[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Update convert-gpu-to-spirv pass to prepare using GPU compilat… (PR #69941)

Lei Zhang llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Oct 27 16:11:14 PDT 2023

@@ -54,22 +55,67 @@ void GPUToSPIRVPass::runOnOperation() {
   SmallVector<Operation *, 1> gpuModules;
   OpBuilder builder(context);
+  auto getTargetEnvFromGPUModuleOp = [*this](gpu::GPUModuleOp moduleOp) {
+    Operation *gpuModule = moduleOp.getOperation();
+    auto targetAttr = spirv::lookupTargetEnvOrDefault(gpuModule);
+    std::unique_ptr<ConversionTarget> target =
+        SPIRVConversionTarget::get(targetAttr);
+    SPIRVConversionOptions options;
+    options.use64bitIndex = this->use64bitIndex;
+    SPIRVTypeConverter typeConverter(targetAttr, options);
+    const spirv::TargetEnv &targetEnv = typeConverter.getTargetEnv();
+    return targetEnv;
+  };
   module.walk([&](gpu::GPUModuleOp moduleOp) {
     // Clone each GPU kernel module for conversion, given that the GPU
     // launch op still needs the original GPU kernel module.
-    builder.setInsertionPoint(moduleOp.getOperation());
+    // SPIRV module insertion point by is after original GPU module.
+    // This works fine for Vulkan shader that has a dedicated runner.
+    // But OpenCL kernel needs SPIRV module placed inside original GPU module as
antiagainst wrote:

Is it possible to unify these two paths actually?


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