[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][vector] Add vector.transpose with unit-dim to vector.shape_cast pattern (PR #72105)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Nov 20 13:04:20 PST 2023

MaheshRavishankar wrote:

This PR broke downstream on conversion to SPIR-V. Also looking at this again, I am not sure lowering this to a `vector.shape_cast` is a good idea (sorry I didnt review it as I saw it go by). AFAIK, `shape_casts` are meant to be only for n-D to 1D/ 1D to N-D conversion. So lowering the transpose to a shape-cast here seems to violate that and is causing issues when lowering to SPIR-V specifically.
This might need more discussion, but in the meantime can I suggest we revert this (and the follow up that moved it into a canonicalization, which is a bit more problematic in my view cause that is done without any user control). 

cc @antiagainst @qedawkins and @kuhar 


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