[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][Vector] Refactor tests for contract -> OP transforms (PR #73348)

Andrzej WarzyƄski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Nov 24 08:42:45 PST 2023

https://github.com/banach-space created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/73348

This patch refactors tests for:

  vector.contract -> vector.outerproduct

transformations for matvec operations (b += Ax). Specifically, relevant
tests from the following 2 files:


are combined into one:


All original tests are preserved and no new tests are added.

Implements #72834.

>From ea9d5e286ca8f2ccd132c1c301ff362f76235812 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrzej Warzynski <andrzej.warzynski at arm.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 16:36:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [MLIR][Vector] Refactor tests for contract -> OP transforms

This patch refactors tests for:

  vector.contract -> vector.outerproduct

transformations for matvec operations (b += Ax). Specifically, relevant
tests from the following 2 files:


are combined into one:


All original tests are preserved and no new tests are added.

Implements #72834.
 .../vector-contract-matvec-transforms.mlir    | 397 +++++++++++++++++-
 ...r-contract-to-outerproduct-transforms.mlir | 396 -----------------
 2 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-matvec-transforms.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-matvec-transforms.mlir
index 811fb589792b1a8..3ca3d344c1abe04 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-matvec-transforms.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-matvec-transforms.mlir
@@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
 // RUN: mlir-opt %s --transform-interpreter --split-input-file | FileCheck %s
-#matvec_accesses = [
+#matvec_accesses_1 = [
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m, k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses,
+#matvec_trait_1 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_1,
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
 #matvecmax_trait = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses,
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_1,
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"],
   kind = #vector.kind<maxf>
-#mattransvec_accesses = [
+#matvec_accesses_2 = [
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k, m)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#mattransvec_trait = {
-  indexing_maps = #mattransvec_accesses,
+#matvec_trait_2 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_2,
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-#vecmat_accesses = [
+#matvec_accesses_3 = [
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m, k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#vecmat_trait = {
-  indexing_maps = #vecmat_accesses,
+#matvec_trait_3 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_3,
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-#vecmattrans_accesses = [
+#matvec_accesses_4 = [
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (k, m)>,
   affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#vecmattrans_trait = {
-  indexing_maps = #vecmattrans_accesses,
+#matvec_trait_4 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_4,
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
@@ -55,6 +56,56 @@
   iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 1 (plain + masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m(
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<2x3xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<3xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<2xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %[[IN_MASK:.*]]: vector<2x3xi1>) -> vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[T_MASK:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[IN_MASK]], [1, 0] : vector<2x3xi1> to vector<3x2xi1>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK0:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][0] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK0]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK1:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][1] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK1]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK2:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][2] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK2]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
+func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x3xf32>,
+                                %arg1: vector<3xf32>,
+                                %arg2: vector<2xf32>,
+                                %m: vector<2x3xi1>) -> vector<2xf32> {
+  %0 = vector.mask %m { vector.contract #matvec_trait_1 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+          : vector<2x3xf32>, vector<3xf32> into vector<2xf32> } : vector<2x3xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
+  return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<[2]x3xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<3xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<[2]xf32>,
+// CHECK-SAME:      %[[IN_MASK:.*]]: vector<[2]x3xi1>) -> vector<[2]xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[T_MASK:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[IN_MASK]], [1, 0] : vector<[2]x3xi1> to vector<3x[2]xi1>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK0:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][0] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK0]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK1:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][1] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK1]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
+// CHECK:           %[[MASK2:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][2] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
+// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK2]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
+func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[2]x3xf32>,
+                                                      %arg1: vector<3xf32>,
+                                                      %arg2: vector<[2]xf32>,
+                                                      %m: vector<[2]x3xi1>) -> vector<[2]xf32> {
+  %0 = vector.mask %m { vector.contract #matvec_trait_1 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+          : vector<[2]x3xf32>, vector<3xf32> into vector<[2]xf32> } : vector<[2]x3xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
+  return %0 : vector<[2]xf32>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @matvec_mk_k_m
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*0]]: vector<2x2xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[B:.*1]]: vector<2xf32>
@@ -69,10 +120,13 @@
 func.func @matvec_mk_k_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
                          %x: vector<2xf32>,
                          %b: vector<2xf32>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait %A, %x, %b : vector<2x2xf32>, vector<2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
+  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait_1 %A, %x, %b : vector<2x2xf32>, vector<2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 1  - max (plain)
+// ============================================================================
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @matvec_mk_k_m_max
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*0]]: vector<2x2xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[B:.*1]]: vector<2xf32>
@@ -91,6 +145,47 @@ func.func @matvec_mk_k_m_max(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 2 (plain + masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_km_k_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_km_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>,
+                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>, 
+                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_2 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<2x4xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>,
+                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
+                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_2 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @matvec_km_k_m
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*0]]: vector<2x2xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[B:.*1]]: vector<2xf32>
@@ -104,10 +199,52 @@ func.func @matvec_mk_k_m_max(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
 func.func @matvec_km_k_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
                          %x: vector<2xf32>,
                          %b: vector<2xf32>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.contract #mattransvec_trait %A, %x, %b : vector<2x2xf32>, vector<2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
+  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait_2 %A, %x, %b : vector<2x2xf32>, vector<2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 3 (plain + masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_mk_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_k_mk_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>,
+                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>,
+                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+      vector.contract #matvec_trait_3 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+        : vector<2xf32>, vector<4x2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>,
+                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
+                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+      vector.contract #matvec_trait_3 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+        : vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @matvec_k_mk_m
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*0]]: vector<2x2xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[B:.*1]]: vector<2xf32>
@@ -122,10 +259,51 @@ func.func @matvec_km_k_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
 func.func @matvec_k_mk_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>, 
                          %x: vector<2xf32>,
                          %b: vector<2xf32>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.contract #vecmat_trait %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
+  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait_3 %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 4 (plain + masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>,
+                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
+                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_km_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
+func.func @masked_matvec_k_km_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>,
+                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
+                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>,
+                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @matvec_k_km_m
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*0]]: vector<2x2xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[B:.*1]]: vector<2xf32>
@@ -139,7 +317,7 @@ func.func @matvec_k_mk_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
 func.func @matvec_k_km_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
                          %x: vector<2xf32>,
                          %b: vector<2xf32>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.contract #vecmattrans_trait %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
+  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
@@ -156,10 +334,193 @@ func.func @matvec_k_km_m(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
 func.func @matvec_m_mk_k(%A: vector<2x2xf32>,
                          %x: vector<2xf32>,
                          %b: vector<2xf32>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.contract #redpar_vecmattrans_trait %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
+  %0 = vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %x, %A, %b : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x2xf32> into vector<2xf32>
   return %0 : vector<2xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 5 (masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+#matvec_accesses_5 = [
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m, k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
+#matvec_trait_5 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_5,
+  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_5 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<4x2xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_5 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 6 (masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+#matvec_accesses_6 = [
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k, m)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
+#matvec_trait_6 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_6,
+  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_6 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<2x4xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_6 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
+      : vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 7 (masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+#matvec_accesses_7 = [
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m, k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
+#matvec_trait_7 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_7,
+  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_7 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<4x2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_7 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  Matvec 8 (masked + scalable)
+// ============================================================================
+#matvec_accesses_8 = [
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k, m)>,
+  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
+#matvec_trait_8 = {
+  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_8,
+  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_8 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
+  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
+  return %res : vector<4xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
+func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
+  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
+  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
+  %res = vector.mask %mask {
+    vector.contract #matvec_trait_8 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
+      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
+  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
+  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
+// ============================================================================
+//  TD sequence
+// ============================================================================
 module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
   transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%func_op: !transform.op<"func.func"> {transform.readonly}) {
     transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-to-outerproduct-transforms.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-to-outerproduct-transforms.mlir
index 2c228a04873e5c0..7588b738ff9aa3b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-to-outerproduct-transforms.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-contract-to-outerproduct-transforms.mlir
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 // (*) The conversion tested in this file unrolls along the reduction
 // dimension, which is not supported for scalable vectors.
-// TODO: Matvec without a mask
 // ============================================================================
 //  Matmul 0 (plain + masked + mixed types)
@@ -387,400 +385,6 @@ func.func @matmul_4_scalable(%arg0: vector<[2]x1xf32>,
   return %0 : vector<3x[2]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 1 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_1 = [
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m, k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_1 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_1,
-  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m(
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<2x3xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<3xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<2xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %[[IN_MASK:.*]]: vector<2x3xi1>) -> vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[T_MASK:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[IN_MASK]], [1, 0] : vector<2x3xi1> to vector<3x2xi1>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK0:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][0] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK0]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK1:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][1] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK1]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK2:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][2] : vector<2xi1> from vector<3x2xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK2]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<2xf32>, f32 } : vector<2xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
-func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x3xf32>,
-                                %arg1: vector<3xf32>,
-                                %arg2: vector<2xf32>,
-                                %m: vector<2x3xi1>) -> vector<2xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.mask %m { vector.contract #matvec_trait_1 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-          : vector<2x3xf32>, vector<3xf32> into vector<2xf32> } : vector<2x3xi1> -> vector<2xf32>
-  return %0 : vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<[2]x3xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<3xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %{{.*}}: vector<[2]xf32>,
-// CHECK-SAME:      %[[IN_MASK:.*]]: vector<[2]x3xi1>) -> vector<[2]xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[T_MASK:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[IN_MASK]], [1, 0] : vector<[2]x3xi1> to vector<3x[2]xi1>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK0:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][0] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK0]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK1:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][1] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK1]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[MASK2:.*]] = vector.extract %[[T_MASK]][2] : vector<[2]xi1> from vector<3x[2]xi1>
-// CHECK:           vector.mask %[[MASK2]] { vector.outerproduct {{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[2]xf32>, f32 } : vector<[2]xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
-func.func @masked_matvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[2]x3xf32>,
-                                                      %arg1: vector<3xf32>,
-                                                      %arg2: vector<[2]xf32>,
-                                                      %m: vector<[2]x3xi1>) -> vector<[2]xf32> {
-  %0 = vector.mask %m { vector.contract #matvec_trait_1 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-          : vector<[2]x3xf32>, vector<3xf32> into vector<[2]xf32> } : vector<[2]x3xi1> -> vector<[2]xf32>
-  return %0 : vector<[2]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 2 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_2 = [
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k, m)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_2 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_2,
-  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_km_k_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_km_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>,
-                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>, 
-                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_2 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<2x4xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>,
-                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
-                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_2 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 3 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_3 = [
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m, k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_3 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_3,
-  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_mk_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_k_mk_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>,
-                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>,
-                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-      vector.contract #matvec_trait_3 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-        : vector<2xf32>, vector<4x2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>,
-                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
-                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-      vector.contract #matvec_trait_3 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-        : vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 4 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_4 = [
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (k, m)>,
-  affine_map<(m, k) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_4 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_4,
-  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>,
-                                                      %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                                      %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>,
-                                                      %mask: vector<[4]x2xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<[4]x2xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_matvec_k_km_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<4x2xi1>
-func.func @masked_matvec_k_km_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>,
-                                %arg1: vector<2xf32>,
-                                %arg2: vector<4xf32>,
-                                %mask: vector<4x2xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_4 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<4x2xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 5 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_5 = [
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m, k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_5 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_5,
-  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_5 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<4x2xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_mk_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_5 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 6 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_6 = [
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k, m)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_6 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_6,
-  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_6 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<2x4xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_km_k_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_6 %arg0, %arg1, %arg2
-      : vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 7 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_7 = [
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m, k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_7 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_7,
-  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<4x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m(%arg0: vector<4x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_7 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<4x2xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<[4]x2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_mk_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<[4]x2xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK:         vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_7 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<[4]x2xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
-// ============================================================================
-//  Matvec 8 (masked)
-// ============================================================================
-#matvec_accesses_8 = [
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (k, m)>,
-  affine_map<(k, m) -> (m)>
-#matvec_trait_8 = {
-  indexing_maps = #matvec_accesses_8,
-  iterator_types = ["reduction", "parallel"]
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x4xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m(%arg0: vector<2x4xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<4xf32>, %mask: vector<2x4xi1>) -> vector<4xf32> {
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<4xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_8 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>, vector<4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
-  } : vector<2x4xi1> -> vector<4xf32>
-  return %res : vector<4xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MAT:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[VEC:.+]]: vector<2xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[INIT:.+]]: vector<[4]xf32>
-// CHECK-SAME:  %[[MASK:.+]]: vector<2x[4]xi1>
-func.func @masked_tmatvec_k_km_m_scalable_parallel_dim(%arg0: vector<2x[4]xf32>, %arg1: vector<2xf32>, %arg2: vector<[4]xf32>, %mask: vector<2x[4]xi1>) -> vector<[4]xf32> {
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MAT]]
-  // CHECK-NOT:     vector.transpose %[[MASK]]
-  // CHECK-COUNT-2: vector.mask %{{.*}} { vector.outerproduct %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} {kind = #vector.kind<add>} : vector<[4]xf32>, f32 }
-  %res = vector.mask %mask {
-    vector.contract #matvec_trait_8 %arg1, %arg0, %arg2
-      : vector<2xf32>, vector<2x[4]xf32>, vector<[4]xf32> into vector<[4]xf32>
-  } : vector<2x[4]xi1> -> vector<[4]xf32>
-  return %res : vector<[4]xf32>
 // ============================================================================
 //  TD sequence
 // ============================================================================

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