[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][Vector] Update patterns for flattening vector.xfer Ops (2/N) (PR #73523)

Han-Chung Wang llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Dec 4 10:05:34 PST 2023

@@ -542,45 +544,99 @@ class FlattenContiguousRowMajorTransferReadPattern
     auto loc = transferReadOp.getLoc();
     Value vector = transferReadOp.getVector();
     VectorType vectorType = cast<VectorType>(vector.getType());
-    Value source = transferReadOp.getSource();
+    auto source = transferReadOp.getSource();
     MemRefType sourceType = dyn_cast<MemRefType>(source.getType());
+    // 0. Check pre-conditions
     // Contiguity check is valid on tensors only.
     if (!sourceType)
       return failure();
+    // If this is already 0D/1D, there's nothing to do.
     if (vectorType.getRank() <= 1)
-      // Already 0D/1D, nothing to do.
       return failure();
     if (!vector::isContiguousSlice(sourceType, vectorType))
       return failure();
-    int64_t firstContiguousInnerDim =
-        sourceType.getRank() - vectorType.getRank();
     // TODO: generalize this pattern, relax the requirements here.
     if (transferReadOp.hasOutOfBoundsDim())
       return failure();
     if (!transferReadOp.getPermutationMap().isMinorIdentity())
       return failure();
     if (transferReadOp.getMask())
       return failure();
     SmallVector<Value> collapsedIndices;
-    if (failed(checkAndCollapseInnerZeroIndices(transferReadOp.getIndices(),
-                                                firstContiguousInnerDim,
-                                                collapsedIndices)))
-      return failure();
+    int64_t firstDimToCollapse = sourceType.getRank() - vectorType.getRank();
+    // 1. Collapse the source memref
     Value collapsedSource =
-        collapseInnerDims(rewriter, loc, source, firstContiguousInnerDim);
+        collapseInnerDims(rewriter, loc, source, firstDimToCollapse);
     MemRefType collapsedSourceType =
     int64_t collapsedRank = collapsedSourceType.getRank();
-    assert(collapsedRank == firstContiguousInnerDim + 1);
+    assert(collapsedRank == firstDimToCollapse + 1);
+    // 2. Generate input args for a new vector.transfer_read that will read
+    // from the collapsed memref.
+    // 2.1. New dim exprs + affine map
     SmallVector<AffineExpr, 1> dimExprs{
-        getAffineDimExpr(firstContiguousInnerDim, rewriter.getContext())};
+        getAffineDimExpr(firstDimToCollapse, rewriter.getContext())};
     auto collapsedMap =
         AffineMap::get(collapsedRank, 0, dimExprs, rewriter.getContext());
+    // 2.2 New indices
+    // If all the collapsed indices are zero then no extra logic is needed.
+    // Otherwise, a new offset/index has to be computed.
+    if (failed(checkAndCollapseInnerZeroIndices(transferReadOp.getIndices(),
+                                                firstDimToCollapse,
+                                                collapsedIndices))) {
+      // Copy all the leading indices
+      collapsedIndices = transferReadOp.getIndices();
+      collapsedIndices.resize(firstDimToCollapse);
+      // Compute the remaining trailing index/offset required for reading from
+      // the collapsed memref:
+      //
+      //    offset = 0
+      //    for (i = firstDimToCollapse; i < outputRank; ++i)
+      //      offset += sourceType.getDimSize(i) * transferReadOp.indices[i]
+      //
+      // For this example:
+      //   %2 = vector.transfer_read %arg4[%c0, %arg0, %c0] (...) :
+      //      memref<1x43x2xi32>, vector<1x2xi32>
+      // which would be collapsed to:
+      //   %1 = vector.transfer_read %collapse_shape[%c0, %offset] (...) :
+      //      memref<1x86xi32>, vector<2xi32>
+      // one would get the following offset:
+      //    %offset = %arg0 * 43
+      AffineExpr offsetE, idx;
hanhanW wrote:

[optional] It helps readability if we rename them to `offsetExpr` and `idxExpr`. I think there is no convention about it, it is just from my personal review experience.


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