[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][python] add type wrappers (PR #71218)

Maksim Levental llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 14 08:58:28 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#  Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+#  See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+from functools import partial
+from typing import Optional, List
+from .ir import (
+    Attribute,
+    BF16Type,
+    ComplexType,
+    Context,
+    F16Type,
+    F32Type,
+    F64Type,
+    Float8E4M3B11FNUZType,
+    Float8E4M3FNType,
+    Float8E5M2Type,
+    FunctionType,
+    IndexType,
+    IntegerType,
+    MemRefType,
+    NoneType,
+    OpaqueType,
+    RankedTensorType,
+    StridedLayoutAttr,
+    StringAttr,
+    TupleType,
+    Type,
+    UnrankedMemRefType,
+    UnrankedTensorType,
+    VectorType,
+__all__ = []
+_index = lambda: IndexType.get()
+_bool = lambda: IntegerType.get_signless(1)
+_i8 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signless(8)
+_i16 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signless(16)
+_i32 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signless(32)
+_i64 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signless(64)
+_si8 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signed(8)
+_si16 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signed(16)
+_si32 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signed(32)
+_si64 = lambda: IntegerType.get_signed(64)
+_ui8 = lambda: IntegerType.get_unsigned(8)
+_ui16 = lambda: IntegerType.get_unsigned(16)
+_ui32 = lambda: IntegerType.get_unsigned(32)
+_ui64 = lambda: IntegerType.get_unsigned(64)
+_f16 = lambda: F16Type.get()
+_f32 = lambda: F32Type.get()
+_f64 = lambda: F64Type.get()
+_bf16 = lambda: BF16Type.get()
+_f8e5m2 = lambda: Float8E5M2Type.get()
+_f8e4m3 = lambda: Float8E4M3FNType.get()
+_f8e4m3b11fnuz = lambda: Float8E4M3B11FNUZType.get()
+_cmp16 = lambda: ComplexType.get(_f16())
+_cmp32 = lambda: ComplexType.get(_f32())
+_cmp64 = lambda: ComplexType.get(_f64())
+_none = lambda: NoneType.get()
+def _opaque(dialect_namespace, type_data):
+    return OpaqueType.get(dialect_namespace, type_data)
+def _shaped(*shape, element_type: Type = None, type_constructor=None):
+    if type_constructor is None:
+        raise ValueError("shaped is an abstract base class - cannot be constructed.")
+    if (element_type is None and shape and not isinstance(shape[-1], Type)) or (
+        shape and isinstance(shape[-1], Type) and element_type is not None
+    ):
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Either element_type must be provided explicitly XOR last arg to tensor type constructor must be the element type."
+        )
+    if element_type is not None:
+        type = element_type
+        sizes = shape
+    else:
+        type = shape[-1]
+        sizes = shape[:-1]
+    if sizes:
+        return type_constructor(sizes, type)
+    else:
+        return type_constructor(type)
+def _vector(
+    *shape,
+    element_type: Type = None,
+    scalable: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
+    scalable_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None,
+    return _shaped(
+        *shape,
+        element_type=element_type,
+        type_constructor=partial(
+            VectorType.get, scalable=scalable, scalable_dims=scalable_dims
+        ),
+    )
+def _tensor(*shape, element_type: Type = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None):
+    if encoding is not None:
+        encoding = StringAttr.get(encoding)
+    if not len(shape) or len(shape) == 1 and isinstance(shape[-1], Type):
+        if encoding is not None:
+            raise ValueError("UnrankedTensorType does not support encoding.")
+        return _shaped(
+            *shape, element_type=element_type, type_constructor=UnrankedTensorType.get
+        )
+    else:
+        return _shaped(
+            *shape,
+            element_type=element_type,
+            type_constructor=partial(RankedTensorType.get, encoding=encoding),
+        )
+def _memref(
+    *shape,
+    element_type: Type = None,
+    memory_space: Optional[int] = None,
+    layout: Optional[StridedLayoutAttr] = None,
+    if memory_space is not None:
+        memory_space = Attribute.parse(str(memory_space))
+    if not len(shape) or len(shape) == 1 and isinstance(shape[-1], Type):
+        return _shaped(
+            *shape,
+            element_type=element_type,
+            type_constructor=partial(UnrankedMemRefType.get, memory_space=memory_space),
+        )
+    return _shaped(
+        *shape,
+        element_type=element_type,
+        type_constructor=partial(
+            MemRefType.get, memory_space=memory_space, layout=layout
+        ),
+    )
+def _tuple(*elements):
+    return TupleType.get_tuple(elements)
+def _function(*, inputs, results):
+    return FunctionType.get(inputs, results)
+def _isa_lambda(v):
+    return isinstance(v, type(lambda: None)) and v.__name__ == (lambda: None).__name__
+def __getattr__(name):
+    if name == "__path__":
+        # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html#path__
+        # If a module is a package (either regular or namespace), the module object’s __path__ attribute must be set.
+        # This module is NOT a package and so this must be None (rather than throw the RuntimeError below).
+        return None
+    try:
+        Context.current
makslevental wrote:

I think I would prefer that this just returned `None` instead of throwing a `ValueError` - that way I could check `is None` here instead of `try -> except -> raise`. And arguably properties shouldn't raise since they're supposed to emulate fields. What say you @ftynse?


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