[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][sparse] end-to-end matmul between Dense and BSR tensors (PR #71448)

Aart Bik llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 7 09:37:20 PST 2023

@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ class SparsificationAndBufferizationPass
     // of `bufferization.alloc_tensor` ops.
       OpPassManager pm("builtin.module");
-      pm.addPass(
-          createSparseReinterpretMapPass(ReinterpretMapScope::kGenericOnly));
+      // We need to reinterpret maps on GenericOp, EmptyOp, and AllocTensorOp.
aartbik wrote:

Generally, I want to avoid very specific inline comments in the pipeline. If the order is important, I would make a general HEADER comment for the series, and say something like, note that we run xxx before yyy to make sure that ... Embedded comments like this outdate very quickly


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