[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][sparse] Update verifier for block sparsity and singleton (PR #69389)

Yinying Li llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Oct 18 08:53:32 PDT 2023

@@ -678,19 +692,14 @@ SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
       return emitError()
              << "level-rank mismatch between dimToLvl and lvlTypes: "
              << dimToLvl.getNumResults() << " != " << lvlRank;
-    // TODO:  The following is attempting to match the old error-conditions
-    // from prior to merging dimOrdering and higherOrdering into dimToLvl.
-    // That is, we currently require `dimToLvl` to be either a permutation
-    // (as when higherOrdering is the identity) or expansive (as per the
-    // constraints on higherOrdering).  However, those constraints do
-    // not match the intended semantics of `dimToLvl`.  As we improve the
-    // compiler to actually handle non-permutations, we need to update these
-    // checks to match what is actually supported.  In particular, this is
-    // where we'll have to check that when `lvlToDim` is provided then it
-    // is indeed an inverse of `dimToLvl`, and when it isn't provided then
-    // it can be automatically inferred.
-    if (dimRank == lvlRank && !dimToLvl.isPermutation())
-      return emitError() << "expected a permutation affine map for dimToLvl";
+    auto inferRes = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, dimToLvl.getContext());
+    // Symbols can't be inferred but are acceptable.
+    if (!inferRes && dimToLvl.getNumSymbols() == 0) {
+      return emitError() << "failed to infer lvlToDim from dimToLvl";
+    }
yinying-lisa-li wrote:

Sounds good. Thanks for sharing the link!


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