[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Extend `retcon.once` coroutines lowering to optionally produce a normal result (PR #66333)

Chuanqi Xu llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Sep 14 00:58:05 PDT 2023

@@ -3046,7 +3046,8 @@ void coro::buildCoroutineFrame(
   // Collect the spills for arguments and other not-materializable values.
   for (Argument &A : F.args())
     for (User *U : A.users())
-      if (Checker.isDefinitionAcrossSuspend(A, U))
+      if (Checker.isDefinitionAcrossSuspend(A, U) ||
+          isa<CoroEndInst>(U))
ChuanqiXu9 wrote:

We do we need to include CoroEnd explicitly here?


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