[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmSME] Support vertical layout in load and store ops (PR #66758)

Andrzej WarzyƄski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Sep 20 00:22:44 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -convert-vector-to-llvm="enable-arm-sme" -cse -canonicalize -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics | FileCheck %s
+// Test conversion of higher-level ArmSME ops to LLVM intrinsics.
+// arm_sme.load_tile_slice
+// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @arm_sme_load_tile_slice_hor_i8(
+// CHECK-SAME:                                              %[[SRC:.*]]: memref<?x?xi8>,
+// CHECK-SAME:                                              %[[TILE:.*]]: vector<[16]x[16]xi8>,
+// CHECK-SAME:                                              %[[TILE_SLICE_INDEX:.*]]: index) {
+// CHECK:           %[[PTRUE_B:.*]] = arith.constant dense<true> : vector<[16]xi1>
+// CHECK:           %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+// CHECK:           %[[MEM_DESC:.*]] = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %[[SRC]] : memref<?x?xi8> to !llvm.struct<(ptr, ptr, i64, array<2 x i64>, array<2 x i64>)>
+// CHECK:           %[[C0_I64:.*]] = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %[[C0]] : index to i64
+// CHECK:           %[[TILE_ID:.*]] = arm_sme.cast_vector_to_tile %[[TILE]] : vector<[16]x[16]xi8> to i8
+// CHECK:           %[[ALIGNED_BASE:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEM_DESC]][1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, ptr, i64, array<2 x i64>, array<2 x i64>)>
+// CHECK:           %[[STRIDE:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEM_DESC]][4, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, ptr, i64, array<2 x i64>, array<2 x i64>)>
+// CHECK:           %[[OFFSET:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[C0_I64]], %[[STRIDE]]  : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[GEP:.*]] = llvm.getelementptr %[[ALIGNED_BASE]]{{\[}}%[[OFFSET]]] : (!llvm.ptr, i64) -> !llvm.ptr, i8
+// CHECK:           %[[TILE_SLICE_INDEX_I32:.*]] = arith.index_castui %[[TILE_SLICE_INDEX]] : index to i32
+// CHECK:           %[[TILE_ID_I32:.*]] = arith.extui %[[TILE_ID]] : i8 to i32
+// CHECK:           "arm_sme.intr.ld1b.horiz"(%[[PTRUE_B]], %[[GEP]], %[[TILE_ID_I32]], %[[TILE_SLICE_INDEX_I32]]) : (vector<[16]xi1>, !llvm.ptr, i32, i32) -> ()
+// CHECK:           return
+// CHECK:         }
+func.func @arm_sme_load_tile_slice_hor_i8(%src : memref<?x?xi8>, %tile : vector<[16]x[16]xi8>, %tile_slice_index : index) {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %tile_update = arm_sme.load_tile_slice <hor>, %src[%c0], %tile, %tile_slice_index : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>
+  return
+// -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: @arm_sme_load_tile_slice_hor_i16
+// CHECK: arm_sme.intr.ld1h.horiz
banach-space wrote:

I'd be tempted to check the types as well:
// CHECK: arm_sme.intr.ld1h.horiz (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : (vector<[8]xi1>, !llvm.ptr, i32, i32) -> ()


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