[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 9bd5bfc - [mlir][sparse] remove unused sparse tensor iterator (#68951)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Oct 12 22:51:12 PDT 2023

Author: Aart Bik
Date: 2023-10-12T22:51:07-07:00
New Revision: 9bd5bfc689a7891b4e0081170834b400308f0ece

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/9bd5bfc689a7891b4e0081170834b400308f0ece
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/9bd5bfc689a7891b4e0081170834b400308f0ece.diff

LOG: [mlir][sparse] remove unused sparse tensor iterator (#68951)




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
index f1643d66c26a195..1434c649acd29b4 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
@@ -146,11 +146,8 @@ enum class Action : uint32_t {
   kEmptyForward = 1,
   kFromCOO = 2,
   kSparseToSparse = 3,
-  kFuture = 4, // not used
   kToCOO = 5,
-  kToIterator = 6,
   kPack = 7,
-  // Sort an unordered COO in place.
   kSortCOOInPlace = 8,

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
index f9312c866f36317..e8dd50d6730c784 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ extern "C" {
 /// This is the "swiss army knife" method for materializing sparse
 /// tensors into the computation.  The types of the `ptr` argument and
-/// the result depend on the action, as explained in the following table
-/// (where "STS" means a sparse-tensor-storage object, "COO" means
-/// a coordinate-scheme object, and "Iterator" means an iterator object).
+/// the result depend on the action, as explained in the following table,
+/// where "STS" means a sparse-tensor-storage object and "COO" means
+/// a coordinate-scheme object.
 /// Action:         `ptr`:          Returns:
 /// kEmpty          -               STS, empty
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ extern "C" {
 /// kFromCOO        COO             STS, copied from the COO source
 /// kSparseToSparse STS             STS, copied from the STS source
 /// kToCOO          STS             COO, copied from the STS source
-/// kToIterator     STS             Iterator (@getNext/@delSparseTensorIterator)
 /// kPack           buffers         STS, from level buffers
+/// kSortCOOInPlace STS             STS, sorted in place
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimSizesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlSizesRef,
-/// Coordinate-scheme method for getting the next element while iterating.
-#define DECL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
-  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT bool _mlir_ciface_getNext##VNAME(                   \
-      void *iter, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                      \
-      StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref);
 /// Tensor-storage method to insert elements in lexicographical
 /// level-coordinate order.
 #define DECL_LEXINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
@@ -201,12 +193,6 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void delSparseTensor(void *tensor);
-/// Releases the memory for an iterator object.
-#define DECL_DELITER(VNAME, V)                                                 \
-  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void delSparseTensorIterator##VNAME(void *iter);
 /// Helper function to read a sparse tensor filename from the environment,
 /// defined with the naming convention ${TENSOR0}, ${TENSOR1}, etc.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT char *getTensorFilename(index_type id);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
index cd1b663578a48ce..ae33a869497a01c 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
@@ -63,71 +63,18 @@ using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
-// Implementation details for public functions, which don't have a good
-// place to live in the C++ library this file is wrapping.
+// Utilities for manipulating `StridedMemRefType`.
 namespace {
-/// Wrapper class to avoid memory leakage issues.  The `SparseTensorCOO<V>`
-/// class provides a standard C++ iterator interface, where the iterator
-/// is implemented as per `std::vector`'s iterator.  However, for MLIR's
-/// usage we need to have an iterator which also holds onto the underlying
-/// `SparseTensorCOO<V>` so that it can be freed whenever the iterator
-/// is freed.
-// We name this `SparseTensorIterator` rather than `SparseTensorCOOIterator`
-// for future-proofing, since the use of `SparseTensorCOO` is an
-// implementation detail that we eventually want to change (e.g., to
-// use `SparseTensorEnumerator` directly, rather than constructing the
-// intermediate `SparseTensorCOO` at all).
-template <typename V>
-class SparseTensorIterator final {
-  /// This ctor requires `coo` to be a non-null pointer to a dynamically
-  /// allocated object, and takes ownership of that object.  Therefore,
-  /// callers must not free the underlying COO object, since the iterator's
-  /// dtor will do so.
-  explicit SparseTensorIterator(const SparseTensorCOO<V> *coo)
-      : coo(coo), it(coo->begin()), end(coo->end()) {}
-  ~SparseTensorIterator() { delete coo; }
-  // Disable copy-ctor and copy-assignment, to prevent double-free.
-  SparseTensorIterator(const SparseTensorIterator<V> &) = delete;
-  SparseTensorIterator<V> &operator=(const SparseTensorIterator<V> &) = delete;
-  /// Gets the next element.  If there are no remaining elements, then
-  /// returns nullptr.
-  const Element<V> *getNext() { return it < end ? &*it++ : nullptr; }
-  const SparseTensorCOO<V> *const coo; // Owning pointer.
-  typename SparseTensorCOO<V>::const_iterator it;
-  const typename SparseTensorCOO<V>::const_iterator end;
-// Utilities for manipulating `StridedMemRefType`.
-// We shouldn't need to use `detail::safelyEQ` here since the `1` is a literal.
 #define ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(MEMREF)                                               \
   do {                                                                         \
     assert((MEMREF) && "Memref is nullptr");                                   \
     assert(((MEMREF)->strides[0] == 1) && "Memref has non-trivial stride");    \
   } while (false)
-// All our functions use `uint64_t` for ranks, but `StridedMemRefType::sizes`
-// uses `int64_t` on some platforms.  So we explicitly cast this lookup to
-// ensure we get a consistent type, and we use `checkOverflowCast` rather
-// than `static_cast` just to be extremely sure that the casting can't
-// go awry.  (The cast should aways be safe since (1) sizes should never
-// be negative, and (2) the maximum `int64_t` is smaller than the maximum
-// `uint64_t`.  But it's better to be safe than sorry.)
 #define MEMREF_GET_USIZE(MEMREF)                                               \
@@ -137,22 +84,13 @@ class SparseTensorIterator final {
 #define MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(MEMREF) ((MEMREF)->data + (MEMREF)->offset)
-/// Initializes the memref with the provided size and data pointer.  This
+/// Initializes the memref with the provided size and data pointer. This
 /// is designed for functions which want to "return" a memref that aliases
 /// into memory owned by some other object (e.g., `SparseTensorStorage`),
 /// without doing any actual copying.  (The "return" is in scarequotes
 /// because the `_mlir_ciface_` calling convention migrates any returned
 /// memrefs into an out-parameter passed before all the other function
 /// parameters.)
-/// We make this a function rather than a macro mainly for type safety
-/// reasons.  This function does not modify the data pointer, but it
-/// cannot be marked `const` because it is stored into the (necessarily)
-/// non-`const` memref.  This function is templated over the `DataSizeT`
-/// to work around signedness warnings due to many data types having
-/// varying signedness across 
diff erent platforms.  The templating allows
-/// this function to ensure that it does the right thing and never
-/// introduces errors due to implicit conversions.
 template <typename DataSizeT, typename T>
 static inline void aliasIntoMemref(DataSizeT size, T *data,
                                    StridedMemRefType<T, 1> &ref) {
@@ -200,20 +138,11 @@ extern "C" {
           dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes, dim2lvl, lvl2dim,    \
           dimRank, tensor);                                                    \
     }                                                                          \
-    case Action::kFuture: {                                                    \
-      break;                                                                   \
-    }                                                                          \
     case Action::kToCOO: {                                                     \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
       auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *>(ptr);        \
       return tensor.toCOO(lvlRank, lvlSizes, dimRank, dim2lvl, lvl2dim);       \
     }                                                                          \
-    case Action::kToIterator: {                                                \
-      assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
-      auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *>(ptr);        \
-      auto *coo = tensor.toCOO(lvlRank, lvlSizes, dimRank, dim2lvl, lvl2dim);  \
-      return new SparseTensorIterator<V>(coo);                                 \
-    }                                                                          \
     case Action::kPack: {                                                      \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
       intptr_t *buffers = static_cast<intptr_t *>(ptr);                        \
@@ -372,7 +301,6 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
   CASE_SECSAME(OverheadType::kU64, PrimaryType::kC32, uint64_t, complex32);
   // Unsupported case (add above if needed).
-  // TODO: better pretty-printing of enum values!
       "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, C=%d, V=%d>\n",
       static_cast<int>(posTp), static_cast<int>(crdTp),
-// NOTE: the `cref` argument uses the same coordinate-space as the `iter`
-// (which can be either dim- or lvl-coords, depending on context).
-#define IMPL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
-  bool _mlir_ciface_getNext##VNAME(void *iter,                                 \
-                                   StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,     \
-                                   StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {            \
-    assert(iter &&vref);                                                       \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
-    index_type *coords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
-    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
-    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(cref);                              \
-    const Element<V> *elem =                                                   \
-        static_cast<SparseTensorIterator<V> *>(iter)->getNext();               \
-    if (elem == nullptr)                                                       \
-      return false;                                                            \
-    for (uint64_t d = 0; d < rank; d++)                                        \
-      coords[d] = elem->coords[d];                                             \
-    *value = elem->value;                                                      \
-    return true;                                                               \
-  }
 #define IMPL_LEXINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
   void _mlir_ciface_lexInsert##VNAME(                                          \
       void *t, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlCoordsRef,                 \
@@ -636,7 +541,6 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensorFromReader(
   CASE_SECSAME(kU64, kC32, uint64_t, complex32);
   // Unsupported case (add above if needed).
-  // TODO: better pretty-printing of enum values!
       "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, C=%d, V=%d>\n",
       static_cast<int>(posTp), static_cast<int>(crdTp),
@@ -701,7 +605,7 @@ void endLexInsert(void *tensor) {
 #define IMPL_OUTSPARSETENSOR(VNAME, V)                                         \
   void outSparseTensor##VNAME(void *coo, void *dest, bool sort) {              \
-    assert(coo && "Got nullptr for COO object");                               \
+    assert(coo);                                                               \
     auto &coo_ = *static_cast<SparseTensorCOO<V> *>(coo);                      \
     if (sort)                                                                  \
       coo_.sort();                                                             \
@@ -721,13 +625,6 @@ void delSparseTensor(void *tensor) {
-#define IMPL_DELITER(VNAME, V)                                                 \
-  void delSparseTensorIterator##VNAME(void *iter) {                            \
-    delete static_cast<SparseTensorIterator<V> *>(iter);                       \
-  }
 char *getTensorFilename(index_type id) {
   constexpr size_t BUF_SIZE = 80;
   char var[BUF_SIZE];


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