[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [llvm] [flang] [flang][mlir][OpenMP] Add support for COPYPRIVATE (PR #73128)

Leandro Lupori llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Dec 22 08:36:13 PST 2023

luporl wrote:

> > * I have written only a basic test for now, covering simple scalars and arrays. My plan is to add more tests, but I wanted to get some feedback first, to avoid having to rewrite the tests too much.
> I think there is some additional work to support explicit-shape/vla, assumed-shape arrays and pointers/allocatables.
> I am away on holiday from today evening, back on Jan 8. Is it OK to wait till then?

Sure, no problem. I'll be away next week too, back on January 2.
Thanks for the review and helpful comments.


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