[Mlir-commits] [mlir] bb2ae98 - [mlir][Linalg] NFC - Apply cleanups to transforms

Nicolas Vasilache llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Feb 28 03:53:56 PST 2023

Author: Nicolas Vasilache
Date: 2023-02-28T03:25:01-08:00
New Revision: bb2ae9858104db096bce352007966a1c69ab9ec1

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bb2ae9858104db096bce352007966a1c69ab9ec1
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bb2ae9858104db096bce352007966a1c69ab9ec1.diff

LOG: [mlir][Linalg] NFC - Apply cleanups to transforms

Depends on: D144656

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D144717




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index ea645e8973c0b..e553df636097f 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -27,167 +27,310 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
 namespace mlir {
-namespace bufferization {
-class BufferizeTypeConverter;
-} // namespace bufferization
-class FrozenRewritePatternSet;
 namespace linalg {
-struct LinalgElementwiseFusionOptions;
-struct LinalgFusionOptions;
-struct LinalgTilingOptions;
+class LinalgOp;
-// Transformations exposed as function calls.
+// Utils.
-using LinalgLoops = SmallVector<Operation *, 4>;
-/// Materialize a buffer allocation for the given tensor.pad op and lower the
-/// op to linalg.fill/linalg.generic + memref.tensor_store. E.g.:
-/// %0 = tensor.pad low[%l] high[%h] %t ...
-/// is lowered to:
-/// %alloc = memref.alloc
-/// linalg.fill ... outs(%alloc)
-/// %subview = memref.subview %alloc [%l] [...] [1]
-/// memref.tensor_store %t, %subview
-/// %0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable
-/// In addition to rewriting the IR as shown above, the result of the
-/// bufferization.to_tensor op is returned.
-Value bufferizeToAllocation(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PadOp padOp,
-                            Attribute memorySpace = {});
-/// Materialize a buffer allocation for the given tensor value. E.g.:
-/// %alloc = memref.alloc
-/// memref.tensor_store %value, %alloc
-/// %0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable
-/// In case `value` is a tensor.pad result, the corresponding overload is used
-/// internally to produce a better bufferization.
-Value bufferizeToAllocation(RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value,
-                            Attribute memorySpace = {});
-void populatePadTensorTilingPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                     const LinalgTilingOptions &options);
-/// Populate patterns for splitting a `LinalgOp` with multiple statements within
-/// its payload into multiple `GenericOp` that have a single statement.
-/// The option `removeDeadArgsAndResults` adds patterns to remove dead arguments
-/// and results from the generated decomposed ops. This is default `true` since
-/// the core decomposition patterns relies on these clean up patterns. It is set
-/// to false only for testing purposes.
-void populateDecomposeLinalgOpsPattern(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                       bool removeDeadArgsAndResults = true);
-/// Populate patterns that convert non-destination-style ops to destination
-/// style ops.
-void populateConvertToDestinationStylePatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Populate patterns for vectorizing low-D convolution ops. This is a step in
-/// progressive lowering for convolution ops, it assume high-D convolution ops
-/// were decomposed previously.
-void populateConvolutionVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                              PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
-/// Populate patterns that convert `ElementwiseMappable` ops to linalg
-/// parallel loops.
-void populateElementwiseToLinalgConversionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Return vector::CombiningKind for the given op.
+std::optional<vector::CombiningKind> getCombinerOpKind(Operation *combinerOp);
-/// Populate patterns that are only useful in the context of sparse tensors.
-void populateSparseTensorRewriting(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+// Structs that configure the behavior of various transformations.
-/// Function type which is used to control when to stop fusion. It is expected
-/// that OpOperand is not modified in the callback. The OpOperand is not marked
-/// as const to allow callers to use non-const methods.
-using ControlFusionFn = std::function<bool(OpOperand *fusedOperand)>;
+using TileSizeComputationFunction =
+    std::function<SmallVector<Value, 4>(OpBuilder &, Operation *)>;
-/// Patterns for fusing linalg operation on tensors.
+struct LinalgTilingOptions {
+  /// Computation function that returns the tile sizes for each operation.
+  /// Delayed construction of constant tile sizes should occur to interoperate
+  /// with folding.
+  TileSizeComputationFunction tileSizeComputationFunction = nullptr;
-/// Pattern to fuse `linalg.generic` -> `linalg.generic` operations
-/// when both operations are fusable elementwise operations.
-void populateElementwiseOpsFusionPatterns(
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-    const ControlFusionFn &controlElementwiseOpFusion);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &
+  setTileSizeComputationFunction(TileSizeComputationFunction fun) {
+    tileSizeComputationFunction = std::move(fun);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Set the `tileSizeComputationFunction` to return the values `ts`. The
+  /// values must not fold away when tiling. Otherwise, use a more robust
+  /// `tileSizeComputationFunction`.
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setTileSizes(const SmallVector<Value, 4> &ts) {
+    tileSizeComputationFunction = [=](OpBuilder &, Operation *) { return ts; };
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Convenience function to set the `tileSizeComputationFunction` to a
+  /// function that computes tile sizes at the point they are needed. Allows
+  /// proper interaction with folding.
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts);
-/// Patterns to bubble up or down data layout ops across other operations.
-void populateDataLayoutPropagationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  /// Tile all dynamic dimensions by 1. I.e., scalarize those dimensions.
+  /// Note: `scalarizeDynamicDims` and `setTileSizes` cannot be used together.
+  LinalgTilingOptions &scalarizeDynamicDims();
-/// Pattern to remove dead operands and results of `linalg.generic` operations.
-/// This is effectively DCE for a linalg op.
-void populateEraseUnusedOperandsAndResultsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  /// The interchange vector to reorder the tiled loops.
+  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> interchangeVector = {};
-/// Patterns to promote inputs to outputs and remove unused inputs of
-/// `linalg.generic` ops.
-void populateEraseUnnecessaryInputsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setInterchange(ArrayRef<unsigned> interchange) {
+    interchangeVector.assign(interchange.begin(), interchange.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Function type to control generic op dimension collapsing. It is expected
-/// to return an array of `ReassociationIndices` representing dimensions that
-/// should be merged.
-using GetCollapsableDimensionsFn =
-    std::function<SmallVector<ReassociationIndices>(linalg::GenericOp)>;
+  /// The type of tile loops to generate.
+  LinalgTilingLoopType loopType = LinalgTilingLoopType::Loops;
-/// Pattern to collapse dimensions in a linalg.generic op. This will collapse
-/// tensor operands when needed and expand back the result tensors.
-void populateCollapseDimensions(
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-    const GetCollapsableDimensionsFn &controlCollapseDimensions);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setLoopType(LinalgTilingLoopType lt) {
+    loopType = lt;
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Patterns to fold an expanding (collapsing) tensor_reshape operation with its
-/// producer (consumer) generic operation by expanding the dimensionality of the
-/// loop in the generic op.
-void populateFoldReshapeOpsByExpansionPatterns(
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes);
+  /// When specified, specifies distribution of generated tile loops to
+  /// processors.
+  std::optional<LinalgLoopDistributionOptions> distribution;
-/// Patterns to fold an expanding tensor.expand_shape operation with its
-/// producer generic operation by collapsing the dimensions of the generic op.
-void populateFoldReshapeOpsByCollapsingPatterns(
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &
+  setDistributionOptions(LinalgLoopDistributionOptions distributionOptions) {
+    distribution = std::move(distributionOptions);
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Patterns to constant fold Linalg operations.
-void populateConstantFoldLinalgOperations(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                          const ControlFusionFn &controlFn);
+  /// Specification markers of how to distribute the `linalg.tiled_loop`.
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 2> distributionTypes = {};
-/// Pattern to fuse a `tensor.pad` operation with the producer of its source,
-/// if the producer is a `linalg` operation with all parallel iterator types.
-void populateFuseTensorPadWithProducerLinalgOpPatterns(
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setDistributionTypes(ArrayRef<StringRef> types) {
+    distributionTypes.assign(types.begin(), types.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Patterns to convert from one named op to another. These can be seen as
-/// canonicalizations of named ops into another named op.
-void populateLinalgNamedOpConversionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  /// Peel the specified loops.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> peeledLoops;
-/// Patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on
-/// tensors via reassociative reshape ops.
-void populateFoldUnitExtentDimsViaReshapesPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+  LinalgTilingOptions &setPeeledLoops(ArrayRef<int64_t> loops) {
+    peeledLoops.clear();
+    peeledLoops.append(loops.begin(), loops.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on
-/// tensors via rank-reducing slices.
-void populateFoldUnitExtentDimsViaSlicesPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+struct LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions {
+  /// Tile sizes used to tile the root operation.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> tileSizes;
+  LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions &setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts) {
+    tileSizes.assign(ts.begin(), ts.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Tile interchange used to permute the tile loops.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> tileInterchange;
+  /// When specified, specifies distribution of generated tile loops to
+  /// processors.
+  std::optional<LinalgLoopDistributionOptions> tileDistribution;
+  LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions &
+  setDistributionOptions(LinalgLoopDistributionOptions distributionOptions) {
+    tileDistribution = std::move(distributionOptions);
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// A pattern that converts init operands to input operands.
-void populateMoveInitOperandsToInputPattern(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+struct LinalgPaddingOptions {
+  /// A padding value for every operand.
+  SmallVector<Attribute> paddingValues;
+  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPaddingValues(ArrayRef<Attribute> pv) {
+    paddingValues.assign(pv.begin(), pv.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// A list of iterator dimensions to pad.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> paddingDimensions;
+  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPaddingDimensions(ArrayRef<int64_t> pd) {
+    paddingDimensions.assign(pd.begin(), pd.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// A flag for every operand to mark the PadOp as nofold which enables
+  /// packing for statically shaped operands.
+  SmallVector<bool> packPaddings;
+  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPackPaddings(ArrayRef<bool> pp) {
+    packPaddings.assign(pp.begin(), pp.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// A number of loops to hoist the PadOp out for every operand.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> hoistPaddings;
+  LinalgPaddingOptions &setHoistPaddings(ArrayRef<int64_t> hp) {
+    hoistPaddings.assign(hp.begin(), hp.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// A permutation vector for every operand used to transpose the packed
+  /// PadOp results.
+  SmallVector<SmallVector<int64_t>> transposePaddings;
+  LinalgPaddingOptions &
+  setTransposePaddings(ArrayRef<SmallVector<int64_t>> tp) {
+    transposePaddings.assign(tp.begin(), tp.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
-/// Patterns that are used to inline constant operands into linalg generic ops.
-void populateInlineConstantOperandsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Callback function type used to perform the allocation for the promoted
+/// `subView`. In `boundingSubViewsize` a best attempt is made to find the
+/// smallest constant value for the size of the buffer needed for each
+/// dimension. If that is not possible, contains the dynamic size of the
+/// subview. The call back should return the buffer to use.
+using AllocBufferCallbackFn = std::function<std::optional<Value>(
+    OpBuilder &b, memref::SubViewOp subView,
+    ArrayRef<Value> boundingSubViewSize, DataLayout &layout)>;
-/// Patterns that are used to bubble up extract slice op above linalg op.
-void populateBubbleUpExtractSliceOpPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Callback function type used to deallocate the buffers used to hold the
+/// promoted subview.
+using DeallocBufferCallbackFn =
+    std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &b, Value buffer)>;
-/// Adds patterns that waps tensor.extract_slice(linalg.fill(%cst, %init)) into
-/// linalg.fill(%cst, tensor.extract_slice(%init)).
-void populateSwapExtractSliceWithFillPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Callback function type used to insert copy from original subview to
+/// subview of the promoted region for the read operands/subview of promoted
+/// region to original subview for the results. The copy has to happen from
+/// `src` to `dst`.
+using CopyCallbackFn =
+    std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &b, Value src, Value dst)>;
+struct LinalgPromotionOptions {
+  /// Indices of subViews to promote. If `std::nullopt`, try to promote all
+  /// operands.
+  std::optional<DenseSet<unsigned>> operandsToPromote;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setOperandsToPromote(ArrayRef<int64_t> operands) {
+    operandsToPromote = DenseSet<unsigned>();
+    operandsToPromote->insert(operands.begin(), operands.end());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// If ith element of `useFullTiles` is true the full view should be used
+  /// for the promoted buffer of the ith operand in `operandsToPromote`.
+  /// Otherwise the partial view will be used. The decision is defaulted to
+  /// `useFullTileBuffersDefault` when `useFullTileBuffers` is None and for
+  /// operands missing from `useFullTileBuffers`.
+  std::optional<llvm::SmallBitVector> useFullTileBuffers;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseFullTileBuffers(ArrayRef<bool> useFullTiles) {
+    unsigned size = useFullTiles.size();
+    llvm::SmallBitVector tmp(size, false);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+      tmp[i] = useFullTiles[i];
+    useFullTileBuffers = tmp;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// If true all operands unspecified by `useFullTileBuffers` will use the
+  /// full view, otherwise the partial view.
+  bool useFullTileBuffersDefault = false;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseFullTileBuffersByDefault(bool use) {
+    useFullTileBuffersDefault = use;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Alignment of promoted buffer. If `std::nullopt` do not specify alignment.
+  std::optional<unsigned> alignment;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setAlignment(unsigned align) {
+    alignment = align;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Use alloca with the default allocation scheme.
+  bool useAlloca = false;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseAlloca(bool use) {
+    useAlloca = use;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Callback function to do the allocation of the promoted buffer. If
+  /// std::nullopt, then the default allocation scheme of allocating a
+  /// memref<?xi8> buffer followed by a view operation is used.
+  std::optional<AllocBufferCallbackFn> allocationFn;
+  std::optional<DeallocBufferCallbackFn> deallocationFn;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &
+  setAllocationDeallocationFns(AllocBufferCallbackFn const &allocFn,
+                               DeallocBufferCallbackFn const &deallocFn) {
+    allocationFn = allocFn;
+    deallocationFn = deallocFn;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Callback function to do the copy of data to and from the promoted
+  /// subview. If std::nullopt then a memref.copy is used.
+  std::optional<CopyCallbackFn> copyInFn;
+  std::optional<CopyCallbackFn> copyOutFn;
+  LinalgPromotionOptions &setCopyInOutFns(CopyCallbackFn const &copyIn,
+                                          CopyCallbackFn const &copyOut) {
+    copyInFn = copyIn;
+    copyOutFn = copyOut;
+    return *this;
+  }
+/// Split Reduction options.
+struct SplitReductionOptions {
+  // Ratio used to split the reduction dimension.  If the ratio is <= 1,
+  // nothing will be done.
+  int64_t ratio = 0;
+  // Index where the extra dimension is added to the intermediate tensor
+  // shape.
+  unsigned index = 0;
+  // If the inner dimension after splitting is parallel or reduction.
+  bool innerParallel = false;
+/// Function signature to control reduction splitting. This returns
+/// `SplitReductionOptions`.
+// TODO: don't use unsigned unless doing bit manipulation.
+using ControlSplitReductionFn =
+    std::function<SplitReductionOptions(LinalgOp op)>;
+// Preconditions that ensure the corresponding transformation succeeds and can
+// be applied as a rewrite pattern.
 /// Return true if two `linalg.generic` operations with producer/consumer
 /// relationship through `fusedOperand` can be fused using elementwise op
 /// fusion.
 bool areElementwiseOpsFusable(OpOperand *fusedOperand);
+/// Promote memref.subviews feeding linalg-on-buffers operations.
+LogicalResult promoteSubviewsPrecondition(Operation *op,
+                                          LinalgPromotionOptions options);
+/// Return success if the operation can be vectorized.
+vectorizeLinalgOpPrecondition(LinalgOp linalgOp,
+                              ArrayRef<int64_t> inputVectorSizes = {},
+                              bool vectorizeNDExtract = false);
+// Transformations exposed as functional-style API calls.
+using LinalgLoops = SmallVector<Operation *, 4>;
+/// Materialize a buffer allocation for the given tensor.pad op and lower the
+/// op to linalg.fill/linalg.generic + memref.tensor_store. E.g.:
+/// %0 = tensor.pad low[%l] high[%h] %t ...
+/// is lowered to:
+/// %alloc = memref.alloc
+/// linalg.fill ... outs(%alloc)
+/// %subview = memref.subview %alloc [%l] [...] [1]
+/// memref.tensor_store %t, %subview
+/// %0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable
+/// In addition to rewriting the IR as shown above, the result of the
+/// bufferization.to_tensor op is returned.
+Value bufferizeToAllocation(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PadOp padOp,
+                            Attribute memorySpace = {});
+/// Materialize a buffer allocation for the given tensor value. E.g.:
+/// %alloc = memref.alloc
+/// memref.tensor_store %value, %alloc
+/// %0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable
+/// In case `value` is a tensor.pad result, the corresponding overload is used
+/// internally to produce a better bufferization.
+Value bufferizeToAllocation(RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value,
+                            Attribute memorySpace = {});
 /// Fuse two `linalg.generic` operations that have a producer-consumer
 /// relationship captured through `fusedOperand`. The method expects
 /// that `areElementwiseOpsFusable` returns true for the given `fusedOperand`.
@@ -198,6 +341,31 @@ struct ElementwiseOpFusionResult {
 fuseElementwiseOps(RewriterBase &rewriter, OpOperand *fusedOperand);
+/// Try to peel and canonicalize loop `op` and return the new result.
+/// Also applies affine_min/max bounds simplification on the fly where relevant.
+// TODO: Add support for scf.parallel and affine.for loops.
+SmallVector<Value> peelLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op);
+/// Peel 'loops' and applies affine_min/max bounds simplification on the fly
+/// where relevant.
+void peelLoops(RewriterBase &rewriter, ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops);
+/// Pad the iterator dimensions `paddingDimensions` of all `opToPad` operands
+/// to a static bounding box. Use `paddingValues` and `packPaddings` to set
+/// padding value and nofold attribute of the created tensor::PadOps,
+/// respectively. Update `paddedOp` to the cloned operation with statically
+/// shaped `paddingDimensions` and return the extracted dynamically shaped
+/// results. If padding fails, return failure.
+rewriteAsPaddedOp(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp opToPad,
+                  ArrayRef<int64_t> paddingDimensions,
+                  ArrayRef<Attribute> paddingValues,
+                  ArrayRef<bool> packPaddings, LinalgOp &paddedOp);
+/// Apply padding to `linalgOp`
+FailureOr<LinalgOp> padLinalgOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp,
+                                LinalgPaddingOptions options);
 /// Split the given `op` into two parts along the given iteration space
 /// `dimension` at the specified `splitPoint`, and return the two parts.
 /// If the second part is statically known to be empty, do not create it
@@ -253,12 +421,6 @@ struct TiledLinalgOp {
 FailureOr<TiledLinalgOp> tileLinalgOp(RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op,
                                       const LinalgTilingOptions &options);
-/// Try to peel and canonicalize loop `op` and return the new result.
-// TODO: Add support for scf.parallel and affine.for loops.
-SmallVector<Value> peelLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op);
-/// Peel and canonicalize 'loops'.
-void peelLoops(RewriterBase &rewriter, ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops);
 /// Interchange the `iterator_types` and `iterator_maps` dimensions and adapts
 /// the index accesses of `op`. This is an in-place transformation controlled
 /// by `interchangeVector`. An empty vector is interpreted as the identity
@@ -280,93 +442,6 @@ FailureOr<GenericOp> interchangeGenericOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
 FailureOr<GenericOp> generalizeNamedOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
                                        LinalgOp namedOp);
-/// Callback function type used to perform the allocation for the promoted
-/// `subView`. In `boundingSubViewsize` a best attempt is made to find the
-/// smallest constant value for the size of the buffer needed for each
-/// dimension. If that is not possible, contains the dynamic size of the
-/// subview. The call back should return the buffer to use.
-using AllocBufferCallbackFn = std::function<std::optional<Value>(
-    OpBuilder &b, memref::SubViewOp subView,
-    ArrayRef<Value> boundingSubViewSize, DataLayout &layout)>;
-/// Callback function type used to deallocate the buffers used to hold the
-/// promoted subview.
-using DeallocBufferCallbackFn =
-    std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &b, Value buffer)>;
-/// Callback function type used to insert copy from original subview to
-/// subview of the promoted region for the read operands/subview of promoted
-/// region to original subview for the results. The copy has to happen from
-/// `src` to `dst`.
-using CopyCallbackFn =
-    std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &b, Value src, Value dst)>;
-struct LinalgPromotionOptions {
-  /// Indices of subViews to promote. If `std::nullopt`, try to promote all
-  /// operands.
-  std::optional<DenseSet<unsigned>> operandsToPromote;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setOperandsToPromote(ArrayRef<int64_t> operands) {
-    operandsToPromote = DenseSet<unsigned>();
-    operandsToPromote->insert(operands.begin(), operands.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// If ith element of `useFullTiles` is true the full view should be used
-  /// for the promoted buffer of the ith operand in `operandsToPromote`.
-  /// Otherwise the partial view will be used. The decision is defaulted to
-  /// `useFullTileBuffersDefault` when `useFullTileBuffers` is None and for
-  /// operands missing from `useFullTileBuffers`.
-  std::optional<llvm::SmallBitVector> useFullTileBuffers;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseFullTileBuffers(ArrayRef<bool> useFullTiles) {
-    unsigned size = useFullTiles.size();
-    llvm::SmallBitVector tmp(size, false);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-      tmp[i] = useFullTiles[i];
-    useFullTileBuffers = tmp;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// If true all operands unspecified by `useFullTileBuffers` will use the
-  /// full view, otherwise the partial view.
-  bool useFullTileBuffersDefault = false;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseFullTileBuffersByDefault(bool use) {
-    useFullTileBuffersDefault = use;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Alignment of promoted buffer. If `std::nullopt` do not specify alignment.
-  std::optional<unsigned> alignment;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setAlignment(unsigned align) {
-    alignment = align;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Use alloca with the default allocation scheme.
-  bool useAlloca = false;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setUseAlloca(bool use) {
-    useAlloca = use;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Callback function to do the allocation of the promoted buffer. If
-  /// std::nullopt, then the default allocation scheme of allocating a
-  /// memref<?xi8> buffer followed by a view operation is used.
-  std::optional<AllocBufferCallbackFn> allocationFn;
-  std::optional<DeallocBufferCallbackFn> deallocationFn;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &
-  setAllocationDeallocationFns(AllocBufferCallbackFn const &allocFn,
-                               DeallocBufferCallbackFn const &deallocFn) {
-    allocationFn = allocFn;
-    deallocationFn = deallocFn;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Callback function to do the copy of data to and from the promoted
-  /// subview. If std::nullopt then a memref.copy is used.
-  std::optional<CopyCallbackFn> copyInFn;
-  std::optional<CopyCallbackFn> copyOutFn;
-  LinalgPromotionOptions &setCopyInOutFns(CopyCallbackFn const &copyIn,
-                                          CopyCallbackFn const &copyOut) {
-    copyInFn = copyIn;
-    copyOutFn = copyOut;
-    return *this;
-  }
 /// Create a new buffer using the `allocationFn` provided. The size of this
 /// buffer is the smallest constant bounding size along each dimension that
 /// can be computed for the size of the result of `subView`. Returns the
@@ -444,27 +519,6 @@ FailureOr<LinalgLoops> linalgOpToParallelLoops(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
 FailureOr<LinalgLoops> linalgOpToAffineLoops(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
                                              LinalgOp linalgOp);
-// Preconditions that ensure the corresponding transformation succeeds and can
-// be applied as a rewrite pattern.
-/// Promote memref.subviews feeding linalg-on-buffers operations.
-LogicalResult promoteSubviewsPrecondition(Operation *op,
-                                          LinalgPromotionOptions options);
-/// Return success if the operation can be vectorized.
-vectorizeLinalgOpPrecondition(LinalgOp linalgOp,
-                              ArrayRef<int64_t> inputVectorSizes = {},
-                              bool vectorizeNDExtract = false);
-// Transformations exposed as rewrite patterns.
-using TileSizeComputationFunction =
-    std::function<SmallVector<Value, 4>(OpBuilder &, Operation *)>;
 /// Creates a number of ranges equal to the number of non-zero in `tileSizes`.
 /// One for each loop of the LinalgOp that is tiled. The `tileSizes` argument
 /// has one entry per surrounding loop. It uses zero as the convention that a
@@ -655,137 +709,218 @@ void transformIndexOps(RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op,
                        SmallVectorImpl<Value> &ivs,
                        const LoopIndexToRangeIndexMap &loopIndexToRangeIndex);
-struct LinalgPaddingOptions {
-  /// A padding value for every operand.
-  SmallVector<Attribute> paddingValues;
-  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPaddingValues(ArrayRef<Attribute> pv) {
-    paddingValues.assign(pv.begin(), pv.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// A list of iterator dimensions to pad.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> paddingDimensions;
-  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPaddingDimensions(ArrayRef<int64_t> pd) {
-    paddingDimensions.assign(pd.begin(), pd.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// A flag for every operand to mark the PadOp as nofold which enables
-  /// packing for statically shaped operands.
-  SmallVector<bool> packPaddings;
-  LinalgPaddingOptions &setPackPaddings(ArrayRef<bool> pp) {
-    packPaddings.assign(pp.begin(), pp.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// A number of loops to hoist the PadOp out for every operand.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> hoistPaddings;
-  LinalgPaddingOptions &setHoistPaddings(ArrayRef<int64_t> hp) {
-    hoistPaddings.assign(hp.begin(), hp.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// A permutation vector for every operand used to transpose the packed
-  /// PadOp results.
-  SmallVector<SmallVector<int64_t>> transposePaddings;
-  LinalgPaddingOptions &
-  setTransposePaddings(ArrayRef<SmallVector<int64_t>> tp) {
-    transposePaddings.assign(tp.begin(), tp.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-struct LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions {
-  /// Tile sizes used to tile the root operation.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> tileSizes;
-  LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions &setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts) {
-    tileSizes.assign(ts.begin(), ts.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Tile interchange used to permute the tile loops.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> tileInterchange;
-  /// When specified, specifies distribution of generated tile loops to
-  /// processors.
-  std::optional<LinalgLoopDistributionOptions> tileDistribution;
-  LinalgTilingAndFusionOptions &
-  setDistributionOptions(LinalgLoopDistributionOptions distributionOptions) {
-    tileDistribution = std::move(distributionOptions);
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Apply transformation to split the single linalg op reduction into a
+/// parallel and reduction dimension. Then create a new linalg.generic op
+/// doing the rest of the reduction. Return the new linalg op with an extra
+/// parallel dimension or failure if the transformation didn't happen.
+/// Example:
+/// ```
+///  %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
+///                                        affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
+///       iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
+///  ins(%in : tensor<32xf32>)
+///  outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
+///  ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
+///    %y = arith.addf %arg1, %arg2 : f32
+///    linalg.yield %y : f32
+///  } -> tensor<f32>
+/// ```
+/// To:
+/// ```
+///  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+///  %0 = tensor.expand_shape %in [[0, 1]] : tensor<32xf32> into
+///  tensor<4x8xf32> %1 = tensor.empty [4] : tensor<4xf32> %2 = linalg.fill
+///  ins(%cst : f32) outs(%1 : tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32> %3 =
+///  linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
+///                                        affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
+///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
+///    ins(%0 : tensor<4x8xf32>) outs(%2 : tensor<4xf32>) {
+///    ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg5: f32):
+///    %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
+///    linalg.yield %5 : f32
+///  } -> tensor<4xf32>
+/// %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
+///                                       affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
+///   iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
+///   ins(%3 : tensor<4xf32>) outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
+///   ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
+///   %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
+///   linalg.yield %5 : f32
+/// } -> tensor<f32>
+/// ```
+struct SplitReductionResult {
+  Operation *initOrAlloc;
+  FillOp fillOp;
+  LinalgOp splitLinalgOp;
+  LinalgOp resultCombiningLinalgOp;
+splitReduction(PatternRewriter &b, LinalgOp op,
+               const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
+               bool useAlloc = false);
-struct LinalgTilingOptions {
-  /// Computation function that returns the tile sizes for each operation.
-  /// Delayed construction of constant tile sizes should occur to interoperate
-  /// with folding.
-  TileSizeComputationFunction tileSizeComputationFunction = nullptr;
-  LinalgTilingOptions &
-  setTileSizeComputationFunction(TileSizeComputationFunction fun) {
-    tileSizeComputationFunction = std::move(fun);
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Set the `tileSizeComputationFunction` to return the values `ts`. The
-  /// values must not fold away when tiling. Otherwise, use a more robust
-  /// `tileSizeComputationFunction`.
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setTileSizes(const SmallVector<Value, 4> &ts) {
-    tileSizeComputationFunction = [=](OpBuilder &, Operation *) { return ts; };
-    return *this;
-  }
-  /// Convenience function to set the `tileSizeComputationFunction` to a
-  /// function that computes tile sizes at the point they are needed. Allows
-  /// proper interaction with folding.
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts);
-  /// Tile all dynamic dimensions by 1. I.e., scalarize those dimensions.
-  /// Note: `scalarizeDynamicDims` and `setTileSizes` cannot be used together.
-  LinalgTilingOptions &scalarizeDynamicDims();
-  /// The interchange vector to reorder the tiled loops.
-  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> interchangeVector = {};
+/// Scaling-based implementation of the split reduction transformation.
+/// Instead of introducing an ExpandShapeOp, this rewrites a reduction
+/// dimension `k` into `k * scale + kk`.
+/// Example:
+/// ```
+///  %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B: tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>)
+///    outs(%C: tensor<16x32xf32>) -> tensor<16x32xf32>
+/// ```
+/// Is transformed to:
+/// ```
+///  #map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d2 * 4 + d3)>
+///  #map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2 * 4 + d3, d1)>
+///  #map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2, d3)>
+///  #map3 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
+///  #map4 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
+///  #map5 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
+///  %0 = tensor.empty [16, 32, 64] : tensor<16x32x64xf32>
+///  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+///  %1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) ->
+///     tensor<16x32x64xf32>
+///  %2 = tensor.empty [64, 4] : tensor<64x4xi1>
+///  %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map0, #map1, #map2, #map3],
+///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+///    ins(%A, %B, %2 : tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>,
+///    tensor<64x4xi1>)
+///   outs(%1 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) {
+///      ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32, %arg5: i1, %arg6: f32):
+///        %5 = arith.mulf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
+///        %6 = arith.addf %arg6, %5 : f32
+///        linalg.yield %6 : f32
+///  } -> tensor<16x32x64xf32>
+///  %4 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map4, #map5],
+///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+//     ins(%3 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>)
+///    outs(%C : tensor<16x32xf32>) {
+///      ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
+///        %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
+///        linalg.yield %5 : f32
+///  } -> tensor<16x32xf32>
+///  return %4 : tensor<16x32xf32>
+/// ```
+splitReductionByScaling(PatternRewriter &b, LinalgOp op,
+                        const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
+                        bool useAlloc = false);
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setInterchange(ArrayRef<unsigned> interchange) {
-    interchangeVector.assign(interchange.begin(), interchange.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Collapses dimensions of linalg.generic operation. It also collapses inputs
+/// before the op and expands outputs after the op.
+FailureOr<SmallVector<Value>> collapseGenericOpIterationDims(
+    GenericOp genericOp, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> foldedIterationDims,
+    RewriterBase &rewriter);
-  /// The type of tile loops to generate.
-  LinalgTilingLoopType loopType = LinalgTilingLoopType::Loops;
+/// Struct to hold the result of a `pack` call.
+struct PackResult {
+  SmallVector<tensor::PackOp> packOps;
+  linalg::LinalgOp packedLinalgOp;
+  SmallVector<tensor::UnPackOp> unPackOps;
+/// Implement packing of a single LinalgOp by `packedSizes`.
+/// There must be one packedSizes entry per `linalgOp` iterator.
+/// Return the packed Linalg op on success, failure otherwise.
+FailureOr<PackResult> pack(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
+                           ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> packedSizes);
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setLoopType(LinalgTilingLoopType lt) {
-    loopType = lt;
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Struct to hold the result of a `packTranspose` call.
+struct PackTransposeResult {
+  tensor::PackOp transposedPackOp;
+  linalg::LinalgOp transposedLinalgOp;
+  tensor::UnPackOp transposedUnPackOp;
+/// Transpose a single PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain and return the
+/// transposed PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain after replacements.
+/// Return failure if either:
+///   1. the `packOp` does not have the `linalgOp` as its unique use.
+///   2. the `maybeUnPackOp`, if specified must be a consumer of the result tied
+///      to the unique `packOp` use.
+///   3. `outerPerm` (resp. `innerPerm`) must be valid permutations of
+///      `packOp.getOuterDimsPerm` (resp. `packOp.getInnerDimsPerm`) or empty.
+packTranspose(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PackOp packOp,
+              linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, tensor::UnPackOp maybeUnPackOp,
+              ArrayRef<int64_t> outerPerm, ArrayRef<int64_t> innerPerm);
-  /// When specified, specifies distribution of generated tile loops to
-  /// processors.
-  std::optional<LinalgLoopDistributionOptions> distribution;
+/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
+FailureOr<Operation *>
+rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                 tensor::FromElementsOp fromElementsOp);
-  LinalgTilingOptions &
-  setDistributionOptions(LinalgLoopDistributionOptions distributionOptions) {
-    distribution = std::move(distributionOptions);
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Rewrite tensor.generate to linalg.generic.
+FailureOr<Operation *>
+rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                 tensor::GenerateOp generateOp);
-  /// Specification markers of how to distribute the `linalg.tiled_loop`.
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 2> distributionTypes = {};
+/// Rewrite tensor.pad to linalg.generic + tensor.insert_slice.
+FailureOr<Operation *> rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                                        tensor::PadOp padOp);
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setDistributionTypes(ArrayRef<StringRef> types) {
-    distributionTypes.assign(types.begin(), types.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf into linalg.generic (for img2col packing)
+/// and linalg.matmul.
+/// A convolution operation can be written as a matrix-matrix multiplication by
+/// unfolding the cross-correlation between input and filter and explicitly copy
+/// overlapped sliding window inputs.
+/// Consider 2D input X with single channel input and output and 2x2 filter W:
+/// [x(0, 0)  , x(0, 1)  , ...,   x(0, n)  ]
+/// [x(1, 0)  , x(1, 1)  , ...,   x(1, n)  ]
+/// [.        ,  .       ,.   ,      .     ]            [w(0, 0), w(0, 1)]
+/// [.        ,  .       , .  ,      .     ]    (conv)  [w(1, 0), w(1, 1)]
+/// [.        ,  .       ,   .,      .     ]
+/// [x(n-1, 0), x(n-1, 1), ..., x(n-1, n-1)]
+/// The packed input data (img2col) is a matrix with |rows| = output spatial
+/// size, |columns| = filter spatial size. To compute the output Y(i, j) we need
+/// to calculate the dot product between filter window at input X(x, y)) and the
+/// filter which will look like the following where r.h.s is the img2col matrix
+/// and l.h.s is the flattened filter:
+/// [x(0,0), x(0,1), x(1,0), x(1,1)]
+/// [x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)] (matmul) [w(0,0), w(0,1), w(1,0), w(1,1)]
+/// [x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)]
+/// [   .  ,    .  ,    .  ,    .  ]
+/// In general for 2D case with (N, H, W, C) input and (Kh, Kw, C, D) filter
+/// and output (N, Ho, Wo, D) the convolution is the following matrix-matrix
+/// multiplication (Ho x Wo, Kh x Kw x C) * (Kh x Kw x C, D) for each input in
+/// the N input. For the case where N > 1 its a batched matrix-matrix
+/// multiplication.
+/// On success, return both the operation that produces the img2col tensor and
+/// the final operation of the sequence that replaces the original convolution.
+FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
+rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp convOp);
-  /// Peel the specified loops.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> peeledLoops;
+/// Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except there is no
+/// reduction among the input channels so each convolution can be a
+/// matrix-vector product and by transposing both input filter so channels are
+/// outer most the computation is a batched matrix-vector product.
+FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
+rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                linalg::DepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp convOp);
-  LinalgTilingOptions &setPeeledLoops(ArrayRef<int64_t> loops) {
-    peeledLoops.clear();
-    peeledLoops.append(loops.begin(), loops.end());
-    return *this;
-  }
+/// Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except because the
+/// channels are to the left of the image shape dimensions, the position of the
+/// contraction dimension in the resulting matmul is reversed. This swaps the
+/// LHS and RHS of the matmul when compared with nhwc (i.e. (D, C x Kh x Kw) *
+/// (C x Kh x Kw, Ho x Wo))
+FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
+rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp convOp);
-/// Canonicalization patterns relevant to apply after tiling patterns. These
-/// are applied automatically by the tiling pass but need to be applied
-/// manually when tiling is called programmatically.
-RewritePatternSet getLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns(MLIRContext *ctx);
-void populateLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+// Rewrite patterns wrapping transformations.
+// TODO: every single such pattern should be a close to noop wrapper around a
+// functional-stye API call.
 /// Linalg padding pattern.
@@ -797,15 +932,8 @@ struct LinalgPaddingPattern : public OpInterfaceRewritePattern<LinalgOp> {
                        LinalgPaddingOptions options = LinalgPaddingOptions(),
                        PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
-  /// `matchAndRewrite` implementation that returns the significant
-  /// transformed pieces of IR.
-  FailureOr<LinalgOp> returningMatchAndRewrite(LinalgOp op,
-                                               PatternRewriter &rewriter) const;
   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(LinalgOp op,
-                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    return returningMatchAndRewrite(op, rewriter);
-  }
+                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override;
   /// Options to control padding and hoisting.
@@ -884,89 +1012,6 @@ struct CopyVectorizationPattern : public OpRewritePattern<memref::CopyOp> {
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override;
-/// Return vector::CombiningKind for the given op.
-std::optional<vector::CombiningKind> getCombinerOpKind(Operation *combinerOp);
-// Transformations exposed as rewrite patterns.
-/// Linalg generalization patterns
-/// Populates `patterns` with patterns to convert spec-generated named ops to
-/// linalg.generic ops.
-void populateLinalgNamedOpsGeneralizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Linalg decompose convolutions patterns
-/// Populates patterns to decompose high-D convolution ops into low-D ones.
-/// This is a step in progressive lowering for convolution ops, afterwards we
-/// can vectorize the low-D convolution ops.
-void populateDecomposeConvolutionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                          PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
-/// Populates patterns to transform linalg.conv_2d_xxx operations into
-/// linalg.generic (for img2col packing) and linalg.matmul.
-/// \see rewriteInIm2Col for more details.
-void populateConvertConv2DToImg2ColPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf into linalg.generic (for img2col packing)
-/// and linalg.matmul.
-/// A convolution operation can be written as a matrix-matrix multiplication by
-/// unfolding the cross-correlation between input and filter and explicitly copy
-/// overlapped sliding window inputs.
-/// Consider 2D input X with single channel input and output and 2x2 filter W:
-/// [x(0, 0)  , x(0, 1)  , ...,   x(0, n)  ]
-/// [x(1, 0)  , x(1, 1)  , ...,   x(1, n)  ]
-/// [.        ,  .       ,.   ,      .     ]            [w(0, 0), w(0, 1)]
-/// [.        ,  .       , .  ,      .     ]    (conv)  [w(1, 0), w(1, 1)]
-/// [.        ,  .       ,   .,      .     ]
-/// [x(n-1, 0), x(n-1, 1), ..., x(n-1, n-1)]
-/// The packed input data (img2col) is a matrix with |rows| = output spatial
-/// size, |columns| = filter spatial size. To compute the output Y(i, j) we need
-/// to calculate the dot product between filter window at input X(x, y)) and the
-/// filter which will look like the following where r.h.s is the img2col matrix
-/// and l.h.s is the flattned filter:
-/// [x(0,0), x(0,1), x(1,0), x(1,1)]
-/// [x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)] (matmul) [w(0,0), w(0,1), w(1,0), w(1,1)]
-/// [x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)]
-/// [   .  ,    .  ,    .  ,    .  ]
-/// In general for 2D case with (N, H, W, C) input and (Kh, Kw, C, D) filter
-/// and output (N, Ho, Wo, D) the convolution is the following matrix-matrix
-/// multiplication (Ho x Wo, Kh x Kw x C) * (Kh x Kw x C, D) for each input in
-/// the N input. For the case where N > 1 its a batched matrxi-matrix
-/// multplication.
-/// On success, return both the operation that produces the img2col tensor and
-/// the final operation of the sequence that replaces the original convolution.
-FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
-rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp convOp);
-/// Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except there is no
-/// reduction among the input channels so each convolution can be a
-/// matrix-vector product and by transposing both input filter so channels are
-/// outer most the computation is a batched matrix-vector product.
-FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
-rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                linalg::DepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp convOp);
-/// Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except because the
-/// channels are to the left of the image shape dimensions, the position of the
-/// contraction dimension in the resulting matmul is reversed. This swaps the
-/// LHS and RHS of the matmul when compared with nhwc (i.e. (D, C x Kh x Kw) *
-/// (C x Kh x Kw, Ho x Wo))
-FailureOr<std::pair<Operation *, Operation *>>
-rewriteInIm2Col(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp convOp);
-// Op-specific patterns.
 /// tensor::PadOp is not canonicalized away yet, so we provide a
 /// transformation to `linalg.generic`.
 struct PadOpTransformationPattern : public OpRewritePattern<tensor::PadOp> {
@@ -976,18 +1021,6 @@ struct PadOpTransformationPattern : public OpRewritePattern<tensor::PadOp> {
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override;
-/// Pad the iterator dimensions `paddingDimensions` of all `opToPad` operands
-/// to a static bounding box. Use `paddingValues` and `packPaddings` to set
-/// padding value and nofold attribute of the created tensor::PadOps,
-/// respectively. Update `paddedOp` to the cloned operation with statically
-/// shaped `paddingDimensions` and return the extracted dynamically shaped
-/// results. If padding fails, return failure.
-rewriteAsPaddedOp(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp opToPad,
-                  ArrayRef<int64_t> paddingDimensions,
-                  ArrayRef<Attribute> paddingValues,
-                  ArrayRef<bool> packPaddings, LinalgOp &paddedOp);
 using OptimizeCopyFn =
     std::function<LogicalResult(PatternRewriter &, tensor::PadOp, Value)>;
@@ -1030,18 +1063,6 @@ struct GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsUnPackOpPattern
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override;
-/// Populates `patterns` with patterns that vectorize tensor.pad.
-/// These patterns are meant to apply in a complementary fashion. Benefits
-/// are used to encode a certain ordering of pattern application. To avoid
-/// scattering magic constants throughout the code base, the patterns must be
-/// added with this function. `baseBenefit` can be used to offset the benefit
-/// of all tensor::PadOp vectorization patterns by a certain value.
-void populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                        PatternBenefit baseBenefit = 1);
-void populateExtractOpVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                            PatternBenefit baseBenefit = 1);
 /// Match and rewrite for the pattern:
 /// ```
 ///    %alloc = ...
@@ -1127,183 +1148,162 @@ struct ExtractSliceOfPadTensorSwapPattern
   ControlFn controlFn;
-/// Split Reduction options.
-struct SplitReductionOptions {
-  // Ratio used to split the reduction dimension.  If the ratio is <= 1,
-  // nothing will be done.
-  int64_t ratio = 0;
-  // Index where the extra dimension is added to the intermediate tensor
-  // shape.
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  // If the inner dimension after splitting is parallel or reduction.
-  bool innerParallel = false;
+// Populate functions.
-/// Function signature to control reduction splitting. This returns
-/// `SplitReductionOptions`.
-// TODO: don't use unsigned unless doing bit manipulation.
-using ControlSplitReductionFn =
-    std::function<SplitReductionOptions(LinalgOp op)>;
+/// Canonicalization patterns relevant to apply after tiling patterns. These
+/// are applied automatically by the tiling pass but need to be applied
+/// manually when tiling is called programmatically.
+RewritePatternSet getLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns(MLIRContext *ctx);
+void populateLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Patterns to apply `splitReduction` below.
-void populateSplitReductionPattern(
+/// Linalg generalization patterns
+/// Populates `patterns` with patterns to convert spec-generated named ops to
+/// linalg.generic ops.
+void populateLinalgNamedOpsGeneralizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Linalg decompose convolutions patterns
+/// Populates patterns to decompose high-D convolution ops into low-D ones.
+/// This is a step in progressive lowering for convolution ops, afterwards we
+/// can vectorize the low-D convolution ops.
+void populateDecomposeConvolutionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                          PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
+/// Populates patterns to transform linalg.conv_2d_xxx operations into
+/// linalg.generic (for img2col packing) and linalg.matmul.
+/// \see rewriteInIm2Col for more details.
+void populateConvertConv2DToImg2ColPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+void populatePadTensorTilingPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                     const LinalgTilingOptions &options);
+/// Populates `patterns` with patterns that vectorize tensor.pad.
+/// These patterns are meant to apply in a complementary fashion. Benefits
+/// are used to encode a certain ordering of pattern application. To avoid
+/// scattering magic constants throughout the code base, the patterns must be
+/// added with this function. `baseBenefit` can be used to offset the benefit
+/// of all tensor::PadOp vectorization patterns by a certain value.
+void populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                        PatternBenefit baseBenefit = 1);
+void populateExtractOpVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                            PatternBenefit baseBenefit = 1);
+/// Populate patterns for splitting a `LinalgOp` with multiple statements within
+/// its payload into multiple `GenericOp` that have a single statement.
+/// The option `removeDeadArgsAndResults` adds patterns to remove dead arguments
+/// and results from the generated decomposed ops. This is default `true` since
+/// the core decomposition patterns relies on these clean up patterns. It is set
+/// to false only for testing purposes.
+void populateDecomposeLinalgOpsPattern(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                       bool removeDeadArgsAndResults = true);
+/// Populate patterns that convert non-destination-style ops to destination
+/// style ops.
+void populateConvertToDestinationStylePatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Populate patterns for vectorizing low-D convolution ops. This is a step in
+/// progressive lowering for convolution ops, it assume high-D convolution ops
+/// were decomposed previously.
+void populateConvolutionVectorizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                              PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
+/// Populate patterns that convert `ElementwiseMappable` ops to linalg
+/// parallel loops.
+void populateElementwiseToLinalgConversionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Populate patterns that are only useful in the context of sparse tensors.
+void populateSparseTensorRewriting(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Function type which is used to control when to stop fusion. It is expected
+/// that OpOperand is not modified in the callback. The OpOperand is not marked
+/// as const to allow callers to use non-const methods.
+using ControlFusionFn = std::function<bool(OpOperand *fusedOperand)>;
+/// Patterns for fusing linalg operation on tensors.
+/// Pattern to fuse `linalg.generic` -> `linalg.generic` operations
+/// when both operations are fusable elementwise operations.
+void populateElementwiseOpsFusionPatterns(
     RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-    const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
-    bool useAlloc = false);
+    const ControlFusionFn &controlElementwiseOpFusion);
-/// Apply transformation to split the single linalg op reduction into a
-/// parallel and reduction dimension. Then create a new linalg.generic op
-/// doing the rest of the reduction. Return the new linalg op with an extra
-/// parallel dimension or failure if the transformation didn't happen.
-/// Example:
-/// ```
-///  %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
-///                                        affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
-///       iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
-///  ins(%in : tensor<32xf32>)
-///  outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
-///  ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
-///    %y = arith.addf %arg1, %arg2 : f32
-///    linalg.yield %y : f32
-///  } -> tensor<f32>
-/// ```
-/// To:
-/// ```
-///  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
-///  %0 = tensor.expand_shape %in [[0, 1]] : tensor<32xf32> into
-///  tensor<4x8xf32> %1 = tensor.empty [4] : tensor<4xf32> %2 = linalg.fill
-///  ins(%cst : f32) outs(%1 : tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32> %3 =
-///  linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
-///                                        affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
-///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
-///    ins(%0 : tensor<4x8xf32>) outs(%2 : tensor<4xf32>) {
-///    ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg5: f32):
-///    %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
-///    linalg.yield %5 : f32
-///  } -> tensor<4xf32>
-/// %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
-///                                       affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
-///   iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
-///   ins(%3 : tensor<4xf32>) outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
-///   ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
-///   %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
-///   linalg.yield %5 : f32
-/// } -> tensor<f32>
-/// ```
-struct SplitReductionResult {
-  Operation *initOrAlloc;
-  FillOp fillOp;
-  LinalgOp splitLinalgOp;
-  LinalgOp resultCombiningLinalgOp;
-splitReduction(PatternRewriter &b, LinalgOp op,
-               const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
-               bool useAlloc = false);
+/// Patterns to bubble up or down data layout ops across other operations.
+void populateDataLayoutPropagationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Scaling-based implementation of the split reduction transformation.
-/// Instead of introducing an ExpandShapeOp, this rewrites a reduction
-/// dimension `k` into `k * scale + kk`.
-/// Example:
-/// ```
-///  %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B: tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>)
-///    outs(%C: tensor<16x32xf32>) -> tensor<16x32xf32>
-/// ```
-/// Is transformed to:
-/// ```
-///  #map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d2 * 4 + d3)>
-///  #map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2 * 4 + d3, d1)>
-///  #map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2, d3)>
-///  #map3 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
-///  #map4 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
-///  #map5 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
-///  %0 = tensor.empty [16, 32, 64] : tensor<16x32x64xf32>
-///  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
-///  %1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) ->
-///     tensor<16x32x64xf32>
-///  %2 = tensor.empty [64, 4] : tensor<64x4xi1>
-///  %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map0, #map1, #map2, #map3],
-///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-///    ins(%A, %B, %2 : tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>,
-///    tensor<64x4xi1>)
-///   outs(%1 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) {
-///      ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32, %arg5: i1, %arg6: f32):
-///        %5 = arith.mulf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
-///        %6 = arith.addf %arg6, %5 : f32
-///        linalg.yield %6 : f32
-///  } -> tensor<16x32x64xf32>
-///  %4 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map4, #map5],
-///    iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-//     ins(%3 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>)
-///    outs(%C : tensor<16x32xf32>) {
-///      ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
-///        %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
-///        linalg.yield %5 : f32
-///  } -> tensor<16x32xf32>
-///  return %4 : tensor<16x32xf32>
-/// ```
-splitReductionByScaling(PatternRewriter &b, LinalgOp op,
-                        const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
-                        bool useAlloc = false);
+/// Pattern to remove dead operands and results of `linalg.generic` operations.
+/// This is effectively DCE for a linalg op.
+void populateEraseUnusedOperandsAndResultsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Collapses dimensions of linalg.generic operation. It also collapses inputs
-/// before the op and expands outputs after the op.
-FailureOr<SmallVector<Value>> collapseGenericOpIterationDims(
-    GenericOp genericOp, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> foldedIterationDims,
-    RewriterBase &rewriter);
+/// Patterns to promote inputs to outputs and remove unused inputs of
+/// `linalg.generic` ops.
+void populateEraseUnnecessaryInputsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
-/// Struct to hold the result of a `pack` call.
-struct PackResult {
-  SmallVector<tensor::PackOp> packOps;
-  linalg::LinalgOp packedLinalgOp;
-  SmallVector<tensor::UnPackOp> unPackOps;
-/// Implement packing of a single LinalgOp by `packedSizes`.
-/// There must be one packedSizes entry per `linalgOp` iterator.
-/// Return the packed Linalg op on success, failure otherwise.
-FailureOr<PackResult> pack(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
-                           ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> packedSizes);
+/// Function type to control generic op dimension collapsing. It is expected
+/// to return an array of `ReassociationIndices` representing dimensions that
+/// should be merged.
+using GetCollapsableDimensionsFn =
+    std::function<SmallVector<ReassociationIndices>(linalg::GenericOp)>;
-/// Struct to hold the result of a `packTranspose` call.
-struct PackTransposeResult {
-  tensor::PackOp transposedPackOp;
-  linalg::LinalgOp transposedLinalgOp;
-  tensor::UnPackOp transposedUnPackOp;
-/// Transpose a single PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain and return the
-/// transposed PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain after replacements.
-/// Return failure if either:
-///   1. the `packOp` does not have the `linalgOp` as its unique use.
-///   2. the `maybeUnPackOp`, if specified must be a consumer of the result tied
-///      to the unique `packOp` use.
-///   3. `outerPerm` (resp. `innerPerm`) must be valid permutations of
-///      `packOp.getOuterDimsPerm` (resp. `packOp.getInnerDimsPerm`) or empty.
-packTranspose(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PackOp packOp,
-              linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, tensor::UnPackOp maybeUnPackOp,
-              ArrayRef<int64_t> outerPerm, ArrayRef<int64_t> innerPerm);
+/// Pattern to collapse dimensions in a linalg.generic op. This will collapse
+/// tensor operands when needed and expand back the result tensors.
+void populateCollapseDimensions(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+    const GetCollapsableDimensionsFn &controlCollapseDimensions);
-/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
-FailureOr<Operation *>
-rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                 tensor::FromElementsOp fromElementsOp);
+/// Patterns to fold an expanding (collapsing) tensor_reshape operation with its
+/// producer (consumer) generic operation by expanding the dimensionality of the
+/// loop in the generic op.
+void populateFoldReshapeOpsByExpansionPatterns(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes);
-/// Rewrite tensor.generate to linalg.generic.
-FailureOr<Operation *>
-rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                 tensor::GenerateOp generateOp);
+/// Patterns to fold an expanding tensor.expand_shape operation with its
+/// producer generic operation by collapsing the dimensions of the generic op.
+void populateFoldReshapeOpsByCollapsingPatterns(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes);
-/// Rewrite tensor.pad to linalg.generic + tensor.insert_slice.
-FailureOr<Operation *> rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                                        tensor::PadOp padOp);
+/// Patterns to constant fold Linalg operations.
+void populateConstantFoldLinalgOperations(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                          const ControlFusionFn &controlFn);
+/// Pattern to fuse a `tensor.pad` operation with the producer of its source,
+/// if the producer is a `linalg` operation with all parallel iterator types.
+void populateFuseTensorPadWithProducerLinalgOpPatterns(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns to convert from one named op to another. These can be seen as
+/// canonicalizations of named ops into another named op.
+void populateLinalgNamedOpConversionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on
+/// tensors via reassociative reshape ops.
+void populateFoldUnitExtentDimsViaReshapesPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on
+/// tensors via rank-reducing slices.
+void populateFoldUnitExtentDimsViaSlicesPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// A pattern that converts init operands to input operands.
+void populateMoveInitOperandsToInputPattern(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns that are used to inline constant operands into linalg generic ops.
+void populateInlineConstantOperandsPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns that are used to bubble up extract slice op above linalg op.
+void populateBubbleUpExtractSliceOpPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Adds patterns that waps tensor.extract_slice(linalg.fill(%cst, %init)) into
+/// linalg.fill(%cst, tensor.extract_slice(%init)).
+void populateSwapExtractSliceWithFillPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+/// Patterns to apply `splitReduction` below.
+void populateSplitReductionPattern(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+    const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn,
+    bool useAlloc = false);
 } // namespace linalg
 } // namespace mlir

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Transforms.h
index ba2c7019bec76..1314d8628dc55 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ void naivelyFuseParallelOps(Region &region);
 /// }
 /// ```
-/// After loop peeling, this function tries to simplify/canonicalize affine.min
-/// and affine.max ops in the body of the peeled loop and in the body of the
-/// partial iteration loop, taking advantage of the fact that the peeled loop
-/// has only "full" iterations. This canonicalization is expected to enable
-/// further canonicalization opportunities through other patterns.
+/// After loop peeling, this function tries to simplify affine.min and
+/// affine.max ops in the body of the peeled loop and in the body of the partial
+/// iteration loop, taking advantage of the fact that the peeled loop has only
+/// "full" iterations. This simplification is expected to enable further
+/// canonicalization opportunities through other patterns.
 /// The return value indicates whether the loop was rewritten or not. Loops are
 /// not rewritten if:
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ void naivelyFuseParallelOps(Region &region);
 /// Note: This function rewrites the given scf.for loop in-place and creates a
 /// new scf.for operation for the last iteration. It replaces all uses of the
 /// unpeeled loop with the results of the newly generated scf.for.
-LogicalResult peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp,
-                                         scf::ForOp &partialIteration);
+LogicalResult peelForLoopAndSimplifyBounds(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp,
+                                           scf::ForOp &partialIteration);
 /// Tile a parallel loop of the form
 ///   scf.parallel (%i0, %i1) = (%arg0, %arg1) to (%arg2, %arg3)

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
index 6baf392f95082..a8f07a18aaeb6 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
@@ -1726,8 +1726,8 @@ transform::PadOp::applyToOne(LinalgOp target,
-  FailureOr<LinalgOp> result =
-      tryApply<LinalgPaddingPattern>(target, paddingOptions);
+  IRRewriter rewriter(target->getContext());
+  FailureOr<LinalgOp> result = padLinalgOp(rewriter, target, paddingOptions);
   if (succeeded(result)) {
     return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::success();

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.cpp
index 96c29e464aea5..8a5b480a4a608 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.cpp
@@ -46,26 +46,6 @@ using namespace mlir::linalg;
 #define DBGS() (llvm::dbgs() << "[" DEBUG_TYPE << "]: ")
 #define DBGSNL() (llvm::dbgs() << "\n")
-// Transformations exposed as rewrite patterns.
-LinalgTilingOptions &
-mlir::linalg::LinalgTilingOptions::setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts) {
-  assert(!tileSizeComputationFunction && "tile sizes already set");
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> tileSizes(ts.begin(), ts.end());
-  tileSizeComputationFunction = [tileSizes](OpBuilder &b, Operation *op) {
-    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
-    b.setInsertionPointToStart(
-        &op->getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>().getBody().front());
-    return llvm::to_vector<4>(map_range(tileSizes, [&](int64_t s) {
-      Value v = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op->getLoc(), s);
-      return v;
-    }));
-  };
-  return *this;
 /// Pad the `opOperand` in the `paddingDimensions` using the padding value and
 /// the nofold flag found in `paddingValues` and `packPaddings`, respectively.
 /// Exit early and return the `opOperand` value if the shape dimensions that
@@ -170,6 +150,19 @@ static FailureOr<Value> padOperandToSmallestStaticBoundingBox(
                                opOperand->get(), paddingValue, nofold);
+static SmallVector<utils::IteratorType>
+getNParallelLoopsAttrs(unsigned nParallelLoops) {
+  return SmallVector<utils::IteratorType>(nParallelLoops,
+                                          utils::IteratorType::parallel);
+// Transformations exposed as functional-style API calls.
+// rewriteAsPaddedOp transformation.
 linalg::rewriteAsPaddedOp(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp opToPad,
                           ArrayRef<int64_t> paddingDimensions,
@@ -227,15 +220,20 @@ linalg::rewriteAsPaddedOp(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp opToPad,
   return paddedSubviewResults;
-/// Try to peel a loop `op` and return the new result.
+// peelLoop transformation.
+/// Try to peel and canonicalize loop `op` and return the new result.
+/// Also applies affine_min/max bounds simplification on the fly where relevant.
 // TODO: Add support for scf.parallel and affine.for loops.
 SmallVector<Value> mlir::linalg::peelLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
                                           Operation *op) {
   return llvm::TypeSwitch<Operation *, SmallVector<Value, 4>>(op)
       .Case<scf::ForOp>([&](scf::ForOp forOp) {
         scf::ForOp partialIteration;
-        if (succeeded(scf::peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(rewriter, forOp,
-                                                      partialIteration)))
+        if (succeeded(scf::peelForLoopAndSimplifyBounds(rewriter, forOp,
+                                                        partialIteration)))
           return partialIteration->getResults();
         assert(!partialIteration && "expected that loop was not peeled");
         return forOp->getResults();
@@ -243,24 +241,24 @@ SmallVector<Value> mlir::linalg::peelLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
       .Default([&](Operation *op) { return op->getResults(); });
-/// Peel and canonicalize 'loops'.
+/// Peel 'loops' and applies affine_min/max bounds simplification on the fly
+/// where relevant.
 void mlir::linalg::peelLoops(RewriterBase &rewriter,
                              ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
   for (auto loopOp : loops)
     peelLoop(rewriter, loopOp);
-/// Linalg padding pattern.
-    MLIRContext *context, LinalgPaddingOptions options, PatternBenefit benefit)
-    : OpInterfaceRewritePattern<LinalgOp>(context, benefit),
-      options(std::move(options)) {}
+// pad transformation.
-    LinalgOp linalgOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+FailureOr<LinalgOp> mlir::linalg::padLinalgOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                              LinalgOp linalgOp,
+                                              LinalgPaddingOptions options) {
   if (!linalgOp.hasTensorSemantics())
-    return failure();
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+        linalgOp, "only applies to Linalg ops with tensor semantics");
   // Pad the operation.
   LinalgOp paddedOp;
@@ -268,7 +266,8 @@ mlir::linalg::LinalgPaddingPattern::returningMatchAndRewrite(
       rewriteAsPaddedOp(rewriter, linalgOp, options.paddingDimensions,
                         options.paddingValues, options.packPaddings, paddedOp);
   if (failed(newResults))
-    return failure();
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
+                                       "failed to rewrite as a padded op");
   // Hoist the padding.
   for (const auto &en : enumerate(options.hoistPaddings)) {
@@ -276,12 +275,17 @@ mlir::linalg::LinalgPaddingPattern::returningMatchAndRewrite(
     OpOperand &opOperand = paddedOp->getOpOperand(en.index());
     auto padOp = opOperand.get().getDefiningOp<tensor::PadOp>();
-    if (!padOp || en.value() == 0)
+    if (!padOp || en.value() == 0) {
+      (void)rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "not a tensor.pad -- skip");
+    }
     // Fail hoisting if the operand shape is not fully static.
-    if (llvm::any_of(paddedOp.getShape(&opOperand), ShapedType::isDynamic))
-      return failure();
+    if (llvm::any_of(paddedOp.getShape(&opOperand), ShapedType::isDynamic)) {
+      (void)rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
+                                        "non static padding shape -- skip");
+      continue;
+    }
     tensor::PadOp hoistedOp;
     SmallVector<GenericOp> transposeOps;
@@ -292,8 +296,11 @@ mlir::linalg::LinalgPaddingPattern::returningMatchAndRewrite(
     FailureOr<Value> newResult = hoistPaddingOnTensors(
         padOp, en.value(), transposeVector, hoistedOp, transposeOps);
-    if (failed(newResult))
+    if (failed(newResult)) {
+      (void)rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
+                                        "failed to apply hoistPadding");
+    }
     rewriter.replaceOp(padOp, *newResult);
@@ -303,1026 +310,1052 @@ mlir::linalg::LinalgPaddingPattern::returningMatchAndRewrite(
   return paddedOp;
-LogicalResult mlir::linalg::CopyVectorizationPattern::matchAndRewrite(
-    memref::CopyOp copyOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  return vectorizeCopy(rewriter, copyOp);
+// pack transformation.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+/// Return true if `map` has 0 or 1 result function of AffineDimExpr(dim).
+static bool hasAtMostOneResultFunctionOfDim(AffineMap map, int64_t dim) {
+  bool found = false;
+  for (AffineExpr e : map.getResults()) {
+    if (!e.isFunctionOfDim(dim))
+      continue;
+    if (found)
+      return false;
+    found = true;
+  }
+  return true;
+#endif // NDEBUG
-static SmallVector<utils::IteratorType>
-getNParallelLoopsAttrs(unsigned nParallelLoops) {
-  return SmallVector<utils::IteratorType>(nParallelLoops,
-                                          utils::IteratorType::parallel);
+/// Return the index of the first result of `map` that is a function of
+/// AffineDimExpr(dim), std::nullopt otherwise.
+static std::optional<int64_t> getFirstResultIndexFunctionOf(AffineMap map,
+                                                            int64_t dim) {
+  for (int64_t i = 0, e = map.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i) {
+    AffineExpr expr = map.getResult(i);
+    if (!expr.isFunctionOfDim(dim))
+      continue;
+    return i;
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
-/// Rewrite a tensor::PadOp into a sequence of EmptyOp, FillOp (to
-/// initialize with pad_val) and GenericOp (to copy contents).
-PadOpTransformationPattern::matchAndRewrite(tensor::PadOp padOp,
-                                            PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+/// Perform one step of packing of a LinalgOp's metadata along `dim` into the
+/// `newDim` at `iteratorTypes.size()` by:
+///   1. Appending `iteratorTypes[newDim]`, equal to `iteratorTypes[dim]`.
+///   2. Appending a `newDim` to the domain of every indexing map.
+///   3. For each operand (i.e. for each map in `indexingMaps`), perform packing
+///      by potentially adding a `newDim` result to `map`.
+/// The preserved invariant is that `iteratorTypes.size()` is always equal to
+/// `map.getNumDims()` for every map in `indexingMaps`.
+/// Update `indexingMaps` and `iteratorTypes` inplace as one step of the update.
+/// Return a vector that records the optional packing for each operand.
+/// Return failure if the packed indexing cannot be represented with a LinalgOp.
+/// Further details:
+/// ================
+/// The current implementation of packing (i.e. data tiling) consists of
+/// rewriting a linearized strip-mined form into a higher-dimensional access.
+/// e.g. consider an access `A[I][f(j, k, l)]` and packing by 4; we rewrite
+/// `I` into `4 * i + ii`, where `0 <= ii < 4`.
+/// The access is further rewritten as `A[i][f(j, k, l)][ii]`.
+/// This rewrite into higher dimensional access is not possible for general
+/// AffineExpr in Linalg atm, it is restricted to an AffineDimExpr:
+/// e.g. consider an access `A[I + J][f(j, k, l)]` and packing by 4; we
+/// rewrite `I + J` into `4 * i + ii + J`, where `0 <= ii < 4`.
+/// The rewrite of the access would be a form not representable in Linalg:
+///   `A[i + (ii + J) / 4][f(j, k, l)][(ii + J) % 4]`.
+/// Note however that as `J` and `ii` iterate, the accesses do not have a
+/// particular alignment, so packing does not achieve alignment in this case
+/// In the future, we may want to consider a mixed-form that allows some
+/// alignment in the presence of multiple accesses:
+///   `A[I][f(j, k, l)]` and `B[I + J][f(j, k, l)]`
+/// And would rewrite accesses as:
+///   `A[i][f(j, k, l)][ii]` and `B[4 * i + ii + J][f(j, k, l)]`
+static FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>>
+packLinalgMetadataOnce(SmallVectorImpl<AffineMap> &indexingMaps,
+                       SmallVectorImpl<utils::IteratorType> &iteratorTypes,
+                       int64_t dim) {
+  int64_t newDim = iteratorTypes.size();
+  iteratorTypes.push_back(iteratorTypes[dim]);
-  auto inputShapedType = padOp.getSource().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
-  auto resultShapedType = padOp.getResult().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
+  SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> packedDimPerIndexingMap(
+      indexingMaps.size(), std::nullopt);
+  SmallVector<AffineMap> newMaps;
+  for (int64_t operandIdx = 0, e = indexingMaps.size(); operandIdx < e;
+       ++operandIdx) {
+    AffineMap map = indexingMaps[operandIdx];
-  // Bail on non-static shapes.
-  if (!inputShapedType.hasStaticShape())
-    return failure();
-  if (!resultShapedType.hasStaticShape())
-    return failure();
+    // Add the `newDim` to map whatever the case.
+    assert(map.getNumDims() == newDim && "num dims invariant violation");
+    map = map.shiftDims(1, newDim);
-  // Only support padding with a constant for now, i.e. either:
-  //   1. A BBarg from a 
diff erent block.
-  //   2. A value defined outside of the current block.
-  Block &block = padOp.getRegion().front();
-  auto yieldOp = cast<tensor::YieldOp>(block.getTerminator());
-  Value padValue = yieldOp.getValue();
-  Operation *definingOp = padValue.getDefiningOp();
-  if (definingOp && definingOp->getBlock() == &block)
-    return failure();
-  if (!definingOp && padValue.cast<BlockArgument>().getOwner() == &block)
-    return failure();
+    // Get the at-most-1 index of the result that is a function of `dim`.
+    // If we can find one, we insert `AffineDimExpr(newDim)` to the map, which
+    // logically chunks dimension `dim` into `K * dim + newDim`, where the
+    // packing factor `K` is specified separately.
+    assert(hasAtMostOneResultFunctionOfDim(map, dim) &&
+           "num results invariant violation");
+    auto maybeOperandDimensionToPack = getFirstResultIndexFunctionOf(map, dim);
+    if (!maybeOperandDimensionToPack.has_value()) {
+      newMaps.push_back(map);
+      continue;
+    }
-  // Create tensor with the padded shape
-  Location loc = padOp.getLoc();
-  SmallVector<Value> indices(resultShapedType.getRank(),
-                             rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0));
-  Value emptyTensor = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(
-      loc, resultShapedType.getShape(), resultShapedType.getElementType());
+    // We can only pack AffineDimExpr atm.
+    if (!map.getResult(maybeOperandDimensionToPack.value())
+             .isa<AffineDimExpr>())
+      return failure();
-  // Initialize tensor with the pad value
-  Value tmpTensor = rewriter
-                        .create<linalg::FillOp>(loc, ValueRange{padValue},
-                                                ValueRange{emptyTensor})
-                        .result();
+    // Add `newDim` to the results of the map.
+    map = map.insertResult(Builder(map.getContext()).getAffineDimExpr(newDim),
+                           map.getNumResults());
+    newMaps.push_back(map);
-  // Copy original contents into new tensor
-  // Uses linalg.generic, but could be done with tensor.insert_slice
-  SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> outputExprs;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < resultShapedType.getRank(); ++i) {
-    outputExprs.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, rewriter.getContext()) +
-                          padOp.getStaticLow()[i]);
+    // Record the that `operandIdx` is packed.
+    packedDimPerIndexingMap[operandIdx] = maybeOperandDimensionToPack;
+  indexingMaps = newMaps;
-  SmallVector<AffineMap, 2> transferMaps = {
-      rewriter.getMultiDimIdentityMap(inputShapedType.getRank()),
-      AffineMap::get(resultShapedType.getRank(),
-                     /*symbolCount=*/0, outputExprs, rewriter.getContext())};
+  return packedDimPerIndexingMap;
-  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<linalg::GenericOp>(
-      padOp, resultShapedType, padOp.getSource(), tmpTensor, transferMaps,
-      getNParallelLoopsAttrs(resultShapedType.getRank()),
-      [&](OpBuilder &nestedBuilder, Location nestedLoc, ValueRange args) {
-        nestedBuilder.create<linalg::YieldOp>(nestedLoc, args[0]);
-      });
+namespace {
-  return success();
+/// Helper struct to encode packing along one dimension of a LinalgOp.
+struct PackedOperandsDim {
+  OpFoldResult packedSize;
+  SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> packedDimForEachOperand;
-/// Filling `dest` using FillOp constant padding value if possible.
-/// Otherwise, generate a tensor::GenerateOp.
-Value GeneralizePadOpPattern::createFillOrGenerateOp(
-    PatternRewriter &rewriter, tensor::PadOp padOp, Value dest,
-    const SmallVector<Value> &dynSizes) const {
-  auto padValue = padOp.getConstantPaddingValue();
-  if (padValue)
-    return rewriter.create<FillOp>(padOp.getLoc(), padValue, dest).result();
+/// Helper struct to encode packing along all dimensions of a LinalgOp.
+struct PackedOperandsDimList {
+  void push_back(PackedOperandsDim &&packedOperandsDims) {
+    spec.emplace_back(packedOperandsDims);
+  }
+  /// Return all the dims that have been packed for operand @ `operandPos`.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> extractPackedDimsForOperand(int64_t operandPos);
+  /// Return all the pack sizes by which an operand @ `operandPos` is packed.
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> extractPackSizesForOperand(int64_t operandPos);
-  // Fill could not be optimized: Lower to tensor::GenerateOp with region.
-  auto generateOp = rewriter.create<tensor::GenerateOp>(
-      padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getResultType(), dynSizes);
-  // Copy region to new op.
-  IRMapping bvm;
-  padOp.getRegion().cloneInto(&generateOp.getRegion(), bvm);
-  return generateOp;
+  SmallVector<PackedOperandsDim> spec;
+} // namespace
+PackedOperandsDimList::extractPackedDimsForOperand(int64_t operandPos) {
+  SmallVector<int64_t> res;
+  for (int64_t i = 0, e = spec.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+    if (!spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].has_value())
+      continue;
+    res.push_back(spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].value());
+  }
+  return res;
-GeneralizePadOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(tensor::PadOp padOp,
-                                        PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  // Given an OpFoldResult, return an index-typed value.
-  auto getIdxValue = [&](OpFoldResult ofr) {
-    if (auto val = ofr.dyn_cast<Value>())
-      return val;
-    return rewriter
-        .create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
-            padOp.getLoc(), ofr.get<Attribute>().cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt())
-        .getResult();
-  };
-  auto resultType = padOp.getResultType();
-  // Compute size of EmptyOp. Any combination of static/dynamic is supported.
-  SmallVector<Value> dynSizes;
-  SmallVector<int64_t> staticSizes;
-  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < resultType.getRank(); ++dim) {
-    if (resultType.isDynamicDim(dim)) {
-      auto srcSize = rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(
-          padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getSource(), dim);
-      // Add low and high padding value.
-      auto plusLow = rewriter.createOrFold<arith::AddIOp>(
-          padOp.getLoc(), srcSize, getIdxValue(padOp.getMixedLowPad()[dim]));
-      auto plusHigh = rewriter.createOrFold<arith::AddIOp>(
-          padOp.getLoc(), plusLow, getIdxValue(padOp.getMixedHighPad()[dim]));
-      dynSizes.push_back(plusHigh);
-    }
-    staticSizes.push_back(resultType.getDimSize(dim));
+PackedOperandsDimList::extractPackSizesForOperand(int64_t operandPos) {
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> res;
+  for (int64_t i = 0, e = spec.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+    if (!spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].has_value())
+      continue;
+    res.push_back(spec[i].packedSize);
+  return res;
-  // Init tensor and fill it with padding.
-  Value emptyTensor = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(
-      padOp.getLoc(), staticSizes, resultType.getElementType(), dynSizes);
-  Value fill = createFillOrGenerateOp(rewriter, padOp, emptyTensor, dynSizes);
-  // Try optimize the copy of source.
-  if (optimizeCopyFn && optimizeCopyFn(rewriter, padOp, fill).succeeded())
-    return success();
-  // tensor::PadOps cannot be optimized. Generate a InsertSliceOp instead
-  // for copying the PadOp source.
-  auto sourceType = padOp.getSourceType();
-  // Compute size of source of tensor::PadOp.
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> srcSizes;
-  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < sourceType.getRank(); ++dim) {
-    if (sourceType.isDynamicDim(dim)) {
-      srcSizes.push_back(rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(
-          padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getSource(), dim));
-    } else {
-      srcSizes.push_back(rewriter.getIndexAttr(sourceType.getDimSize(dim)));
-    }
+/// Implement packing of a single LinalgOp by performing packing by
+/// `packedSizes`. There must be one packedSizes entry per `linalgOp` iterator.
+/// Return the packed Linalg op on success, failure otherwise.
+FailureOr<PackResult> linalg::pack(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                   linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
+                                   ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> packedSizes) {
+  if (packedSizes.size() != linalgOp.getNumLoops()) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
+                                       "incorrect number of pack sizes");
-  // Strides of InsertSliceOp are all 1.
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strides(sourceType.getRank(),
-                                    rewriter.getIndexAttr(1));
-  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
-      padOp, padOp.getSource(), fill, padOp.getMixedLowPad(), srcSizes,
-      strides);
-  return success();
-LogicalResult ExtractSliceOfPadTensorSwapPattern::matchAndRewrite(
-    tensor::ExtractSliceOp sliceOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  if (!sliceOp.hasUnitStride())
-    return failure();
+  Location loc = linalgOp->getLoc();
+  SmallVector<AffineMap> indexingMaps = linalgOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
+  SmallVector<utils::IteratorType> iteratorTypes =
+      linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray();
+  LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << "Start packing: " << linalgOp << "\n";
+             llvm::interleaveComma(indexingMaps, DBGS() << "maps: "); DBGSNL();
+             llvm::interleaveComma(iteratorTypes, DBGS() << "iterators: ");
+             DBGSNL(););
-  auto padOp = sliceOp.getSource().getDefiningOp<tensor::PadOp>();
-  if (!padOp)
-    return failure();
+  SmallVector<tensor::PackOp> packOps;
+  SmallVector<tensor::UnPackOp> unPackOps;
+  // Step 1. Pack each dim of the LinalgOp metadata by packedSizes[i].
+  PackedOperandsDimList listOfPackedOperandsDim;
+  for (int64_t i = 0, e = packedSizes.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+    std::optional<int64_t> maybeConstant = getConstantIntValue(packedSizes[i]);
+    // Skip tile sizes explicitly set to 0.
+    if (maybeConstant.has_value() && maybeConstant.value() == 0)
+      continue;
-  bool zeroSliceGuard = true;
-  if (controlFn) {
-    if (std::optional<bool> control = controlFn(sliceOp))
-      zeroSliceGuard = *control;
-    else
+    PackedOperandsDim packedOperandsDims;
+    packedOperandsDims.packedSize = packedSizes[i];
+    FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>>
+        maybePackedDimForEachOperand =
+            packLinalgMetadataOnce(indexingMaps, iteratorTypes, i);
+    if (failed(maybePackedDimForEachOperand))
       return failure();
-  }
+    packedOperandsDims.packedDimForEachOperand = *maybePackedDimForEachOperand;
+    listOfPackedOperandsDim.push_back(std::move(packedOperandsDims));
-  Operation *tiledPadOp =
-      tensor::bubbleUpPadSlice(rewriter, padOp, sliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
-                               sliceOp.getMixedSizes(), zeroSliceGuard);
-  // All shapes are static and the data source is actually used. Rewrite into
-  // pad(extract_slice(x)).
-  rewriter.replaceOp(sliceOp, tiledPadOp->getResults());
-  return success();
+        DBGS() << "++++ After pack size #" << i << ": " << packedSizes[i]
+               << "\n";
+        llvm::interleaveComma(indexingMaps, DBGS() << "maps: "); DBGSNL();
+        llvm::interleaveComma(iteratorTypes, DBGS() << "iterators: "); DBGSNL();
+        llvm::interleaveComma(packedOperandsDims.packedDimForEachOperand,
+                              DBGS() << "packedDimForEachOperand: ");
+        DBGSNL(););
+  }
-/// Returns a tensor.pad op if padding value is set. Otherwise, returns the
-/// source directly. The method assumes that the `packOp` has static shapes.
-static Value getPackOpSourceOrPaddedSource(OpBuilder &builder,
-                                           tensor::PackOp packOp) {
-  Value input = packOp.getSource();
-  if (!packOp.getPaddingValue()) {
-    return input;
+  // Step 2. Propagate packing to all LinalgOp operands.
+  SmallVector<Value> inputsAndInits, results;
+  for (auto operandsList :
+       {linalgOp.getDpsInputOperands(), linalgOp.getDpsInitOperands()}) {
+    for (OpOperand *opOperandPtr : operandsList) {
+      int64_t pos = opOperandPtr->getOperandNumber();
+      Value operand = opOperandPtr->get();
+      SmallVector<int64_t> innerPos =
+          listOfPackedOperandsDim.extractPackedDimsForOperand(pos);
+      SmallVector<OpFoldResult> innerPackSizes =
+          listOfPackedOperandsDim.extractPackSizesForOperand(pos);
+      LLVM_DEBUG(
+          DBGS() << "operand: " << operand << "\n";
+          llvm::interleaveComma(innerPos, DBGS() << "innerPos: "); DBGSNL();
+          llvm::interleaveComma(innerPackSizes, DBGS() << "innerPackSizes: ");
+          DBGSNL(););
+      if (innerPackSizes.empty()) {
+        inputsAndInits.push_back(operand);
+        continue;
+      }
+      Value dest = tensor::PackOp::createDestinationTensor(
+          rewriter, loc, operand, innerPackSizes, innerPos,
+          /*outerDimsPerm=*/{});
+      // TODO: value of the padding attribute should be determined by consumers.
+      Attribute zeroAttr =
+          rewriter.getZeroAttr(getElementTypeOrSelf(dest.getType()));
+      Value zero = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, zeroAttr);
+      packOps.push_back(rewriter.create<tensor::PackOp>(
+          loc, operand, dest, innerPos, innerPackSizes, zero));
+      inputsAndInits.push_back(packOps.back());
+    }
-  Location loc = packOp.getLoc();
-  ShapedType inputType = packOp.getSourceType();
-  int64_t inputRank = inputType.getRank();
-  assert(llvm::all_of(packOp.getDestType().getShape().take_front(inputRank),
-                      [](int64_t val) { return val == 1; }));
+  // Step 3. Build the packed op, use the type of `inits` as result types.
+  ValueRange inputs =
+      ValueRange{inputsAndInits}.take_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs());
+  ValueRange inits =
+      ValueRange{inputsAndInits}.take_back(linalgOp.getNumDpsInits());
+  auto packedLinalgOp = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(
+      linalgOp.getLoc(), inits.getTypes(), inputs, inits, indexingMaps,
+      iteratorTypes);
+  packedLinalgOp.getRegion().takeBody(linalgOp->getRegion(0));
-  SmallVector<int64_t> paddedShape;
-  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> tileAndPosMapping =
-      packOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
-  for (int64_t dim = 0; dim < inputRank; ++dim) {
-    int64_t size = inputType.getDimSize(dim);
-    if (!tileAndPosMapping.count(dim)) {
-      paddedShape.push_back(size);
+  // Step 4. Propagate packing to all the op results.
+  for (OpResult result : packedLinalgOp->getResults()) {
+    int64_t resultNum = result.getResultNumber();
+    tensor::PackOp maybePackedInit =
+        inits[resultNum].getDefiningOp<tensor::PackOp>();
+    if (!maybePackedInit) {
+      results.push_back(result);
-    // The size is less than or equal to tileSize because outer dims are all 1s.
-    std::optional<int64_t> tileSize =
-        getConstantIntValue(tileAndPosMapping.lookup(dim));
-    assert(tileSize.has_value() && "dynamic inner tile size is not supported");
-    paddedShape.push_back(tileSize.value());
+    // Build the symmetrical UnPackOp to the existing PackOp.
+    unPackOps.push_back(rewriter.create<tensor::UnPackOp>(
+        packedLinalgOp->getLoc(), result, maybePackedInit.getSource(),
+        maybePackedInit.getInnerDimsPos(), maybePackedInit.getMixedTiles()));
+    results.push_back(unPackOps.back());
-  auto resultType =
-      RankedTensorType::get(paddedShape, inputType.getElementType());
-  return tensor::createPadHighOp(resultType, input, packOp.getPaddingValue(),
-                                 /*nofold=*/false, loc, builder);
-static SmallVector<int64_t>
-getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(int rank, ArrayRef<int64_t> innerDimsPos) {
-  constexpr int64_t kNonTiledMarker = -1;
-  SmallVector<int64_t> vec(rank, kNonTiledMarker);
-  for (auto [index, value] : llvm::enumerate(innerDimsPos))
-    vec[value] = index;
-  SmallVector<int64_t> perm = llvm::to_vector(llvm::make_filter_range(
-      vec, [&](int64_t v) { return v != kNonTiledMarker; }));
-  return perm;
+  // Step 5. Replace `linalgOp`.
+  rewriter.replaceOp(linalgOp, results);
-LogicalResult GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsPackOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(
-    tensor::PackOp packOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  // TODO: support the case that outer dimensions are not all 1s A
-  // tensor.expand_shape will be generated in this case.
-  int64_t srcRank = packOp.getSourceRank();
-  if (llvm::any_of(packOp.getDestType().getShape().take_front(srcRank),
-                   [](int64_t val) { return val != 1; })) {
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
-        packOp, "require the outer dimension of the result are all 1s");
-  }
+  // Return packedLinalgOp.
+  return PackResult{packOps,
+                    cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(packedLinalgOp.getOperation()),
+                    unPackOps};
-  if (llvm::any_of(packOp.getMixedTiles(),
-                   [](OpFoldResult tile) { return tile.is<Value>(); })) {
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(packOp,
-                                       "require inner tile sizes being static");
-  }
+// packTranspose transformation.
-  // 1. Use rank-reduced tensor.extract_slice op to extract the tile.
-  Location loc = packOp.getLoc();
-  Attribute zeroIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(0);
-  Attribute oneIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(1);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readOffsets(srcRank, zeroIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readStrides(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readSizes;
-  SmallVector<int64_t> readShape;
-  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> dimAndTileMapping =
-      packOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
-  for (auto i : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, srcRank)) {
-    if (!dimAndTileMapping.count(i)) {
-      readSizes.push_back(oneIdxAttr);
-      continue;
-    }
-    readSizes.push_back(dimAndTileMapping[i]);
-    readShape.push_back(getConstantIntValue(dimAndTileMapping[i])
-                            .value_or(ShapedType::kDynamic));
-  }
-  Type elemType = packOp.getSourceType().getElementType();
-  auto readType = RankedTensorType::get(readShape, elemType);
+/// Return a copy of `tensorType` after permutation by `permutationVector`.
+// Note: Should be a new method in of MemRef/RankedTensor/VectorType::Builder
+// but this would introduce a dependence on Dialect in IR.
+// TODO: Restructure.
+static RankedTensorType permuteShape(RankedTensorType tensorType,
+                                     ArrayRef<int64_t> permutationVector) {
+  SmallVector<int64_t> shape(tensorType.getShape());
+  applyPermutationToVector(shape, permutationVector);
+  return RankedTensorType::Builder(tensorType).setShape(shape);
-  Value input = getPackOpSourceOrPaddedSource(rewriter, packOp);
-  Value tile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
-      loc, readType, input, readOffsets, readSizes, readStrides);
+/// Return a new GenericOp obtained by transposing opOperand by the permutation
+/// vector:
+///   - the corresponding indexing map is transposed by `permutation`
+///   - the corresponding operand value is replaced by `transposedValue`
+/// `linalgOp` is replaced by the return op in the process.
+/// Asserts that `transposedValue` is of the proper transposed ShapedType.
+static LinalgOp transposeOneLinalgOperandAndReplace(
+    RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp, OpOperand &opOperand,
+    ArrayRef<int64_t> permutation, Value transposedValue) {
+  // Sanity check the operand.
+  assert(linalgOp == opOperand.getOwner() && "linalg op must own the operand");
-  // 2. Transpose the tile to match the inner tile order.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> perm =
-      getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(srcRank, packOp.getInnerDimsPos());
-  // The permutation is inverted when normalizing so invert back to match the
-  // ordering in the pack op.
-  perm = invertPermutationVector(perm);
+  // Sanity check of the expected transposed tensor type.
+  auto tensorType = permuteShape(
+      opOperand.get().getType().cast<RankedTensorType>(), permutation);
+  (void)tensorType;
+  assert(tensorType == transposedValue.getType() &&
+         "expected tensor type mismatch");
-  LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << "Pack permutation: " << packOp << "\n";
-             llvm::interleaveComma(perm, DBGS() << "perm: "); DBGSNL(););
+  // Compute the transposed indexing map.
+  // Sigh unsigned pollution.
+  SmallVector<unsigned> tmpTransposition = llvm::to_vector(
+      llvm::map_range(permutation, [](int64_t i) -> unsigned { return i; }));
+  AffineMap permutationMap =
+      AffineMap::getPermutationMap(tmpTransposition, rewriter.getContext());
+  AffineMap transposedMap =
+      permutationMap.compose(linalgOp.getMatchingIndexingMap(&opOperand));
-  SmallVector<int64_t> transpShape = readShape;
-  applyPermutationToVector<int64_t>(transpShape, perm);
+  // Set the transposed indexing map in the proper position.
+  SmallVector<AffineMap> indexingMaps = linalgOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
+  indexingMaps[linalgOp.getIndexingMapIndex(&opOperand)] = transposedMap;
+  // Set the transposedValue in the proper operand position.
+  SmallVector<Value> operands = linalgOp->getOperands();
+  operands[opOperand.getOperandNumber()] = transposedValue;
-  Value empty = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(loc, transpShape, elemType);
-  auto transposedOp =
-      rewriter.create<linalg::TransposeOp>(loc, tile, empty, perm);
+  ValueRange operandsRef(operands);
+  auto transposedGenericOp = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(
+      /*location=*/linalgOp->getLoc(),
+      /*resultTensorTypes=*/
+      operandsRef.drop_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()).getTypes(),
+      /*inputs=*/operandsRef.take_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()),
+      /*outputs=*/operandsRef.drop_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()),
+      /*indexingMaps=*/indexingMaps,
+      /*iteratorTypes=*/linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray());
+  transposedGenericOp.getRegion().takeBody(linalgOp->getRegion(0));
+  rewriter.replaceOp(linalgOp, transposedGenericOp->getResults());
-  // 3. Insert the inner tile to the destination.
-  int64_t destRank = packOp.getDestRank();
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeStrides(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeOffsets(destRank, zeroIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeSizes(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  for (auto size : transpShape)
-    writeSizes.push_back(rewriter.getIndexAttr(size));
+  return cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(transposedGenericOp.getOperation());
-  auto insert = rewriter.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
-      loc, transposedOp.getResult()[0], packOp.getDest(), writeOffsets,
-      writeSizes, writeStrides);
-  rewriter.replaceOp(packOp, insert.getResult());
+linalg::packTranspose(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PackOp packOp,
+                      linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, tensor::UnPackOp maybeUnPackOp,
+                      ArrayRef<int64_t> outerPerm,
+                      ArrayRef<int64_t> innerPerm) {
+  Location loc = linalgOp.getLoc();
-  return success();
+  // Step 1. Transpose packOp.
+  rewriter.setInsertionPoint(packOp);
+  tensor::PackOp transposedPackOp =
+      packOp.createTransposedClone(rewriter, loc, innerPerm, outerPerm);
-LogicalResult GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsUnPackOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(
-    tensor::UnPackOp unpackOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  int64_t srcRank = unpackOp.getSourceRank();
-  int64_t destRank = unpackOp.getDestRank();
-  ArrayRef<int64_t> srcShape = unpackOp.getSourceType().getShape();
-  if (llvm::any_of(srcShape.take_front(destRank),
-                   [](int64_t val) { return val != 1; })) {
+  if (!packOp.getResult().hasOneUse())
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "expect single pack use");
+  OpOperand &packUse = *packOp->getUses().begin();
+  if (packUse.getOwner() != linalgOp) {
     return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
-        unpackOp, "require the outer dimension of the result are all 1s");
+        linalgOp, "not a single use by the LinalgOp target");
+  }
+  if (maybeUnPackOp &&
+      (!linalgOp.isDpsInit(&packUse) ||
+       maybeUnPackOp.getSource() != linalgOp.getTiedOpResult(&packUse))) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
+                                       "not produced by the LinalgOp target");
-  // 1. Use rank-reduced tensor.extract_slice op to extract the tile.
-  Location loc = unpackOp.getLoc();
-  Attribute zeroIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(0);
-  Attribute oneIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(1);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readOffsets(srcRank, zeroIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readStrides(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  auto mixedTiles = unpackOp.getMixedTiles();
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readSizes(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  readSizes.append(mixedTiles.begin(), mixedTiles.end());
+  // Step 2. Transpose linalgOp.
+  // transposedPackOp.getOuterDimsPerm() may be empty, in which case it is the
+  // identity. Don't rely on it.
+  int64_t numLeadingDims = packOp.getSourceRank();
+  int64_t numTrailingDims = packOp.getInnerDimsPos().size();
+  // Step 2.a. Compute the permutation on the whole operand.
+  // Leading part just reuse the outerPerm.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> permutation(outerPerm);
+  if (permutation.empty())
+    llvm::append_range(permutation, llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, numLeadingDims));
+  // Trailing part needs to reindex positions by `numLeadingDims`.
+  if (innerPerm.empty()) {
+    llvm::append_range(
+        permutation,
+        llvm::seq<int64_t>(numLeadingDims, numLeadingDims + numTrailingDims));
+  } else {
+    llvm::append_range(permutation,
+                       llvm::map_range(innerPerm, [&](int64_t pos) {
+                         return numLeadingDims + pos;
+                       }));
+  }
+  if (!isPermutationVector(permutation))
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "invalid permutation");
-  // Explicitly create the type for extract_slice op because the inner tile
-  // size could be 1. We want to represent the whole inner tile in this case.
-  ArrayRef<int64_t> readShape = srcShape.drop_front(destRank);
-  Type elemType = unpackOp.getSourceType().getElementType();
-  auto readType = RankedTensorType::get(readShape, elemType);
-  Value innerTile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
-      loc, readType, unpackOp.getSource(), readOffsets, readSizes, readStrides);
+  // Step 2.b. Save the transposedPackUse operand number in case we need to
+  // get the tied OpResult after `linalgOp` has been replaced.
+  int64_t packUseOperandNumber = packUse.getOperandNumber();
+  // Step 2.c. Actually perform the transposition.
+  rewriter.setInsertionPoint(linalgOp);
+  linalg::LinalgOp transposedLinalgOp = transposeOneLinalgOperandAndReplace(
+      rewriter, linalgOp, packUse, permutation, transposedPackOp.getResult());
-  // 2. Transpose the tile to match the outer corresponding tile order.
-  ArrayRef<int64_t> innerDimsPos = unpackOp.getInnerDimsPos();
-  SmallVector<int64_t> perm =
-      getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(srcRank, innerDimsPos);
-  SmallVector<int64_t> transpShape(readShape);
-  applyPermutationToVector<int64_t>(transpShape, perm);
+  // Step 3. Maybe transpose unPackOp.
+  tensor::UnPackOp transposedUnPackOp;
+  if (maybeUnPackOp) {
+    OpOperand &opOperand =
+        transposedLinalgOp->getOpOperand(packUseOperandNumber);
+    OpResult transposedResult = transposedLinalgOp.getTiedOpResult(&opOperand);
+    rewriter.setInsertionPoint(maybeUnPackOp);
+    transposedUnPackOp = maybeUnPackOp.createTransposedClone(
+        rewriter, loc, transposedResult, innerPerm, outerPerm);
-  Value empty = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(loc, transpShape, elemType);
-  auto transposedOp =
-      rewriter.create<linalg::TransposeOp>(loc, innerTile, empty, perm);
+    rewriter.replaceOp(maybeUnPackOp, transposedUnPackOp->getResults());
+  }
-  // 3. Handle in-complete tiles if needed. It truncates trailing data from the
-  // transposed tile.
-  int numLoops = transpShape.size();
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileStrides(numLoops, oneIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileOffsets(numLoops, zeroIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileSizes;
-  for (int dim : innerDimsPos)
-    tileSizes.push_back(getAsOpFoldResult(
-        rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(loc, unpackOp.getDest(), dim)));
+  // Step 4. Finally, replace packOp now that we don't need it anymore.
+  rewriter.replaceOp(packOp, transposedPackOp->getResults());
-  applyPermutationToVector<OpFoldResult>(tileSizes, perm);
-  auto partialTile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
-      loc, transposedOp.getResult()[0], tileOffsets, tileSizes, tileStrides);
+  return PackTransposeResult{transposedPackOp, transposedLinalgOp,
+                             transposedUnPackOp};
-  // 4. Insert the result to the destination tensor.
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeSizes;
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeStrides(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeOffsets(destRank, zeroIdxAttr);
-  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> dimAndTileMapping =
-      unpackOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
-  for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < destRank; ++i) {
-    if (dimAndTileMapping.count(i))
-      writeSizes.push_back(tileSizes[idx++]);
-    else
-      writeSizes.push_back(oneIdxAttr);
-  }
-  auto insert = rewriter.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
-      loc, partialTile, unpackOp.getDest(), writeOffsets, writeSizes,
-      writeStrides);
-  rewriter.replaceOp(unpackOp, insert.getResult());
+// Transformations exposed as rewrite patterns.
-  return success();
+LinalgTilingOptions &
+mlir::linalg::LinalgTilingOptions::setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts) {
+  assert(!tileSizeComputationFunction && "tile sizes already set");
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> tileSizes(ts.begin(), ts.end());
+  tileSizeComputationFunction = [tileSizes](OpBuilder &b, Operation *op) {
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
+    b.setInsertionPointToStart(
+        &op->getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>().getBody().front());
+    return llvm::to_vector<4>(map_range(tileSizes, [&](int64_t s) {
+      Value v = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op->getLoc(), s);
+      return v;
+    }));
+  };
+  return *this;
-// The following are patterns for downscaling convolution ops with size-1
-// window dimensions.
-// Note that we'd eventually want to write such transformations in a generic
-// way, e.g., converting to linalg.generic, removing the size-1 dimensions,
-// and then turning back to named ops. But for now it's fine to have a few
-// patterns matching special ops to get started.
+/// Linalg padding pattern.
-template <typename Conv2DOp, typename Conv1DOp>
-FailureOr<Conv1DOp> DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DOp, Conv1DOp>::
-    returningMatchAndRewrite(Conv2DOp convOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  if (convOp.hasBufferSemantics())
-    return failure(); // To be implemented.
+    MLIRContext *context, LinalgPaddingOptions options, PatternBenefit benefit)
+    : OpInterfaceRewritePattern<LinalgOp>(context, benefit),
+      options(std::move(options)) {}
-  Value input = convOp.getInputs().front();
-  Value kernel = convOp.getInputs().back();
-  Value output = convOp.getOutputs().front();
+LogicalResult mlir::linalg::LinalgPaddingPattern::matchAndRewrite(
+    LinalgOp op, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  return padLinalgOp(rewriter, op, options);
-  auto inputType = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
-  auto kernelType = kernel.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
-  auto outputType = output.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+LogicalResult mlir::linalg::CopyVectorizationPattern::matchAndRewrite(
+    memref::CopyOp copyOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  return vectorizeCopy(rewriter, copyOp);
-  auto kernelShape = kernelType.getShape();
-  auto outputShape = outputType.getShape();
+/// Rewrite a tensor::PadOp into a sequence of EmptyOp, FillOp (to
+/// initialize with pad_val) and GenericOp (to copy contents).
+PadOpTransformationPattern::matchAndRewrite(tensor::PadOp padOp,
+                                            PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  // Get domain indices based on conv2D layout.
-  auto [khIndex, kwIndex, ohIndex, owIndex] =
-      TypeSwitch<Operation *, std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>>(
-          convOp)
-          .Case([&](linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(2, 3, 2, 3);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcSumOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNchwSumOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 2, 3);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMaxOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMinOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
-          })
-          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNchwMaxOp op) {
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 2, 3);
-          })
-          .Default([&](Operation *op) {
-            llvm_unreachable("unexpected conv2d/pool2d operation.");
-            return std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
-          });
+  auto inputShapedType = padOp.getSource().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
+  auto resultShapedType = padOp.getResult().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
-  // Only handle the case where at least one of the window dimensions is
-  // of size 1. Other cases can rely on tiling to reduce to such cases.
-  int64_t khSize = kernelShape[khIndex], kwSize = kernelShape[kwIndex];
-  int64_t ohSize = outputShape[ohIndex], owSize = outputShape[owIndex];
-  bool removeH = (khSize == 1 && ohSize == 1);
-  bool removeW = (kwSize == 1 && owSize == 1);
-  if (!removeH && !removeW)
+  // Bail on non-static shapes.
+  if (!inputShapedType.hasStaticShape())
+    return failure();
+  if (!resultShapedType.hasStaticShape())
     return failure();
-  // Get new shapes and types for all operands by removing the size-1
-  // dimension.
-  using RTTBuilder = RankedTensorType::Builder;
-  RankedTensorType newInputType =
-      RTTBuilder(inputType).dropDim((removeH ? ohIndex : owIndex));
-  RankedTensorType newKernelType =
-      RTTBuilder(kernelType).dropDim((removeH ? khIndex : kwIndex));
-  RankedTensorType newOutputType =
-      RTTBuilder(outputType).dropDim((removeH ? ohIndex : owIndex));
+  // Only support padding with a constant for now, i.e. either:
+  //   1. A BBarg from a 
diff erent block.
+  //   2. A value defined outside of the current block.
+  Block &block = padOp.getRegion().front();
+  auto yieldOp = cast<tensor::YieldOp>(block.getTerminator());
+  Value padValue = yieldOp.getValue();
+  Operation *definingOp = padValue.getDefiningOp();
+  if (definingOp && definingOp->getBlock() == &block)
+    return failure();
+  if (!definingOp && padValue.cast<BlockArgument>().getOwner() == &block)
+    return failure();
-  // Rank-reduce operands.
-  Location loc = convOp.getLoc();
-  Value newInput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, input, newInputType);
-  Value newKernel = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, kernel, newKernelType);
-  Value newOutput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, output, newOutputType);
+  // Create tensor with the padded shape
+  Location loc = padOp.getLoc();
+  SmallVector<Value> indices(resultShapedType.getRank(),
+                             rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0));
+  Value emptyTensor = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(
+      loc, resultShapedType.getShape(), resultShapedType.getElementType());
-  // Rank-reduce strides and dilations too.
-  // TODO: dropDim 1-liner helper.
-  auto strides =
-      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getStrides().template getValues<int64_t>());
-  strides.erase(strides.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
-  auto stridesAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(strides);
+  // Initialize tensor with the pad value
+  Value tmpTensor = rewriter
+                        .create<linalg::FillOp>(loc, ValueRange{padValue},
+                                                ValueRange{emptyTensor})
+                        .result();
-  auto dilations =
-      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getDilations().template getValues<int64_t>());
-  dilations.erase(dilations.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
-  auto dilationsAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(dilations);
+  // Copy original contents into new tensor
+  // Uses linalg.generic, but could be done with tensor.insert_slice
+  SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> outputExprs;
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < resultShapedType.getRank(); ++i) {
+    outputExprs.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, rewriter.getContext()) +
+                          padOp.getStaticLow()[i]);
+  }
-  auto conv1DOp = rewriter.create<Conv1DOp>(
-      loc, newOutputType, ValueRange{newInput, newKernel},
-      ValueRange{newOutput}, stridesAttr, dilationsAttr);
+  SmallVector<AffineMap, 2> transferMaps = {
+      rewriter.getMultiDimIdentityMap(inputShapedType.getRank()),
+      AffineMap::get(resultShapedType.getRank(),
+                     /*symbolCount=*/0, outputExprs, rewriter.getContext())};
-  // Insert back.
-  Value inserted = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingInsertSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, conv1DOp.getResult(0), output);
-  rewriter.replaceOp(convOp, inserted);
+  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<linalg::GenericOp>(
+      padOp, resultShapedType, padOp.getSource(), tmpTensor, transferMaps,
+      getNParallelLoopsAttrs(resultShapedType.getRank()),
+      [&](OpBuilder &nestedBuilder, Location nestedLoc, ValueRange args) {
+        nestedBuilder.create<linalg::YieldOp>(nestedLoc, args[0]);
+      });
-  return conv1DOp;
+  return success();
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp,
-                                                              Conv1DNwcWcfOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DNchwFchwOp,
-                                                              Conv1DNcwFcwOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcSumOp,
-                                                              PoolingNwcSumOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwSumOp,
-                                                              PoolingNcwSumOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxOp,
-                                                              PoolingNwcMaxOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<
-    PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp, PoolingNwcMaxUnsignedOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinOp,
-                                                              PoolingNwcMinOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<
-    PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp, PoolingNwcMinUnsignedOp>;
-template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwMaxOp,
-                                                              PoolingNcwMaxOp>;
-    DepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp convOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
-  if (convOp.hasBufferSemantics())
-    return failure(); // To be implemented.
+/// Filling `dest` using FillOp constant padding value if possible.
+/// Otherwise, generate a tensor::GenerateOp.
+Value GeneralizePadOpPattern::createFillOrGenerateOp(
+    PatternRewriter &rewriter, tensor::PadOp padOp, Value dest,
+    const SmallVector<Value> &dynSizes) const {
+  auto padValue = padOp.getConstantPaddingValue();
+  if (padValue)
+    return rewriter.create<FillOp>(padOp.getLoc(), padValue, dest).result();
-  Value input = convOp.getInputs().front();
-  Value kernel = convOp.getInputs().back();
-  Value output = convOp.getOutputs().front();
+  // Fill could not be optimized: Lower to tensor::GenerateOp with region.
+  auto generateOp = rewriter.create<tensor::GenerateOp>(
+      padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getResultType(), dynSizes);
+  // Copy region to new op.
+  IRMapping bvm;
+  padOp.getRegion().cloneInto(&generateOp.getRegion(), bvm);
+  return generateOp;
-  auto inputType = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
-  auto kernelType = kernel.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
-  auto outputType = output.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+GeneralizePadOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(tensor::PadOp padOp,
+                                        PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  // Given an OpFoldResult, return an index-typed value.
+  auto getIdxValue = [&](OpFoldResult ofr) {
+    if (auto val = ofr.dyn_cast<Value>())
+      return val;
+    return rewriter
+        .create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
+            padOp.getLoc(), ofr.get<Attribute>().cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt())
+        .getResult();
+  };
-  auto kernelShape = kernelType.getShape();
-  auto outputShape = outputType.getShape();
+  auto resultType = padOp.getResultType();
+  // Compute size of EmptyOp. Any combination of static/dynamic is supported.
+  SmallVector<Value> dynSizes;
+  SmallVector<int64_t> staticSizes;
+  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < resultType.getRank(); ++dim) {
+    if (resultType.isDynamicDim(dim)) {
+      auto srcSize = rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(
+          padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getSource(), dim);
+      // Add low and high padding value.
+      auto plusLow = rewriter.createOrFold<arith::AddIOp>(
+          padOp.getLoc(), srcSize, getIdxValue(padOp.getMixedLowPad()[dim]));
+      auto plusHigh = rewriter.createOrFold<arith::AddIOp>(
+          padOp.getLoc(), plusLow, getIdxValue(padOp.getMixedHighPad()[dim]));
+      dynSizes.push_back(plusHigh);
+    }
+    staticSizes.push_back(resultType.getDimSize(dim));
+  }
-  // Only handle the case where at least one of the window dimensions is
-  // of size 1. Other cases can rely on tiling to reduce to such cases.
-  int64_t khSize = kernelShape[0], kwSize = kernelShape[1];
-  int64_t ohSize = outputShape[1], owSize = outputShape[2];
-  bool removeH = (khSize == 1 && ohSize == 1);
-  bool removeW = (kwSize == 1 && owSize == 1);
-  if (!removeH && !removeW)
-    return failure();
+  // Init tensor and fill it with padding.
+  Value emptyTensor = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(
+      padOp.getLoc(), staticSizes, resultType.getElementType(), dynSizes);
+  Value fill = createFillOrGenerateOp(rewriter, padOp, emptyTensor, dynSizes);
-  // Get new shapes and types for all operands by removing the size-1
-  // dimension.
-  using RTTBuilder = RankedTensorType::Builder;
-  RankedTensorType newInputType =
-      RTTBuilder(inputType).dropDim((removeH ? 1 : 2));
-  RankedTensorType newKernelType =
-      RTTBuilder(kernelType).dropDim((removeH ? 0 : 1));
-  RankedTensorType newOutputType =
-      RTTBuilder(outputType).dropDim(removeH ? 1 : 2);
+  // Try optimize the copy of source.
+  if (optimizeCopyFn && optimizeCopyFn(rewriter, padOp, fill).succeeded())
+    return success();
-  // Rank-reduce operands.
-  Location loc = convOp.getLoc();
-  Value newInput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, input, newInputType);
-  Value newKernel = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, kernel, newKernelType);
-  Value newOutput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, output, newOutputType);
+  // tensor::PadOps cannot be optimized. Generate a InsertSliceOp instead
+  // for copying the PadOp source.
+  auto sourceType = padOp.getSourceType();
+  // Compute size of source of tensor::PadOp.
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> srcSizes;
+  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < sourceType.getRank(); ++dim) {
+    if (sourceType.isDynamicDim(dim)) {
+      srcSizes.push_back(rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(
+          padOp.getLoc(), padOp.getSource(), dim));
+    } else {
+      srcSizes.push_back(rewriter.getIndexAttr(sourceType.getDimSize(dim)));
+    }
+  }
+  // Strides of InsertSliceOp are all 1.
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strides(sourceType.getRank(),
+                                    rewriter.getIndexAttr(1));
+  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
+      padOp, padOp.getSource(), fill, padOp.getMixedLowPad(), srcSizes,
+      strides);
-  // Rank-reduce strides and dilations too.
-  // TODO: dropDim 1-liner helper.
-  auto strides = llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getStrides().getValues<int64_t>());
-  strides.erase(strides.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
-  auto stridesAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(strides);
+  return success();
-  auto dilations =
-      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getDilations().getValues<int64_t>());
-  dilations.erase(dilations.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
-  auto dilationsAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(dilations);
+LogicalResult ExtractSliceOfPadTensorSwapPattern::matchAndRewrite(
+    tensor::ExtractSliceOp sliceOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  if (!sliceOp.hasUnitStride())
+    return failure();
-  auto conv1DOp = rewriter.create<DepthwiseConv1DNwcWcOp>(
-      loc, newOutputType, ValueRange{newInput, newKernel},
-      ValueRange{newOutput}, stridesAttr, dilationsAttr);
+  auto padOp = sliceOp.getSource().getDefiningOp<tensor::PadOp>();
+  if (!padOp)
+    return failure();
-  // Insert back.
-  Value inserted = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingInsertSliceOp(
-      rewriter, loc, conv1DOp.getResult(0), output);
-  rewriter.replaceOp(convOp, inserted);
+  bool zeroSliceGuard = true;
+  if (controlFn) {
+    if (std::optional<bool> control = controlFn(sliceOp))
+      zeroSliceGuard = *control;
+    else
+      return failure();
+  }
-  return conv1DOp;
+  Operation *tiledPadOp =
+      tensor::bubbleUpPadSlice(rewriter, padOp, sliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
+                               sliceOp.getMixedSizes(), zeroSliceGuard);
+  // All shapes are static and the data source is actually used. Rewrite into
+  // pad(extract_slice(x)).
+  rewriter.replaceOp(sliceOp, tiledPadOp->getResults());
+  return success();
-void linalg::populateDecomposeConvolutionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
-                                                  PatternBenefit benefit) {
-  patterns.add<DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp,
-                                                     Conv1DNwcWcfOp>,
-               DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp,
-                                                     Conv1DNcwFcwOp>,
-               DownscaleDepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp>(patterns.getContext(),
-                                                  benefit);
-  patterns.add<
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcSumOp, PoolingNwcSumOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwSumOp, PoolingNcwSumOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxOp, PoolingNwcMaxOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp,
-                                            PoolingNwcMaxUnsignedOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinOp, PoolingNwcMinOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp,
-                                            PoolingNwcMinUnsignedOp>,
-      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwMaxOp, PoolingNcwMaxOp>>(
-      patterns.getContext(), benefit);
+/// Returns a tensor.pad op if padding value is set. Otherwise, returns the
+/// source directly. The method assumes that the `packOp` has static shapes.
+static Value getPackOpSourceOrPaddedSource(OpBuilder &builder,
+                                           tensor::PackOp packOp) {
+  Value input = packOp.getSource();
+  if (!packOp.getPaddingValue()) {
+    return input;
+  }
-// pack transformation.
+  Location loc = packOp.getLoc();
+  ShapedType inputType = packOp.getSourceType();
+  int64_t inputRank = inputType.getRank();
+  assert(llvm::all_of(packOp.getDestType().getShape().take_front(inputRank),
+                      [](int64_t val) { return val == 1; }));
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-/// Return true if `map` has 0 or 1 result function of AffineDimExpr(dim).
-static bool hasAtMostOneResultFunctionOfDim(AffineMap map, int64_t dim) {
-  bool found = false;
-  for (AffineExpr e : map.getResults()) {
-    if (!e.isFunctionOfDim(dim))
+  SmallVector<int64_t> paddedShape;
+  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> tileAndPosMapping =
+      packOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
+  for (int64_t dim = 0; dim < inputRank; ++dim) {
+    int64_t size = inputType.getDimSize(dim);
+    if (!tileAndPosMapping.count(dim)) {
+      paddedShape.push_back(size);
-    if (found)
-      return false;
-    found = true;
-  }
-  return true;
-#endif // NDEBUG
+    }
-/// Return the index of the first result of `map` that is a function of
-/// AffineDimExpr(dim), std::nullopt otherwise.
-static std::optional<int64_t> getFirstResultIndexFunctionOf(AffineMap map,
-                                                            int64_t dim) {
-  for (int64_t i = 0, e = map.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i) {
-    AffineExpr expr = map.getResult(i);
-    if (!expr.isFunctionOfDim(dim))
-      continue;
-    return i;
+    // The size is less than or equal to tileSize because outer dims are all 1s.
+    std::optional<int64_t> tileSize =
+        getConstantIntValue(tileAndPosMapping.lookup(dim));
+    assert(tileSize.has_value() && "dynamic inner tile size is not supported");
+    paddedShape.push_back(tileSize.value());
-  return std::nullopt;
+  auto resultType =
+      RankedTensorType::get(paddedShape, inputType.getElementType());
+  return tensor::createPadHighOp(resultType, input, packOp.getPaddingValue(),
+                                 /*nofold=*/false, loc, builder);
-/// Perform one step of packing of a LinalgOp's metadata along `dim` into the
-/// `newDim` at `iteratorTypes.size()` by:
-///   1. Appending `iteratorTypes[newDim]`, equal to `iteratorTypes[dim]`.
-///   2. Appending a `newDim` to the domain of every indexing map.
-///   3. For each operand (i.e. for each map in `indexingMaps`), perform packing
-///      by potentially adding a `newDim` result to `map`.
-/// The preserved invariant is that `iteratorTypes.size()` is always equal to
-/// `map.getNumDims()` for every map in `indexingMaps`.
-/// Update `indexingMaps` and `iteratorTypes` inplace as one step of the update.
-/// Return a vector that records the optional packing for each operand.
-/// Return failure if the packed indexing cannot be represented with a LinalgOp.
-/// Further details:
-/// ================
-/// The current implementation of packing (i.e. data tiling) consists of
-/// rewriting a linearized strip-mined form into a higher-dimensional access.
-/// e.g. consider an access `A[I][f(j, k, l)]` and packing by 4; we rewrite
-/// `I` into `4 * i + ii`, where `0 <= ii < 4`.
-/// The access is further rewritten as `A[i][f(j, k, l)][ii]`.
-/// This rewrite into higher dimensional access is not possible for general
-/// AffineExpr in Linalg atm, it is restricted to an AffineDimExpr:
-/// e.g. consider an access `A[I + J][f(j, k, l)]` and packing by 4; we
-/// rewrite `I + J` into `4 * i + ii + J`, where `0 <= ii < 4`.
-/// The rewrite of the access would be a form not representable in Linalg:
-///   `A[i + (ii + J) / 4][f(j, k, l)][(ii + J) % 4]`.
-/// Note however that as `J` and `ii` iterate, the accesses do not have a
-/// particular alignment, so packing does not achieve alignment in this case
-/// In the future, we may want to consider a mixed-form that allows some
-/// alignment in the presence of multiple accesses:
-///   `A[I][f(j, k, l)]` and `B[I + J][f(j, k, l)]`
-/// And would rewrite accesses as:
-///   `A[i][f(j, k, l)][ii]` and `B[4 * i + ii + J][f(j, k, l)]`
-static FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>>
-packLinalgMetadataOnce(SmallVectorImpl<AffineMap> &indexingMaps,
-                       SmallVectorImpl<utils::IteratorType> &iteratorTypes,
-                       int64_t dim) {
-  int64_t newDim = iteratorTypes.size();
-  iteratorTypes.push_back(iteratorTypes[dim]);
+static SmallVector<int64_t>
+getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(int rank, ArrayRef<int64_t> innerDimsPos) {
+  constexpr int64_t kNonTiledMarker = -1;
+  SmallVector<int64_t> vec(rank, kNonTiledMarker);
+  for (auto [index, value] : llvm::enumerate(innerDimsPos))
+    vec[value] = index;
+  SmallVector<int64_t> perm = llvm::to_vector(llvm::make_filter_range(
+      vec, [&](int64_t v) { return v != kNonTiledMarker; }));
+  return perm;
-  SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> packedDimPerIndexingMap(
-      indexingMaps.size(), std::nullopt);
-  SmallVector<AffineMap> newMaps;
-  for (int64_t operandIdx = 0, e = indexingMaps.size(); operandIdx < e;
-       ++operandIdx) {
-    AffineMap map = indexingMaps[operandIdx];
+LogicalResult GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsPackOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(
+    tensor::PackOp packOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  // TODO: support the case that outer dimensions are not all 1s A
+  // tensor.expand_shape will be generated in this case.
+  int64_t srcRank = packOp.getSourceRank();
+  if (llvm::any_of(packOp.getDestType().getShape().take_front(srcRank),
+                   [](int64_t val) { return val != 1; })) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+        packOp, "require the outer dimension of the result are all 1s");
+  }
-    // Add the `newDim` to map whatever the case.
-    assert(map.getNumDims() == newDim && "num dims invariant violation");
-    map = map.shiftDims(1, newDim);
+  if (llvm::any_of(packOp.getMixedTiles(),
+                   [](OpFoldResult tile) { return tile.is<Value>(); })) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(packOp,
+                                       "require inner tile sizes being static");
+  }
-    // Get the at-most-1 index of the result that is a function of `dim`.
-    // If we can find one, we insert `AffineDimExpr(newDim)` to the map, which
-    // logically chunks dimension `dim` into `K * dim + newDim`, where the
-    // packing factor `K` is specified separately.
-    assert(hasAtMostOneResultFunctionOfDim(map, dim) &&
-           "num results invariant violation");
-    auto maybeOperandDimensionToPack = getFirstResultIndexFunctionOf(map, dim);
-    if (!maybeOperandDimensionToPack.has_value()) {
-      newMaps.push_back(map);
+  // 1. Use rank-reduced tensor.extract_slice op to extract the tile.
+  Location loc = packOp.getLoc();
+  Attribute zeroIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(0);
+  Attribute oneIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(1);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readOffsets(srcRank, zeroIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readStrides(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readSizes;
+  SmallVector<int64_t> readShape;
+  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> dimAndTileMapping =
+      packOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
+  for (auto i : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, srcRank)) {
+    if (!dimAndTileMapping.count(i)) {
+      readSizes.push_back(oneIdxAttr);
-    // We can only pack AffineDimExpr atm.
-    if (!map.getResult(maybeOperandDimensionToPack.value())
-             .isa<AffineDimExpr>())
-      return failure();
-    // Add `newDim` to the results of the map.
-    map = map.insertResult(Builder(map.getContext()).getAffineDimExpr(newDim),
-                           map.getNumResults());
-    newMaps.push_back(map);
-    // Record the that `operandIdx` is packed.
-    packedDimPerIndexingMap[operandIdx] = maybeOperandDimensionToPack;
+    readSizes.push_back(dimAndTileMapping[i]);
+    readShape.push_back(getConstantIntValue(dimAndTileMapping[i])
+                            .value_or(ShapedType::kDynamic));
-  indexingMaps = newMaps;
+  Type elemType = packOp.getSourceType().getElementType();
+  auto readType = RankedTensorType::get(readShape, elemType);
-  return packedDimPerIndexingMap;
+  Value input = getPackOpSourceOrPaddedSource(rewriter, packOp);
+  Value tile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
+      loc, readType, input, readOffsets, readSizes, readStrides);
-namespace {
+  // 2. Transpose the tile to match the inner tile order.
+  SmallVector<int64_t> perm =
+      getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(srcRank, packOp.getInnerDimsPos());
+  // The permutation is inverted when normalizing so invert back to match the
+  // ordering in the pack op.
+  perm = invertPermutationVector(perm);
-/// Helper struct to encode packing along one dimension of a LinalgOp.
-struct PackedOperandsDim {
-  OpFoldResult packedSize;
-  SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>> packedDimForEachOperand;
+  LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << "Pack permutation: " << packOp << "\n";
+             llvm::interleaveComma(perm, DBGS() << "perm: "); DBGSNL(););
-/// Helper struct to encode packing along all dimensions of a LinalgOp.
-struct PackedOperandsDimList {
-  void push_back(PackedOperandsDim &&packedOperandsDims) {
-    spec.emplace_back(packedOperandsDims);
-  }
-  /// Return all the dims that have been packed for operand @ `operandPos`.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> extractPackedDimsForOperand(int64_t operandPos);
-  /// Return all the pack sizes by which an operand @ `operandPos` is packed.
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> extractPackSizesForOperand(int64_t operandPos);
+  SmallVector<int64_t> transpShape = readShape;
+  applyPermutationToVector<int64_t>(transpShape, perm);
-  SmallVector<PackedOperandsDim> spec;
+  Value empty = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(loc, transpShape, elemType);
+  auto transposedOp =
+      rewriter.create<linalg::TransposeOp>(loc, tile, empty, perm);
-} // namespace
+  // 3. Insert the inner tile to the destination.
+  int64_t destRank = packOp.getDestRank();
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeStrides(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeOffsets(destRank, zeroIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeSizes(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
+  for (auto size : transpShape)
+    writeSizes.push_back(rewriter.getIndexAttr(size));
-PackedOperandsDimList::extractPackedDimsForOperand(int64_t operandPos) {
-  SmallVector<int64_t> res;
-  for (int64_t i = 0, e = spec.size(); i < e; ++i) {
-    if (!spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].has_value())
-      continue;
-    res.push_back(spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].value());
-  }
-  return res;
+  auto insert = rewriter.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
+      loc, transposedOp.getResult()[0], packOp.getDest(), writeOffsets,
+      writeSizes, writeStrides);
+  rewriter.replaceOp(packOp, insert.getResult());
-PackedOperandsDimList::extractPackSizesForOperand(int64_t operandPos) {
-  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> res;
-  for (int64_t i = 0, e = spec.size(); i < e; ++i) {
-    if (!spec[i].packedDimForEachOperand[operandPos].has_value())
-      continue;
-    res.push_back(spec[i].packedSize);
-  }
-  return res;
+  return success();
-/// Implement packing of a single LinalgOp by performing packing by
-/// `packedSizes`. There must be one packedSizes entry per `linalgOp` iterator.
-/// Return the packed Linalg op on success, failure otherwise.
-FailureOr<PackResult> linalg::pack(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                   linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
-                                   ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> packedSizes) {
-  if (packedSizes.size() != linalgOp.getNumLoops()) {
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
-                                       "incorrect number of pack sizes");
+LogicalResult GeneralizeOuterUnitDimsUnPackOpPattern::matchAndRewrite(
+    tensor::UnPackOp unpackOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  int64_t srcRank = unpackOp.getSourceRank();
+  int64_t destRank = unpackOp.getDestRank();
+  ArrayRef<int64_t> srcShape = unpackOp.getSourceType().getShape();
+  if (llvm::any_of(srcShape.take_front(destRank),
+                   [](int64_t val) { return val != 1; })) {
+    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+        unpackOp, "require the outer dimension of the result are all 1s");
-  Location loc = linalgOp->getLoc();
-  SmallVector<AffineMap> indexingMaps = linalgOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
-  SmallVector<utils::IteratorType> iteratorTypes =
-      linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray();
-  LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << "Start packing: " << linalgOp << "\n";
-             llvm::interleaveComma(indexingMaps, DBGS() << "maps: "); DBGSNL();
-             llvm::interleaveComma(iteratorTypes, DBGS() << "iterators: ");
-             DBGSNL(););
+  // 1. Use rank-reduced tensor.extract_slice op to extract the tile.
+  Location loc = unpackOp.getLoc();
+  Attribute zeroIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(0);
+  Attribute oneIdxAttr = rewriter.getIndexAttr(1);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readOffsets(srcRank, zeroIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readStrides(srcRank, oneIdxAttr);
-  SmallVector<tensor::PackOp> packOps;
-  SmallVector<tensor::UnPackOp> unPackOps;
-  // Step 1. Pack each dim of the LinalgOp metadata by packedSizes[i].
-  PackedOperandsDimList listOfPackedOperandsDim;
-  for (int64_t i = 0, e = packedSizes.size(); i < e; ++i) {
-    std::optional<int64_t> maybeConstant = getConstantIntValue(packedSizes[i]);
-    // Skip tile sizes explicitly set to 0.
-    if (maybeConstant.has_value() && maybeConstant.value() == 0)
-      continue;
+  auto mixedTiles = unpackOp.getMixedTiles();
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> readSizes(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
+  readSizes.append(mixedTiles.begin(), mixedTiles.end());
-    PackedOperandsDim packedOperandsDims;
-    packedOperandsDims.packedSize = packedSizes[i];
-    FailureOr<SmallVector<std::optional<int64_t>>>
-        maybePackedDimForEachOperand =
-            packLinalgMetadataOnce(indexingMaps, iteratorTypes, i);
-    if (failed(maybePackedDimForEachOperand))
-      return failure();
-    packedOperandsDims.packedDimForEachOperand = *maybePackedDimForEachOperand;
-    listOfPackedOperandsDim.push_back(std::move(packedOperandsDims));
+  // Explicitly create the type for extract_slice op because the inner tile
+  // size could be 1. We want to represent the whole inner tile in this case.
+  ArrayRef<int64_t> readShape = srcShape.drop_front(destRank);
+  Type elemType = unpackOp.getSourceType().getElementType();
+  auto readType = RankedTensorType::get(readShape, elemType);
+  Value innerTile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
+      loc, readType, unpackOp.getSource(), readOffsets, readSizes, readStrides);
-        DBGS() << "++++ After pack size #" << i << ": " << packedSizes[i]
-               << "\n";
-        llvm::interleaveComma(indexingMaps, DBGS() << "maps: "); DBGSNL();
-        llvm::interleaveComma(iteratorTypes, DBGS() << "iterators: "); DBGSNL();
-        llvm::interleaveComma(packedOperandsDims.packedDimForEachOperand,
-                              DBGS() << "packedDimForEachOperand: ");
-        DBGSNL(););
-  }
+  // 2. Transpose the tile to match the outer corresponding tile order.
+  ArrayRef<int64_t> innerDimsPos = unpackOp.getInnerDimsPos();
+  SmallVector<int64_t> perm =
+      getPackUnpackNormalizedInnerPerm(srcRank, innerDimsPos);
+  SmallVector<int64_t> transpShape(readShape);
+  applyPermutationToVector<int64_t>(transpShape, perm);
-  // Step 2. Propagate packing to all LinalgOp operands.
-  SmallVector<Value> inputsAndInits, results;
-  for (auto operandsList :
-       {linalgOp.getDpsInputOperands(), linalgOp.getDpsInitOperands()}) {
-    for (OpOperand *opOperandPtr : operandsList) {
-      int64_t pos = opOperandPtr->getOperandNumber();
-      Value operand = opOperandPtr->get();
-      SmallVector<int64_t> innerPos =
-          listOfPackedOperandsDim.extractPackedDimsForOperand(pos);
-      SmallVector<OpFoldResult> innerPackSizes =
-          listOfPackedOperandsDim.extractPackSizesForOperand(pos);
-      LLVM_DEBUG(
-          DBGS() << "operand: " << operand << "\n";
-          llvm::interleaveComma(innerPos, DBGS() << "innerPos: "); DBGSNL();
-          llvm::interleaveComma(innerPackSizes, DBGS() << "innerPackSizes: ");
-          DBGSNL(););
-      if (innerPackSizes.empty()) {
-        inputsAndInits.push_back(operand);
-        continue;
-      }
-      Value dest = tensor::PackOp::createDestinationTensor(
-          rewriter, loc, operand, innerPackSizes, innerPos,
-          /*outerDimsPerm=*/{});
-      // TODO: value of the padding attribute should be determined by consumers.
-      Attribute zeroAttr =
-          rewriter.getZeroAttr(getElementTypeOrSelf(dest.getType()));
-      Value zero = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, zeroAttr);
-      packOps.push_back(rewriter.create<tensor::PackOp>(
-          loc, operand, dest, innerPos, innerPackSizes, zero));
-      inputsAndInits.push_back(packOps.back());
-    }
-  }
+  Value empty = rewriter.create<tensor::EmptyOp>(loc, transpShape, elemType);
+  auto transposedOp =
+      rewriter.create<linalg::TransposeOp>(loc, innerTile, empty, perm);
-  // Step 3. Build the packed op, use the type of `inits` as result types.
-  ValueRange inputs =
-      ValueRange{inputsAndInits}.take_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs());
-  ValueRange inits =
-      ValueRange{inputsAndInits}.take_back(linalgOp.getNumDpsInits());
-  auto packedLinalgOp = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(
-      linalgOp.getLoc(), inits.getTypes(), inputs, inits, indexingMaps,
-      iteratorTypes);
-  packedLinalgOp.getRegion().takeBody(linalgOp->getRegion(0));
+  // 3. Handle in-complete tiles if needed. It truncates trailing data from the
+  // transposed tile.
+  int numLoops = transpShape.size();
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileStrides(numLoops, oneIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileOffsets(numLoops, zeroIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileSizes;
+  for (int dim : innerDimsPos)
+    tileSizes.push_back(getAsOpFoldResult(
+        rewriter.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(loc, unpackOp.getDest(), dim)));
-  // Step 4. Propagate packing to all the op results.
-  for (OpResult result : packedLinalgOp->getResults()) {
-    int64_t resultNum = result.getResultNumber();
-    tensor::PackOp maybePackedInit =
-        inits[resultNum].getDefiningOp<tensor::PackOp>();
-    if (!maybePackedInit) {
-      results.push_back(result);
-      continue;
-    }
-    // Build the symmetrical UnPackOp to the existing PackOp.
-    unPackOps.push_back(rewriter.create<tensor::UnPackOp>(
-        packedLinalgOp->getLoc(), result, maybePackedInit.getSource(),
-        maybePackedInit.getInnerDimsPos(), maybePackedInit.getMixedTiles()));
-    results.push_back(unPackOps.back());
+  applyPermutationToVector<OpFoldResult>(tileSizes, perm);
+  auto partialTile = rewriter.create<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(
+      loc, transposedOp.getResult()[0], tileOffsets, tileSizes, tileStrides);
+  // 4. Insert the result to the destination tensor.
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeSizes;
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeStrides(destRank, oneIdxAttr);
+  SmallVector<OpFoldResult> writeOffsets(destRank, zeroIdxAttr);
+  DenseMap<int64_t, OpFoldResult> dimAndTileMapping =
+      unpackOp.getDimAndTileMapping();
+  for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < destRank; ++i) {
+    if (dimAndTileMapping.count(i))
+      writeSizes.push_back(tileSizes[idx++]);
+    else
+      writeSizes.push_back(oneIdxAttr);
+  auto insert = rewriter.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
+      loc, partialTile, unpackOp.getDest(), writeOffsets, writeSizes,
+      writeStrides);
+  rewriter.replaceOp(unpackOp, insert.getResult());
+  return success();
+// The following are patterns for downscaling convolution ops with size-1
+// window dimensions.
+// Note that we'd eventually want to write such transformations in a generic
+// way, e.g., converting to linalg.generic, removing the size-1 dimensions,
+// and then turning back to named ops. But for now it's fine to have a few
+// patterns matching special ops to get started.
+template <typename Conv2DOp, typename Conv1DOp>
+FailureOr<Conv1DOp> DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DOp, Conv1DOp>::
+    returningMatchAndRewrite(Conv2DOp convOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  if (convOp.hasBufferSemantics())
+    return failure(); // To be implemented.
+  Value input = convOp.getInputs().front();
+  Value kernel = convOp.getInputs().back();
+  Value output = convOp.getOutputs().front();
+  auto inputType = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+  auto kernelType = kernel.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+  auto outputType = output.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+  auto kernelShape = kernelType.getShape();
+  auto outputShape = outputType.getShape();
+  // Get domain indices based on conv2D layout.
+  auto [khIndex, kwIndex, ohIndex, owIndex] =
+      TypeSwitch<Operation *, std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>>(
+          convOp)
+          .Case([&](linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(2, 3, 2, 3);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcSumOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNchwSumOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 2, 3);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMaxOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMinOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 1, 2);
+          })
+          .Case([&](linalg::PoolingNchwMaxOp op) {
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 1, 2, 3);
+          })
+          .Default([&](Operation *op) {
+            llvm_unreachable("unexpected conv2d/pool2d operation.");
+            return std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0, 0);
+          });
+  // Only handle the case where at least one of the window dimensions is
+  // of size 1. Other cases can rely on tiling to reduce to such cases.
+  int64_t khSize = kernelShape[khIndex], kwSize = kernelShape[kwIndex];
+  int64_t ohSize = outputShape[ohIndex], owSize = outputShape[owIndex];
+  bool removeH = (khSize == 1 && ohSize == 1);
+  bool removeW = (kwSize == 1 && owSize == 1);
+  if (!removeH && !removeW)
+    return failure();
+  // Get new shapes and types for all operands by removing the size-1
+  // dimension.
+  using RTTBuilder = RankedTensorType::Builder;
+  RankedTensorType newInputType =
+      RTTBuilder(inputType).dropDim((removeH ? ohIndex : owIndex));
+  RankedTensorType newKernelType =
+      RTTBuilder(kernelType).dropDim((removeH ? khIndex : kwIndex));
+  RankedTensorType newOutputType =
+      RTTBuilder(outputType).dropDim((removeH ? ohIndex : owIndex));
-  // Step 5. Replace `linalgOp`.
-  rewriter.replaceOp(linalgOp, results);
+  // Rank-reduce operands.
+  Location loc = convOp.getLoc();
+  Value newInput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, input, newInputType);
+  Value newKernel = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, kernel, newKernelType);
+  Value newOutput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, output, newOutputType);
-  // Return packedLinalgOp.
-  return PackResult{packOps,
-                    cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(packedLinalgOp.getOperation()),
-                    unPackOps};
+  // Rank-reduce strides and dilations too.
+  // TODO: dropDim 1-liner helper.
+  auto strides =
+      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getStrides().template getValues<int64_t>());
+  strides.erase(strides.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
+  auto stridesAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(strides);
-// packTranspose transformation.
+  auto dilations =
+      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getDilations().template getValues<int64_t>());
+  dilations.erase(dilations.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
+  auto dilationsAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(dilations);
-/// Return a copy of `tensorType` after permutation by `permutationVector`.
-// Note: Should be a new method in of MemRef/RankedTensor/VectorType::Builder
-// but this would introduce a dependence on Dialect in IR.
-// TODO: Restructure.
-static RankedTensorType permuteShape(RankedTensorType tensorType,
-                                     ArrayRef<int64_t> permutationVector) {
-  SmallVector<int64_t> shape(tensorType.getShape());
-  applyPermutationToVector(shape, permutationVector);
-  return RankedTensorType::Builder(tensorType).setShape(shape);
+  auto conv1DOp = rewriter.create<Conv1DOp>(
+      loc, newOutputType, ValueRange{newInput, newKernel},
+      ValueRange{newOutput}, stridesAttr, dilationsAttr);
-/// Return a new GenericOp obtained by transposing opOperand by the permutation
-/// vector:
-///   - the corresponding indexing map is transposed by `permutation`
-///   - the corresponding operand value is replaced by `transposedValue`
-/// `linalgOp` is replaced by the return op in the process.
-/// Asserts that `transposedValue` is of the proper transposed ShapedType.
-static LinalgOp transposeOneLinalgOperandAndReplace(
-    RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp, OpOperand &opOperand,
-    ArrayRef<int64_t> permutation, Value transposedValue) {
-  // Sanity check the operand.
-  assert(linalgOp == opOperand.getOwner() && "linalg op must own the operand");
+  // Insert back.
+  Value inserted = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingInsertSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, conv1DOp.getResult(0), output);
+  rewriter.replaceOp(convOp, inserted);
-  // Sanity check of the expected transposed tensor type.
-  auto tensorType = permuteShape(
-      opOperand.get().getType().cast<RankedTensorType>(), permutation);
-  (void)tensorType;
-  assert(tensorType == transposedValue.getType() &&
-         "expected tensor type mismatch");
+  return conv1DOp;
-  // Compute the transposed indexing map.
-  // Sigh unsigned pollution.
-  SmallVector<unsigned> tmpTransposition = llvm::to_vector(
-      llvm::map_range(permutation, [](int64_t i) -> unsigned { return i; }));
-  AffineMap permutationMap =
-      AffineMap::getPermutationMap(tmpTransposition, rewriter.getContext());
-  AffineMap transposedMap =
-      permutationMap.compose(linalgOp.getMatchingIndexingMap(&opOperand));
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp,
+                                                              Conv1DNwcWcfOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<Conv2DNchwFchwOp,
+                                                              Conv1DNcwFcwOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcSumOp,
+                                                              PoolingNwcSumOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwSumOp,
+                                                              PoolingNcwSumOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxOp,
+                                                              PoolingNwcMaxOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<
+    PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp, PoolingNwcMaxUnsignedOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinOp,
+                                                              PoolingNwcMinOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<
+    PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp, PoolingNwcMinUnsignedOp>;
+template struct linalg::DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwMaxOp,
+                                                              PoolingNcwMaxOp>;
-  // Set the transposed indexing map in the proper position.
-  SmallVector<AffineMap> indexingMaps = linalgOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
-  indexingMaps[linalgOp.getIndexingMapIndex(&opOperand)] = transposedMap;
-  // Set the transposedValue in the proper operand position.
-  SmallVector<Value> operands = linalgOp->getOperands();
-  operands[opOperand.getOperandNumber()] = transposedValue;
+    DepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp convOp, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
+  if (convOp.hasBufferSemantics())
+    return failure(); // To be implemented.
-  ValueRange operandsRef(operands);
-  auto transposedGenericOp = rewriter.create<linalg::GenericOp>(
-      /*location=*/linalgOp->getLoc(),
-      /*resultTensorTypes=*/
-      operandsRef.drop_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()).getTypes(),
-      /*inputs=*/operandsRef.take_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()),
-      /*outputs=*/operandsRef.drop_front(linalgOp.getNumDpsInputs()),
-      /*indexingMaps=*/indexingMaps,
-      /*iteratorTypes=*/linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray());
-  transposedGenericOp.getRegion().takeBody(linalgOp->getRegion(0));
-  rewriter.replaceOp(linalgOp, transposedGenericOp->getResults());
+  Value input = convOp.getInputs().front();
+  Value kernel = convOp.getInputs().back();
+  Value output = convOp.getOutputs().front();
-  return cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(transposedGenericOp.getOperation());
+  auto inputType = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+  auto kernelType = kernel.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
+  auto outputType = output.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
-linalg::packTranspose(RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PackOp packOp,
-                      linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, tensor::UnPackOp maybeUnPackOp,
-                      ArrayRef<int64_t> outerPerm,
-                      ArrayRef<int64_t> innerPerm) {
-  Location loc = linalgOp.getLoc();
+  auto kernelShape = kernelType.getShape();
+  auto outputShape = outputType.getShape();
-  // Step 1. Transpose packOp.
-  rewriter.setInsertionPoint(packOp);
-  tensor::PackOp transposedPackOp =
-      packOp.createTransposedClone(rewriter, loc, innerPerm, outerPerm);
+  // Only handle the case where at least one of the window dimensions is
+  // of size 1. Other cases can rely on tiling to reduce to such cases.
+  int64_t khSize = kernelShape[0], kwSize = kernelShape[1];
+  int64_t ohSize = outputShape[1], owSize = outputShape[2];
+  bool removeH = (khSize == 1 && ohSize == 1);
+  bool removeW = (kwSize == 1 && owSize == 1);
+  if (!removeH && !removeW)
+    return failure();
-  if (!packOp.getResult().hasOneUse())
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "expect single pack use");
+  // Get new shapes and types for all operands by removing the size-1
+  // dimension.
+  using RTTBuilder = RankedTensorType::Builder;
+  RankedTensorType newInputType =
+      RTTBuilder(inputType).dropDim((removeH ? 1 : 2));
+  RankedTensorType newKernelType =
+      RTTBuilder(kernelType).dropDim((removeH ? 0 : 1));
+  RankedTensorType newOutputType =
+      RTTBuilder(outputType).dropDim(removeH ? 1 : 2);
-  OpOperand &packUse = *packOp->getUses().begin();
-  if (packUse.getOwner() != linalgOp) {
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
-        linalgOp, "not a single use by the LinalgOp target");
-  }
-  if (maybeUnPackOp &&
-      (!linalgOp.isDpsInit(&packUse) ||
-       maybeUnPackOp.getSource() != linalgOp.getTiedOpResult(&packUse))) {
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
-                                       "not produced by the LinalgOp target");
-  }
+  // Rank-reduce operands.
+  Location loc = convOp.getLoc();
+  Value newInput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, input, newInputType);
+  Value newKernel = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, kernel, newKernelType);
+  Value newOutput = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingExtractSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, output, newOutputType);
-  // Step 2. Transpose linalgOp.
-  // transposedPackOp.getOuterDimsPerm() may be empty, in which case it is the
-  // identity. Don't rely on it.
-  int64_t numLeadingDims = packOp.getSourceRank();
-  int64_t numTrailingDims = packOp.getInnerDimsPos().size();
-  // Step 2.a. Compute the permutation on the whole operand.
-  // Leading part just reuse the outerPerm.
-  SmallVector<int64_t> permutation(outerPerm);
-  if (permutation.empty())
-    llvm::append_range(permutation, llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, numLeadingDims));
-  // Trailing part needs to reindex positions by `numLeadingDims`.
-  if (innerPerm.empty()) {
-    llvm::append_range(
-        permutation,
-        llvm::seq<int64_t>(numLeadingDims, numLeadingDims + numTrailingDims));
-  } else {
-    llvm::append_range(permutation,
-                       llvm::map_range(innerPerm, [&](int64_t pos) {
-                         return numLeadingDims + pos;
-                       }));
-  }
-  if (!isPermutationVector(permutation))
-    return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "invalid permutation");
+  // Rank-reduce strides and dilations too.
+  // TODO: dropDim 1-liner helper.
+  auto strides = llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getStrides().getValues<int64_t>());
+  strides.erase(strides.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
+  auto stridesAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(strides);
-  // Step 2.b. Save the transposedPackUse operand number in case we need to
-  // get the tied OpResult after `linalgOp` has been replaced.
-  int64_t packUseOperandNumber = packUse.getOperandNumber();
-  // Step 2.c. Actually perform the transposition.
-  rewriter.setInsertionPoint(linalgOp);
-  linalg::LinalgOp transposedLinalgOp = transposeOneLinalgOperandAndReplace(
-      rewriter, linalgOp, packUse, permutation, transposedPackOp.getResult());
+  auto dilations =
+      llvm::to_vector<4>(convOp.getDilations().getValues<int64_t>());
+  dilations.erase(dilations.begin() + (removeH ? 0 : 1));
+  auto dilationsAttr = rewriter.getI64VectorAttr(dilations);
-  // Step 3. Maybe transpose unPackOp.
-  tensor::UnPackOp transposedUnPackOp;
-  if (maybeUnPackOp) {
-    OpOperand &opOperand =
-        transposedLinalgOp->getOpOperand(packUseOperandNumber);
-    OpResult transposedResult = transposedLinalgOp.getTiedOpResult(&opOperand);
-    rewriter.setInsertionPoint(maybeUnPackOp);
-    transposedUnPackOp = maybeUnPackOp.createTransposedClone(
-        rewriter, loc, transposedResult, innerPerm, outerPerm);
+  auto conv1DOp = rewriter.create<DepthwiseConv1DNwcWcOp>(
+      loc, newOutputType, ValueRange{newInput, newKernel},
+      ValueRange{newOutput}, stridesAttr, dilationsAttr);
-    rewriter.replaceOp(maybeUnPackOp, transposedUnPackOp->getResults());
-  }
+  // Insert back.
+  Value inserted = tensor::createCanonicalRankReducingInsertSliceOp(
+      rewriter, loc, conv1DOp.getResult(0), output);
+  rewriter.replaceOp(convOp, inserted);
-  // Step 4. Finally, replace packOp now that we don't need it anymore.
-  rewriter.replaceOp(packOp, transposedPackOp->getResults());
+  return conv1DOp;
-  return PackTransposeResult{transposedPackOp, transposedLinalgOp,
-                             transposedUnPackOp};
+void linalg::populateDecomposeConvolutionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+                                                  PatternBenefit benefit) {
+  patterns.add<DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp,
+                                                     Conv1DNwcWcfOp>,
+               DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp,
+                                                     Conv1DNcwFcwOp>,
+               DownscaleDepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp>(patterns.getContext(),
+                                                  benefit);
+  patterns.add<
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcSumOp, PoolingNwcSumOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwSumOp, PoolingNcwSumOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxOp, PoolingNwcMaxOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMaxUnsignedOp,
+                                            PoolingNwcMaxUnsignedOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinOp, PoolingNwcMinOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNhwcMinUnsignedOp,
+                                            PoolingNwcMinUnsignedOp>,
+      DownscaleSizeOneWindowed2DConvolution<PoolingNchwMaxOp, PoolingNcwMaxOp>>(
+      patterns.getContext(), benefit);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/TransformOps/SCFTransformOps.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/TransformOps/SCFTransformOps.cpp
index 72d38ba500e65..3dafd3d739bf5 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/TransformOps/SCFTransformOps.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/TransformOps/SCFTransformOps.cpp
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ transform::LoopPeelOp::applyToOne(scf::ForOp target,
   //    "the loop trip count is divisible by the step"
   // is valid.
   LogicalResult status =
-      scf::peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(rewriter, target, result);
+      scf::peelForLoopAndSimplifyBounds(rewriter, target, result);
   // TODO: Return both the peeled loop and the remainder loop.
   results.push_back(failed(status) ? target : result);
   return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::success();

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
index 3ee440da66dcd..4816f5bb2c625 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ static void rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp,
-LogicalResult mlir::scf::peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                                    ForOp forOp,
-                                                    ForOp &partialIteration) {
+LogicalResult mlir::scf::peelForLoopAndSimplifyBounds(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                                      ForOp forOp,
+                                                      ForOp &partialIteration) {
   Value previousUb = forOp.getUpperBound();
   Value splitBound;
   if (failed(peelForLoop(rewriter, forOp, partialIteration, splitBound)))
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ struct ForLoopPeelingPattern : public OpRewritePattern<ForOp> {
     // Apply loop peeling.
     scf::ForOp partialIteration;
-    if (failed(peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(rewriter, forOp, partialIteration)))
+    if (failed(peelForLoopAndSimplifyBounds(rewriter, forOp, partialIteration)))
       return failure();
     // Apply label, so that the same loop is not rewritten a second time.
     rewriter.updateRootInPlace(partialIteration, [&]() {


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