[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][aarch64] Remove LIT config for lli (PR #89545)

Cullen Rhodes llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Apr 22 23:14:52 PDT 2024

@@ -56,35 +41,20 @@ def configure_aarch64_lli_and_mcr_cmd():
             f"{config.arm_emulator_executable} {config.arm_emulator_options}"
-        lli_cmd = f"{emulation_cmd} {lli_cmd}"
         mcr_cmd = f"{emulation_cmd} {mcr_cmd}"
-    return (lli_cmd, mcr_cmd)
+    return mcr_cmd
-aarch64_lli_cmd, aarch64_mcr_cmd = configure_aarch64_lli_and_mcr_cmd()
+aarch64_mcr_cmd = configure_aarch64_mcr_cmd()
-# Configure the following AArch64 substitutions:
-# * %lli_aarch64_cmd         - Invokes lli. For tests that _will_ run on AArch64 (ArmSVE, ArmSME).
-# * %lli_host_or_aarch64_cmd - Invokes lli. For tests that _may_ run on AArch64 (SparseTensor).
-# * %mcr_aarch64_cmd         - Invokes mlir-cpu-runner. For tests that _will_
-#                              run on AArch64. May invoke mlir-cpu-runner under
-#                              an AArch64 emulator (when
-#                              `config.arm_emulator_executable` is set).
 # AArch64 tests will run under emulation if configured at build time by the
 # following CMake options:
 # * ARM_EMULATOR_EXECUTABLE     - emulator to use.
 # * ARM_EMULATOR_OPTIONS        - options for emulator.
-# * ARM_EMULATOR_LLI_EXECUTABLE - AArch64 native lli to support cross-compilation.
-# * ARM_EMULATOR_UTILS_LIB_DIR  - AArch64 native utilites library to support cross-compilation.
-# Functionally the two substitutions are equivalent, i.e. %lli_aarch64_cmd
-# could be used in the SparseTensor tests where necessary, but the meaning
-# conveyed by the substitution name would be a misnomer if the host target
-# is not AArch64 and MLIR_RUN_ARM_SVE_TESTS=OFF.
-config.substitutions.append(("%lli_aarch64_cmd", aarch64_lli_cmd))
-config.substitutions.append(("%lli_host_or_aarch64_cmd", aarch64_lli_cmd))
+# * ARM_EMULATOR_MLIR_CPU_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE - AArch64 native mlir-cpu-runner to
+#                                             support x-compilation
c-rhodes wrote:

nit: for consistency with below
#                                             support cross-compilation


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