[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][python] Expose transform param types (PR #67421)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Sep 26 06:15:59 PDT 2023

@@ -71,6 +85,28 @@ void populateDialectTransformSubmodule(const pybind11::module &m) {
         return py::str(operationName.data, operationName.length);
       "Get the name of the payload operation accepted by the handle.");
+  //===-------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  // ParamType
+  //===-------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  auto paramType =
+      mlir_type_subclass(m, "ParamType", mlirTypeIsATransformParamType);
+  paramType.def_classmethod(
+      "get",
+      [](py::object cls, MlirType type, MlirContext ctx) {
+        return cls(mlirTransformParamTypeGet(ctx, type));
+      },
+      "Get an instance of ParamType for the given type in the given context.",
+      py::arg("cls"), py::arg("type") = py::none(),
martin-luecke wrote:

In this case the bindings throw a `TypeError` Exception. I removed the default argument for `type` here as it is always required.


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