[Mlir-commits] [flang] [openmp] [mlir] [Flang][OpenMP] Remove use of non reference values from MapInfoOp (PR #72444)

Akash Banerjee llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Nov 16 05:22:09 PST 2023

@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ program main
      sp(5) = 10
   !$omp end target
-   ! print *, sp(1)
-   ! print *, sp(5)
+   print *, sp(1)
+   print *, sp(5)
TIFitis wrote:

I've updated the test `openmp/libomptarget/test/offloading/fortran/basic-target-region-array.f90` and changed it to `target-region-implicit-array.f90` instead.


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