[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][python] meta region_op (PR #75673)

Maksim Levental llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Dec 19 18:09:21 PST 2023

@@ -30,6 +29,14 @@ declare_mlir_python_sources(MLIRPythonSources.Core.Python
+  ADD_TO_PARENT MLIRPythonSources.Core.Python
+    extras/types.py
makslevental wrote:

Yea I've started "colonizing" in various extracurricular places as well. I think it should be fine - it's a `NameSpace` package after all so we can all share. But it's a good point to be mindful of whether downstream people have started populating (the produced effect is downstream overwrites which isn't fun...).


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