[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [flang] Add ZA directives for Flang. (PR #76505)

Benjamin Maxwell llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sat Dec 30 15:02:25 PST 2023

@@ -5001,6 +5022,80 @@ class FirConverter : public Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter {
+  /// Process compiler directives that apply to subprograms
+  template <typename ITERATOR>
+  void
+  processSubprogramDirective(ITERATOR it, ITERATOR endIt,
+                             Fortran::lower::pft::CompilerDirectiveUnit &d) {
+    auto *parserDirective = d.getIf<Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective>();
+    if (!parserDirective)
+      return;
+    auto *nvList =
+        std::get_if<std::list<Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective::NameValue>>(
+            &parserDirective->u);
+    if (!nvList)
+      return;
+    // get the function the directive applies to (hopefully the next unit)
+    mlir::func::FuncOp mlirFunc;
+    it = std::next(it);
+    if (it != endIt) {
+      auto *pftFunction =
+          std::get_if<Fortran::lower::pft::FunctionLikeUnit>(&*it);
+      if (pftFunction) {
+        Fortran::lower::CalleeInterface callee{*pftFunction, *this};
+        mlirFunc = callee.getFuncOp();
+      }
+    }
+    for (const Fortran::parser::CompilerDirective::NameValue &nv : *nvList) {
+      std::string name = std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(nv.t).ToString();
+      // arm streaming sve directives
+      auto streamingMode = mlir::arm_sme::ArmStreamingMode::Disabled;
+      if (name == "arm_streaming")
+        streamingMode = mlir::arm_sme::ArmStreamingMode::Streaming;
+      else if (name == "arm_locally_streaming")
+        streamingMode = mlir::arm_sme::ArmStreamingMode::StreamingLocally;
+      else if (name == "arm_streaming_compatible")
+        streamingMode = mlir::arm_sme::ArmStreamingMode::StreamingCompatible;
MacDue wrote:

There should be a generated helper for this (that returns `std::optional<arm_sme::ArmStreamingMode>`). I believe it would be `mlir::arm_sme::symbolizeArmStreamingMode()`.


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