[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] NamedAttribute utility generator (PR #75118)

Krzysztof Drewniak llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Dec 12 13:08:07 PST 2023

@@ -283,6 +283,78 @@ class AttrDef<Dialect dialect, string name, list<Trait> traits = [],
                                  "::" # cppClassName # ">($_self)">;
+// Define a StringAttr wrapper for the NamedAttribute `name`
+// - `name` is dialect-scoped when not-inherent.
+// - Utilities to is/has/get/set/lookup/create typed Attr on an Operation
+//   including typed `value` attribute
+class NamedAttrDef<Dialect dialect, string name, string userName,
+    string valueAttrType = "::mlir::Attribute">
+    : AttrDef<dialect, name, [], "::mlir::StringAttr"> {
+  let mnemonic = userName;
+  string scopedName = dialect.name # "." # mnemonic;
+  code typedefValueAttr = "typedef " # valueAttrType # " ValueAttrType;\n";
+  code getNameFunc = "static constexpr llvm::StringLiteral getScopedName() { return \""
+      # scopedName # "\"; }\n";
+  code namedAttrFuncs = !strconcat(typedefValueAttr, getNameFunc, [{
+    // Get name based on inherentness
+    static llvm::StringLiteral getName(Operation *op = nullptr) {
+      if (op && op->getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
+       auto mnemonic = getMnemonic();
+       if (op->getInherentAttr(mnemonic))
+         return mnemonic;
+      }
+      return getScopedName();
+    }
+    // Is or Has
+    static bool is(::mlir::NamedAttribute attr) {
+      return attr.getName() == getScopedName();
+    }
+    static bool isInherent(::mlir::NamedAttribute attr) {
+      return attr.getName() == getMnemonic();
+    }
+    static bool has(::mlir::Operation *op) {
krzysz00 wrote:

The grammar of this method name feels weird. Would it make more sense as something like `.isPresent` or `.isSetOn` or some such? Asking if an attribute has an operation feels backwards


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