[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][sparse] Update verifier for block sparsity and singleton (PR #69389)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Oct 17 15:32:06 PDT 2023

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Yinying Li (yinying-lisa-li)


1. Verification of block sparsity.
2. Verification of singleton level type can only follow compressed or loose_compressed levels. And all level types after singleton should be singleton.
3. Added getBlockSize function.
4. Added an invalid encoding test for an incorrect lvlToDim map that user provides.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69389.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (modified) mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h (+8) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Detail/DimLvlMap.cpp (+8-3) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp (+72-17) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir (+21-2) 

diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h
index 6e834426b441764..273aa8858f5da3d 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h
@@ -173,6 +173,14 @@ AffineMap inferLvlToDim(AffineMap dimToLvl, MLIRContext *context);
 /// Asserts on failure (so only use when known to succeed).
 AffineMap inverseBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl, MLIRContext *context);
+/// Given the dimToLvl map, returns the block size in a vector.
+/// For instance, a 2x3 block will return [2, 3].
+/// Only valid block sparsity will be accepted.
+SmallVector<unsigned> getBlockSize(AffineMap dimToLvl);
+/// Given the dimToLvl map, returns if it's block sparsity.
+bool isBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl);
 // Reordering.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Detail/DimLvlMap.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Detail/DimLvlMap.cpp
index 05fce96043826f1..5f947b67c6d848e 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Detail/DimLvlMap.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Detail/DimLvlMap.cpp
@@ -356,10 +356,15 @@ AffineMap DimLvlMap::getDimToLvlMap(MLIRContext *context) const {
 AffineMap DimLvlMap::getLvlToDimMap(MLIRContext *context) const {
   SmallVector<AffineExpr> dimAffines;
-  for (const auto &dimSpec : dimSpecs)
-    dimAffines.push_back(dimSpec.getExpr().getAffineExpr());
+  for (const auto &dimSpec : dimSpecs) {
+    auto expr = dimSpec.getExpr().getAffineExpr();
+    if (expr) {
+      dimAffines.push_back(expr);
+    }
+  }
   auto map = AffineMap::get(getLvlRank(), getSymRank(), dimAffines, context);
-  if (map.isIdentity()) return AffineMap();
+  if (dimAffines.empty() || map.isIdentity())
+    return AffineMap();
   return map;
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
index fd87bbfa905ed69..75b1700e8017fcd 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
@@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
   SmallVector<DimLevelType> lvlTypes;
   SmallVector<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices;
   AffineMap dimToLvl = {};
+  AffineMap lvlToDim = {};
   unsigned posWidth = 0;
   unsigned crdWidth = 0;
   StringRef attrName;
@@ -568,6 +569,7 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
       ERROR_IF(dimToLvl, "Cannot mix `dimToLvl` with `map`")
       dimToLvl = dlm.getDimToLvlMap(parser.getContext());
+      lvlToDim = dlm.getLvlToDimMap(parser.getContext());
     } // switch
@@ -582,8 +584,9 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
   // Construct struct-like storage for attribute.
-  // TODO: Fetch lvlToDim if user provides one
-  AffineMap lvlToDim = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, parser.getContext());
+  if (!lvlToDim || lvlToDim.isEmpty()) {
+    lvlToDim = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, parser.getContext());
+  }
   return parser.getChecked<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>(
       parser.getContext(), lvlTypes, dimToLvl, lvlToDim, posWidth, crdWidth,
@@ -663,6 +666,17 @@ SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
     return emitError() << "unexpected position bitwidth: " << posWidth;
   if (!acceptBitWidth(crdWidth))
     return emitError() << "unexpected coordinate bitwidth: " << crdWidth;
+  if (auto it = std::find_if(lvlTypes.begin(), lvlTypes.end(), isSingletonDLT);
+      it != std::end(lvlTypes)) {
+    if (it == lvlTypes.begin() ||
+        (!isCompressedDLT(*(it - 1)) && !isLooseCompressedDLT(*(it - 1))))
+      return emitError() << "expected compressed or loose_compressed level "
+                            "before singleton level";
+    if (!std::all_of(it, lvlTypes.end(),
+                     [](DimLevelType i) { return isSingletonDLT(i); }))
+      return emitError() << "expected all singleton lvlTypes "
+                            "following a singleton level";
+  }
   // Before we can check that the level-rank is consistent/coherent
   // across all fields, we need to define it.  The source-of-truth for
   // the `getLvlRank` method is the length of the level-types array,
@@ -678,19 +692,14 @@ SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
       return emitError()
              << "level-rank mismatch between dimToLvl and lvlTypes: "
              << dimToLvl.getNumResults() << " != " << lvlRank;
-    // TODO:  The following is attempting to match the old error-conditions
-    // from prior to merging dimOrdering and higherOrdering into dimToLvl.
-    // That is, we currently require `dimToLvl` to be either a permutation
-    // (as when higherOrdering is the identity) or expansive (as per the
-    // constraints on higherOrdering).  However, those constraints do
-    // not match the intended semantics of `dimToLvl`.  As we improve the
-    // compiler to actually handle non-permutations, we need to update these
-    // checks to match what is actually supported.  In particular, this is
-    // where we'll have to check that when `lvlToDim` is provided then it
-    // is indeed an inverse of `dimToLvl`, and when it isn't provided then
-    // it can be automatically inferred.
-    if (dimRank == lvlRank && !dimToLvl.isPermutation())
-      return emitError() << "expected a permutation affine map for dimToLvl";
+    auto inferRes = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, dimToLvl.getContext());
+    // Symbols can't be inferred but are acceptable.
+    if (!inferRes && dimToLvl.getNumSymbols() == 0) {
+      return emitError() << "failed to infer lvlToDim from dimToLvl";
+    }
+    if (lvlToDim && (inferRes != lvlToDim)) {
+      return emitError() << "expected lvlToDim to be an inverse of dimToLvl";
+    }
     if (dimRank > lvlRank)
       return emitError() << "unexpected dimToLvl mapping from " << dimRank
                          << " to " << lvlRank;
@@ -758,8 +767,7 @@ AffineMap mlir::sparse_tensor::inferLvlToDim(AffineMap dimToLvl,
     lvlToDim = AffineMap();
   } else if (map.isPermutation()) {
     lvlToDim = inversePermutation(map);
-  } else {
-    // TODO: check if it's block sparsity
+  } else if (isBlockSparsity(map)) {
     lvlToDim = inverseBlockSparsity(map, context);
   return lvlToDim;
@@ -818,6 +826,53 @@ AffineMap mlir::sparse_tensor::inverseBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl,
   return dimToLvl.get(dimToLvl.getNumResults(), 0, lvlExprs, context);
+SmallVector<unsigned> mlir::sparse_tensor::getBlockSize(AffineMap dimToLvl) {
+  assert(isBlockSparsity(dimToLvl) &&
+         "expected dimToLvl to be block sparsity for calling getBlockSize");
+  SmallVector<unsigned> blockSize;
+  for (auto result : dimToLvl.getResults()) {
+    if (auto binOp = result.dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>()) {
+      if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
+        blockSize.push_back(
+            binOp.getRHS().dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>().getValue());
+      }
+    } else {
+      blockSize.push_back(1);
+    }
+  }
+  return blockSize;
+bool mlir::sparse_tensor::isBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl) {
+  if (!dimToLvl)
+    return false;
+  std::map<unsigned, int64_t> coeffientMap;
+  for (auto result : dimToLvl.getResults()) {
+    if (auto binOp = result.dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>()) {
+      auto pos = binOp.getLHS().dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>().getPosition();
+      if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::FloorDiv) {
+        // Expect only one floordiv for each dimension.
+        if (coeffientMap.find(pos) != coeffientMap.end())
+          return false;
+        coeffientMap[pos] =
+            binOp.getRHS().dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>().getValue();
+      } else if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
+        // Expect floordiv before mod.
+        if (coeffientMap.find(pos) == coeffientMap.end())
+          return false;
+        // Expect mod to have the same coefficient as floordiv.
+        if (binOp.getRHS().dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>().getValue() !=
+            coeffientMap[pos]) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      } else {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return !coeffientMap.empty();
 bool mlir::sparse_tensor::isCOOType(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc,
                                     Level startLvl, bool isUnique) {
   if (!enc ||
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
index ef1dd3ee41f8576..6514391bae92d9b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func.func private @tensor_sizes_mismatch(%arg0: tensor<8xi32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-// expected-error at +1 {{unexpected dimToLvl mapping from 2 to 1}}
+// expected-error at +1 {{failed to infer lvlToDim from dimToLvl}}
 #a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{map = (d0, d1) -> (d0 : dense)}>
 func.func private @tensor_sizes_mismatch(%arg0: tensor<8xi32, #a>) -> ()
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func.func private @tensor_dimtolvl_mismatch(%arg0: tensor<8xi32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-// expected-error at +1 {{expected a permutation affine map for dimToLvl}}
+// expected-error at +1 {{failed to infer lvlToDim from dimToLvl}}
 #a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{map = (d0, d1) -> (d0 : dense, d0 : compressed)}>
 func.func private @tensor_no_permutation(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
@@ -251,3 +251,22 @@ func.func private @too_few_lvl_decl(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #TooFewLvlDecl>) {
 func.func private @wrong_order_lvl_decl(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #WrongOrderLvlDecl>) {
+// -----
+// expected-error at +1 {{expected lvlToDim to be an inverse of dimToLvl}}
+#BSR_explicit = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
+  map =
+  {il, jl, ii, jj}
+  ( i = il * 3 + ii,
+    j = jl * 2 + jj
+  ) ->
+  ( il = i floordiv 2 : dense,
+    jl = j floordiv 3 : compressed,
+    ii = i mod 2      : dense,
+    jj = j mod 3      : dense
+  )
+func.func private @BSR_explicit(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #BSR_explicit>) {
+  return




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