[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] add transform tutorial chapter for Halide conv mapping (PR #66386)

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sat Sep 16 20:37:00 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+# Chapter H: Reproducing Halide Schedule
+This chapter demonstrates how a schedule from the [Halide
+DSL](http://halide-lang.org) can be implemented using transform dialect for
+structured ops.
+Note that the IR below is pseudo-code with types removed for brevity. It may
+also get out of sync with the current syntax. Always refer to the source code in
+as the source of truth.
+## Channeled Convolution
+The Transform dialect provides a substrate for implementing “transformation
+directive” domain-specific languages (DSLs) in MLIR. Such a DSL, at least in its
+scheduling part, can target the operations in the Transform dialect that are
+later applied by the compiler. Sets of transform operations, or even new
+dialects leveraging the same interfaces and infrastructure, can be added to
+support a specific DSL for a particular scheduling model. In this chapter, we
+will revisit the Halide DSL that has (re)popularized separate specification of
+schedules originally for image processing programs.
+Two approaches Halide to the Transform dialect are possible:
+*   Create a new dialect that corresponds to the computational part of Halide
+    DSL, and define a set of transformations wrapped into Transform dialect
+    operations, that correspond to the scheduling part of the DSL.
+*   Map the Halide abstractions to the existing MLIR abstractions, for both
+    parts of the DSL.
+We will consider the latter approach as the computational part of the DSL easily
+maps to the structured ops in the Linalg dialect. This also gives us the
+opportunity to discuss how Linalg transformations on the so-called structured
+operations are similar to or different from the existing transformations.
+We will consider the 2D channeled convolution example extracted from Halide
+// Sizes of the problem.
+const int N = 5, CI = 128, CO = 128, W = 100, H = 80;
+// Sized inputs. Note that the order of dimensions is
+// inverted in Halide with respect to C++, so the last dimension
+// in the list (N for input, CI for filter) is the least
+// frequently varying. The C++ equivalent is input[N][H+2][W+2][CI].
+Buffer<float, 4> input({CI, W+2, H+2, N}, "input");
+Buffer<float, 4> filter({CO, 3, 3, CI}, "filter");
+Buffer<float, 1> bias(std::vector<int>{CO}, "bias");
+// ... data initialization happens here ...
+// Declarations of "mathematical functions" for convolution and relu.
+Func conv("conv"), relu("relu");
+// Iterators/subscripts.
+Var x("x"), y("y"), c("c"), n("n");
+// 3D reduction domain (channels and 2 window dimensions),
+// dimensions are later referred to as r.x, r.y, r.z.
+RDom r(0, CI, 0, 3, 0, 3);
+// Core convolution with the result initialized to the bias value.
+// Note that the order of iterators is inverted in Halide DSL,
+// i.e. `n` corresponds to the lest frequently-varying (outermost) dimension
+// here and below.
+conv(c, x, y, n) = bias(c);
+conv(c, x, y, n) += filter(c, r.y, r.z, r.x) * input(r.x, x + r.y, y + r.z, n);
+// ReLU rectification, an elementwise operation.
+relu(c, x, y, n) = max(0, conv(c, x, y, n));
+This can be almost directly converted to Linalg dialect operating on tensors,
+which is conceptually closer to the “mathematical function” abstraction and is
+where the majority of transformations are available.
+// Bias. Using a named Linalg operation for brevity.
+%bias_init = tensor.empty() : !toutput
+%biased = linalg.broadcast ins(%bias : !tbias) 
+                          outs(%bias_init : !toutput) dimensions = [0, 1, 2]
+// Convolution proper. While Linalg has named operations for 2D convolutions,
+// the one in the Halide example has an uncommon order of filter dimensions
+// and is not supported. It also takes the fitler as first argument. This
joker-eph wrote:

// and is not supported. It also takes the filter as first argument. This


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