[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Add sm_90a GEMM test 128x128x128 (F32 += F16 * F16) (PR #69913)

Guray Ozen llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Nov 1 06:25:36 PDT 2023

https://github.com/grypp updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69913

>From a530e7cc2e41de46defdecefd1b8831fba472ed7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guray Ozen <guray.ozen at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 12:26:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [mlir] Add sm_90a GEMM test 128x128x128 (F32 += F16 *

This PR adds a test that performs GEMM 128x128x128 (F32 += F16 * F16). It uses `sm_90a` features in NVGPU dialect.
 .../sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir    | 277 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 277 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir

diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..fbf804ca559c78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s \
+// RUN:  -test-lower-to-nvvm="cubin-chip=sm_90a cubin-features=+ptx80 opt-level=3" \
+// RUN:  | mlir-cpu-runner \
+// RUN:   --shared-libs=%mlir_cuda_runtime \
+// RUN:   --shared-libs=%mlir_runner_utils \
+// RUN:   --entry-point-result=void \
+// RUN:  | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: Correct Results : 16384
+// CHECK: Incorrect Results : 0
+// This program performs 128x128x128 GEMM (F32 += F16 * F16)
+// ## Sequential
+// for(128)
+//  for(128)
+//   for(128)
+//    D += A * B
+// ## Parallel 1 CTA with 1 Warpgroup with 2 pipelining stage
+//  cuda kernel() {
+//    mbarriers.init[2]
+//    for(i = 0;...2) {
+//       tma.load shmem_buffer<i x...>
+//       mbarrier.expect_tx group[i]
+//    }
+//    result = 
+//      for(i = 0;...2) {
+//        pipe = i % 2
+//        mbarrier.wait [pipe]
+//        lhs = shmem_buffer_lhs<pipe x 128 x 64>
+//        rhs = shmem_buffer_rhs<pipe x 64 x 128>
+//        yield nvgpu.warpgroup.mma (lhs, rhs)
+//        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+//        Expanded : nvgpu.warpgroup.mma [128][128]+=[128][64]*[64][128]
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[0:64][0:16]  *  B[0:16][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[0:64][16:32] *  B[16:32][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[0:64][32:48] *  B[32:48][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[0:64][48:64] *  B[48:64][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[64:128][0:16]  *  B[0:16][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[64:128][16:32] *  B[16:32][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[64:128][32:48] *  B[32:48][0:128])
+//                       wgmma.m64n128k16(A[64:128][48:64] *  B[48:64][0:128])
+//        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      }
+//    nvgpu.store result -> shmem_buffer_result
+!barrierType = !nvgpu.mbarrier.group<memorySpace = #gpu.address_space<workgroup>, num_barriers = 2>
+!lhsTensorMap = !nvgpu.tensormap.descriptor<tensor = memref<128x64xf16, 3>, swizzle = swizzle_128b, l2promo=none, oob=zero, interleave=none>
+!rhsTensorMap = !nvgpu.tensormap.descriptor<tensor = memref<64x128xf16, 3>, swizzle = swizzle_128b, l2promo=none, oob=zero, interleave=none>
+func.func private @printMemrefF32(memref<*xf32>)
+llvm.func @printf(!llvm.ptr<i8>, ...) -> i32
+memref.global "private" @dynamicShmem : memref<0xf16, 3> {alignment = 16 : i64}
+memref.global "private" @accShmem : memref<0xf32, 3> {alignment = 16 : i64}
+func.func @main() {
+  %c214016_i32 = arith.constant 214016 : i32
+  %hc1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %hc4096 = arith.constant 4096 : index
+  %hc0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %hc64 = arith.constant 64 : index
+  %hc16 = arith.constant 16 : index
+  %hc8 = arith.constant 8 : index
+  %hc128 = arith.constant 128 : index
+  %hc32 = arith.constant 32 : index
+  %hc256 = arith.constant 256 : index
+  %f0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
+  // Step 1. Allocate and Initilize LHS and RHS Matrices 
+  %matrixAHost = memref.alloc() : memref<128x128xf16>
+  %matrixBHost = memref.alloc() : memref<128x128xf16>
+  %matrixDHost = memref.alloc() : memref<128x128xf32>
+  %matrixRefHost = memref.alloc() : memref<128x128xf32>
+  scf.for %i = %hc0 to %hc128 step %hc1 {
+    scf.for %j = %hc0 to %hc128 step %hc1 {
+      %v0 = arith.muli %i, %hc128 : index         // i * 128
+      %v00 = arith.addi %v0, %j : index           // i * 128 + j
+      %v01 = arith.divui %v00, %hc8 : index        // (i * 128 + j) / 8
+      %v02 = arith.remui %v01, %hc16 : index      // <<<<< mod 128
+      %v2 = arith.index_cast %v02 : index to i32
+      %vR = arith.sitofp %v2 : i32 to f16
+      memref.store %vR, %matrixBHost[%i, %j] : memref<128x128xf16>
+      %b0 = arith.muli %j, %hc64 : index
+      %b00 = arith.addi %b0, %i : index
+      %b01 = arith.divui %b00, %hc8 : index
+      %b02 = arith.remui %b01, %hc16 : index      // <<<<< mod 128
+      %v1 = arith.index_cast %b02 : index to i32
+      %vL = arith.sitofp %v1 : i32 to f16
+      memref.store %vL, %matrixAHost[%j, %i] : memref<128x128xf16>
+      memref.store %f0, %matrixDHost[%i, %j] : memref<128x128xf32>
+      memref.store %f0, %matrixRefHost[%i, %j] : memref<128x128xf32>
+    }
+  }
+  // Step 2. Allocate Device Memory for LHS and RHS Matrices and Copy H2D
+  %token = gpu.wait async
+  %matrixA:2 = gpu.alloc async [%token] () : memref<128x128xf16>
+  %matrixB:2 = gpu.alloc async [%token]  () : memref<128x128xf16>
+  %matrixD:2 = gpu.alloc async [%token] () : memref<128x128xf32>
+  %1 = gpu.memcpy async [%token] %matrixA, %matrixAHost : memref<128x128xf16>, memref<128x128xf16>
+  %2 = gpu.memcpy async [%token] %matrixB, %matrixBHost : memref<128x128xf16>, memref<128x128xf16>
+  %castA = memref.cast %matrixA : memref<128x128xf16> to memref<*xf16>
+  %castB = memref.cast %matrixB : memref<128x128xf16> to memref<*xf16>
+  // Step 3. Create TMA Descriptor
+  %descA = nvgpu.tma.create.descriptor %castA box[%hc128, %hc64] : memref<*xf16> -> !lhsTensorMap
+  %descB = nvgpu.tma.create.descriptor %castB box[%hc64, %hc64] : memref<*xf16> -> !rhsTensorMap
+  // Step 4. Launch GPU Kernel
+  gpu.launch blocks(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) in (%arg6 = %hc1, %arg7 = %hc1, %arg8 = %hc1) 
+            threads(%arg3, %arg4, %arg5) in (%arg9 = %hc128, %arg10 = %hc1, %arg11 = %hc1) 
+            dynamic_shared_memory_size %c214016_i32 
+  {  
+    memref.assume_alignment %matrixD, 16 : memref<128x128xf32>
+    %c256 = arith.constant 256 : index
+    %c10000000 = arith.constant 10000000 : index
+    %c32768 = arith.constant 32768 : index
+    %c320 = arith.constant 320 : index
+    %c192 = arith.constant 192 : index
+    %c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
+    %c5 = arith.constant 5 : index
+    %c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
+    %c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
+    %c7 = arith.constant 7 : index    
+    %c64 = arith.constant 64 : index
+    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c128 = arith.constant 128 : index
+    %c32 = arith.constant 32 : index
+    %c16 = arith.constant 16 : index
+    %c4096 = arith.constant 4096 : index
+    %c8 = arith.constant 8 : index
+    %txcount = arith.constant 32768 : index     
+    %tidx = gpu.thread_id  x
+    %dynamicMem = memref.get_global @dynamicShmem : memref<0xf16, 3>
+    %lhsShmem = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [7, 128, 64], strides: [8192, 64, 1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<7x128x64xf16, 3>
+    %rhsShmem2 = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [14, 64, 128],  strides: [8192,128,1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<14x64x128xf16,3>
+    %rhsShmem = memref.subview %rhsShmem2[7, 0, 0][7, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<14x64x128xf16,3> to memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
+    // Step 1. [GPU] Create Async Transactional Barriers (mbarriers)
+    %barrier = nvgpu.mbarrier.create -> !barrierType
+    %cnd = arith.cmpi eq, %tidx, %c0 : index
+    // Step 2. [GPU] Initialize mbarriers 
+    nvgpu.mbarrier.init %barrier[%c0], %c1 : !barrierType
+    nvgpu.mbarrier.init %barrier[%c1], %c1 : !barrierType
+    // Step 3. [GPU] Prefetch TMA Descriptors to L1 Cache
+    nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descA : !lhsTensorMap
+    nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descB : !rhsTensorMap
+    // Step 4. [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 1   
+    scf.if %cnd {
+      %pipe = arith.constant 0 : index
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [0, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1]>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [0, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice2 = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 32, 0][1, 128, 64][1,1,1] : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 61440>, 3>
+      nvgpu.mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx %barrier[%pipe], %txcount : !barrierType        
+      %dim = arith.muli %pipe, %c64 : index
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1]>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice2 : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 61440>, 3>
+    }
+    // Step 4. [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 2
+    scf.if %cnd {
+      %pipe = arith.constant 1 : index
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [1, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [1, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice2 = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 32, 0][1, 128, 64][1,1,1] : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 69632>, 3>
+      nvgpu.mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx %barrier[%pipe], %txcount : !barrierType
+      %dim = arith.muli %pipe, %c64 : index  
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice2 : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 69632>, 3>      
+    }
+    // Step 5. [GPU] Initiliaze accumulator matrix
+    %14 = nvgpu.warpgroup.mma.init.accumulator -> <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
+    // Step 6. [GPU] Main Loop Starts
+    %15 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c2 step %c1 iter_args(%mc = %14) 
+                    -> (!nvgpu.warpgroup.accumulator<fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>)
+    {
+      %ticks = arith.constant 10000000 : index
+      // TMA wait
+      nvgpu.mbarrier.try_wait.parity %barrier[%i], %c0, %ticks : !barrierType
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
+      // Descriptor WGMMA
+      %dA = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %lhsSlice, %descA : memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !lhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<128x64xf16, 3>>
+      %dB = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %rhsSlice, %descB : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !rhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<64x128xf16, 3>>
+      // Perform WGMMA 128x128x64
+      %md  = nvgpu.warpgroup.mma %dA, %dB, %mc {transposeB} : <tensor = memref<128x64xf16,3>>, <tensor = memref<64x128xf16,3>>, <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>> -> <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
+      scf.yield %md : !nvgpu.warpgroup.accumulator<fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
+    }
+    // Step 10. Wait all to finish mma
+    nvvm.wgmma.wait.group.sync.aligned 0
+    // Step 11. [GPU] Epilogue, store fragmented register to shared memory
+    %accShmem = memref.get_global @accShmem : memref<0xf32, 3>
+    %accShmemPtr = memref.reinterpret_cast %accShmem to offset: [0], sizes: [128, 128], strides: [128, 1] : memref<0xf32, 3> to memref<128x128xf32, 3>
+    nvgpu.warpgroup.mma.store %15, %accShmemPtr : <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>> to memref<128x128xf32, 3>
+    %17 = arith.divui %tidx, %c32 : index
+    %18 = arith.remui %tidx, %c32 : index
+    scf.for %arg12 = %17 to %c128 step %c4 {
+      %19 = arith.muli %18, %c4 : index
+      %20 = vector.load %accShmemPtr[%arg12, %19] : memref<128x128xf32, 3>, vector<4xf32>
+      vector.store %20, %matrixD[%arg12, %19] : memref<128x128xf32>, vector<4xf32>
+    }
+    gpu.terminator
+  }
+  // Step 13. Copy D2H
+  %5 = gpu.memcpy async [%token] %matrixDHost, %matrixD  : memref<128x128xf32>, memref<128x128xf32>
+  gpu.wait [%token]
+  // Step 14. Compute on host
+  linalg.matmul ins(%matrixAHost, %matrixBHost : memref<128x128xf16>, memref<128x128xf16>) outs(%matrixRefHost : memref<128x128xf32>)
+  // Step 15. Verify
+  %ic1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
+  %ic0 = arith.constant 0 : i32
+  %tolerance = arith.constant 0.00000001 : f32
+  %errorCount, %correctCount = 
+  scf.for %i = %hc0 to %hc128 step %hc1 iter_args(%ec1 = %ic0, %cc1 = %ic0) -> (i32,i32) {
+    %ec2, %cc2 = 
+    scf.for %j = %hc0 to %hc128 step %hc1  iter_args(%ec2 = %ec1, %cc2 = %cc1) -> (i32,i32){
+      %v1 = memref.load %matrixRefHost[%i,%j] : memref<128x128xf32>
+      %v2 = memref.load %matrixDHost[%i,%j] : memref<128x128xf32>
+      %g1 = arith.subf %v1,%v2 : f32
+      %g2 = math.absf %g1: f32
+      %g3 = arith.cmpf ult, %tolerance, %g2 : f32        
+      %ec3, %cc3 = scf.if %g3 -> (i32, i32) {
+        %coor = arith.constant dense<-1> : vector<2xi32>
+        %i32 = arith.index_cast %i : index to i32
+        %j32 = arith.index_cast %j : index to i32
+        %coord1 = vector.insert %i32, %coor[0] : i32 into vector<2xi32>
+        %coord2 = vector.insert %j32, %coord1[1] : i32 into vector<2xi32>
+        // vector.print %coord2 : vector<2xi32>
+        %ec3 = arith.addi %ec2, %ic1 : i32
+        scf.yield %ec3, %cc2 : i32, i32
+      } else {
+        %cc3 = arith.addi %cc2, %ic1 : i32
+        scf.yield %ec2, %cc3 : i32, i32
+      }
+      scf.yield %ec3, %cc3 : i32,i32
+    }
+    scf.yield %ec2,%cc2 : i32,i32
+  }
+  %s0 = llvm.mlir.addressof @str_correct : !llvm.ptr<array<18 x i8>>
+  %s1 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+  %s2 = llvm.getelementptr %s0[%s1, %s1]
+    : (!llvm.ptr<array<18 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
+  func.call @printCString(%s2) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
+  vector.print %correctCount : i32
+  %s3 = llvm.mlir.addressof @str_incorrect : !llvm.ptr<array<20 x i8>>
+  %s4 = llvm.getelementptr %s3[%s1, %s1]
+    : (!llvm.ptr<array<20 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
+  func.call @printCString(%s4) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
+  vector.print %errorCount : i32
+  return
+llvm.mlir.global internal constant @str_correct("Correct Results : ") {addr_space = 0 : i32}
+llvm.mlir.global internal constant @str_incorrect("Incorrect Results : ") {addr_space = 0 : i32}
+func.func private @printCString(!llvm.ptr<i8>)

>From 8557f301d218e1fdb5f6af752d78b9babf638934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guray Ozen <guray.ozen at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:08:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] link runtime for print

 .../GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir           | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
index fbf804ca559c78c..033d960f0d6bf12 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 // RUN:  | mlir-cpu-runner \
 // RUN:   --shared-libs=%mlir_cuda_runtime \
 // RUN:   --shared-libs=%mlir_runner_utils \
+// RUN:   --shared-libs=%mlir_c_runner_utils \
 // RUN:   --entry-point-result=void \
 // RUN:  | FileCheck %s
@@ -244,8 +245,7 @@ func.func @main() {
         %i32 = arith.index_cast %i : index to i32
         %j32 = arith.index_cast %j : index to i32
         %coord1 = vector.insert %i32, %coor[0] : i32 into vector<2xi32>
-        %coord2 = vector.insert %j32, %coord1[1] : i32 into vector<2xi32>
-        // vector.print %coord2 : vector<2xi32>
+        %coord2 = vector.insert %j32, %coord1[1] : i32 into vector<2xi32>        
         %ec3 = arith.addi %ec2, %ic1 : i32
         scf.yield %ec3, %cc2 : i32, i32
       } else {

>From 67b817b9e6d370fb8c0149fafc007c265c986209 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guray Ozen <guray.ozen at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 13:05:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] fix numbers in the steps

 .../CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir   | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
index 033d960f0d6bf12..98e9fcbbc13a72d 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func.func @main() {
     nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descA : !lhsTensorMap
     nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descB : !rhsTensorMap
-    // Step 4. [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 1   
+    // Step 4.1 [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 1   
     scf.if %cnd {
       %pipe = arith.constant 0 : index
       %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [0, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1]>, 3>
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ func.func @main() {
       nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
       nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice2 : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 61440>, 3>
-    // Step 4. [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 2
+    // Step 4.2 [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 2
     scf.if %cnd {
       %pipe = arith.constant 1 : index
       %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [1, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
@@ -202,14 +202,15 @@ func.func @main() {
       scf.yield %md : !nvgpu.warpgroup.accumulator<fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
-    // Step 10. Wait all to finish mma
+    // Step 7. Wait all to finish mma
     nvvm.wgmma.wait.group.sync.aligned 0
-    // Step 11. [GPU] Epilogue, store fragmented register to shared memory
+    // Step 8. [GPU] Epilogue, store fragmented register to shared memory
     %accShmem = memref.get_global @accShmem : memref<0xf32, 3>
     %accShmemPtr = memref.reinterpret_cast %accShmem to offset: [0], sizes: [128, 128], strides: [128, 1] : memref<0xf32, 3> to memref<128x128xf32, 3>
     nvgpu.warpgroup.mma.store %15, %accShmemPtr : <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>> to memref<128x128xf32, 3>
+    // Step 9. [GPU] Epilogue, shared memory to global memory
     %17 = arith.divui %tidx, %c32 : index
     %18 = arith.remui %tidx, %c32 : index
     scf.for %arg12 = %17 to %c128 step %c4 {
@@ -220,14 +221,14 @@ func.func @main() {
-  // Step 13. Copy D2H
+  // Step 5. Copy D2H
   %5 = gpu.memcpy async [%token] %matrixDHost, %matrixD  : memref<128x128xf32>, memref<128x128xf32>
   gpu.wait [%token]
-  // Step 14. Compute on host
+  // Step 6. Compute on host
   linalg.matmul ins(%matrixAHost, %matrixBHost : memref<128x128xf16>, memref<128x128xf16>) outs(%matrixRefHost : memref<128x128xf32>)
-  // Step 15. Verify
+  // Step 7. Verify
   %ic1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
   %ic0 = arith.constant 0 : i32
   %tolerance = arith.constant 0.00000001 : f32

>From 24e6428938a558521ff470d29dbf54fd9c31f64f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guray Ozen <guray.ozen at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 14:25:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Improvments

- use vector.print str
- fix matrix-b tensor descriptor to 64x64
- memref rank reduction
 .../sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir    | 71 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
index 98e9fcbbc13a72d..23bf74dff333f79 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/GPU/CUDA/sm90/gemm_f32_f16_f16_128x128x128.mlir
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
 // RUN:   --entry-point-result=void \
 // RUN:  | FileCheck %s
-// CHECK: Correct Results : 16384
-// CHECK: Incorrect Results : 0
+// CHECK: Correct Results :
+// CHECK: 16384
+// CHECK: Incorrect Results :
+// CHECK: 0
 // This program performs 128x128x128 GEMM (F32 += F16 * F16)
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@
 !barrierType = !nvgpu.mbarrier.group<memorySpace = #gpu.address_space<workgroup>, num_barriers = 2>
 !lhsTensorMap = !nvgpu.tensormap.descriptor<tensor = memref<128x64xf16, 3>, swizzle = swizzle_128b, l2promo=none, oob=zero, interleave=none>
-!rhsTensorMap = !nvgpu.tensormap.descriptor<tensor = memref<64x128xf16, 3>, swizzle = swizzle_128b, l2promo=none, oob=zero, interleave=none>
+!rhsTensorMap = !nvgpu.tensormap.descriptor<tensor = memref<64x64xf16, 3>, swizzle = swizzle_128b, l2promo=none, oob=zero, interleave=none>
 func.func private @printMemrefF32(memref<*xf32>)
 llvm.func @printf(!llvm.ptr<i8>, ...) -> i32
@@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ memref.global "private" @dynamicShmem : memref<0xf16, 3> {alignment = 16 : i64}
 memref.global "private" @accShmem : memref<0xf32, 3> {alignment = 16 : i64}
 func.func @main() {
-  %c214016_i32 = arith.constant 214016 : i32
+  // matrix A (128*64) * matrix B (64*128) * stages(2)
+  // matrix A [128][64] * matrix B[64][128] * stages(2)
+  %shmemSize = arith.constant 65536 : i32
   %hc1 = arith.constant 1 : index
   %hc4096 = arith.constant 4096 : index
   %hc0 = arith.constant 0 : index
@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ func.func @main() {
   // Step 4. Launch GPU Kernel
   gpu.launch blocks(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) in (%arg6 = %hc1, %arg7 = %hc1, %arg8 = %hc1) 
             threads(%arg3, %arg4, %arg5) in (%arg9 = %hc128, %arg10 = %hc1, %arg11 = %hc1) 
-            dynamic_shared_memory_size %c214016_i32 
+            dynamic_shared_memory_size %shmemSize 
     memref.assume_alignment %matrixD, 16 : memref<128x128xf32>
@@ -141,9 +145,9 @@ func.func @main() {
     %tidx = gpu.thread_id  x
     %dynamicMem = memref.get_global @dynamicShmem : memref<0xf16, 3>
-    %lhsShmem = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [7, 128, 64], strides: [8192, 64, 1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<7x128x64xf16, 3>
-    %rhsShmem2 = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [14, 64, 128],  strides: [8192,128,1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<14x64x128xf16,3>
-    %rhsShmem = memref.subview %rhsShmem2[7, 0, 0][7, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<14x64x128xf16,3> to memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
+    %lhsShmem = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [2, 128, 64], strides: [8192, 64, 1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<2x128x64xf16, 3>
+    %rhsShmem2 = memref.reinterpret_cast %dynamicMem to offset: [0], sizes: [4, 64, 128],  strides: [8192,128,1] : memref<0xf16, 3> to memref<4x64x128xf16,3>
+    %rhsShmem = memref.subview %rhsShmem2[2, 0, 0][2, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<4x64x128xf16,3> to memref<2x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3>
     // Step 1. [GPU] Create Async Transactional Barriers (mbarriers)
     %barrier = nvgpu.mbarrier.create -> !barrierType
@@ -156,30 +160,32 @@ func.func @main() {
     // Step 3. [GPU] Prefetch TMA Descriptors to L1 Cache
     nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descA : !lhsTensorMap
     nvgpu.tma.prefetch.descriptor %descB : !rhsTensorMap
     // Step 4.1 [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 1   
     scf.if %cnd {
       %pipe = arith.constant 0 : index
-      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [0, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1]>, 3>
-      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [0, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
-      %rhsSlice2 = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 32, 0][1, 128, 64][1,1,1] : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 61440>, 3>
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem[0, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x128x64xf16, 3> to memref<128x64xf16, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem[0, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3> to memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3>
+      %halfFirst = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 0][64, 64][1, 1] : memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3> to memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3>
+      %halfSecond = memref.subview %rhsSlice[32, 0][64, 64][1, 1] : memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3> to memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 20480>, 3>
       nvgpu.mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx %barrier[%pipe], %txcount : !barrierType        
       %dim = arith.muli %pipe, %c64 : index
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1]>, 3>
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3>
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice2 : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 61440>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<128x64xf16, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %halfFirst : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %halfSecond : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 20480>, 3>
     // Step 4.2 [GPU] TMA Load Pipeline 2
     scf.if %cnd {
       %pipe = arith.constant 1 : index
-      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [1, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
-      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [1, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3>
-      %rhsSlice2 = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 32, 0][1, 128, 64][1,1,1] : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 69632>, 3>
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem[1, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x128x64xf16, 3> to memref<128x64xf16, strided<[64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem[1, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3> to memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 24576>, 3>
+      %halfFirst = memref.subview %rhsSlice[0, 0][64, 64][1, 1] : memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 24576>, 3> to memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 24576>, 3>
+      %halfSecond = memref.subview %rhsSlice[32, 0][64, 64][1, 1] : memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 24576>, 3> to memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 28672>, 3>
       nvgpu.mbarrier.arrive.expect_tx %barrier[%pipe], %txcount : !barrierType
       %dim = arith.muli %pipe, %c64 : index  
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 65536>, 3>
-      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %rhsSlice2 : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 69632>, 3>      
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descA[%dim, %c0], %barrier[%pipe] to %lhsSlice : !lhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<128x64xf16, strided<[64, 1], offset: 8192>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c0, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %halfFirst : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 24576>, 3>
+      nvgpu.tma.async.load %descB[%c64, %dim], %barrier[%pipe] to %halfSecond : !rhsTensorMap, !barrierType -> memref<64x64xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: 28672>, 3>
     // Step 5. [GPU] Initiliaze accumulator matrix
@@ -192,11 +198,11 @@ func.func @main() {
       %ticks = arith.constant 10000000 : index
       // TMA wait
       nvgpu.mbarrier.try_wait.parity %barrier[%i], %c0, %ticks : !barrierType
-      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x128x64xf16,3> to memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
-      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<7x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 57344>, 3> to memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
+      %lhsSlice = memref.subview %lhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 128, 64][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x128x64xf16, 3> to memref<128x64xf16, strided<[64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
+      %rhsSlice = memref.subview %rhsShmem [%i, 0, 0][1, 64, 128][1, 1, 1] : memref<2x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: 16384>, 3> to memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>
       // Descriptor WGMMA
-      %dA = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %lhsSlice, %descA : memref<1x64x128xf16, strided<[8192, 64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !lhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<128x64xf16, 3>>
-      %dB = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %rhsSlice, %descB : memref<1x128x64xf16, strided<[8192, 128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !rhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<64x128xf16, 3>>
+      %dA = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %lhsSlice, %descA : memref<128x64xf16, strided<[64, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !lhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<128x64xf16, 3>>
+      %dB = nvgpu.warpgroup.generate.descriptor %rhsSlice, %descB : memref<64x128xf16, strided<[128, 1], offset: ?>, 3>, !rhsTensorMap -> !nvgpu.warpgroup.descriptor<tensor=memref<64x128xf16, 3>>
       // Perform WGMMA 128x128x64
       %md  = nvgpu.warpgroup.mma %dA, %dB, %mc {transposeB} : <tensor = memref<128x64xf16,3>>, <tensor = memref<64x128xf16,3>>, <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>> -> <fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
       scf.yield %md : !nvgpu.warpgroup.accumulator<fragmented = vector<128x128xf32>>
@@ -258,21 +264,10 @@ func.func @main() {
     scf.yield %ec2,%cc2 : i32,i32
-  %s0 = llvm.mlir.addressof @str_correct : !llvm.ptr<array<18 x i8>>
-  %s1 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
-  %s2 = llvm.getelementptr %s0[%s1, %s1]
-    : (!llvm.ptr<array<18 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
-  func.call @printCString(%s2) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
+  vector.print str "Correct Results :"
   vector.print %correctCount : i32
-  %s3 = llvm.mlir.addressof @str_incorrect : !llvm.ptr<array<20 x i8>>
-  %s4 = llvm.getelementptr %s3[%s1, %s1]
-    : (!llvm.ptr<array<20 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
-  func.call @printCString(%s4) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
+  vector.print str "Incorrect Results :"
   vector.print %errorCount : i32
-llvm.mlir.global internal constant @str_correct("Correct Results : ") {addr_space = 0 : i32}
-llvm.mlir.global internal constant @str_incorrect("Incorrect Results : ") {addr_space = 0 : i32}
-func.func private @printCString(!llvm.ptr<i8>)

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