[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [flang] [Flang] [OpenMP] [Semantics] [MLIR] [Lowering] Add lowering support for IS_DEVICE_PTR and HAS_DEVICE_ADDR clauses on OMP TARGET directive. (PR #74187)

Raghu Maddhipatla llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Dec 8 15:43:51 PST 2023

raghavendhra wrote:

> > It would be nice to split semantic from lowering changes.
> Created a #74370 to address semantic part of this PR. Once #74370 is accepted I will rebase this patch.

https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/74370 Has been accepted and merged to upstream. @clementval 
Can you please review this now?


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