[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Add Lowerings for GPU WMMA F16/F32 ops to ROCDL dialect (PR #69357)

Navdeep Katel llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sun Nov 5 02:01:22 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+//===-------- WmmaOpsToAMDGPU.cpp - GPU WMMA ops to AMD GPU lowering ------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains definitions of patterns to lower GPU Subgroup MMA ops to
+// AMD GPU Dialect.
+#include "mlir/Conversion/GPUToAMDGPU/GPUToAMDGPUPass.h"
+#include "mlir/Conversion/GPUToROCDL/GPUToROCDLPass.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/AMDGPU/IR/AMDGPUDialect.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.h"
+using namespace mlir;
+namespace {
+static LogicalResult areAllVectorTypes(Operation *op, ValueRange operands,
+                                       ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+  if (!llvm::all_of(operands, [](Value value) {
+        return isa<mlir::VectorType>(value.getType());
+      })) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+        op, "cannot convert if operands aren't of Vector type.");
+  }
+  return success();
+/// Create a WMMA compute intrinsic doing the multiply-add operation as :
+///  `cOp` = `aOp` * `bOp` + `cOp`
+/// and return the generated op in `computeOp`.
+static LogicalResult createWMMAComputeIntrinsic(Value aOp, Value bOp, Value cOp,
+                                                Location loc, bool opSelect,
+                                                PatternRewriter &rewriter,
+                                                Value &computeOp) {
+  Type aType = aOp.getType();
+  Type bType = bOp.getType();
+  Type cType = cOp.getType();
+  // All the intrinsics present currently operate on vector types.
+  auto checkVecType = [](Value value, StringRef op) {
+    if (!isa<VectorType>(value.getType())) {
+      return mlir::emitError(value.getLoc(), op + "should be of vector type");
+    }
+    return InFlightDiagnostic();
+  };
+  if (failed(checkVecType(aOp, "aOp")))
+    return failure();
+  if (failed(checkVecType(bOp, "bOp")))
+    return failure();
+  if (failed(checkVecType(cOp, "cOp")))
+    return failure();
+  auto aVecType = aType.cast<VectorType>();
+  auto bVecType = bType.cast<VectorType>();
+  auto cVecType = cType.cast<VectorType>();
+  if (aVecType != bVecType)
+    return emitError(aOp.getLoc(), "aOp and bOp must be of same type");
+  Type aEltType = aVecType.getElementType();
+  Type cEltType = cVecType.getElementType();
+  // We support lowering for the mixed-precision and full fp16 WMMA intrinsics
+  // currently.
+  if (aEltType.isF16() && cEltType.isF32()) {
+    // subwordOffset is always false for F32 `C` operands as they occupy all 32
+    // bits in the VGPR.
+    computeOp = rewriter.create<amdgpu::WMMAOp>(loc, cType, aOp, bOp, cOp,
+                                                /*subwordOffset=*/false);
+    return success();
+  }
+  if (aEltType.isF16() && cEltType.isF16()) {
+    computeOp =
+        rewriter.create<amdgpu::WMMAOp>(loc, cType, aOp, bOp, cOp, opSelect);
+    return success();
+  }
+  return failure();
+/// This class implements the conversion of GPU MMA computeOp to wmma.mma op
+/// in the ROCDL dialect.
+struct WmmaMmaOpToAMDGPULowering
+    : public OpConversionPattern<gpu::SubgroupMmaComputeOp> {
+  WmmaMmaOpToAMDGPULowering(TypeConverter &typeConverter, MLIRContext *context,
+                            StringRef chip, unsigned warpSize)
+      : OpConversionPattern<gpu::SubgroupMmaComputeOp>::OpConversionPattern(
+            typeConverter, context),
+        warpSize(warpSize), chip(chip){};
+  LogicalResult
+  matchAndRewrite(gpu::SubgroupMmaComputeOp subgroupMmaComputeOp,
+                  OpAdaptor adaptor,
+                  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    if (failed(areAllVectorTypes(subgroupMmaComputeOp.getOperation(),
+                                 adaptor.getOperands(), rewriter)))
+      return failure();
+    std::size_t firstPos = chip.find("gfx11");
+    std::size_t lastPos = chip.rfind("gfx11");
+    if (firstPos != 0 || (firstPos != lastPos))
+      return subgroupMmaComputeOp->emitError(
+          "wmma lowering is supported for gfx11 series only");
+    if (warpSize != amd::kWaveFrontSize32)
+      return subgroupMmaComputeOp->emitError(
+          "wavefront of size 32 only supported");
+    auto aTranspose = subgroupMmaComputeOp.getATranspose();
+    auto bTranspose = subgroupMmaComputeOp.getBTranspose();
+    if ((aTranspose.has_value() && aTranspose.value()) ||
+        (bTranspose.has_value() && bTranspose.value()))
+      return subgroupMmaComputeOp->emitError(
+          "lowering with transpose is not supported. Please "
+          "use transpose while loading/storing the operands.");
+    Location loc = subgroupMmaComputeOp->getLoc();
+    gpu::MMAMatrixType aType =
+        subgroupMmaComputeOp.getOpA().getType().cast<gpu::MMAMatrixType>();
+    gpu::MMAMatrixType bType =
+        subgroupMmaComputeOp.getOpA().getType().cast<gpu::MMAMatrixType>();
+    gpu::MMAMatrixType cType =
+        subgroupMmaComputeOp.getOpC().getType().cast<gpu::MMAMatrixType>();
+    SmallVector<gpu::MMAMatrixType> allTypes = {aType, bType, cType};
+    SmallVector<int64_t> aTypeShape(aType.getShape());
+    SmallVector<int64_t> bTypeShape(bType.getShape());
+    SmallVector<int64_t> cTypeShape(cType.getShape());
+    SmallVector<SmallVector<int64_t>> allShapes = {aTypeShape, bTypeShape,
+                                                   cTypeShape};
+    if (!llvm::all_of(allShapes, [](ArrayRef<int64_t> shape) {
+          return llvm::all_of(shape, [](int dim) { return dim == 16; });
+        }))
+      return subgroupMmaComputeOp->emitError(
+          "wmma ops of shape 16x16x16 are only supported.");
+    // Get the WMMA intrinsic to map to.
+    bool opSelect = subgroupMmaComputeOp->hasAttrOfType<UnitAttr>(
+        amd::kAMDGpuOpselectAttrName);
+    Value computeOp;
+    if (failed(createWMMAComputeIntrinsic(adaptor.getOpA(), adaptor.getOpB(),
+                                          adaptor.getOpC(), loc, opSelect,
+                                          rewriter, computeOp)))
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(subgroupMmaComputeOp,
+                                         "unsupported mma op variant.");
+    rewriter.replaceOp(subgroupMmaComputeOp, computeOp);
+    return success();
+  }
+  /// `warpSize` is the warp size to use when generating WMMA intrinsics.
+  unsigned warpSize;
+  /// The target chip for which to generate the lowering.
+  std::string chip;
+} // namespace
+void mlir::populateGpuWMMAToAMDGPUConversionPatterns(
+    TypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns, StringRef chip,
+    unsigned warpSize) {
+  patterns.add<WmmaMmaOpToAMDGPULowering>(converter, patterns.getContext(),
+                                          chip, warpSize);
navdeepkk-polymagelabs wrote:

> (Or, perhaps, as another question ... how does Nvidia do it?)

The WMMA load and store ops in NVIDIA GPUs have llvm intrinsics as opposed to AMD GPUs which do not (only compute op has a WMMA intrinsic). I am not able to see any special advantages of adding one more layer into the lowering of load and store ops. I think it would have made sense to add load/store lowerings in the GPUToAMDGPU pass if there were intrinsics for them. Please add if I missed something.


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