isTerminator())
-    llvm::Value *prviateVarValue =
+    llvm::Value *privateVarValue =
             ? builder.CreateLoad(
             : privateVariables[i];
-    moduleTranslation.mapValue(entry.getArgument(0), prviateVarValue);
+    moduleTranslation.mapValue(entry.getArgument(0), privateVarValue);
     if (failed(inlineConvertOmpRegions(*cleanupRegion, regionName, builder,
@@ -1424,35 +1424,107 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
-  SmallVector<omp::PrivateClauseOp> privatizerClones;
-  SmallVector<llvm::Value *> privateVariables;
+  SmallVector<omp::PrivateClauseOp> mlirPrivatizerClones;
+  SmallVector<llvm::Value *> llvmPrivateVars;
   // TODO: Perform appropriate actions according to the data-sharing
   // attribute (shared, private, firstprivate, ...) of variables.
   // Currently shared and private are supported.
   auto privCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP, InsertPointTy codeGenIP,
-                    llvm::Value &, llvm::Value &vPtr,
-                    llvm::Value *&replacementValue) -> InsertPointTy {
-    replacementValue = &vPtr;
+                    llvm::Value &, llvm::Value &llvmOmpRegionInputPtr,
+                    llvm::Value *&llvmReplacementValue) -> InsertPointTy {
+    llvmReplacementValue = &llvmOmpRegionInputPtr;
     // If this is a private value, this lambda will return the corresponding
     // mlir value and its `PrivateClauseOp`. Otherwise, empty values are
     // returned.
-    auto [privVar, privatizerClone] =
+    auto [mlirPrivVar, mlirPrivatizerClone] =
         [&]() -> std::pair<mlir::Value, omp::PrivateClauseOp> {
       if (!opInst.getPrivateVars().empty()) {
-        auto privateVars = opInst.getPrivateVars();
-        auto privateSyms = opInst.getPrivateSyms();
+        auto mlirPrivVars = opInst.getPrivateVars();
+        auto mlirPrivSyms = opInst.getPrivateSyms();
-        for (auto [privVar, privatizerAttr] :
-             llvm::zip_equal(privateVars, *privateSyms)) {
+        // Try to find a privatizer that corresponds to the LLVM value being
+        // prvatized.
+        for (auto [mlirPrivVar, mlirPrivatizerAttr] :
+             llvm::zip_equal(mlirPrivVars, *mlirPrivSyms)) {
           // Find the MLIR private variable corresponding to the LLVM value
           // being privatized.
-          llvm::Value *llvmPrivVar = moduleTranslation.lookupValue(privVar);
-          if (llvmPrivVar != &vPtr)
+          llvm::Value *mlirToLLVMPrivVar =
+              moduleTranslation.lookupValue(mlirPrivVar);
+          // Check if the LLVM value being privatized matches the LLVM value
+          // mapped to privVar. In some cases, this is not trivial ...
+          auto isMatch = [&]() {
+            if (mlirToLLVMPrivVar == nullptr)
+              return false;
+            // If both values are trivially equal, we found a match.
+            if (mlirToLLVMPrivVar == &llvmOmpRegionInputPtr)
+              return true;
+            // Otherwise, we check if both llvmOmpRegionInputPtr and
+            // mlirToLLVMPrivVar refer to the same memory (through a load/store
+            // pair). This happens if a struct (i.e. multi-field value) is being
+            // privatized.
+            //
+            // For example, if the privatized value is defined by:
+            // ```
+            //   %priv_val = alloca { ptr, i64 }, align 8
+            // ```
+            //
+            // Initialized this value (outside the omp region) will be something
+            // like this:
+            //
+            // clang-format off
+            // ```
+            //   %partially_init_priv_val = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } undef,
+            //                              ptr %some_ptr, 0
+            //   %fully_init_priv_val = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %partially_init_priv_val,
+            //                          i64 %some_i64, 1
+            //   ...
+            //   store { ptr, i64 } %fully_init_priv_val, ptr %priv_val, align 8
+            // ```
+            // clang-format on
+            //
+            // Now, we enter the OMP region, in order to access this privatized
+            // value, we need to load from the allocated memory:
+            // ```
+            // omp.par.entry:
+            //   %priv_val_load = load { ptr, i64 }, ptr %priv_val, align 8
+            // ```
+            //
+            // The 2 LLVM values tracked here map as follows:
+            // - `mlirToLLVMPrivVar`     -> `%fully_init_priv_val`
+            // - `llvmOmpRegionInputPtr` -> `priv_val_load`
+            //
+            // Even though they eventually refer to the same memory reference
+            // (the memory being privatized), they are 2 distinct LLVM values.
+            // Therefore, we need to discover their correspondence by finding
+            // out if the store into and load from the same mem ref.
+            auto *llvmOmpRegionInputPtrLoad =
+                llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<llvm::LoadInst>(
+                    &llvmOmpRegionInputPtr);
+            if (llvmOmpRegionInputPtrLoad == nullptr)
+              return false;
+            for (auto &use : mlirToLLVMPrivVar->uses()) {
+              auto *mlirToLLVMPrivVarStore =
+                  llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<llvm::StoreInst>(use.getUser());
+              if (mlirToLLVMPrivVarStore &&
+                  (llvmOmpRegionInputPtrLoad->getPointerOperand() ==
+                   mlirToLLVMPrivVarStore->getPointerOperand()))
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+          };
+          if (!isMatch())
-          SymbolRefAttr privSym = llvm::cast<SymbolRefAttr>(privatizerAttr);
+          SymbolRefAttr privSym = llvm::cast<SymbolRefAttr>(mlirPrivatizerAttr);
           omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer =
                   opInst, privSym);
@@ -1480,24 +1552,24 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
-          return {privVar, clone};
+          return {mlirPrivVar, clone};
       return {mlir::Value(), omp::PrivateClauseOp()};
-    if (privVar) {
-      Region &allocRegion = privatizerClone.getAllocRegion();
+    if (mlirPrivVar) {
+      Region &allocRegion = mlirPrivatizerClone.getAllocRegion();
       // If this is a `firstprivate` clause, prepare the `omp.private` op by:
-      if (privatizerClone.getDataSharingType() ==
+      if (mlirPrivatizerClone.getDataSharingType() ==
           omp::DataSharingClauseType::FirstPrivate) {
         auto oldAllocBackBlock = std::prev(allocRegion.end());
         omp::YieldOp oldAllocYieldOp =
-        Region &copyRegion = privatizerClone.getCopyRegion();
+        Region &copyRegion = mlirPrivatizerClone.getCopyRegion();
         mlir::IRRewriter copyCloneBuilder(&moduleTranslation.getContext());
         // 1. Cloning the `copy` region to the end of the `alloc` region.
@@ -1524,7 +1596,7 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
       // This way, the body of the privatizer will be changed from using the
       // region/block argument to the value being privatized.
       auto allocRegionArg = allocRegion.getArgument(0);
-      replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(allocRegionArg, privVar, allocRegion);
+      replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(allocRegionArg, mlirPrivVar, allocRegion);
       auto oldIP = builder.saveIP();
@@ -1535,15 +1607,15 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
         opInst.emitError("failed to inline `alloc` region of an `omp.private` "
                          "op in the parallel region");
         bodyGenStatus = failure();
-        privatizerClone.erase();
+        mlirPrivatizerClone.erase();
       } else {
         assert(yieldedValues.size() == 1);
-        replacementValue = yieldedValues.front();
+        llvmReplacementValue = yieldedValues.front();
         // Keep the LLVM replacement value and the op clone in case we need to
         // emit cleanup (i.e. deallocation) logic.
-        privateVariables.push_back(replacementValue);
-        privatizerClones.push_back(privatizerClone);
+        llvmPrivateVars.push_back(llvmReplacementValue);
+        mlirPrivatizerClones.push_back(mlirPrivatizerClone);
@@ -1571,13 +1643,14 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
       bodyGenStatus = failure();
     SmallVector<Region *> privateCleanupRegions;
-    llvm::transform(privatizerClones, std::back_inserter(privateCleanupRegions),
+    llvm::transform(mlirPrivatizerClones,
+                    std::back_inserter(privateCleanupRegions),
                     [](omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer) {
                       return &privatizer.getDeallocRegion();
     if (failed(inlineOmpRegionCleanup(
-            privateCleanupRegions, privateVariables, moduleTranslation, builder,
+            privateCleanupRegions, llvmPrivateVars, moduleTranslation, builder,
             "omp.private.dealloc", /*shouldLoadCleanupRegionArg=*/false)))
       bodyGenStatus = failure();
@@ -1604,7 +1677,7 @@ convertOmpParallel(omp::ParallelOp opInst, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
       ompBuilder->createParallel(ompLoc, allocaIP, bodyGenCB, privCB, finiCB,
                                  ifCond, numThreads, pbKind, isCancellable));
-  for (mlir::omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizerClone : privatizerClones)
+  for (mlir::omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizerClone : mlirPrivatizerClones)
   return bodyGenStatus;
diff --git a/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-firstprivate.mlir b/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-firstprivate.mlir
index 65ae98b2a74c6e..b06ad96f4592c5 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-firstprivate.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-firstprivate.mlir
@@ -114,3 +114,45 @@ omp.private {type = firstprivate} @multi_block.privatizer : !llvm.ptr alloc {
   llvm.store %arg2, %arg3 : f32, !llvm.ptr
   omp.yield(%arg3 : !llvm.ptr)
+// -----
+// Verifies fix for https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/102935.
+// The issue happens since we previously failed to match MLIR values to their
+// corresponding LLVM values in some cases (e.g. char strings with non-const
+// length).
+llvm.func @non_const_len_char_test(%n: !llvm.ptr {fir.bindc_name = "n"}) {
+  %n_val = llvm.load %n : !llvm.ptr -> i64
+  %orig_alloc = llvm.alloca %n_val x i8 {bindc_name = "str"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr
+  %orig_val = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+  %orig_val_init = llvm.insertvalue %orig_alloc, %orig_val[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+  omp.parallel private(@non_const_len_char %orig_val_init -> %priv_arg : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>) {
+    %dummy = llvm.extractvalue %priv_arg[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  llvm.return
+omp.private {type = firstprivate} @non_const_len_char : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)> alloc {
+^bb0(%orig_val: !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>):
+  %str_len = llvm.extractvalue %orig_val[1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+  %priv_alloc = llvm.alloca %str_len x i8 {bindc_name = "str", pinned} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr
+  %priv_val = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+  %priv_val_init = llvm.insertvalue %priv_alloc, %priv_val[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>
+  omp.yield(%priv_val_init : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>)
+} copy {
+^bb0(%orig_val: !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>, %priv_val: !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>):
+  llvm.call @foo() : () -> ()
+  omp.yield(%priv_val : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64)>)
+llvm.func @foo()
+// CHECK-LABEL: @non_const_len_char_test..omp_par({{.*}})
+// CHECK-NEXT:    omp.par.entry:
+// Verify that we found the privatizer by checking that we properly inlined the
+// bodies of the alloc and copy regions.
+// CHECK:         %[[STR_LEN:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64 } %{{.*}}, 1
+// CHECK:         %{{.*}} = alloca i8, i64 %[[STR_LEN]], align 1
+// CHECK:         call void @foo()

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