[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][test] Make SME e2e tests require an emulator (PR #86489)

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Apr 1 11:02:11 PDT 2024

@@ -13,6 +13,104 @@ set(MLIR_CMAKE_DIR
 # Passed to lit.site.cfg.py.in to set up the path where to find libraries.
+# Checks whether the specified hardware capability is supported by the host
+# Linux system. This is implemented by checking auxiliary vector feature
+# provided by the Linux kernel.
+# check_hwcap(
+#   hwcap_spec
+#   output_var
+# )
+# hwcap_spec - HWCAP value to check - these are defined in hwcap.h in the Linux
+#              kernel.
+# output_var - Output variable to use to save the results (TRUE for supported,
+#              FALSE for not supported).
+function(check_hwcap hwcap_spec output)
+    set(hwcap_test_src
+      [====[
+      #include <asm/hwcap.h>
+      #include <sys/auxv.h>
+      int main(void)
+      {
+          long hwcaps = getauxval(AT_<HWCAP_VEC>);
+          return (hwcaps & <HWCAP_SPEC>) != 0;
+      }
+      ]====]
+    )
+    # Extract from $hwcap_spec whether this is AT_HWCAP or AT_HWCAP2
+    string(FIND ${hwcap_spec} "_" wsloc)
+    string(SUBSTRING ${hwcap_spec} 0 ${wsloc} hwcap_vec)
+    string(REPLACE "<HWCAP_VEC>" ${hwcap_vec} hwcap_test_src "${hwcap_test_src}")
+    string(REPLACE "<HWCAP_SPEC>" ${hwcap_spec} hwcap_test_src "${hwcap_test_src}")
+    set(hwcap_test_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/hwcap_check.c)
+    file(WRITE ${hwcap_test_file} "${hwcap_test_src}")
+    # Compile _and_ run
+    try_run(
+        test_run_result test_compile_result
+        ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
+        ${hwcap_test_file}
+    )
+    # Compilation will fail if hwcap_spec is not defined - this usually means
+    # that your Linux kernel is too old.
+    if(${test_compile_result} AND (DEFINED test_run_result))
+      message(${test_run_result})
+      message(STATUS "Checking whether ${hwcap_spec} is suported by the host system: ${test_run_result}")
+      set(${output} ${test_run_result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+    else()
+      message(STATUS "Checking whether ${hwcap_spec} is suppported by the host system: FALSE")
+    endif()
+# For the given group of e2e tests (defined by the `mlir_e2e_tests` flag),
+# checks whether an emulator is required. If yes, verifies that the
+# corresponding CMake var pointing to an emulator (`emulator_exec`) has been
+# set.
+# check_emulator(
+#   mlir_e2e_tests
+#   hwcap_spec
+#   emulator_exec
+# )
+# mlir_e2e_tests  - MLIR CMake variables corresponding to the group of e2e tests
+#                   to check
+# hwcap_spec      - HWCAP value to check. This should correspond to the hardware
+#                   capabilities required by the tests to be checked. Possible
+#                   values are defined in hwcap.h in the Linux kernel.
+# emulator_exec   - variable the defines the emulator (ought to be set if
+#                   required, can be empty otherwise).
+function(check_emulator mlir_e2e_tests hwcap_spec emulator_exec)
+  if (NOT ${mlir_e2e_tests})
+    return()
+  endif()
+  check_hwcap(${hwcap_spec} emulator_not_required)
+  if (${emulator_not_required})
+    return()
+  endif()
+  if (${emulator_exec} STREQUAL "")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "${mlir_e2e_tests} requires an emulator, but ${emulator_exec} is not set")
+  endif()
joker-eph wrote:

That may be enough code to be pulled in a separate file to include?


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