[Mlir-commits] [mlir] f66cd9e - [mlir] Add Python bindings for DenseResourceElementsAttr. (#66319)
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Thu Sep 14 18:45:33 PDT 2023
Author: Stella Laurenzo
Date: 2023-09-14T18:45:29-07:00
New Revision: f66cd9e9556a53142a26a5c21a72e21f1579217c
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f66cd9e9556a53142a26a5c21a72e21f1579217c
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f66cd9e9556a53142a26a5c21a72e21f1579217c.diff
LOG: [mlir] Add Python bindings for DenseResourceElementsAttr. (#66319)
Only construction and type casting are implemented. The method to create
is explicitly named "unsafe" and the documentation calls out what the
caller is responsible for. There really isn't a better way to do this
and retain the power-user feature this represents.
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir-c/BuiltinAttributes.h b/mlir/include/mlir-c/BuiltinAttributes.h
index 93c4ed5692ef26d..01d1b6008f5e215 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir-c/BuiltinAttributes.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir-c/BuiltinAttributes.h
@@ -558,6 +558,23 @@ mlirDenseElementsAttrGetRawData(MlirAttribute attr);
// Resource blob attributes.
+mlirAttributeIsADenseResourceElements(MlirAttribute attr);
+/// Unlike the typed accessors below, constructs the attribute with a raw
+/// data buffer and no type/alignment checking. Use a more strongly typed
+/// accessor if possible. If dataIsMutable is false, then an immutable
+/// AsmResourceBlob will be created and that passed data contents will be
+/// treated as const.
+/// If the deleter is non NULL, then it will be called when the data buffer
+/// can no longer be accessed (passing userData to it).
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, void *data, size_t dataLength,
+ size_t dataAlignment, bool dataIsMutable,
+ void (*deleter)(void *userData, const void *data, size_t size,
+ size_t align),
+ void *userData);
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseBoolResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int *elements);
@@ -600,13 +617,6 @@ mlirUnmanagedDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGet(MlirType shapedType,
intptr_t numElements,
const double *elements);
-/// Unlike the typed accessors above, constructs the attribute with a raw
-/// data buffer and no type/alignment checking. Use a more strongly typed
-/// accessor if possible.
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseBlobResourceElementsAttrGet(
- MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, const void *data,
- size_t dataLength);
/// Returns the pos-th value (flat contiguous indexing) of a specific type
/// contained by the given dense resource elements attribute.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRAttributes.cpp b/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRAttributes.cpp
index 105d2cecf20a193..94fa2527e40891e 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRAttributes.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/IRAttributes.cpp
@@ -72,6 +72,32 @@ or 255), then a splat will be created.
type or if the buffer does not meet expectations.
+static const char kDenseResourceElementsAttrGetFromBufferDocstring[] =
+ R"(Gets a DenseResourceElementsAttr from a Python buffer or array.
+This function does minimal validation or massaging of the data, and it is
+up to the caller to ensure that the buffer meets the characteristics
+implied by the shape.
+The backing buffer and any user objects will be retained for the lifetime
+of the resource blob. This is typically bounded to the context but the
+resource can have a shorter lifespan depending on how it is used in
+subsequent processing.
+ buffer: The array or buffer to convert.
+ name: Name to provide to the resource (may be changed upon collision).
+ type: The explicit ShapedType to construct the attribute with.
+ context: Explicit context, if not from context manager.
+ DenseResourceElementsAttr on success.
+ ValueError: If the type of the buffer or array cannot be matched to an MLIR
+ type or if the buffer does not meet expectations.
namespace {
static MlirStringRef toMlirStringRef(const std::string &s) {
@@ -997,6 +1023,82 @@ class PyDenseIntElementsAttribute
+class PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute
+ : public PyConcreteAttribute<PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute> {
+ static constexpr IsAFunctionTy isaFunction =
+ mlirAttributeIsADenseResourceElements;
+ static constexpr const char *pyClassName = "DenseResourceElementsAttr";
+ using PyConcreteAttribute::PyConcreteAttribute;
+ static PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute
+ getFromBuffer(py::buffer buffer, std::string name, PyType type,
+ std::optional<size_t> alignment, bool isMutable,
+ DefaultingPyMlirContext contextWrapper) {
+ if (!mlirTypeIsAShaped(type)) {
+ throw std::invalid_argument(
+ "Constructing a DenseResourceElementsAttr requires a ShapedType.");
+ }
+ // Do not request any conversions as we must ensure to use caller
+ // managed memory.
+ int flags = PyBUF_STRIDES;
+ std::unique_ptr<Py_buffer> view = std::make_unique<Py_buffer>();
+ if (PyObject_GetBuffer(buffer.ptr(), view.get(), flags) != 0) {
+ throw py::error_already_set();
+ }
+ // This scope releaser will only release if we haven't yet transferred
+ // ownership.
+ auto freeBuffer = llvm::make_scope_exit([&]() {
+ if (view)
+ PyBuffer_Release(view.get());
+ });
+ if (!PyBuffer_IsContiguous(view.get(), 'A')) {
+ throw std::invalid_argument("Contiguous buffer is required.");
+ }
+ // Infer alignment to be the stride of one element if not explicit.
+ size_t inferredAlignment;
+ if (alignment)
+ inferredAlignment = *alignment;
+ else
+ inferredAlignment = view->strides[view->ndim - 1];
+ // The userData is a Py_buffer* that the deleter owns.
+ auto deleter = [](void *userData, const void *data, size_t size,
+ size_t align) {
+ Py_buffer *ownedView = static_cast<Py_buffer *>(userData);
+ PyBuffer_Release(ownedView);
+ delete ownedView;
+ };
+ size_t rawBufferSize = view->len;
+ MlirAttribute attr = mlirUnmanagedDenseResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ type, toMlirStringRef(name), view->buf, rawBufferSize,
+ inferredAlignment, isMutable, deleter, static_cast<void *>(view.get()));
+ if (mlirAttributeIsNull(attr)) {
+ throw std::invalid_argument(
+ "DenseResourceElementsAttr could not be constructed from the given "
+ "buffer. "
+ "This may mean that the Python buffer layout does not match that "
+ "MLIR expected layout and is a bug.");
+ }
+ view.release();
+ return PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute(contextWrapper->getRef(), attr);
+ }
+ static void bindDerived(ClassTy &c) {
+ c.def_static("get_from_buffer",
+ PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute::getFromBuffer,
+ py::arg("array"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("type"),
+ py::arg("alignment") = py::none(),
+ py::arg("is_mutable") = false, py::arg("context") = py::none(),
+ kDenseResourceElementsAttrGetFromBufferDocstring);
+ }
class PyDictAttribute : public PyConcreteAttribute<PyDictAttribute> {
static constexpr IsAFunctionTy isaFunction = mlirAttributeIsADictionary;
@@ -1273,6 +1375,7 @@ void mlir::python::populateIRAttributes(py::module &m) {
+ PyDenseResourceElementsAttribute::bind(m);
diff --git a/mlir/lib/CAPI/IR/BuiltinAttributes.cpp b/mlir/lib/CAPI/IR/BuiltinAttributes.cpp
index 84a958d01d2eb14..b3066ee0c28bdc8 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/CAPI/IR/BuiltinAttributes.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/CAPI/IR/BuiltinAttributes.cpp
@@ -770,6 +770,30 @@ const void *mlirDenseElementsAttrGetRawData(MlirAttribute attr) {
// Resource blob attributes.
+bool mlirAttributeIsADenseResourceElements(MlirAttribute attr) {
+ return llvm::isa<DenseResourceElementsAttr>(unwrap(attr));
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, void *data, size_t dataLength,
+ size_t dataAlignment, bool dataIsMutable,
+ void (*deleter)(void *userData, const void *data, size_t size,
+ size_t align),
+ void *userData) {
+ AsmResourceBlob::DeleterFn cppDeleter = {};
+ if (deleter) {
+ cppDeleter = [deleter, userData](void *data, size_t size, size_t align) {
+ deleter(userData, data, size, align);
+ };
+ }
+ AsmResourceBlob blob(
+ llvm::ArrayRef(static_cast<const char *>(data), dataLength),
+ dataAlignment, std::move(cppDeleter), dataIsMutable);
+ return wrap(
+ DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(llvm::cast<ShapedType>(unwrap(shapedType)),
+ unwrap(name), std::move(blob)));
template <typename U, typename T>
static MlirAttribute getDenseResource(MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name,
intptr_t numElements, const T *elements) {
@@ -778,139 +802,122 @@ static MlirAttribute getDenseResource(MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name,
llvm::ArrayRef(elements, numElements))));
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseBoolResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseBoolResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseBoolResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt8ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt8ResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const uint8_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI8ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt16ResourceElementsAttrGet(MlirType shapedType,
- MlirStringRef name,
- intptr_t numElements,
- const uint16_t *elements) {
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt16ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
+ const uint16_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI16ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt32ResourceElementsAttrGet(MlirType shapedType,
- MlirStringRef name,
- intptr_t numElements,
- const uint32_t *elements) {
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt32ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
+ const uint32_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI32ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt64ResourceElementsAttrGet(MlirType shapedType,
- MlirStringRef name,
- intptr_t numElements,
- const uint64_t *elements) {
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseUInt64ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
+ const uint64_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI64ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt8ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt8ResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int8_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI8ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt16ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt16ResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int16_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI16ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt32ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt32ResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int32_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI32ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt64ResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseInt64ResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const int64_t *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseUI64ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseFloatResourceElementsAttrGet(
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseFloatResourceElementsAttrGet(
MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
const float *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseF32ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-mlirUnmanagedDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGet(MlirType shapedType,
- MlirStringRef name,
- intptr_t numElements,
- const double *elements) {
+MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, intptr_t numElements,
+ const double *elements) {
return getDenseResource<DenseF64ResourceElementsAttr>(shapedType, name,
numElements, elements);
-MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirUnmanagedDenseBlobResourceElementsAttrGet(
- MlirType shapedType, MlirStringRef name, const void *data,
- size_t dataLength) {
- return wrap(DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(
- llvm::cast<ShapedType>(unwrap(shapedType)), unwrap(name),
- UnmanagedAsmResourceBlob::allocateInferAlign(
- llvm::ArrayRef(static_cast<const char *>(data), dataLength))));
template <typename U, typename T>
static T getDenseResourceVal(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
return (*llvm::cast<U>(unwrap(attr)).tryGetAsArrayRef())[pos];
-mlirDenseBoolResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+bool mlirDenseBoolResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseBoolResourceElementsAttr, uint8_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseUInt8ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+uint8_t mlirDenseUInt8ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI8ResourceElementsAttr, uint8_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseUInt16ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+uint16_t mlirDenseUInt16ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI16ResourceElementsAttr, uint16_t>(attr,
-mlirDenseUInt32ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+uint32_t mlirDenseUInt32ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI32ResourceElementsAttr, uint32_t>(attr,
-mlirDenseUInt64ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+uint64_t mlirDenseUInt64ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI64ResourceElementsAttr, uint64_t>(attr,
-mlirDenseInt8ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+int8_t mlirDenseInt8ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI8ResourceElementsAttr, int8_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseInt16ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+int16_t mlirDenseInt16ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI16ResourceElementsAttr, int16_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseInt32ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+int32_t mlirDenseInt32ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI32ResourceElementsAttr, int32_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseInt64ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+int64_t mlirDenseInt64ResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseUI64ResourceElementsAttr, int64_t>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseFloatResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+float mlirDenseFloatResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseF32ResourceElementsAttr, float>(attr, pos);
-mlirDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) {
+double mlirDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGetValue(MlirAttribute attr,
+ intptr_t pos) {
return getDenseResourceVal<DenseF64ResourceElementsAttr, double>(attr, pos);
diff --git a/mlir/test/CAPI/ir.c b/mlir/test/CAPI/ir.c
index 5d78daa296501f4..5725d05a3e132f7 100644
--- a/mlir/test/CAPI/ir.c
+++ b/mlir/test/CAPI/ir.c
@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@ static void registerAllUpstreamDialects(MlirContext ctx) {
+struct ResourceDeleteUserData {
+ const char *name;
+static struct ResourceDeleteUserData resourceI64BlobUserData = {
+ "resource_i64_blob"};
+static void reportResourceDelete(void *userData, const void *data, size_t size,
+ size_t align) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "reportResourceDelete: %s\n",
+ ((struct ResourceDeleteUserData *)userData)->name);
void populateLoopBody(MlirContext ctx, MlirBlock loopBody,
MlirLocation location, MlirBlock funcBody) {
MlirValue iv = mlirBlockGetArgument(loopBody, 0);
@@ -1270,10 +1281,14 @@ int printBuiltinAttributes(MlirContext ctx) {
MlirAttribute doublesBlob = mlirUnmanagedDenseDoubleResourceElementsAttrGet(
mlirRankedTensorTypeGet(2, shape, mlirF64TypeGet(ctx), encoding),
mlirStringRefCreateFromCString("resource_f64"), 2, doubles);
- MlirAttribute blobBlob = mlirUnmanagedDenseBlobResourceElementsAttrGet(
+ MlirAttribute blobBlob = mlirUnmanagedDenseResourceElementsAttrGet(
mlirRankedTensorTypeGet(2, shape, mlirIntegerTypeGet(ctx, 64), encoding),
- mlirStringRefCreateFromCString("resource_i64_blob"), uints64,
- sizeof(uints64));
+ mlirStringRefCreateFromCString("resource_i64_blob"), /*data=*/uints64,
+ /*dataLength=*/sizeof(uints64),
+ /*dataAlignment=*/_Alignof(uint64_t),
+ /*dataIsMutable=*/false,
+ /*deleter=*/reportResourceDelete,
+ /*userData=*/(void *)&resourceI64BlobUserData);
@@ -2329,9 +2344,13 @@ int main(void) {
if (testDialectRegistry())
return 15;
- mlirContextDestroy(ctx);
+ // CHECK: reportResourceDelete: resource_i64_blob
+ fprintf(stderr, "DESTROY MAIN CONTEXT\n");
+ mlirContextDestroy(ctx);
return 0;
diff --git a/mlir/test/python/ir/array_attributes.py b/mlir/test/python/ir/array_attributes.py
index 452d860861d783a..9251588a4c48a6e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/python/ir/array_attributes.py
+++ b/mlir/test/python/ir/array_attributes.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import gc
from mlir.ir import *
import numpy as np
+import weakref
def run(f):
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ def testGetDenseElementsBF16():
def testGetDenseElementsInteger4():
with Context():
- array = np.array([[2, 4, 7], [-2, -4, -8]], dtype=np.uint8)
+ array = np.array([[2, 4, 7], [-2, -4, -8]], dtype=np.int8)
attr = DenseElementsAttr.get(array, type=IntegerType.get_signless(4))
# Note: These values don't mean much since just bit-casting. But they
# shouldn't change.
@@ -417,3 +418,44 @@ def testGetDenseElementsIndex():
# CHECK: True
print(arr.dtype == np.int64)
+# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testGetDenseResourceElementsAttr
+ at run
+def testGetDenseResourceElementsAttr():
+ def on_delete(_):
+ context = Context()
+ mview = memoryview(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=np.int32))
+ ref = weakref.ref(mview, on_delete)
+ def test_attribute(context, mview):
+ with context, Location.unknown():
+ element_type = IntegerType.get_signless(32)
+ tensor_type = RankedTensorType.get((2, 3), element_type)
+ resource = DenseResourceElementsAttr.get_from_buffer(
+ mview, "from_py", tensor_type
+ )
+ module = Module.parse("module {}")
+ module.operation.attributes["test.resource"] = resource
+ # CHECK: test.resource = dense_resource<from_py> : tensor<2x3xi32>
+ # CHECK: from_py: "0x04000000010000000200000003000000040000000500000006000000"
+ print(module)
+ # Verifies type casting.
+ # CHECK: dense_resource<from_py> : tensor<2x3xi32>
+ print(
+ DenseResourceElementsAttr(module.operation.attributes["test.resource"])
+ )
+ test_attribute(context, mview)
+ mview = None
+ gc.collect()
+ context = None
+ gc.collect()
+ print("EXIT FUNCTION")
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