[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmSME] Add custom vector.print lowering for SME tiles (PR #66691)

Diego Caballero llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Sep 22 13:04:36 PDT 2023

@@ -190,11 +190,94 @@ struct TileStoreOpConversion : public OpRewritePattern<arm_sme::TileStoreOp> {
+/// Lowers `vector.print` of a tile into a loop over the rows of the tile,
+/// extracting them via a MOVA, then printing with a 1D `vector.print`.
+///  BEFORE:
+///  ```mlir
+///  vector.print %tile : vector<[4]x[4]xf32>
+///  ```
+///  AFTER:
+///  ```mlir
+///  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+///  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+///  %c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
+///  %ptrue = arith.constant dense<true> : vector<[4]xi1>
+///  %tile_id = arm_sme.cast_vector_to_tile %tile : vector<[4]x[4]xf32> to i32
+///  %vscale = vector.vscale
+///  %svl_s = arith.muli %c4, %vscale : index
+///  %cst = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : vector<[4]xf32>
+///  scf.for %i = %c0 to %svl_s step %c1 {
+///    %slice_idx = arith.index_cast %i : index to i32
+///    %tile_slice = "arm_sme.intr.read.horiz"
+///        (%cst, %ptrue, %tile_id, %slice_idx)
+///      : (vector<[4]xf32>, vector<[4]xi1>, i32, i32) -> vector<[4]xf32>
+///    vector.print %tile_slice : vector<[4]xf32>
+///  }
+///  ```
+struct TileVectorPrintOpConversion : public OpRewritePattern<vector::PrintOp> {
+  using OpRewritePattern<vector::PrintOp>::OpRewritePattern;
+  LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(vector::PrintOp printOp,
+                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    if (!printOp.getSource())
+      return failure();
+    VectorType vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(printOp.getPrintType());
+    if (!vectorType || !arm_sme::isValidSMETileVectorType(vectorType))
+      return failure();
+    auto loc = printOp.getLoc();
+    // Create an 'all true' predicate for each tile row.
+    auto predicateType =
+        VectorType::get(vectorType.getDimSize(1), rewriter.getI1Type(), true);
+    auto allTruePredicate = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
+        loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(predicateType, true));
+    // Cast tile to i32 tile ID.
+    auto tileId =
+        rewriter.create<arm_sme::CastVectorToTile>(loc, printOp.getSource());
+    auto tileIdI32 = castTileIDToI32(tileId, loc, rewriter);
+    // Zero destination/fallback for tile slice extraction.
+    auto rowType = VectorType::get(vectorType.getDimSize(1),
+                                   vectorType.getElementType(), true);
+    auto zeroVector = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
+        loc, rowType, rewriter.getZeroAttr(rowType));
+    // Create a loop over the rows of the tile.
+    auto vscale = rewriter.create<vector::VectorScaleOp>(loc);
+    auto minTileRows =
+        rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, vectorType.getDimSize(0));
+    auto lowerBound = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0);
+    auto upperBound = rewriter.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, minTileRows, vscale);
+    auto step = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
+    auto forOp = rewriter.create<scf::ForOp>(loc, lowerBound, upperBound, step);
+    {
+      // Loop body.
+      rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(forOp.getBody());
+      // Extract the current row from the tile.
+      auto rowIndex = forOp.getInductionVar();
dcaballe wrote:

nit: please spell out the type if it's present on the right-hand side


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