[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmSME] Add support for vector.transpose (PR #66760)

Diego Caballero llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Sep 21 09:59:25 PDT 2023

@@ -239,27 +260,33 @@ def TileLoadOp : ArmSME_Op<"tile_load"> {
   let summary = "Tile load operation";
   let description = [{
     Loads a 2D SME "virtual tile" from memory defined by a base and indices,
-    with the shape defined by the 2D scalable vector type of the result tile.
-    The slice of memory must be contiguous. The memref must be either rank 1 or
-    rank 2 with dynamic dimensions, since the operation is scalable, and the
-    element type must be a scalar that matches the element type of the result.
+    with the shape defined by the 2D scalable vector type of the result tile. A
+    tile slice layout attribute specifies whether the slices of the tile being
+    loaded are horizontal or vertical. The slice of memory must be contiguous.
+    The memref must be either rank 1 or rank 2 with dynamic dimensions, since
+    the operation is scalable, and the element type must be a scalar that
+    matches the element type of the result.
+    The default tile slice layout when lowering from higher-level dialects is
+    horizontal.
-    Example 1: Load an 8-bit element ZA tile from memory (ZA0.B).
+    Example 1: Load an 8-bit element ZA tile with horizontal layout from memory (ZA0.B).
-    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>
+    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load <hor>, %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>
-    Example 2: Load a FP 32-bit element ZA tile from memory.
+    Example 2: Load a FP 32-bit element ZA tile with vertical layout from memory.
-    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xf32>, vector<[4]x[4]xf32>
+    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load <ver>, %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xf32>, vector<[4]x[4]xf32>
-    Example 3: Load a 128-bit element ZA tile from memory.
+    Example 3: Load a 128-bit element ZA tile with horizontal layout from memory.
-    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xi128>, vector<[1]x[1]xi128>
+    %tile = arm_sme.tile_load <hor>, %base[%c0, %c0] : memref<?x?xi128>, vector<[1]x[1]xi128>
   let arguments = (ins
+      ArmSME_TileSliceLayoutAttr:$layout,
dcaballe wrote:

Perhaps we could make the attribute optional an assume horizontal by default and only print it when it's not horizontal? We do something similar with identity maps in some ops.


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