[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Reland "[mlir][arith] Canonicalization patterns for `arith.select` (#67809)" (PR #68941)

Markus Böck llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Oct 13 04:20:12 PDT 2023

@@ -233,6 +233,52 @@ def CmpIExtUI :
             CPred<"$0.getValue() == arith::CmpIPredicate::eq || "
                   "$0.getValue() == arith::CmpIPredicate::ne">> $pred)]>;
+// SelectOp
+// select(not(pred), a, b) => select(pred, b, a)
+def SelectNotCond :
+    Pat<(SelectOp (Arith_XOrIOp $pred, (ConstantLikeMatcher APIntAttr:$ones)), $a, $b),
+        (SelectOp $pred, $b, $a),
+        [(IsScalarOrSplatNegativeOne $ones)]>;
+// select(pred, select(pred, a, b), c) => select(pred, a, c)
+def RedundantSelectTrue :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $pred, (SelectOp $pred, $a, $b), $c),
+        (SelectOp $pred, $a, $c)>;
+// select(pred, a, select(pred, b, c)) => select(pred, a, c)
+def RedundantSelectFalse :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $pred, $a, (SelectOp $pred, $b, $c)),
+        (SelectOp $pred, $a, $c)>;
+// select(predA, select(predB, x, y), y) => select(and(predA, predB), x, y)
+def SelectAndCond :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $predA, (SelectOp $predB, $x, $y), $y),
+        (SelectOp (Arith_AndIOp $predA, $predB), $x, $y)>;
+// select(predA, select(predB, y, x), y) => select(and(predA, not(predB)), x, y)
+def SelectAndNotCond :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $predA, (SelectOp $predB, $y, $x), $y),
+        (SelectOp (Arith_AndIOp $predA,
+                                (Arith_XOrIOp $predB, (Arith_ConstantOp ConstantAttr<I1Attr, "1">))),
+                  $x, $y),
+        [(Constraint<CPred<"$0.getType() == $_builder.getI1Type()">> $predB)]>;
+// select(predA, x, select(predB, x, y)) => select(or(predA, predB), x, y)
+def SelectOrCond :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $predA, $x, (SelectOp $predB, $x, $y)),
+        (SelectOp (Arith_OrIOp $predA, $predB), $x, $y)>;
+// select(predA, x, select(predB, y, x)) => select(or(predA, not(predB)), x, y)
+def SelectOrNotCond :
+    Pat<(SelectOp $predA, $x, (SelectOp $predB, $y, $x)),
+        (SelectOp (Arith_OrIOp $predA,
+                               (Arith_XOrIOp $predB, (Arith_ConstantOp ConstantAttr<I1Attr, "1">))),
+                  $x, $y),
+        [(Constraint<CPred<"$0.getType() == $_builder.getI1Type()">> $predB)]>;
zero9178 wrote:

// select(predA, x, select(predB, y, x)) => select(or(predA, not(predB)), x, y)
def SelectOrNotCond :
    Pat<(SelectOp $predA, $x, (SelectOp I1:$predB, $y, $x)),
        (SelectOp (Arith_OrIOp $predA,
                               (Arith_XOrIOp $predB, (Arith_ConstantOp ConstantAttr<I1Attr, "1">))),
                  $x, $y)>;
You can add type constraints inline instead of having to use generic constraints. Ditto above


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