[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][LLVM] Add Continuous Loop Peeling transform to SCF (PR #71555)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Nov 13 06:20:23 PST 2023

@@ -105,6 +106,168 @@ static void specializeForLoopForUnrolling(ForOp op) {
+static LogicalResult splitLoopHelper(RewriterBase &b, scf::ForOp &forOp,
muneebkhan85 wrote:

Yes, the function can be called from peelForLoop. The test mlir/test/Dialect/SCF/for-loop-peeling.mlir passes when spliLoopHelper is called after the new splitBound has been computed as shown here

`static LogicalResult peelForLoop(RewriterBase &b, ForOp forOp,
                                 ForOp &partialIteration, Value &splitBound) {

  auto loc = forOp.getLoc();
  AffineExpr sym0, sym1, sym2;
  bindSymbols(b.getContext(), sym0, sym1, sym2);
  // New upper bound: %ub - (%ub - %lb) mod %step
  auto modMap = AffineMap::get(0, 3, {sym1 - ((sym1 - sym0) % sym2)});
  splitBound = b.createOrFold<AffineApplyOp>(loc, modMap,

  if(failed(splitLoopHelper(b, forOp, partialIteration, splitBound)))
    return failure();

  return success();

But, should this change be a part of this patch? I think this is a separate change, as the current patch should only target the new addition of Continuous Loop Peeling?


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