[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [openacc][openmp] Add dialect representation for acc atomic operations (PR #65493)

Guray Ozen llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Oct 18 08:39:40 PDT 2023

grypp wrote:

Hey Razvan - long time no chat :) It's great that you are improving the atomic support, nice progress!

I trust your judgment that the interface being OpenMP/OpenACC specific. In that case, would it be a good idea creating `include/mlir/interfaces/OpenACCMPCommonInterfaces`? You might even need more interfaces between these models, so the folder can be useful. (or anything doesn't involve `Dialect` folder works for me.) What do you think?

I also gave a thought of placing the interface in either the OpenMP or OpenACC folder. But I completely agree with you that it might not be the best approach. 


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