[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][tosa] Fix Map for Bias Broadcast (PR #89059)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Apr 17 05:01:42 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Jack Frankland (FranklandJack)


Fixes the affine map in the broadcast of Conv2D and Fully Connected operations. Previously this logic did not handle the special case as specified in the TOSA specification that the bias tensor of rank-1 may have a size of 1 (i.e. a tensor containing a single element). In this case the map should be a constant index of zero.

Updates the lit tests for the tosa-to-linalg-named lowering to include a Conv2D test case with a bias of rank-1 size 1. We do not need a test for Fully Connected since both operators use the same broadcasting logic.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/89059.diff

2 Files Affected:

- (modified) mlir/lib/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/TosaToLinalgNamed.cpp (+12-3) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir (+13) 

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/TosaToLinalgNamed.cpp b/mlir/lib/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/TosaToLinalgNamed.cpp
index 8fb8d16486560c..0a38b05e361013 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/TosaToLinalgNamed.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/TosaToLinalgNamed.cpp
@@ -101,9 +101,18 @@ static mlir::Value linalgBroadcastAndMaybeExtSI(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
   // The source tensor is broadcast to all the outer dimensions of the
   // result tensor.
   SmallVector<AffineExpr> sourceDims;
-  for (auto dim : llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, sourceRank)) {
-    auto expr = rewriter.getAffineDimExpr(dim + resultRank - sourceRank);
-    sourceDims.push_back(expr);
+  // In the case of a rank one source tensor with a single element TOSA
+  // specifies that the value be broadcast meaning we need an edge case for a
+  // constant map.
+  assert(sourceTy.hasStaticShape() &&
+         "Dynamic broadcasting shapes not supported!");
+  if (1 == sourceRank && 1 == sourceTy.getDimSize(0)) {
+    sourceDims.push_back(rewriter.getAffineConstantExpr(0));
+  } else {
+    for (auto dim : llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, sourceRank)) {
+      auto expr = rewriter.getAffineDimExpr(dim + resultRank - sourceRank);
+      sourceDims.push_back(expr);
+    }
   // Creating maps for the input and output of the broacast-like generic op.
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
index b4049000c50dc8..39699ee315e6cb 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
@@ -503,6 +503,19 @@ func.func @avg_pool_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>)
 // -----
+// CHECK: #[[$MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (0)>
+// CHECK: #[[$MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2, d3)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @conv2d_scalar_bias_f32
+func.func @conv2d_scalar_bias_f32(%input: tensor<1x49x42x27xf32>, %weights: tensor<28x3x3x27xf32>, %bias: tensor<1xf32>) -> () {
+  // CHECK: %[[INIT:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x45x40x28xf32>
+  // CHECK: %[[BROADCAST:.+]] = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#[[$MAP1]], #[[$MAP2]]], iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "parallel"]} ins(%arg2 : tensor<1xf32>) outs(%[[INIT]] : tensor<1x45x40x28xf32>) {
+  %0 = tosa.conv2d %input, %weights, %bias {pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>, dilation = array<i64: 2, 1>} : (tensor<1x49x42x27xf32>, tensor<28x3x3x27xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1x45x40x28xf32>
+  return
+// -----
 // CHECK: #[[$MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3)>
 // CHECK: #[[$MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2, d3)>




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