[Mlir-commits] [mlir] b448fe0 - [mlir][NFC] Split OpBase.td into multiple smaller units
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sat Aug 19 09:57:24 PDT 2023
Author: Groverkss
Date: 2023-08-19T22:19:39+05:30
New Revision: b448fe0c126d45eabd6f2994559bb0124dae3113
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b448fe0c126d45eabd6f2994559bb0124dae3113
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b448fe0c126d45eabd6f2994559bb0124dae3113.diff
LOG: [mlir][NFC] Split OpBase.td into multiple smaller units
This patch splits OpBase.td into smaller files, focusing on individual,
implementations of functionalities.
This patch is marked NFC, as it just splits the implementation into multiple
files and includes them back into OpBase.td, so it doesn't break anything.
Most of the patch is mechanical, with chunks of implementation being shifted
into indvidual files. The main things to look out are:
- Classes and Definations added to Utils.td
- Headers of files
- Any thing that should have been split but isn't
Reviewed By: rriddle, Mogball
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D156067
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td
index d24a6b4df8c7bc..5f38f380c229d5 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@
-include "mlir/IR/OpBase.td"
+include "mlir/IR/CommonAttrConstraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/DialectBase.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Traits.td"
// AttrTrait definitions
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonAttrConstraints.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonAttrConstraints.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..dc091c36395601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonAttrConstraints.td
@@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
+//===-- CommonAttrConstraints.td - Common Attr Constraints--*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains commonly used attr constraints.
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/DialectBase.td"
+// Attribute definitions
+// Base attribute definition
+// Base class for all attributes.
+class Attr<Pred condition, string summary = ""> :
+ AttrConstraint<condition, summary> {
+ code storageType = ?; // The backing mlir::Attribute type
+ code returnType = ?; // The underlying C++ value type
+ // The call expression to convert from the storage type to the return
+ // type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
+ // enum class.
+ //
+ // Format: $_self will be expanded to the attribute.
+ //
+ // For example, `$_self.getValue().getSExtValue()` for `IntegerAttr val` will
+ // expand to `getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("val").getValue().getSExtValue()`.
+ code convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";
+ // The call expression to build an attribute from a constant value.
+ //
+ // Format: $0 will be expanded to the constant value of the attribute.
+ //
+ // For example, `$_builder.getStringAttr("$0")` for `StringAttr:"foo"` will
+ // expand to `builder.getStringAttr("foo")`.
+ string constBuilderCall = ?;
+ // Default value for attribute.
+ // Requires a constBuilderCall defined.
+ string defaultValue = ?;
+ // The value type of this attribute. This corresponds to the mlir::Type that
+ // this attribute returns via `getType()`.
+ Type valueType = ?;
+ // Whether the attribute is optional. Typically requires a custom
+ // convertFromStorage method to handle the case where the attribute is
+ // not present.
+ bit isOptional = 0;
+ // What is the base-level Attr instantiation that this Attr is built upon.
+ // Unset means this is a base-level Attr.
+ //
+ // This field is used by attribute wrapper classes (DefaultValuedAttr,
+ // OptionalAttr, etc.) to retrieve the base-level attribute definition.
+ // This can be used for getting its name; otherwise, we will see
+ // "anonymous_<number>" as the attribute def name because of template
+ // instantiation.
+ // TOOD(b/132458159): deduplicate the fields in attribute wrapper classes.
+ Attr baseAttr = ?;
+ // The fully-qualified C++ namespace where the generated class lives.
+ string cppNamespace = "";
+ // The full description of this attribute.
+ string description = "";
+// An attribute of a specific dialect.
+class DialectAttr<Dialect d, Pred condition, string summary = ""> :
+ Attr<condition, summary> {
+ Dialect dialect = d;
+ let cppNamespace = d.cppNamespace;
+// Attribute modifier definition
+// Decorates an attribute to have an (unvalidated) default value if not present.
+class DefaultValuedAttr<Attr attr, string val> :
+ Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
+ // Construct this attribute with the input attribute and change only
+ // the default value.
+ // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
+ let storageType = attr.storageType;
+ let returnType = attr.returnType;
+ let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
+ let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
+ let defaultValue = val;
+ let valueType = attr.valueType;
+ let baseAttr = attr;
+// Decorates an optional attribute to have an (unvalidated) default value
+// return by ODS generated accessors if not present.
+class DefaultValuedOptionalAttr<Attr attr, string val> :
+ Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
+ // Construct this attribute with the input attribute and change only
+ // the default value.
+ // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
+ let storageType = attr.storageType;
+ let returnType = attr.returnType;
+ let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
+ let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
+ let defaultValue = val;
+ let valueType = attr.valueType;
+ let isOptional = 1;
+ let baseAttr = attr;
+// Decorates an attribute as optional. The return type of the generated
+// attribute accessor method will be Optional<>.
+class OptionalAttr<Attr attr> : Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
+ // Rewrite the attribute to be optional.
+ // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
+ let storageType = attr.storageType;
+ let returnType = "::std::optional<" # attr.returnType #">";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self ? " # returnType # "(" #
+ attr.convertFromStorage # ") : (::std::nullopt)";
+ let valueType = attr.valueType;
+ let isOptional = 1;
+ let baseAttr = attr;
+// Default-valued string-based attribute. Wraps the default value in escaped
+// quotes.
+class DefaultValuedStrAttr<Attr attr, string val>
+ : DefaultValuedAttr<attr, "\"" # val # "\"">;
+class DefaultValuedOptionalStrAttr<Attr attr, string val>
+ : DefaultValuedOptionalAttr<attr, "\"" # val # "\"">;
+// Primitive attribute kinds
+// A generic attribute that must be constructed around a specific buildable type
+// `attrValType`. Backed by MLIR attribute kind `attrKind`.
+class TypedAttrBase<Type attrValType, string attrKind, Pred condition,
+ string descr> :
+ Attr<condition, descr> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.get" # attrKind # "(" #
+ attrValType.builderCall # ", $0)";
+ let storageType = "::mlir::" # attrKind;
+ let valueType = attrValType;
+// Any attribute.
+def AnyAttr : Attr<CPred<"true">, "any attribute"> {
+ let storageType = "::mlir::Attribute";
+ let returnType = "::mlir::Attribute";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+ let constBuilderCall = "$0";
+// Any attribute from the given list
+class AnyAttrOf<list<Attr> allowedAttrs, string summary = "",
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Attribute",
+ string fromStorage = "$_self"> : Attr<
+ // Satisfy any of the allowed attribute's condition
+ Or<!foreach(allowedattr, allowedAttrs, allowedattr.predicate)>,
+ !if(!eq(summary, ""),
+ !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedAttrs, t.summary), " or "),
+ summary)> {
+ let returnType = cppClassName;
+ let convertFromStorage = fromStorage;
+def LocationAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::LocationAttr>($_self)">,
+ "location attribute">;
+def BoolAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::BoolAttr>($_self)">, "bool attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::BoolAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ bool }];
+ let valueType = I1;
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getBoolAttr($0)";
+// Index attribute.
+def IndexAttr :
+ TypedAttrBase<
+ Index, "IntegerAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IndexType>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType())">]>,
+ "index attribute"> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
+// Base class for any integer (regardless of signedness semantics) attributes
+// of fixed width.
+class AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI attrValType, string descr> :
+ TypedAttrBase<
+ attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "isInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
+ descr> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
+ let constBuilderCall = ?;
+def AnyI1Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI1, "1-bit integer attribute">;
+def AnyI8Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI8, "8-bit integer attribute">;
+def AnyI16Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI16, "16-bit integer attribute">;
+def AnyI32Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI32, "32-bit integer attribute">;
+def AnyI64Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI64, "64-bit integer attribute">;
+def APIntAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ "arbitrary integer attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::IntegerAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::APInt }];
+// Base class for signless integer attributes of fixed width.
+class SignlessIntegerAttrBase<I attrValType, string descr> :
+ TypedAttrBase<
+ attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "isSignlessInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
+ descr> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
+// Base class for signless integer attributes of fixed width that have a
+// corresponding C++ type.
+class TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<I attrValType, string retType, string descr>
+ : SignlessIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
+ let returnType = retType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()";
+def I1Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
+ I1, "bool", "1-bit signless integer attribute">;
+def I8Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
+ I8, "uint8_t", "8-bit signless integer attribute">;
+def I16Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
+ I16, "uint16_t", "16-bit signless integer attribute">;
+def I32Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
+ I32, "uint32_t", "32-bit signless integer attribute">;
+def I64Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
+ I64, "uint64_t", "64-bit signless integer attribute">;
+// Base class for signed integer attributes of fixed width.
+class SignedIntegerAttrBase<SI attrValType, string descr> :
+ TypedAttrBase<
+ attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "isSignedInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
+ descr> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
+// Base class for signed integer attributes of fixed width that have a
+// corresponding C++ type.
+class TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<SI attrValType, string retType, string descr>
+ : SignedIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
+ let returnType = retType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getSExtValue()";
+def SI1Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ SI1, "bool", "1-bit signed integer attribute">;
+def SI8Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ SI8, "int8_t", "8-bit signed integer attribute">;
+def SI16Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ SI16, "int16_t", "16-bit signed integer attribute">;
+def SI32Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ SI32, "int32_t", "32-bit signed integer attribute">;
+def SI64Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ SI64, "int64_t", "64-bit signed integer attribute">;
+// Base class for unsigned integer attributes of fixed width.
+class UnsignedIntegerAttrBase<UI attrValType, string descr> :
+ TypedAttrBase<
+ attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "isUnsignedInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
+ descr> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
+// Base class for unsigned integer attributes of fixed width that have a
+// corresponding C++ type.
+class TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<UI attrValType, string retType, string descr>
+ : UnsignedIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
+ let returnType = retType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()";
+def UI1Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ UI1, "bool", "1-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
+def UI8Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ UI8, "uint8_t", "8-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
+def UI16Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ UI16, "uint16_t", "16-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
+def UI32Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ UI32, "uint32_t", "32-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
+def UI64Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
+ UI64, "uint64_t", "64-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
+// Base class for float attributes of fixed width.
+class FloatAttrBase<F attrValType, string descr> :
+ TypedAttrBase<attrValType, "FloatAttr",
+ And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FloatAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::FloatAttr>($_self).getType().isF" #
+ attrValType.bitwidth # "()">]>,
+ descr> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APFloat }];
+def F32Attr : FloatAttrBase<F32, "32-bit float attribute">;
+def F64Attr : FloatAttrBase<F64, "64-bit float attribute">;
+// An attribute backed by a string type.
+class StringBasedAttr<Pred condition, string descr> : Attr<condition, descr> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getStringAttr($0)";
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::StringAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::StringRef }];
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+def StrAttr : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
+ "string attribute">;
+// A string attribute that represents the name of a symbol.
+def SymbolNameAttr : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
+ "string attribute">;
+// String attribute that has a specific value type.
+class TypedStrAttr<Type ty>
+ : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
+ "string attribute"> {
+ let valueType = ty;
+// Base class for attributes containing types. Example:
+// def IntTypeAttr : TypeAttrBase<"IntegerType", "integer type attribute">
+// defines a type attribute containing an integer type.
+class TypeAttrBase<string retType, string summary,
+ Pred typePred = CPred<"true">> :
+ Attr<And<[
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<" # retType # ">(::llvm::cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self).getValue())">,
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self",
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self).getValue()", typePred>]>,
+ summary> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::TypeAttr }];
+ let returnType = retType;
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "::llvm::cast<" # retType # ">($_self.getValue())";
+def TypeAttr : TypeAttrBase<"::mlir::Type", "any type attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($0)";
+class TypeAttrOf<Type ty>
+ : TypeAttrBase<ty.cppClassName, "type attribute of " # ty.summary,
+ ty.predicate> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($0)";
+// The mere presence of unit attributes has a meaning. Therefore, unit
+// attributes are always treated as optional and accessors to them return
+// "true" if the attribute is present and "false" otherwise.
+def UnitAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnitAttr>($_self)">, "unit attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::UnitAttr }];
+ let constBuilderCall = "(($0) ? $_builder.getUnitAttr() : nullptr)";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self != nullptr";
+ let returnType = "bool";
+ let defaultValue = "false";
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let isOptional = 1;
+// Composite attribute kinds
+class DictionaryAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
+ Attr<condition, summary> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DictionaryAttr }];
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getDictionaryAttr($0)";
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DictionaryAttr }];
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+def DictionaryAttr
+ : DictionaryAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DictionaryAttr>($_self)">,
+ "dictionary of named attribute values">;
+class ElementsAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
+ Attr<condition, summary> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::ElementsAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::ElementsAttr }];
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+def ElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ElementsAttr>($_self)">,
+ "constant vector/tensor attribute">;
+class IntElementsAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
+ ElementsAttrBase<And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self)">,
+ condition]>,
+ summary> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr }];
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+class DenseArrayAttrBase<string denseAttrName, string cppType, string summaryName> :
+ ElementsAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::" # denseAttrName # ">($_self)">,
+ summaryName # " dense array attribute"> {
+ let storageType = "::mlir::" # denseAttrName;
+ let returnType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # cppType # ">";
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.get" # denseAttrName # "($0)";
+def DenseBoolArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseBoolArrayAttr", "bool", "i1">;
+def DenseI8ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI8ArrayAttr", "int8_t", "i8">;
+def DenseI16ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI16ArrayAttr", "int16_t", "i16">;
+def DenseI32ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI32ArrayAttr", "int32_t", "i32">;
+def DenseI64ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI64ArrayAttr", "int64_t", "i64">;
+def DenseF32ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseF32ArrayAttr", "float", "f32">;
+def DenseF64ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseF64ArrayAttr", "double", "f64">;
+def IndexElementsAttr
+ : IntElementsAttrBase<CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self)
+ .getType()
+ .getElementType()
+ .isIndex()}]>,
+ "index elements attribute">;
+def AnyIntElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrBase<CPred<"true">, "integer elements attribute">;
+class IntElementsAttrOf<int width> : IntElementsAttrBase<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "getElementType().isInteger(" # width # ")">,
+ width # "-bit integer elements attribute">;
+def AnyI32ElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrOf<32>;
+def AnyI64ElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrOf<64>;
+class SignlessIntElementsAttr<int width> : IntElementsAttrBase<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "getElementType().isSignlessInteger(" # width # ")">,
+ width # "-bit signless integer elements attribute"> {
+ // Note that this is only constructing scalar elements attribute.
+ let constBuilderCall = "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>("
+ "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
+ "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({}, $_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")), "
+ "::llvm::ArrayRef($0)))";
+def I32ElementsAttr : SignlessIntElementsAttr<32>;
+def I64ElementsAttr : SignlessIntElementsAttr<64>;
+// A `width`-bit signless integer elements attribute. The attribute should be
+// ranked and has a shape as specified in `dims`.
+class RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<int width, list<int> dims> :
+ SignlessIntElementsAttr<width> {
+ // Check that this has the specified shape.
+ let predicate = And<[
+ SignlessIntElementsAttr<width>.predicate,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType().getShape() == "
+ "::mlir::ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") # "})">]>;
+ let summary = width # "-bit signless int elements attribute of shape [" #
+ !interleave(dims, ", ") # "]";
+ let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr::get("
+ "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") #
+ "}, $_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")), ::llvm::ArrayRef($0))";
+class RankedI32ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> :
+ RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<32, dims>;
+class RankedI64ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> :
+ RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<64, dims>;
+class FloatElementsAttr<int width> : ElementsAttrBase<
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self) &&"
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "getElementType().isF" # width # "()">,
+ width # "-bit float elements attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
+ // Note that this is only constructing scalar elements attribute.
+ let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
+ "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({}, $_builder.getF" # width # "Type()),"
+ "::llvm::ArrayRef($0))";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+def F64ElementsAttr : FloatElementsAttr<64>;
+// A `width`-bit floating point elements attribute. The attribute should be
+// ranked and has a shape as specified in `dims`.
+class RankedFloatElementsAttr<int width, list<int> dims> : ElementsAttrBase<
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self) &&"
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
+ "getElementType().isF" # width # "() && "
+ // Check that this is ranked and has the specified shape.
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType().hasRank() && "
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType().getShape() == "
+ "::mlir::ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") # "})">,
+ width # "-bit float elements attribute of shape [" #
+ !interleave(dims, ", ") # "]"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr }];
+ let constBuilderCall = "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>("
+ "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
+ "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") #
+ "}, $_builder.getF" # width # "Type()), "
+ "::llvm::ArrayRef($0)))";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+class RankedF32ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> : RankedFloatElementsAttr<32, dims>;
+class RankedF64ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> : RankedFloatElementsAttr<64, dims>;
+def StringElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseStringElementsAttr>($_self)" >,
+ "string elements attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+// Attributes containing affine maps.
+def AffineMapAttr : Attr<
+CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::AffineMapAttr>($_self)">, "AffineMap attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{::mlir::AffineMapAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::AffineMap }];
+ let valueType = Index;
+ let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::AffineMapAttr::get($0)";
+// Base class for array attributes.
+class ArrayAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> : Attr<condition, summary> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::ArrayAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::ArrayAttr }];
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getArrayAttr($0)";
+def ArrayAttr : ArrayAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)">,
+ "array attribute">;
+// Base class for array attributes whose elements are of the same kind.
+// `element` specifies the element attribute kind stored in this array.
+class TypedArrayAttrBase<Attr element, string summary>: ArrayAttrBase<
+ And<[
+ // Guarantee this is an ArrayAttr first
+ CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)">,
+ // Guarantee all elements satisfy the constraints from `element`
+ Concat<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self), "
+ "[&](::mlir::Attribute attr) { return attr && (",
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self", "attr", element.predicate>,
+ "); })">]>,
+ summary> {
+ Attr elementAttr = element;
+def LocationArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<LocationAttr,
+ "location array attribute">;
+def AffineMapArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<AffineMapAttr,
+ "AffineMap array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getAffineMapArrayAttr($0)";
+def BoolArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<BoolAttr,
+ "1-bit boolean array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getBoolArrayAttr($0)";
+def I32ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<I32Attr,
+ "32-bit integer array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI32ArrayAttr($0)";
+def I64ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<I64Attr,
+ "64-bit integer array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI64ArrayAttr($0)";
+// Variant of I64ArrayAttr whose user accessor is SmallVector<in64_t>.
+def I64SmallVectorArrayAttr :
+ TypedArrayAttrBase<I64Attr, "64-bit integer array attribute"> {
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::SmallVector<int64_t, 8> }];
+ let convertFromStorage = [{
+ llvm::to_vector<4>(
+ llvm::map_range($_self.getAsRange<mlir::IntegerAttr>(),
+ [](IntegerAttr attr) { return attr.getInt(); }));
+ }];
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI64ArrayAttr($0)";
+def F32ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<F32Attr, "32-bit float array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getF32ArrayAttr($0)";
+def F64ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<F64Attr, "64-bit float array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getF64ArrayAttr($0)";
+def StrArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<StrAttr, "string array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getStrArrayAttr($0)";
+def TypeArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<TypeAttr, "type array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getTypeArrayAttr($0)";
+def IndexListArrayAttr :
+ TypedArrayAttrBase<I64ArrayAttr, "Array of 64-bit integer array attributes">;
+def DictArrayAttr :
+ TypedArrayAttrBase<DictionaryAttr, "Array of dictionary attributes">;
+// Attributes containing symbol references.
+def SymbolRefAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::SymbolRefAttr>($_self)">,
+ "symbol reference attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::SymbolRefAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::mlir::SymbolRefAttr }];
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let constBuilderCall =
+ "::mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+def FlatSymbolRefAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr>($_self)">,
+ "flat symbol reference attribute"> {
+ let storageType = [{ ::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr }];
+ let returnType = [{ ::llvm::StringRef }];
+ let valueType = NoneType;
+ let constBuilderCall =
+ "::mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";
+def SymbolRefArrayAttr :
+ TypedArrayAttrBase<SymbolRefAttr, "symbol ref array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = ?;
+def FlatSymbolRefArrayAttr :
+ TypedArrayAttrBase<FlatSymbolRefAttr, "flat symbol ref array attribute"> {
+ let constBuilderCall = ?;
+// Derive attribute kinds
+// DerivedAttr are attributes whose value is computed from properties
+// of the operation. They do not require additional storage and are
+// materialized as needed.
+// Note: All derived attributes should be materializable as an Attribute. E.g.,
+// do not use DerivedAttr for things that could not have been stored as
+// Attribute.
+class DerivedAttr<code ret, code b, code convert = ""> :
+ Attr<CPred<"true">, "derived attribute"> {
+ let returnType = ret;
+ code body = b;
+ // Specify how to convert from the derived attribute to an attribute.
+ //
+ // ## Special placeholders
+ //
+ // Special placeholders can be used to refer to entities during conversion:
+ //
+ // * `$_builder` will be replaced by a mlir::Builder instance.
+ // * `$_ctxt` will be replaced by the MLIRContext* instance.
+ // * `$_self` will be replaced with the derived attribute (value produces
+ // `returnType`).
+ let convertFromStorage = convert;
+// Derived attribute that returns a mlir::Type.
+class DerivedTypeAttr<code body> : DerivedAttr<"::mlir::Type", body> {
+ let convertFromStorage = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($_self)";
+// Constant attribute kinds
+// Represents a constant attribute of specific Attr type. A constant
+// attribute can be specified only of attributes that have a constant
+// builder call defined. The constant value is specified as a string.
+// If used as a constraint, it generates a matcher on a constant attribute by
+// using the constant value builder of the attribute and the value.
+class ConstantAttr<Attr attribute, string val> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"$_self == " # !subst("$0", val, attribute.constBuilderCall)>,
+ "constant attribute " # val> {
+ Attr attr = attribute;
+ string value = val;
+class ConstF32Attr<string val> : ConstantAttr<F32Attr, val>;
+def ConstBoolAttrFalse : ConstantAttr<BoolAttr, "false">;
+def ConstBoolAttrTrue : ConstantAttr<BoolAttr, "true">;
+def ConstUnitAttr : ConstantAttr<UnitAttr, "true">;
+// Constant string-based attribute. Wraps the desired string in escaped quotes.
+class ConstantStrAttr<Attr attribute, string val>
+ : ConstantAttr<attribute, "\"" # val # "\"">;
+// Common attribute constraints
+// A general mechanism to further confine the given `attr` with all the
+// `constraints`. This allows to compose complex constraints out of a series
+// of more primitive ones.
+class ConfinedAttr<Attr attr, list<AttrConstraint> constraints> : Attr<
+ And<!listconcat([attr.predicate],
+ !foreach(pred, constraints, pred.predicate))>,
+ !foldl(/*init*/attr.summary, /*list*/constraints,
+ prev, cur, prev # " " # cur.summary)> {
+ let storageType = attr.storageType;
+ let returnType = attr.returnType;
+ let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
+ let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
+ let defaultValue = attr.defaultValue;
+ let valueType = attr.valueType;
+ let isOptional = attr.isOptional;
+ let baseAttr = attr;
+// An AttrConstraint that holds if all attr constraints specified in
+// 'constraints' hold.
+class AllAttrOf<list<AttrConstraint> constraints> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<!listconcat([!head(constraints).predicate],
+ !foreach(pred, !tail(constraints), pred.predicate))>,
+ !interleave(!foreach(con, constraints, con.summary), " and ")> {
+class IntNEQValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() != " # n>,
+ "whose minimum value is " # n>;
+class IntMinValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() >= " # n>,
+ "whose minimum value is " # n>;
+class IntMaxValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() <= " # n>,
+ "whose maximum value is " # n>;
+def IntNonNegative : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"!::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getValue().isNegative()">,
+ "whose value is non-negative">;
+def IntPositive : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getValue().isStrictlyPositive()">,
+ "whose value is positive">;
+class ArrayMinCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() >= " # n>,
+ "with at least " # n # " elements">;
+class ArrayCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() == " #n>,
+ "with exactly " # n # " elements">;
+class DenseArrayCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseArrayAttr>($_self).size() == " #n>,
+ "with exactly " # n # " elements">;
+class DenseArrayStrictlyPositive<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType #">($_self).asArrayRef(), "
+ "[&](auto v) { return v > 0; })">,
+ "whose value is positive">;
+class DenseArrayNonNegative<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType #">($_self).asArrayRef(), "
+ "[&](auto v) { return v >= 0; })">,
+ "whose value is non-negative">;
+class DenseArraySorted<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"llvm::is_sorted(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())">,
+ "should be in non-decreasing order">;
+class DenseArrayStrictlySorted<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<[
+ CPred<"llvm::is_sorted(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())">,
+ // Check that no two adjacent elements are the same.
+ CPred<"[](" # arrayType.returnType # " a) {\n"
+ "return std::adjacent_find(std::begin(a), std::end(a)) == "
+ "std::end(a);\n"
+ "}(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())"
+ >]>,
+ "should be in increasing order">;
+class IntArrayNthElemEq<int index, int value> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<[
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
+ # index # "]).getInt() == " # value>
+ ]>,
+ "whose " # index # "-th element must be " # value>;
+class IntArrayNthElemMinValue<int index, int min> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<[
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
+ # index # "]).getInt() >= " # min>
+ ]>,
+ "whose " # index # "-th element must be at least " # min>;
+class IntArrayNthElemMaxValue<int index, int max> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<[
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
+ # index # "]).getInt() <= " # max>
+ ]>,
+ "whose " # index # "-th element must be at most " # max>;
+class IntArrayNthElemInRange<int index, int min, int max> : AttrConstraint<
+ And<[
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
+ # index # "]).getInt() >= " # min>,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
+ # index # "]).getInt() <= " # max>
+ ]>,
+ "whose " # index # "-th element must be at least " # min # " and at most " # max>;
+def IsNullAttr : AttrConstraint<
+ CPred<"!$_self">, "empty attribute (for optional attributes)">;
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..ebb1de47566d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+//===-- CommonTypeConstraints.td - Common Type Constraints--*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains commonly used type constraints.
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/DialectBase.td"
+// Common predicates
+// Whether a type is a VectorType.
+// Explicitly disallow 0-D vectors for now until we have good enough coverage.
+def IsVectorTypePred : And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self)">,
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank() > 0">]>;
+// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
+// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
+def IsVectorOfAnyRankTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is a fixed-length VectorType.
+def IsFixedVectorTypePred : CPred<[{::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self) &&
+ !::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).isScalable()}]>;
+// Whether a type is a scalable VectorType.
+def IsScalableVectorTypePred : CPred<[{::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self) &&
+ ::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).isScalable()}]>;
+// Whether a type is a VectorType and all dimensions are scalable.
+def allDimsScalableVectorTypePred : And<[
+ IsVectorTypePred,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).allDimsScalable()}]>
+// Whether a type is a TensorType.
+def IsTensorTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TensorType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is a MemRefType.
+def IsMemRefTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::MemRefType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is an UnrankedMemRefType
+def IsUnrankedMemRefTypePred
+ : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnrankedMemRefType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is an UnrankedTensorType
+def IsUnrankedTensorTypePred
+ : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnrankedTensorType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is a RankedTensorType
+def IsRankedTensorTypePred
+ : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::RankedTensorType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is a BaseMemRefType
+def IsBaseMemRefTypePred
+ : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::BaseMemRefType>($_self)">;
+// Whether a type is a ShapedType.
+def IsShapedTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self)">;
+// For a ShapedType, verify that it has a static shape.
+def HasStaticShapePred :
+ CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).hasStaticShape()">;
+// Whether a type is a TupleType.
+def IsTupleTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TupleType>($_self)">;
+// Type definitions
+// A type, carries type constraints.
+class Type<Pred condition, string descr = "",
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
+ TypeConstraint<condition, descr, cppClassName> {
+ string description = "";
+ string builderCall = "";
+// Allows providing an alternative name and summary to an existing type def.
+class TypeAlias<Type t, string summary = t.summary> :
+ Type<t.predicate, summary, t.cppClassName> {
+ let description = t.description;
+ let builderCall = t.builderCall;
+// A type of a specific dialect.
+class DialectType<Dialect d, Pred condition, string descr = "",
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
+ Type<condition, descr, cppClassName> {
+ Dialect dialect = d;
+// A variadic type constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base type. This
+// class is used for supporting variadic operands/results.
+class Variadic<Type type> : TypeConstraint<type.predicate, type.summary,
+ type.cppClassName> {
+ Type baseType = type;
+ int minSize = 0;
+// A nested variadic type constraint. It expands to zero or more variadic ranges
+// of the base type. This class is used for supporting variadic operands and
+// results. `variadicSegmentAttrName` should correspond to the name of an
+// DenseI32ArrayAttr argument that provides the sizes of the inner variadic
+// operand groups.
+class VariadicOfVariadic<Type type, string variadicSegmentAttrName>
+ : Variadic<type> {
+ string segmentAttrName = variadicSegmentAttrName;
+// An optional type constraint. It expands to either zero or one of the base
+// type. This class is used for supporting optional operands/results.
+class Optional<Type type> : TypeConstraint<type.predicate, type.summary,
+ type.cppClassName> {
+ Type baseType = type;
+// A type that can be constructed using MLIR::Builder.
+// Note that this does not "inherit" from Type because it would require
+// duplicating Type subclasses for buildable and non-buildable cases to avoid
+// diamond "inheritance".
+// TODO: we may extend this to a more general 'Buildable' trait, making some
+// Types and some Attrs buildable.
+class BuildableType<code builder> {
+ // The builder call to invoke (if specified) to construct the BuildableType.
+ code builderCall = builder;
+// A type that's buildable iff the type passed as an argument is buildable.
+// This is intended for use by types like container types, which are only
+// buildable if the type of their elements is buildable.
+class SameBuildabilityAs<Type type, code builder> {
+ code builderCall = !if(!empty(type.builderCall), "", builder);
+// Any type at all.
+def AnyType : Type<CPred<"true">, "any type">;
+// None type
+def NoneType : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::NoneType>($_self)">, "none type",
+ "::mlir::NoneType">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getType<::mlir::NoneType>()">;
+// Any type from the given list
+class AnyTypeOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, string summary = "",
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> : Type<
+ // Satisfy any of the allowed types' conditions.
+ Or<!foreach(allowedtype, allowedTypes, allowedtype.predicate)>,
+ !if(!eq(summary, ""),
+ !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedTypes, t.summary), " or "),
+ summary),
+ cppClassName>;
+// A type that satisfies the constraints of all given types.
+class AllOfType<list<Type> allowedTypes, string summary = "",
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> : Type<
+ // Satisfy all of the allowedf types' conditions.
+ And<!foreach(allowedType, allowedTypes, allowedType.predicate)>,
+ !if(!eq(summary, ""),
+ !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedTypes, t.summary), " and "),
+ summary),
+ cppClassName>;
+// A type that satisfies additional predicates.
+class ConfinedType<Type type, list<Pred> predicates, string summary = "",
+ string cppClassName = type.cppClassName> : Type<
+ And<!listconcat([type.predicate], !foreach(pred, predicates, pred))>,
+ summary, cppClassName>;
+// Integer types.
+// Any integer type irrespective of its width and signedness semantics.
+def AnyInteger : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerType>($_self)">, "integer",
+ "::mlir::IntegerType">;
+// Any integer type (regardless of signedness semantics) of a specific width.
+class AnyI<int width>
+ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isInteger(" # width # ")">, width # "-bit integer"> {
+ int bitwidth = width;
+class AnyIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
+ AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, AnyI<w>),
+ !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit integer",
+ "::mlir::IntegerType">;
+def AnyI1 : AnyI<1>;
+def AnyI8 : AnyI<8>;
+def AnyI16 : AnyI<16>;
+def AnyI32 : AnyI<32>;
+def AnyI64 : AnyI<64>;
+// Any signless integer type irrespective of its width.
+def AnySignlessInteger : Type<
+ CPred<"$_self.isSignlessInteger()">, "signless integer",
+ "::mlir::IntegerType">;
+// Signless integer type of a specific width.
+class I<int width>
+ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignlessInteger(" # width # ")">,
+ width # "-bit signless integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")"> {
+ int bitwidth = width;
+class SignlessIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
+ AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, I<w>),
+ !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit signless integer">;
+def I1 : I<1>;
+def I8 : I<8>;
+def I16 : I<16>;
+def I32 : I<32>;
+def I64 : I<64>;
+def I128 : I<128>;
+// Any signed integer type irrespective of its width.
+def AnySignedInteger : Type<
+ CPred<"$_self.isSignedInteger()">, "signed integer">;
+// Signed integer type of a specific width.
+class SI<int width>
+ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignedInteger(" # width # ")">,
+ width # "-bit signed integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
+ BuildableType<
+ "$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ", /*isSigned=*/true)"> {
+ int bitwidth = width;
+class SignedIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
+ AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, SI<w>),
+ !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit signed integer">;
+def SI1 : SI<1>;
+def SI8 : SI<8>;
+def SI16 : SI<16>;
+def SI32 : SI<32>;
+def SI64 : SI<64>;
+// Any unsigned integer type irrespective of its width.
+def AnyUnsignedInteger : Type<
+ CPred<"$_self.isUnsignedInteger()">, "unsigned integer">;
+// Unsigned integer type of a specific width.
+class UI<int width>
+ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isUnsignedInteger(" # width # ")">,
+ width # "-bit unsigned integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
+ BuildableType<
+ "$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ", /*isSigned=*/false)"> {
+ int bitwidth = width;
+class UnsignedIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
+ AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, UI<w>),
+ !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit unsigned integer">;
+def UI1 : UI<1>;
+def UI8 : UI<8>;
+def UI16 : UI<16>;
+def UI32 : UI<32>;
+def UI64 : UI<64>;
+// Index type.
+def Index : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IndexType>($_self)">, "index",
+ "::mlir::IndexType">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getIndexType()">;
+// Any signless integer type or index type.
+def AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignlessIntOrIndex()">,
+ "signless integer or index">;
+// Floating point types.
+// Any float type irrespective of its width.
+def AnyFloat : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FloatType>($_self)">, "floating-point",
+ "::mlir::FloatType">;
+// Float type of a specific width.
+class F<int width>
+ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isF" # width # "()">,
+ width # "-bit float", "::mlir::FloatType">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getF" # width # "Type()"> {
+ int bitwidth = width;
+class FloatOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
+ AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, F<w>),
+ !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit float">;
+def F16 : F<16>;
+def F32 : F<32>;
+def F64 : F<64>;
+def F80 : F<80>;
+def F128 : F<128>;
+def BF16 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isBF16()">, "bfloat16 type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getBF16Type()">;
+def TF32 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isTF32()">, "tf32 type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getTF32Type()">;
+def F8E4M3FN : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3FN()">, "f8E4M3FN type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3FNType()">;
+def F8E5M2 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E5M2()">, "f8E5M2 type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E5M2Type()">;
+def F8E4M3FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3FNUZ()">, "f8E4M3FNUZ type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3FNUZType()">;
+def F8E4M3B11FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3B11FNUZ()">, "f8E4M3B11FNUZ type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3B11FNUZType()">;
+def F8E5M2FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E5M2FNUZ()">, "f8E5M2FNUZ type">,
+ BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E5M2FNUZType()">;
+def AnyComplex : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ComplexType>($_self)">,
+ "complex-type", "::mlir::ComplexType">;
+class Complex<Type type>
+ : ConfinedType<AnyComplex, [
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self",
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::ComplexType>($_self).getElementType()",
+ type.predicate>],
+ "complex type with " # type.summary # " elements",
+ "::mlir::ComplexType">,
+ SameBuildabilityAs<type, "::mlir::ComplexType::get($_builder.get" # type #
+ "Type())"> {
+ Type elementType = type;
+class OpaqueType<string dialect, string name, string summary>
+ : Type<CPred<"isOpaqueTypeWithName($_self, \""#dialect#"\", \""#name#"\")">,
+ summary, "::mlir::OpaqueType">,
+ BuildableType<"::mlir::OpaqueType::get("
+ "$_builder.getStringAttr(\"" # dialect # "\"), \""
+ # name # "\")">;
+// Function Type
+// Any function type.
+def FunctionType : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FunctionType>($_self)">,
+ "function type", "::mlir::FunctionType">;
+// A container type is a type that has another type embedded within it.
+class ContainerType<Type etype, Pred containerPred, code elementTypeCall,
+ string descr, string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
+ // First, check the container predicate. Then, substitute the extracted
+ // element into the element type checker.
+ Type<And<[containerPred,
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self", !cast<string>(elementTypeCall),
+ etype.predicate>]>,
+ descr # " of " # etype.summary # " values", cppClassName>;
+class ShapedContainerType<list<Type> allowedTypes,
+ Pred containerPred, string descr,
+ string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
+ Type<And<[containerPred,
+ Concat<"[](::mlir::Type elementType) { return ",
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self", "elementType",
+ AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>.predicate>,
+ "; }(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getElementType())">]>,
+ descr # " of " # AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>.summary # " values", cppClassName>;
+// Whether a shaped type is ranked.
+def HasRankPred : CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).hasRank()">;
+// Whether a shaped type has one of the specified ranks.
+class HasAnyRankOfPred<list<int> ranks> : And<[
+ HasRankPred,
+ Or<!foreach(rank, ranks,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getRank()
+ == }]
+ # rank>)>]>;
+// Whether a shaped type has a rank greater than or equal of the specified rank.
+class HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<int rank> : And<[
+ HasRankPred,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getRank() >= }] # rank>
+// Vector types.
+class VectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsVectorTypePred, "vector",
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
+// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
+class VectorOfAnyRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsVectorOfAnyRankTypePred, "vector",
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+class FixedVectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsFixedVectorTypePred,
+ "fixed-length vector", "::mlir::VectorType">;
+class ScalableVectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsScalableVectorTypePred,
+ "scalable vector", "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Whether the number of elements of a vector is from the given
+// `allowedRanks` list
+class IsVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
+ And<[IsVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Whether the number of elements of a fixed-length vector is from the given
+// `allowedRanks` list
+class IsFixedVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
+ And<[IsFixedVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Whether the number of elements of a scalable vector is from the given
+// `allowedRanks` list
+class IsScalableVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
+ And<[IsScalableVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Any vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
+class VectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
+ IsVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
+ " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any fixed-length vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
+class FixedVectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
+ IsFixedVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
+ " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any scalable vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
+class ScalableVectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
+ IsScalableVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
+ " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list and the type
+// is from the given `allowedTypes` list
+class VectorOfRankAndType<list<int> allowedRanks,
+ list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
+ [VectorOf<allowedTypes>, VectorOfRank<allowedRanks>],
+ VectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary # VectorOfRank<allowedRanks>.summary,
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Whether the number of elements of a vector is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class IsVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
+ And<[IsVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Whether the number of elements of a fixed-length vector is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class IsFixedVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
+ And<[IsFixedVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Whether the number of elements of a scalable vector is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class IsScalableVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
+ And<[IsScalableVectorTypePred,
+ Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
+ CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
+ == }]
+ # allowedlength>)>]>;
+// Whether the shape of a vector matches the given `shape` list.
+class IsVectorOfShape<list<int> shape>
+ : CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getShape() == ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(shape, ", ") # "})">;
+// Any vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class VectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
+ IsVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
+ " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any fixed-length vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class FixedVectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
+ IsFixedVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
+ " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any scalable vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list
+class ScalableVectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
+ IsScalableVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
+ " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes`
+// list
+class VectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
+ list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
+ [VectorOf<allowedTypes>, VectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
+ VectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary # VectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any fixed-length vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes` list
+class FixedVectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
+ list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
+ [FixedVectorOf<allowedTypes>, FixedVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
+ FixedVectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary #
+ FixedVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+// Any scalable vector where the number of elements is from the given
+// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes` list
+class ScalableVectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
+ list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
+ [ScalableVectorOf<allowedTypes>, ScalableVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
+ ScalableVectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary #
+ ScalableVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
+ "::mlir::VectorType">;
+def AnyVector : VectorOf<[AnyType]>;
+// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
+def AnyVectorOfAnyRank : VectorOfAnyRankOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyFixedVector : FixedVectorOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyScalableVector : ScalableVectorOf<[AnyType]>;
+// Shaped types.
+def AnyShaped: ShapedContainerType<[AnyType], IsShapedTypePred, "shaped",
+ "::mlir::ShapedType">;
+// Tensor types.
+// Unranked tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes`
+// list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
+class UnrankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<Pred> preds = [],
+ string summary = "unranked tensor">
+ : ShapedContainerType<
+ allowedTypes, And<!listconcat([IsUnrankedTensorTypePred], preds)>,
+ summary, "::mlir::UnrankedTensorType">;
+// Ranked tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list,
+// and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
+class RankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<Pred> preds = [],
+ string summary = "ranked tensor">
+ : ShapedContainerType<
+ allowedTypes, And<!listconcat([IsRankedTensorTypePred], preds)>,
+ summary, "::mlir::RankedTensorType">;
+// Any tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes`
+// list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
+// TODO: use `Constraint` instead of `Pred`, so we can generate a better
+// default summary (a la `ConfinedAttr`).
+class TensorOf<
+ list<Type> allowedTypes,
+ list<Pred> preds = [],
+ string summary = "tensor">
+ : ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
+ And<!listconcat([IsTensorTypePred], preds)>,
+ summary, "::mlir::TensorType">;
+def AnyTensor : TensorOf<[AnyType]>;
+def I1Tensor : TensorOf<[I1]>;
+def I8Tensor : TensorOf<[I8]>;
+def I16Tensor : TensorOf<[I16]>;
+def I32Tensor : TensorOf<[I32]>;
+def I64Tensor : TensorOf<[I64]>;
+def IndexTensor: TensorOf<[Index]>;
+def BF16Tensor : TensorOf<[BF16]>;
+def F16Tensor : TensorOf<[F16]>;
+def F32Tensor : TensorOf<[F32]>;
+def F64Tensor : TensorOf<[F64]>;
+class Non0RankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
+ : TensorOf<allowedTypes, [HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<1>],
+ "non-0-ranked.tensor">;
+def AnyRankedTensor : RankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyNon0RankedTensor : Non0RankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyUnrankedTensor : UnrankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyNon0RankedOrUnrankedTensor
+ : AnyTypeOf<[AnyUnrankedTensor, AnyNon0RankedTensor],
+ "non-0-ranked or unranked tensor", "::mlir::TensorType">;
+// Ranked tensor type with one of the specified types and ranks.
+class TensorRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks>
+ : RankedTensorOf<allowedTypes,
+ [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
+ !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " tensor">;
+class 0DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [0]>;
+class 1DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [1]>;
+class 2DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [2]>;
+class 3DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [3]>;
+class 4DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [4]>;
+class StaticShapeTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
+ : RankedTensorOf<allowedTypes, [HasStaticShapePred],
+ "statically shaped tensor">;
+def AnyStaticShapeTensor : StaticShapeTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
+// Memref type.
+// Any unranked memref whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list.
+class UnrankedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
+ IsUnrankedMemRefTypePred, "unranked.memref",
+ "::mlir::UnrankedMemRefType">;
+def AnyUnrankedMemRef : UnrankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+// Any ranked memref whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list.
+class MemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsMemRefTypePred, "memref",
+ "::mlir::MemRefType">;
+class Non0RankedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<1>],
+ "non-0-ranked." # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
+ "::mlir::MemRefType">;
+def AnyMemRef : MemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyNon0RankedMemRef : Non0RankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+// Any memref (ranked or unranked) whose element type is from the given
+// `allowedTypes` list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of
+// predicates.
+class RankedOrUnrankedMemRefOf<
+ list<Type> allowedTypes,
+ list<Pred> preds = [],
+ string summary = "ranked or unranked memref">
+ : ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
+ And<!listconcat([IsBaseMemRefTypePred], preds)>,
+ summary, "::mlir::BaseMemRefType">;
+def AnyRankedOrUnrankedMemRef : RankedOrUnrankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+def AnyNon0RankedOrUnrankedMemRef:
+ AnyTypeOf<[AnyUnrankedMemRef, AnyNon0RankedMemRef]>;
+// Memref declarations handle any memref, independent of rank, size, (static or
+// dynamic), layout, or memory space.
+def I1MemRef : MemRefOf<[I1]>;
+def I8MemRef : MemRefOf<[I8]>;
+def I16MemRef : MemRefOf<[I16]>;
+def I32MemRef : MemRefOf<[I32]>;
+def I64MemRef : MemRefOf<[I64]>;
+def BF16MemRef : MemRefOf<[BF16]>;
+def F16MemRef : MemRefOf<[F16]>;
+def F32MemRef : MemRefOf<[F32]>;
+def F64MemRef : MemRefOf<[F64]>;
+// TODO: Have an easy way to add another constraint to a type.
+class MemRefRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks> :
+ ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
+ !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " " #
+ MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
+ "::mlir::MemRefType">;
+class StaticShapeMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasStaticShapePred],
+ "statically shaped " # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
+ "::mlir::MemRefType">;
+def AnyStaticShapeMemRef : StaticShapeMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+// For a MemRefType, verify that it has strides.
+def HasStridesPred : CPred<[{ isStrided(::llvm::cast<::mlir::MemRefType>($_self)) }]>;
+class StridedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasStridesPred],
+ "strided " # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary>;
+def AnyStridedMemRef : StridedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
+class AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<int rank> :
+ AllOfType<[AnyStridedMemRef, MemRefRankOf<[AnyType], [rank]>],
+ AnyStridedMemRef.summary # " of rank " # rank>;
+class StridedMemRefRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks> :
+ ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
+ !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " " #
+ MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary>;
+// This represents a generic tuple without any constraints on element type.
+def AnyTuple : Type<IsTupleTypePred, "tuple", "::mlir::TupleType">;
+// A container type that has other types embedded in it, but (unlike
+// ContainerType) can hold elements with a mix of types. Requires a call that
+// produces a list of all elements' types.
+class MixedContainerType<Type etype, Pred containerPred, code elementTypesCall,
+ string descr> :
+ Type<
+ And<[
+ containerPred,
+ Concat<
+ "::llvm::all_of(" # elementTypesCall # ", [](::mlir::Type t) { "
+ "return t && (",
+ SubstLeaves<"$_self", "t", etype.predicate>,
+ "); })"
+ >
+ ]>,
+ descr # " with any combination of " # etype.summary # " values"> {
+ // The type of elements in the container.
+ Type elementType = etype;
+ // Call to retrieve.
+ code getElementTypesCall = elementTypesCall;
+// A Tuple that holds a mix of elements of the allowed types.
+class TupleOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
+ : MixedContainerType<AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>, IsTupleTypePred,
+ "::llvm::cast<::mlir::TupleType>($_self).getTypes()",
+ "tuple">;
+// A Tuple with arbitrary nesting, where all elements are a mix of the allowed
+// types.
+class NestedTupleOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
+ MixedContainerType<AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>, IsTupleTypePred,
+ "getFlattenedTypes(::llvm::cast<::mlir::TupleType>($_self))",
+ "nested tuple">;
+// Common type constraints
+// Type constraint for types that are "like" some type or set of types T, that is
+// they're either a T, a vector of Ts, or a tensor of Ts
+class TypeOrContainer<Type allowedType, string name> : TypeConstraint<Or<[
+ allowedType.predicate, VectorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate,
+ TensorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate]>,
+ name>;
+// Temporary constraint to allow gradual transition to supporting 0-D vectors.
+// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
+class TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<Type allowedType, string name> : TypeConstraint<Or<[
+ allowedType.predicate, VectorOfAnyRankOf<[allowedType]>.predicate,
+ TensorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate]>,
+ name>;
+// Type constraint for bool-like types: bools, vectors of bools, tensors of
+// bools.
+def BoolLike : TypeOrContainer<I1, "bool-like">;
+def BoolLikeOfAnyRank : TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<I1, "bool-like">;
+// Type constraint for signless-integer-like types: signless integers, indices,
+// vectors of signless integers or indices, tensors of signless integers.
+def SignlessIntegerLike : TypeOrContainer<AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex,
+ "signless-integer-like">;
+def SignlessIntegerLikeOfAnyRank : TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<
+ AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex,
+ "signless-integer-like">;
+// Type constraint for float-like types: floats, vectors or tensors thereof.
+def FloatLike : TypeOrContainer<AnyFloat, "floating-point-like">;
+// Type constraint for signless-integer-like or float-like types.
+def SignlessIntegerOrFloatLike : TypeConstraint<Or<[
+ SignlessIntegerLike.predicate, FloatLike.predicate]>,
+ "signless-integer-like or floating-point-like">;
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Constraints.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Constraints.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..a026d58ccffb8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Constraints.td
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+//===-- Constraints.td - Constraints definition file ----------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file defines constraints/predicates for verifiers.
+include "mlir/IR/Utils.td"
+// Predicate definitions
+// Base class for logical predicates.
+// Predicates are used to compose constraints (see next section for details).
+// There are two categories of predicates:
+// 1. CPred: the primitive leaf predicate.
+// 2. Compound predicate: a predicate composed from child predicates using
+// predicate combiners ("conjunction", "disjunction", "negation" or
+// "substitution").
+class Pred;
+// A logical predicate wrapping any C expression.
+// This is the basis for composing more complex predicates. It is the "atom"
+// predicate from the perspective of TableGen and the "interface" between
+// TableGen and C++. What is inside is already C++ code, which will be treated
+// as opaque strings with special placeholders to be substituted.
+// ## Special placeholders
+// Special placeholders can be used to refer to entities in the context where
+// this predicate is used. They serve as "hooks" to the enclosing environment.
+// The following special placeholders are supported in constraints for an op:
+// * `$_builder` will be replaced by a mlir::Builder instance.
+// * `$_op` will be replaced by the current operation.
+// * `$_self` will be replaced with the entity this predicate is attached to.
+// E.g., `BoolAttr` is an attribute constraint that wraps a
+// `CPred<"::llvm::isa<BoolAttr>($_self)">` (see the following sections for details).
+// Then for `F32:$attr`,`$_self` will be replaced by `$attr`.
+// For type constraints, it's a little bit special since we want the
+// constraints on each type definition reads naturally and we want to attach
+// type constraints directly to an operand/result, $_self will be replaced
+// by the operand/result's type. E.g., for `F32` in `F32:$operand`, its
+// `$_self` will be expanded as `getOperand(...).getType()`.
+// One thing to be noticed, while using these placeholders in the C expression,
+// the type of placeholder is only guaranteed to be the base type. For example,
+// if you have a predicate in the form `CPred<"CheckType($_self)">, the argument
+// type of the function `CheckType` should be `mlir::Type`.
+class CPred<code pred> : Pred {
+ code predExpr = "(" # pred # ")";
+// Kinds of predicate combiners. These must closely match the predicates
+// implemented by the C++ backend (tblgen::PredCombinerKind).
+class PredCombinerKind;
+def PredCombinerAnd : PredCombinerKind;
+def PredCombinerOr : PredCombinerKind;
+def PredCombinerNot : PredCombinerKind;
+def PredCombinerSubstLeaves : PredCombinerKind;
+def PredCombinerConcat : PredCombinerKind;
+// A predicate that combines other predicates as defined by PredCombinerKind.
+// Instantiated below.
+class CombinedPred<PredCombinerKind k, list<Pred> c> : Pred {
+ PredCombinerKind kind = k;
+ list<Pred> children = c;
+// Predicate combiners
+// A predicate that holds if all of its children hold. Always holds for zero
+// children.
+class And<list<Pred> children> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerAnd, children>;
+// A predicate that holds if any of its children hold. Never holds for zero
+// children.
+class Or<list<Pred> children> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerOr, children>;
+// A predicate that holds if its child does not.
+class Neg<Pred child> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerNot, [child]>;
+// A predicate that substitutes "pat" with "repl" in predicate calls of the
+// leaves of the predicate tree (i.e., not CombinedPred).
+// This is plain string substitution without regular expressions or captures.
+// New predicates with more complex logical can be introduced should the need
+// arise.
+class SubstLeaves<string pat, string repl, Pred child>
+ : CombinedPred<PredCombinerSubstLeaves, [child]> {
+ string pattern = pat;
+ string replacement = repl;
+// A predicate that prepends `pre` and appends `suf` to the final predicate
+// string composed from `child`. This is plain string concatenation and there
+// will be no substitution happening for `pre` and `suf`.
+class Concat<string pre, Pred child, string suf> :
+ CombinedPred<PredCombinerConcat, [child]> {
+ string prefix = pre;
+ string suffix = suf;
+// Constraint definitions
+// TODO: Merge Constraints into Pred.
+// Base class for named constraints.
+// An op's operands/attributes/results can have various requirements, e.g.,
+// having certain types, having values inside a certain range, and so on.
+// Besides, for a graph rewrite rule, the source pattern used to match against
+// the existing graph has conditions, like the op's operand must be of a more
+// constrained subtype, the attribute must have a certain value, and so on.
+// These requirements and conditions are modeled using this class. Records of
+// this class are used to generate verification code in op verifier, and
+// matching code in pattern matcher.
+// Constraints are predicates with descriptive names, to facilitate inspection,
+// provide nice error messages, etc.
+class Constraint<Pred pred, string desc = ""> {
+ // The predicates that this constraint requires.
+ Pred predicate = pred;
+ // User-readable one line summary used in error reporting messages. If empty,
+ // a generic message will be used.
+ string summary = desc;
+// Subclasses used to
diff erentiate
diff erent constraint kinds. These are used
+// as markers for the TableGen backend to handle
diff erent constraint kinds
diff erently if needed. Constraints not deriving from the following subclasses
+// are considered as uncategorized constraints.
+// Subclass for constraints on a type.
+class TypeConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = "",
+ string cppClassNameParam = "::mlir::Type"> :
+ Constraint<predicate, summary> {
+ // The name of the C++ Type class if known, or Type if not.
+ string cppClassName = cppClassNameParam;
+// Subclass for constraints on an attribute.
+class AttrConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
+ Constraint<predicate, summary>;
+// Subclass for constraints on a region.
+class RegionConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
+ Constraint<predicate, summary>;
+// Subclass for constraints on a successor.
+class SuccessorConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
+ Constraint<predicate, summary>;
+// How to use these constraint categories:
+// * Use TypeConstraint to specify
+// * Constraints on an op's operand/result definition
+// * Further constraints to match an op's operand/result in source pattern
+// * Use Attr (a subclass for AttrConstraint) for
+// * Constraints on an op's attribute definition
+// * Use AttrConstraint to specify
+// * Further constraints to match an op's attribute in source pattern
+// * Use uncategorized constraint to specify
+// * Multi-entity constraints in rewrite rules
+#endif // CONSTRAINTS
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/DialectBase.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/DialectBase.td
index ff8c2beb657577..4db72294d7373f 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/DialectBase.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/DialectBase.td
@@ -13,23 +13,7 @@
-// Helper for marking deprecated classes or defs in TableGen. To mark a def as
-// deprecated, mix in the `Deprecate` class with a reason.
-// Usage of a deprecated def within TableGen will cause a warning with the
-// given message.
-class Deprecated<string reason> {
- string odsDeprecated = reason;
-// Helper for marking entities in ODS generated C++ as deprecated.
-// Usage of such an entity from C++ code will cause a warning being emitted by
-// the C++ compiler with the given message.
-// Note: Support has to be implemented by the code generator of a given
-// entity.
-class CppDeprecated<string reason> {
- string odsCppDeprecated = reason;
+include "mlir/IR/Utils.td"
// Dialect definitions
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Interfaces.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Interfaces.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4b95ee9de4c270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Interfaces.td
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+//===-- Interfaces.td - Interfaces defination file ------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains definations for Interfaces.
+include "mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Traits.td"
+// Interface definitions
+// InterfaceTrait corresponds to a specific 'Interface' class defined in C++.
+// The purpose to wrap around C++ symbol string with this class is to make
+// interfaces specified for ops in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
+class InterfaceTrait<string name> : NativeTrait<"", ""> {
+ let trait = name # "::Trait";
+ let cppNamespace = "";
+ // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in the
+ // interface trait declaration.
+ code extraTraitClassDeclaration = "";
+// OpInterfaceTrait corresponds to a specific 'OpInterface' class defined in
+// C++. The purpose to wrap around C++ symbol string with this class is to make
+// interfaces specified for ops in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
+class OpInterfaceTrait<string name, code verifyBody = [{}],
+ list<Trait> traits = []>
+ : InterfaceTrait<name> {
+ // Specify the body of the verification function. `$_op` will be replaced with
+ // the operation being verified.
+ code verify = verifyBody;
+ // A bit indicating if the verifier needs to access the ops in the regions. If
+ // it set to `1`, the region ops will be verified before invoking this
+ // verifier.
+ bit verifyWithRegions = 0;
+ // Specify the list of traits that need to be verified before the verification
+ // of this OpInterfaceTrait.
+ list<Trait> dependentTraits = traits;
+// This class represents a single, optionally static, interface method.
+// Note: non-static interface methods have an implicit parameter, either
+// $_op/$_attr/$_type corresponding to an instance of the derived value.
+class InterfaceMethod<string desc, string retTy, string methodName,
+ dag args = (ins), code methodBody = [{}],
+ code defaultImplementation = [{}]> {
+ // A human-readable description of what this method does.
+ string description = desc;
+ // The name of the interface method.
+ string name = methodName;
+ // The c++ type-name of the return type.
+ string returnType = retTy;
+ // A dag of string that correspond to the arguments of the method.
+ dag arguments = args;
+ // An optional body to the method.
+ code body = methodBody;
+ // An optional default implementation of the method.
+ code defaultBody = defaultImplementation;
+// This class represents a single static interface method.
+class StaticInterfaceMethod<string desc, string retTy, string methodName,
+ dag args = (ins), code methodBody = [{}],
+ code defaultImplementation = [{}]>
+ : InterfaceMethod<desc, retTy, methodName, args, methodBody,
+ defaultImplementation>;
+// Interface represents a base interface.
+class Interface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfacesArg = []> {
+ // A human-readable description of what this interface does.
+ string description = "";
+ // The name given to the c++ interface class.
+ string cppInterfaceName = name;
+ // The C++ namespace that this interface should be placed into.
+ //
+ // To specify nested namespaces, use "::" as the delimiter, e.g., given
+ // "A::B", ops will be placed in `namespace A { namespace B { <def> } }`.
+ string cppNamespace = "";
+ // The list of methods defined by this interface.
+ list<InterfaceMethod> methods = [];
+ // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in the
+ // interface declaration.
+ code extraClassDeclaration = "";
+ // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in both
+ // the interface and trait declaration.
+ code extraSharedClassDeclaration = "";
+ // An optional code block for adding additional "classof" logic. This can
+ // be used to better enable "optional" interfaces, where an entity only
+ // implements the interface if some dynamic characteristic holds.
+ // `$_attr`/`$_op`/`$_type` may be used to refer to an instance of the
+ // entity being checked.
+ code extraClassOf = "";
+ // An optional set of base interfaces that this interface
+ // "derives" from.
+ list<Interface> baseInterfaces = baseInterfacesArg;
+// AttrInterface represents an interface registered to an attribute.
+class AttrInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
+ : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, InterfaceTrait<name>,
+ Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<"
+ # !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name # ">($_self)">,
+ name # " instance"
+ > {
+ let storageType = !if(!empty(cppNamespace), "", cppNamespace # "::") # name;
+ let returnType = storageType;
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+// OpInterface represents an interface registered to an operation.
+class OpInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
+ : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, OpInterfaceTrait<name>;
+// TypeInterface represents an interface registered to a type.
+class TypeInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
+ : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, InterfaceTrait<name>,
+ Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<"
+ # !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name # ">($_self)">,
+ name # " instance",
+ !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name
+ >;
+// Whether to declare the interface methods in the user entity's header. This
+// class simply wraps an Interface but is used to indicate that the method
+// declarations should be generated. This class takes an optional set of methods
+// that should have declarations generated even if the method has a default
+// implementation.
+class DeclareInterfaceMethods<list<string> overridenMethods = []> {
+ // This field contains a set of method names that should always have their
+ // declarations generated. This allows for generating declarations for
+ // methods with default implementations that need to be overridden.
+ list<string> alwaysOverriddenMethods = overridenMethods;
+class DeclareAttrInterfaceMethods<AttrInterface interface,
+ list<string> overridenMethods = []>
+ : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
+ AttrInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
+ let description = interface.description;
+ let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
+ let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
+ let methods = interface.methods;
+ let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
+class DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpInterface interface,
+ list<string> overridenMethods = []>
+ : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
+ OpInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
+ let description = interface.description;
+ let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
+ let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
+ let methods = interface.methods;
+ let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
+class DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<TypeInterface interface,
+ list<string> overridenMethods = []>
+ : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
+ TypeInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
+ let description = interface.description;
+ let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
+ let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
+ let methods = interface.methods;
+ let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
+#endif // INTERFACES_TD
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/OpBase.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/OpBase.td
index 64b776787e863c..b45b387d857e22 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/OpBase.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/OpBase.td
@@ -13,2033 +13,13 @@
#ifndef OP_BASE
#define OP_BASE
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
include "mlir/IR/DialectBase.td"
-// Common utilities for defining TableGen mechanisms
-// A workaround for the inability to define functions in Tablegen.
-// The template parameter defines a string that can be extracted from an
-// instance of this class by accessing the "result" member. Subclasses can take
-// their own template parameters as function "arguments" and use them to
-// populate result.
-// For example, if it didn't already exist, a concat function could be defined
-// like:
-// class StrConcat<list<string> strings> :
-// StrFunc<!foldl("", strings, prev, cur, prev # cur)>
-// and then called like
-// StrConcat<["a", "b", "c"]>.result
-// to get the string "abc"
-class StrFunc<string r> {
- string result = r;
-// Predicate definitions
-// Base class for logical predicates.
-// Predicates are used to compose constraints (see next section for details).
-// There are two categories of predicates:
-// 1. CPred: the primitive leaf predicate.
-// 2. Compound predicate: a predicate composed from child predicates using
-// predicate combiners ("conjunction", "disjunction", "negation" or
-// "substitution").
-class Pred;
-// A logical predicate wrapping any C expression.
-// This is the basis for composing more complex predicates. It is the "atom"
-// predicate from the perspective of TableGen and the "interface" between
-// TableGen and C++. What is inside is already C++ code, which will be treated
-// as opaque strings with special placeholders to be substituted.
-// ## Special placeholders
-// Special placeholders can be used to refer to entities in the context where
-// this predicate is used. They serve as "hooks" to the enclosing environment.
-// The following special placeholders are supported in constraints for an op:
-// * `$_builder` will be replaced by a mlir::Builder instance.
-// * `$_op` will be replaced by the current operation.
-// * `$_self` will be replaced with the entity this predicate is attached to.
-// E.g., `BoolAttr` is an attribute constraint that wraps a
-// `CPred<"::llvm::isa<BoolAttr>($_self)">` (see the following sections for details).
-// Then for `F32:$attr`,`$_self` will be replaced by `$attr`.
-// For type constraints, it's a little bit special since we want the
-// constraints on each type definition reads naturally and we want to attach
-// type constraints directly to an operand/result, $_self will be replaced
-// by the operand/result's type. E.g., for `F32` in `F32:$operand`, its
-// `$_self` will be expanded as `getOperand(...).getType()`.
-// One thing to be noticed, while using these placeholders in the C expression,
-// the type of placeholder is only guaranteed to be the base type. For example,
-// if you have a predicate in the form `CPred<"CheckType($_self)">, the argument
-// type of the function `CheckType` should be `mlir::Type`.
-class CPred<code pred> : Pred {
- code predExpr = "(" # pred # ")";
-// Kinds of predicate combiners. These must closely match the predicates
-// implemented by the C++ backend (tblgen::PredCombinerKind).
-class PredCombinerKind;
-def PredCombinerAnd : PredCombinerKind;
-def PredCombinerOr : PredCombinerKind;
-def PredCombinerNot : PredCombinerKind;
-def PredCombinerSubstLeaves : PredCombinerKind;
-def PredCombinerConcat : PredCombinerKind;
-// A predicate that combines other predicates as defined by PredCombinerKind.
-// Instantiated below.
-class CombinedPred<PredCombinerKind k, list<Pred> c> : Pred {
- PredCombinerKind kind = k;
- list<Pred> children = c;
-// Predicate combiners
-// A predicate that holds if all of its children hold. Always holds for zero
-// children.
-class And<list<Pred> children> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerAnd, children>;
-// A predicate that holds if any of its children hold. Never holds for zero
-// children.
-class Or<list<Pred> children> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerOr, children>;
-// A predicate that holds if its child does not.
-class Neg<Pred child> : CombinedPred<PredCombinerNot, [child]>;
-// A predicate that substitutes "pat" with "repl" in predicate calls of the
-// leaves of the predicate tree (i.e., not CombinedPred).
-// This is plain string substitution without regular expressions or captures.
-// New predicates with more complex logical can be introduced should the need
-// arise.
-class SubstLeaves<string pat, string repl, Pred child>
- : CombinedPred<PredCombinerSubstLeaves, [child]> {
- string pattern = pat;
- string replacement = repl;
-// A predicate that prepends `pre` and appends `suf` to the final predicate
-// string composed from `child`. This is plain string concatenation and there
-// will be no substitution happening for `pre` and `suf`.
-class Concat<string pre, Pred child, string suf> :
- CombinedPred<PredCombinerConcat, [child]> {
- string prefix = pre;
- string suffix = suf;
-// Constraint definitions
-// TODO: Merge Constraints into Pred.
-// Base class for named constraints.
-// An op's operands/attributes/results can have various requirements, e.g.,
-// having certain types, having values inside a certain range, and so on.
-// Besides, for a graph rewrite rule, the source pattern used to match against
-// the existing graph has conditions, like the op's operand must be of a more
-// constrained subtype, the attribute must have a certain value, and so on.
-// These requirements and conditions are modeled using this class. Records of
-// this class are used to generate verification code in op verifier, and
-// matching code in pattern matcher.
-// Constraints are predicates with descriptive names, to facilitate inspection,
-// provide nice error messages, etc.
-class Constraint<Pred pred, string desc = ""> {
- // The predicates that this constraint requires.
- Pred predicate = pred;
- // User-readable one line summary used in error reporting messages. If empty,
- // a generic message will be used.
- string summary = desc;
-// Subclasses used to
diff erentiate
diff erent constraint kinds. These are used
-// as markers for the TableGen backend to handle
diff erent constraint kinds
diff erently if needed. Constraints not deriving from the following subclasses
-// are considered as uncategorized constraints.
-// Subclass for constraints on a type.
-class TypeConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = "",
- string cppClassNameParam = "::mlir::Type"> :
- Constraint<predicate, summary> {
- // The name of the C++ Type class if known, or Type if not.
- string cppClassName = cppClassNameParam;
-// Base class for defining properties.
-class Property<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> {
- // User-readable one line summary used in error reporting messages. If empty,
- // a generic message will be used.
- string summary = desc;
- // The full description of this property.
- string description = "";
- code storageType = storageTypeParam;
- code interfaceType = storageTypeParam;
- // The expression to convert from the storage type to the Interface
- // type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
- // enum class.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
- // - `$_ctxt` will contain an `MLIRContext *`.
- code convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
- // The call expression to build a property storage from the interface type.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
- // - `$_value` will contain the property in the user interface type.
- code assignToStorage = "$_storage = $_value";
- // The call expression to convert from the storage type to an attribute.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
- // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
- //
- // The expression must result in an Attribute.
- code convertToAttribute = [{
- convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage)
- }];
- // The call expression to convert from an Attribute to the storage type.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
- // - `$_attr` is the attribute.
- // - `$_diag` is an optional Diagnostic pointer to emit error.
- //
- // The expression must return a LogicalResult
- code convertFromAttribute = [{
- return convertFromAttribute($_storage, $_attr, $_diag);
- }];
- // The call expression to hash the property.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` is the variable to hash.
- //
- // The expression should define a llvm::hash_code.
- code hashProperty = [{
- llvm::hash_value($_storage);
- }];
- // The call expression to emit the storage type to bytecode.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
- // - `$_writer` is a `DialectBytecodeWriter`.
- // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
- code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
- writeToMlirBytecode($_writer, $_storage)
- }];
- // The call expression to read the storage type from bytecode.
- //
- // Format:
- // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
- // - `$_reader` is a `DialectBytecodeReader`.
- // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
- code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
- if (::mlir::failed(readFromMlirBytecode($_reader, $_storage)))
- return ::mlir::failure();
- }];
- // Default value for the property.
- string defaultValue = ?;
-/// Implementation of the Property class's `readFromMlirBytecode` field using
-/// the default `convertFromAttribute` implementation.
-/// Users not wanting to implement their own `readFromMlirBytecode` and
-/// `writeToMlirBytecode` implementations can opt into using this implementation
-/// by writing:
-/// let writeToMlirBytecode = writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute;
-/// let readFromMlirBytecode = readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute;
-/// in their property definition.
-/// Serialization and deserialization is performed using the attributes
-/// returned by `convertFromAttribute` and `convertToAttribute`.
-/// WARNING: This implementation creates a less than optimal encoding.
-/// Users caring about optimal encoding should not use this implementation and
-/// implement `readFromMlirBytecode` and `writeToMlirBytecode` themselves.
-defvar readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute = [{
- ::mlir::Attribute attr;
- if (::mlir::failed($_reader.readAttribute(attr)))
- return ::mlir::failure();
- if (::mlir::failed(convertFromAttribute($_storage, attr, nullptr)))
- return ::mlir::failure();
-/// Implementation of the Property class's `writeToMlirBytecode` field using
-/// the default `convertToAttribute` implementation.
-/// See description of `readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute` above for
-/// details.
-defvar writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute = [{
- $_writer.writeAttribute(convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage))
-// Subclass for constraints on an attribute.
-class AttrConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
- Constraint<predicate, summary>;
-// Subclass for constraints on a region.
-class RegionConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
- Constraint<predicate, summary>;
-// Subclass for constraints on a successor.
-class SuccessorConstraint<Pred predicate, string summary = ""> :
- Constraint<predicate, summary>;
-// How to use these constraint categories:
-// * Use TypeConstraint to specify
-// * Constraints on an op's operand/result definition
-// * Further constraints to match an op's operand/result in source pattern
-// * Use Attr (a subclass for AttrConstraint) for
-// * Constraints on an op's attribute definition
-// * Use AttrConstraint to specify
-// * Further constraints to match an op's attribute in source pattern
-// * Use uncategorized constraint to specify
-// * Multi-entity constraints in rewrite rules
-// Common predicates
-// Whether a type is a VectorType.
-// Explicitly disallow 0-D vectors for now until we have good enough coverage.
-def IsVectorTypePred : And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank() > 0">]>;
-// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
-// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
-def IsVectorOfAnyRankTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is a fixed-length VectorType.
-def IsFixedVectorTypePred : CPred<[{::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self) &&
- !::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).isScalable()}]>;
-// Whether a type is a scalable VectorType.
-def IsScalableVectorTypePred : CPred<[{::llvm::isa<::mlir::VectorType>($_self) &&
- ::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).isScalable()}]>;
-// Whether a type is a VectorType and all dimensions are scalable.
-def allDimsScalableVectorTypePred : And<[
- IsVectorTypePred,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).allDimsScalable()}]>
-// Whether a type is a TensorType.
-def IsTensorTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TensorType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is a MemRefType.
-def IsMemRefTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::MemRefType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is an UnrankedMemRefType
-def IsUnrankedMemRefTypePred
- : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnrankedMemRefType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is an UnrankedTensorType
-def IsUnrankedTensorTypePred
- : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnrankedTensorType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is a RankedTensorType
-def IsRankedTensorTypePred
- : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::RankedTensorType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is a BaseMemRefType
-def IsBaseMemRefTypePred
- : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::BaseMemRefType>($_self)">;
-// Whether a type is a ShapedType.
-def IsShapedTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self)">;
-// For a ShapedType, verify that it has a static shape.
-def HasStaticShapePred :
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).hasStaticShape()">;
-// Whether a type is a TupleType.
-def IsTupleTypePred : CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TupleType>($_self)">;
-// Type definitions
-// A type, carries type constraints.
-class Type<Pred condition, string descr = "",
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
- TypeConstraint<condition, descr, cppClassName> {
- string description = "";
- string builderCall = "";
-// Allows providing an alternative name and summary to an existing type def.
-class TypeAlias<Type t, string summary = t.summary> :
- Type<t.predicate, summary, t.cppClassName> {
- let description = t.description;
- let builderCall = t.builderCall;
-// A type of a specific dialect.
-class DialectType<Dialect d, Pred condition, string descr = "",
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
- Type<condition, descr, cppClassName> {
- Dialect dialect = d;
-// A variadic type constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base type. This
-// class is used for supporting variadic operands/results.
-class Variadic<Type type> : TypeConstraint<type.predicate, type.summary,
- type.cppClassName> {
- Type baseType = type;
- int minSize = 0;
-// A nested variadic type constraint. It expands to zero or more variadic ranges
-// of the base type. This class is used for supporting variadic operands and
-// results. `variadicSegmentAttrName` should correspond to the name of an
-// DenseI32ArrayAttr argument that provides the sizes of the inner variadic
-// operand groups.
-class VariadicOfVariadic<Type type, string variadicSegmentAttrName>
- : Variadic<type> {
- string segmentAttrName = variadicSegmentAttrName;
-// An optional type constraint. It expands to either zero or one of the base
-// type. This class is used for supporting optional operands/results.
-class Optional<Type type> : TypeConstraint<type.predicate, type.summary,
- type.cppClassName> {
- Type baseType = type;
-// A type that can be constructed using MLIR::Builder.
-// Note that this does not "inherit" from Type because it would require
-// duplicating Type subclasses for buildable and non-buildable cases to avoid
-// diamond "inheritance".
-// TODO: we may extend this to a more general 'Buildable' trait, making some
-// Types and some Attrs buildable.
-class BuildableType<code builder> {
- // The builder call to invoke (if specified) to construct the BuildableType.
- code builderCall = builder;
-// A type that's buildable iff the type passed as an argument is buildable.
-// This is intended for use by types like container types, which are only
-// buildable if the type of their elements is buildable.
-class SameBuildabilityAs<Type type, code builder> {
- code builderCall = !if(!empty(type.builderCall), "", builder);
-// Any type at all.
-def AnyType : Type<CPred<"true">, "any type">;
-// None type
-def NoneType : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::NoneType>($_self)">, "none type",
- "::mlir::NoneType">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getType<::mlir::NoneType>()">;
-// Any type from the given list
-class AnyTypeOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, string summary = "",
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> : Type<
- // Satisfy any of the allowed types' conditions.
- Or<!foreach(allowedtype, allowedTypes, allowedtype.predicate)>,
- !if(!eq(summary, ""),
- !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedTypes, t.summary), " or "),
- summary),
- cppClassName>;
-// A type that satisfies the constraints of all given types.
-class AllOfType<list<Type> allowedTypes, string summary = "",
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> : Type<
- // Satisfy all of the allowedf types' conditions.
- And<!foreach(allowedType, allowedTypes, allowedType.predicate)>,
- !if(!eq(summary, ""),
- !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedTypes, t.summary), " and "),
- summary),
- cppClassName>;
-// A type that satisfies additional predicates.
-class ConfinedType<Type type, list<Pred> predicates, string summary = "",
- string cppClassName = type.cppClassName> : Type<
- And<!listconcat([type.predicate], !foreach(pred, predicates, pred))>,
- summary, cppClassName>;
-// Integer types.
-// Any integer type irrespective of its width and signedness semantics.
-def AnyInteger : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerType>($_self)">, "integer",
- "::mlir::IntegerType">;
-// Any integer type (regardless of signedness semantics) of a specific width.
-class AnyI<int width>
- : Type<CPred<"$_self.isInteger(" # width # ")">, width # "-bit integer"> {
- int bitwidth = width;
-class AnyIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
- AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, AnyI<w>),
- !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit integer",
- "::mlir::IntegerType">;
-def AnyI1 : AnyI<1>;
-def AnyI8 : AnyI<8>;
-def AnyI16 : AnyI<16>;
-def AnyI32 : AnyI<32>;
-def AnyI64 : AnyI<64>;
-// Any signless integer type irrespective of its width.
-def AnySignlessInteger : Type<
- CPred<"$_self.isSignlessInteger()">, "signless integer",
- "::mlir::IntegerType">;
-// Signless integer type of a specific width.
-class I<int width>
- : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignlessInteger(" # width # ")">,
- width # "-bit signless integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")"> {
- int bitwidth = width;
-class SignlessIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
- AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, I<w>),
- !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit signless integer">;
-def I1 : I<1>;
-def I8 : I<8>;
-def I16 : I<16>;
-def I32 : I<32>;
-def I64 : I<64>;
-def I128 : I<128>;
-// Any signed integer type irrespective of its width.
-def AnySignedInteger : Type<
- CPred<"$_self.isSignedInteger()">, "signed integer">;
-// Signed integer type of a specific width.
-class SI<int width>
- : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignedInteger(" # width # ")">,
- width # "-bit signed integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
- BuildableType<
- "$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ", /*isSigned=*/true)"> {
- int bitwidth = width;
-class SignedIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
- AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, SI<w>),
- !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit signed integer">;
-def SI1 : SI<1>;
-def SI8 : SI<8>;
-def SI16 : SI<16>;
-def SI32 : SI<32>;
-def SI64 : SI<64>;
-// Any unsigned integer type irrespective of its width.
-def AnyUnsignedInteger : Type<
- CPred<"$_self.isUnsignedInteger()">, "unsigned integer">;
-// Unsigned integer type of a specific width.
-class UI<int width>
- : Type<CPred<"$_self.isUnsignedInteger(" # width # ")">,
- width # "-bit unsigned integer", "::mlir::IntegerType">,
- BuildableType<
- "$_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ", /*isSigned=*/false)"> {
- int bitwidth = width;
-class UnsignedIntOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
- AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, UI<w>),
- !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit unsigned integer">;
-def UI1 : UI<1>;
-def UI8 : UI<8>;
-def UI16 : UI<16>;
-def UI32 : UI<32>;
-def UI64 : UI<64>;
-// Index type.
-def Index : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IndexType>($_self)">, "index",
- "::mlir::IndexType">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getIndexType()">;
-// Any signless integer type or index type.
-def AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex : Type<CPred<"$_self.isSignlessIntOrIndex()">,
- "signless integer or index">;
-// Floating point types.
-// Any float type irrespective of its width.
-def AnyFloat : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FloatType>($_self)">, "floating-point",
- "::mlir::FloatType">;
-// Float type of a specific width.
-class F<int width>
- : Type<CPred<"$_self.isF" # width # "()">,
- width # "-bit float", "::mlir::FloatType">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getF" # width # "Type()"> {
- int bitwidth = width;
-class FloatOfWidths<list<int> widths> :
- AnyTypeOf<!foreach(w, widths, F<w>),
- !interleave(widths, "/") # "-bit float">;
-def F16 : F<16>;
-def F32 : F<32>;
-def F64 : F<64>;
-def F80 : F<80>;
-def F128 : F<128>;
-def BF16 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isBF16()">, "bfloat16 type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getBF16Type()">;
-def TF32 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isTF32()">, "tf32 type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getTF32Type()">;
-def F8E4M3FN : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3FN()">, "f8E4M3FN type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3FNType()">;
-def F8E5M2 : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E5M2()">, "f8E5M2 type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E5M2Type()">;
-def F8E4M3FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3FNUZ()">, "f8E4M3FNUZ type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3FNUZType()">;
-def F8E4M3B11FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E4M3B11FNUZ()">, "f8E4M3B11FNUZ type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E4M3B11FNUZType()">;
-def F8E5M2FNUZ : Type<CPred<"$_self.isFloat8E5M2FNUZ()">, "f8E5M2FNUZ type">,
- BuildableType<"$_builder.getFloat8E5M2FNUZType()">;
-def AnyComplex : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ComplexType>($_self)">,
- "complex-type", "::mlir::ComplexType">;
-class Complex<Type type>
- : ConfinedType<AnyComplex, [
- SubstLeaves<"$_self",
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::ComplexType>($_self).getElementType()",
- type.predicate>],
- "complex type with " # type.summary # " elements",
- "::mlir::ComplexType">,
- SameBuildabilityAs<type, "::mlir::ComplexType::get($_builder.get" # type #
- "Type())"> {
- Type elementType = type;
-class OpaqueType<string dialect, string name, string summary>
- : Type<CPred<"isOpaqueTypeWithName($_self, \""#dialect#"\", \""#name#"\")">,
- summary, "::mlir::OpaqueType">,
- BuildableType<"::mlir::OpaqueType::get("
- "$_builder.getStringAttr(\"" # dialect # "\"), \""
- # name # "\")">;
-// Function Type
-// Any function type.
-def FunctionType : Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FunctionType>($_self)">,
- "function type", "::mlir::FunctionType">;
-// A container type is a type that has another type embedded within it.
-class ContainerType<Type etype, Pred containerPred, code elementTypeCall,
- string descr, string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
- // First, check the container predicate. Then, substitute the extracted
- // element into the element type checker.
- Type<And<[containerPred,
- SubstLeaves<"$_self", !cast<string>(elementTypeCall),
- etype.predicate>]>,
- descr # " of " # etype.summary # " values", cppClassName>;
-class ShapedContainerType<list<Type> allowedTypes,
- Pred containerPred, string descr,
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Type"> :
- Type<And<[containerPred,
- Concat<"[](::mlir::Type elementType) { return ",
- SubstLeaves<"$_self", "elementType",
- AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>.predicate>,
- "; }(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getElementType())">]>,
- descr # " of " # AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>.summary # " values", cppClassName>;
-// Whether a shaped type is ranked.
-def HasRankPred : CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).hasRank()">;
-// Whether a shaped type has one of the specified ranks.
-class HasAnyRankOfPred<list<int> ranks> : And<[
- HasRankPred,
- Or<!foreach(rank, ranks,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getRank()
- == }]
- # rank>)>]>;
-// Whether a shaped type has a rank greater than or equal of the specified rank.
-class HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<int rank> : And<[
- HasRankPred,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::ShapedType>($_self).getRank() >= }] # rank>
-// Vector types.
-class VectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsVectorTypePred, "vector",
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
-// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
-class VectorOfAnyRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsVectorOfAnyRankTypePred, "vector",
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-class FixedVectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsFixedVectorTypePred,
- "fixed-length vector", "::mlir::VectorType">;
-class ScalableVectorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsScalableVectorTypePred,
- "scalable vector", "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Whether the number of elements of a vector is from the given
-// `allowedRanks` list
-class IsVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
- And<[IsVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Whether the number of elements of a fixed-length vector is from the given
-// `allowedRanks` list
-class IsFixedVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
- And<[IsFixedVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Whether the number of elements of a scalable vector is from the given
-// `allowedRanks` list
-class IsScalableVectorOfRankPred<list<int> allowedRanks> :
- And<[IsScalableVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedRanks,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getRank()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Any vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
-class VectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
- IsVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
- " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any fixed-length vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
-class FixedVectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
- IsFixedVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
- " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any scalable vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list
-class ScalableVectorOfRank<list<int> allowedRanks> : Type<
- IsScalableVectorOfRankPred<allowedRanks>,
- " of ranks " # !interleave(allowedRanks, "/"), "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any vector where the rank is from the given `allowedRanks` list and the type
-// is from the given `allowedTypes` list
-class VectorOfRankAndType<list<int> allowedRanks,
- list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
- [VectorOf<allowedTypes>, VectorOfRank<allowedRanks>],
- VectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary # VectorOfRank<allowedRanks>.summary,
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Whether the number of elements of a vector is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class IsVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
- And<[IsVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Whether the number of elements of a fixed-length vector is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class IsFixedVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
- And<[IsFixedVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Whether the number of elements of a scalable vector is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class IsScalableVectorOfLengthPred<list<int> allowedLengths> :
- And<[IsScalableVectorTypePred,
- Or<!foreach(allowedlength, allowedLengths,
- CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getNumElements()
- == }]
- # allowedlength>)>]>;
-// Whether the shape of a vector matches the given `shape` list.
-class IsVectorOfShape<list<int> shape>
- : CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::VectorType>($_self).getShape() == ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(shape, ", ") # "})">;
-// Any vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class VectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
- IsVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
- " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any fixed-length vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class FixedVectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
- IsFixedVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
- " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any scalable vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list
-class ScalableVectorOfLength<list<int> allowedLengths> : Type<
- IsScalableVectorOfLengthPred<allowedLengths>,
- " of length " # !interleave(allowedLengths, "/"),
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes`
-// list
-class VectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
- list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
- [VectorOf<allowedTypes>, VectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
- VectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary # VectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any fixed-length vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes` list
-class FixedVectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
- list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
- [FixedVectorOf<allowedTypes>, FixedVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
- FixedVectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary #
- FixedVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-// Any scalable vector where the number of elements is from the given
-// `allowedLengths` list and the type is from the given `allowedTypes` list
-class ScalableVectorOfLengthAndType<list<int> allowedLengths,
- list<Type> allowedTypes> : AllOfType<
- [ScalableVectorOf<allowedTypes>, ScalableVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>],
- ScalableVectorOf<allowedTypes>.summary #
- ScalableVectorOfLength<allowedLengths>.summary,
- "::mlir::VectorType">;
-def AnyVector : VectorOf<[AnyType]>;
-// Temporary vector type clone that allows gradual transition to 0-D vectors.
-def AnyVectorOfAnyRank : VectorOfAnyRankOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyFixedVector : FixedVectorOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyScalableVector : ScalableVectorOf<[AnyType]>;
-// Shaped types.
-def AnyShaped: ShapedContainerType<[AnyType], IsShapedTypePred, "shaped",
- "::mlir::ShapedType">;
-// Tensor types.
-// Unranked tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes`
-// list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
-class UnrankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<Pred> preds = [],
- string summary = "unranked tensor">
- : ShapedContainerType<
- allowedTypes, And<!listconcat([IsUnrankedTensorTypePred], preds)>,
- summary, "::mlir::UnrankedTensorType">;
-// Ranked tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list,
-// and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
-class RankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<Pred> preds = [],
- string summary = "ranked tensor">
- : ShapedContainerType<
- allowedTypes, And<!listconcat([IsRankedTensorTypePred], preds)>,
- summary, "::mlir::RankedTensorType">;
-// Any tensor type whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes`
-// list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of predicates.
-// TODO: use `Constraint` instead of `Pred`, so we can generate a better
-// default summary (a la `ConfinedAttr`).
-class TensorOf<
- list<Type> allowedTypes,
- list<Pred> preds = [],
- string summary = "tensor">
- : ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
- And<!listconcat([IsTensorTypePred], preds)>,
- summary, "::mlir::TensorType">;
-def AnyTensor : TensorOf<[AnyType]>;
-def I1Tensor : TensorOf<[I1]>;
-def I8Tensor : TensorOf<[I8]>;
-def I16Tensor : TensorOf<[I16]>;
-def I32Tensor : TensorOf<[I32]>;
-def I64Tensor : TensorOf<[I64]>;
-def IndexTensor: TensorOf<[Index]>;
-def BF16Tensor : TensorOf<[BF16]>;
-def F16Tensor : TensorOf<[F16]>;
-def F32Tensor : TensorOf<[F32]>;
-def F64Tensor : TensorOf<[F64]>;
-class Non0RankedTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
- : TensorOf<allowedTypes, [HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<1>],
- "non-0-ranked.tensor">;
-def AnyRankedTensor : RankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyNon0RankedTensor : Non0RankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyUnrankedTensor : UnrankedTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyNon0RankedOrUnrankedTensor
- : AnyTypeOf<[AnyUnrankedTensor, AnyNon0RankedTensor],
- "non-0-ranked or unranked tensor", "::mlir::TensorType">;
-// Ranked tensor type with one of the specified types and ranks.
-class TensorRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks>
- : RankedTensorOf<allowedTypes,
- [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
- !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " tensor">;
-class 0DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [0]>;
-class 1DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [1]>;
-class 2DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [2]>;
-class 3DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [3]>;
-class 4DTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> : TensorRankOf<allowedTypes, [4]>;
-class StaticShapeTensorOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
- : RankedTensorOf<allowedTypes, [HasStaticShapePred],
- "statically shaped tensor">;
-def AnyStaticShapeTensor : StaticShapeTensorOf<[AnyType]>;
-// Memref type.
-// Any unranked memref whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list.
-class UnrankedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
- IsUnrankedMemRefTypePred, "unranked.memref",
- "::mlir::UnrankedMemRefType">;
-def AnyUnrankedMemRef : UnrankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-// Any ranked memref whose element type is from the given `allowedTypes` list.
-class MemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes, IsMemRefTypePred, "memref",
- "::mlir::MemRefType">;
-class Non0RankedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasRankGreaterOrEqualPred<1>],
- "non-0-ranked." # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
- "::mlir::MemRefType">;
-def AnyMemRef : MemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyNon0RankedMemRef : Non0RankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-// Any memref (ranked or unranked) whose element type is from the given
-// `allowedTypes` list, and which additionally satisfies an optional list of
-// predicates.
-class RankedOrUnrankedMemRefOf<
- list<Type> allowedTypes,
- list<Pred> preds = [],
- string summary = "ranked or unranked memref">
- : ShapedContainerType<allowedTypes,
- And<!listconcat([IsBaseMemRefTypePred], preds)>,
- summary, "::mlir::BaseMemRefType">;
-def AnyRankedOrUnrankedMemRef : RankedOrUnrankedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-def AnyNon0RankedOrUnrankedMemRef:
- AnyTypeOf<[AnyUnrankedMemRef, AnyNon0RankedMemRef]>;
-// Memref declarations handle any memref, independent of rank, size, (static or
-// dynamic), layout, or memory space.
-def I1MemRef : MemRefOf<[I1]>;
-def I8MemRef : MemRefOf<[I8]>;
-def I16MemRef : MemRefOf<[I16]>;
-def I32MemRef : MemRefOf<[I32]>;
-def I64MemRef : MemRefOf<[I64]>;
-def BF16MemRef : MemRefOf<[BF16]>;
-def F16MemRef : MemRefOf<[F16]>;
-def F32MemRef : MemRefOf<[F32]>;
-def F64MemRef : MemRefOf<[F64]>;
-// TODO: Have an easy way to add another constraint to a type.
-class MemRefRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks> :
- ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
- !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " " #
- MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
- "::mlir::MemRefType">;
-class StaticShapeMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasStaticShapePred],
- "statically shaped " # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary,
- "::mlir::MemRefType">;
-def AnyStaticShapeMemRef : StaticShapeMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-// For a MemRefType, verify that it has strides.
-def HasStridesPred : CPred<[{ isStrided(::llvm::cast<::mlir::MemRefType>($_self)) }]>;
-class StridedMemRefOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasStridesPred],
- "strided " # MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary>;
-def AnyStridedMemRef : StridedMemRefOf<[AnyType]>;
-class AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<int rank> :
- AllOfType<[AnyStridedMemRef, MemRefRankOf<[AnyType], [rank]>],
- AnyStridedMemRef.summary # " of rank " # rank>;
-class StridedMemRefRankOf<list<Type> allowedTypes, list<int> ranks> :
- ConfinedType<MemRefOf<allowedTypes>, [HasAnyRankOfPred<ranks>],
- !interleave(!foreach(rank, ranks, rank # "D"), "/") # " " #
- MemRefOf<allowedTypes>.summary>;
-// This represents a generic tuple without any constraints on element type.
-def AnyTuple : Type<IsTupleTypePred, "tuple", "::mlir::TupleType">;
-// A container type that has other types embedded in it, but (unlike
-// ContainerType) can hold elements with a mix of types. Requires a call that
-// produces a list of all elements' types.
-class MixedContainerType<Type etype, Pred containerPred, code elementTypesCall,
- string descr> :
- Type<
- And<[
- containerPred,
- Concat<
- "::llvm::all_of(" # elementTypesCall # ", [](::mlir::Type t) { "
- "return t && (",
- SubstLeaves<"$_self", "t", etype.predicate>,
- "); })"
- >
- ]>,
- descr # " with any combination of " # etype.summary # " values"> {
- // The type of elements in the container.
- Type elementType = etype;
- // Call to retrieve.
- code getElementTypesCall = elementTypesCall;
-// A Tuple that holds a mix of elements of the allowed types.
-class TupleOf<list<Type> allowedTypes>
- : MixedContainerType<AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>, IsTupleTypePred,
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::TupleType>($_self).getTypes()",
- "tuple">;
-// A Tuple with arbitrary nesting, where all elements are a mix of the allowed
-// types.
-class NestedTupleOf<list<Type> allowedTypes> :
- MixedContainerType<AnyTypeOf<allowedTypes>, IsTupleTypePred,
- "getFlattenedTypes(::llvm::cast<::mlir::TupleType>($_self))",
- "nested tuple">;
-// Common type constraints
-// Type constraint for types that are "like" some type or set of types T, that is
-// they're either a T, a vector of Ts, or a tensor of Ts
-class TypeOrContainer<Type allowedType, string name> : TypeConstraint<Or<[
- allowedType.predicate, VectorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate,
- TensorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate]>,
- name>;
-// Temporary constraint to allow gradual transition to supporting 0-D vectors.
-// TODO: Remove this when all ops support 0-D vectors.
-class TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<Type allowedType, string name> : TypeConstraint<Or<[
- allowedType.predicate, VectorOfAnyRankOf<[allowedType]>.predicate,
- TensorOf<[allowedType]>.predicate]>,
- name>;
-// Type constraint for bool-like types: bools, vectors of bools, tensors of
-// bools.
-def BoolLike : TypeOrContainer<I1, "bool-like">;
-def BoolLikeOfAnyRank : TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<I1, "bool-like">;
-// Type constraint for signless-integer-like types: signless integers, indices,
-// vectors of signless integers or indices, tensors of signless integers.
-def SignlessIntegerLike : TypeOrContainer<AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex,
- "signless-integer-like">;
-def SignlessIntegerLikeOfAnyRank : TypeOrContainerOfAnyRank<
- AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex,
- "signless-integer-like">;
-// Type constraint for float-like types: floats, vectors or tensors thereof.
-def FloatLike : TypeOrContainer<AnyFloat, "floating-point-like">;
-// Type constraint for signless-integer-like or float-like types.
-def SignlessIntegerOrFloatLike : TypeConstraint<Or<[
- SignlessIntegerLike.predicate, FloatLike.predicate]>,
- "signless-integer-like or floating-point-like">;
-// Attribute definitions
-// Base attribute definition
-// Base class for all attributes.
-class Attr<Pred condition, string summary = ""> :
- AttrConstraint<condition, summary> {
- code storageType = ?; // The backing mlir::Attribute type
- code returnType = ?; // The underlying C++ value type
- // The call expression to convert from the storage type to the return
- // type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
- // enum class.
- //
- // Format: $_self will be expanded to the attribute.
- //
- // For example, `$_self.getValue().getSExtValue()` for `IntegerAttr val` will
- // expand to `getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("val").getValue().getSExtValue()`.
- code convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";
- // The call expression to build an attribute from a constant value.
- //
- // Format: $0 will be expanded to the constant value of the attribute.
- //
- // For example, `$_builder.getStringAttr("$0")` for `StringAttr:"foo"` will
- // expand to `builder.getStringAttr("foo")`.
- string constBuilderCall = ?;
- // Default value for attribute.
- // Requires a constBuilderCall defined.
- string defaultValue = ?;
- // The value type of this attribute. This corresponds to the mlir::Type that
- // this attribute returns via `getType()`.
- Type valueType = ?;
- // Whether the attribute is optional. Typically requires a custom
- // convertFromStorage method to handle the case where the attribute is
- // not present.
- bit isOptional = 0;
- // What is the base-level Attr instantiation that this Attr is built upon.
- // Unset means this is a base-level Attr.
- //
- // This field is used by attribute wrapper classes (DefaultValuedAttr,
- // OptionalAttr, etc.) to retrieve the base-level attribute definition.
- // This can be used for getting its name; otherwise, we will see
- // "anonymous_<number>" as the attribute def name because of template
- // instantiation.
- // TOOD(b/132458159): deduplicate the fields in attribute wrapper classes.
- Attr baseAttr = ?;
- // The fully-qualified C++ namespace where the generated class lives.
- string cppNamespace = "";
- // The full description of this attribute.
- string description = "";
-// An attribute of a specific dialect.
-class DialectAttr<Dialect d, Pred condition, string summary = ""> :
- Attr<condition, summary> {
- Dialect dialect = d;
- let cppNamespace = d.cppNamespace;
-// Attribute modifier definition
-// Decorates an attribute to have an (unvalidated) default value if not present.
-class DefaultValuedAttr<Attr attr, string val> :
- Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
- // Construct this attribute with the input attribute and change only
- // the default value.
- // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
- let storageType = attr.storageType;
- let returnType = attr.returnType;
- let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
- let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
- let defaultValue = val;
- let valueType = attr.valueType;
- let baseAttr = attr;
-// Decorates an optional attribute to have an (unvalidated) default value
-// return by ODS generated accessors if not present.
-class DefaultValuedOptionalAttr<Attr attr, string val> :
- Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
- // Construct this attribute with the input attribute and change only
- // the default value.
- // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
- let storageType = attr.storageType;
- let returnType = attr.returnType;
- let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
- let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
- let defaultValue = val;
- let valueType = attr.valueType;
- let isOptional = 1;
- let baseAttr = attr;
-// Decorates an attribute as optional. The return type of the generated
-// attribute accessor method will be Optional<>.
-class OptionalAttr<Attr attr> : Attr<attr.predicate, attr.summary> {
- // Rewrite the attribute to be optional.
- // Note: this has to be kept up to date with Attr above.
- let storageType = attr.storageType;
- let returnType = "::std::optional<" # attr.returnType #">";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self ? " # returnType # "(" #
- attr.convertFromStorage # ") : (::std::nullopt)";
- let valueType = attr.valueType;
- let isOptional = 1;
- let baseAttr = attr;
-// Default-valued string-based attribute. Wraps the default value in escaped
-// quotes.
-class DefaultValuedStrAttr<Attr attr, string val>
- : DefaultValuedAttr<attr, "\"" # val # "\"">;
-class DefaultValuedOptionalStrAttr<Attr attr, string val>
- : DefaultValuedOptionalAttr<attr, "\"" # val # "\"">;
-// Primitive property kinds
-// Any kind of integer stored as properties.
-class IntProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> :
- Property<storageTypeParam, desc> {
- code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
- $_writer.writeVarInt($_storage);
- }];
- code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
- uint64_t val;
- if (failed($_reader.readVarInt(val)))
- return ::mlir::failure();
- $_storage = val;
- }];
-class ArrayProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", int n, string desc = ""> :
- Property<storageTypeParam # "[" # n # "]", desc> {
- let interfaceType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # storageTypeParam # ">";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
- let assignToStorage = "::llvm::copy($_value, $_storage)";
- let hashProperty = "llvm::hash_combine_range(std::begin($_storage), std::end($_storage));";
-// Primitive attribute kinds
-// A generic attribute that must be constructed around a specific buildable type
-// `attrValType`. Backed by MLIR attribute kind `attrKind`.
-class TypedAttrBase<Type attrValType, string attrKind, Pred condition,
- string descr> :
- Attr<condition, descr> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.get" # attrKind # "(" #
- attrValType.builderCall # ", $0)";
- let storageType = "::mlir::" # attrKind;
- let valueType = attrValType;
-// Any attribute.
-def AnyAttr : Attr<CPred<"true">, "any attribute"> {
- let storageType = "::mlir::Attribute";
- let returnType = "::mlir::Attribute";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
- let constBuilderCall = "$0";
-// Any attribute from the given list
-class AnyAttrOf<list<Attr> allowedAttrs, string summary = "",
- string cppClassName = "::mlir::Attribute",
- string fromStorage = "$_self"> : Attr<
- // Satisfy any of the allowed attribute's condition
- Or<!foreach(allowedattr, allowedAttrs, allowedattr.predicate)>,
- !if(!eq(summary, ""),
- !interleave(!foreach(t, allowedAttrs, t.summary), " or "),
- summary)> {
- let returnType = cppClassName;
- let convertFromStorage = fromStorage;
-def LocationAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::LocationAttr>($_self)">,
- "location attribute">;
-def BoolAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::BoolAttr>($_self)">, "bool attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::BoolAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ bool }];
- let valueType = I1;
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getBoolAttr($0)";
-// Index attribute.
-def IndexAttr :
- TypedAttrBase<
- Index, "IntegerAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IndexType>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType())">]>,
- "index attribute"> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
-// Base class for any integer (regardless of signedness semantics) attributes
-// of fixed width.
-class AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI attrValType, string descr> :
- TypedAttrBase<
- attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "isInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
- descr> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
- let constBuilderCall = ?;
-def AnyI1Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI1, "1-bit integer attribute">;
-def AnyI8Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI8, "8-bit integer attribute">;
-def AnyI16Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI16, "16-bit integer attribute">;
-def AnyI32Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI32, "32-bit integer attribute">;
-def AnyI64Attr : AnyIntegerAttrBase<AnyI64, "64-bit integer attribute">;
-def APIntAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- "arbitrary integer attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::IntegerAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::APInt }];
-// Base class for signless integer attributes of fixed width.
-class SignlessIntegerAttrBase<I attrValType, string descr> :
- TypedAttrBase<
- attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "isSignlessInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
- descr> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
-// Base class for signless integer attributes of fixed width that have a
-// corresponding C++ type.
-class TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<I attrValType, string retType, string descr>
- : SignlessIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
- let returnType = retType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()";
-def I1Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
- I1, "bool", "1-bit signless integer attribute">;
-def I8Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
- I8, "uint8_t", "8-bit signless integer attribute">;
-def I16Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
- I16, "uint16_t", "16-bit signless integer attribute">;
-def I32Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
- I32, "uint32_t", "32-bit signless integer attribute">;
-def I64Attr : TypedSignlessIntegerAttrBase<
- I64, "uint64_t", "64-bit signless integer attribute">;
-// Base class for signed integer attributes of fixed width.
-class SignedIntegerAttrBase<SI attrValType, string descr> :
- TypedAttrBase<
- attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "isSignedInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
- descr> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
-// Base class for signed integer attributes of fixed width that have a
-// corresponding C++ type.
-class TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<SI attrValType, string retType, string descr>
- : SignedIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
- let returnType = retType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getSExtValue()";
-def SI1Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
- SI1, "bool", "1-bit signed integer attribute">;
-def SI8Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
- SI8, "int8_t", "8-bit signed integer attribute">;
-def SI16Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
- SI16, "int16_t", "16-bit signed integer attribute">;
-def SI32Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
- SI32, "int32_t", "32-bit signed integer attribute">;
-def SI64Attr : TypedSignedIntegerAttrBase<
- SI64, "int64_t", "64-bit signed integer attribute">;
-// Base class for unsigned integer attributes of fixed width.
-class UnsignedIntegerAttrBase<UI attrValType, string descr> :
- TypedAttrBase<
- attrValType, "IntegerAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "isUnsignedInteger(" # attrValType.bitwidth # ")">]>,
- descr> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APInt }];
-// Base class for unsigned integer attributes of fixed width that have a
-// corresponding C++ type.
-class TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<UI attrValType, string retType, string descr>
- : UnsignedIntegerAttrBase<attrValType, descr> {
- let returnType = retType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()";
-def UI1Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
- UI1, "bool", "1-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
-def UI8Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
- UI8, "uint8_t", "8-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
-def UI16Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
- UI16, "uint16_t", "16-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
-def UI32Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
- UI32, "uint32_t", "32-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
-def UI64Attr : TypedUnsignedIntegerAttrBase<
- UI64, "uint64_t", "64-bit unsigned integer attribute">;
-// Base class for float attributes of fixed width.
-class FloatAttrBase<F attrValType, string descr> :
- TypedAttrBase<attrValType, "FloatAttr",
- And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FloatAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::FloatAttr>($_self).getType().isF" #
- attrValType.bitwidth # "()">]>,
- descr> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::APFloat }];
-def F32Attr : FloatAttrBase<F32, "32-bit float attribute">;
-def F64Attr : FloatAttrBase<F64, "64-bit float attribute">;
-// An attribute backed by a string type.
-class StringBasedAttr<Pred condition, string descr> : Attr<condition, descr> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getStringAttr($0)";
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::StringAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::StringRef }];
- let valueType = NoneType;
-def StrAttr : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
- "string attribute">;
-// A string attribute that represents the name of a symbol.
-def SymbolNameAttr : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
- "string attribute">;
-// String attribute that has a specific value type.
-class TypedStrAttr<Type ty>
- : StringBasedAttr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::StringAttr>($_self)">,
- "string attribute"> {
- let valueType = ty;
-// Base class for attributes containing types. Example:
-// def IntTypeAttr : TypeAttrBase<"IntegerType", "integer type attribute">
-// defines a type attribute containing an integer type.
-class TypeAttrBase<string retType, string summary,
- Pred typePred = CPred<"true">> :
- Attr<And<[
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self)">,
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<" # retType # ">(::llvm::cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self).getValue())">,
- SubstLeaves<"$_self",
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>($_self).getValue()", typePred>]>,
- summary> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::TypeAttr }];
- let returnType = retType;
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let convertFromStorage = "::llvm::cast<" # retType # ">($_self.getValue())";
-def TypeAttr : TypeAttrBase<"::mlir::Type", "any type attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($0)";
-class TypeAttrOf<Type ty>
- : TypeAttrBase<ty.cppClassName, "type attribute of " # ty.summary,
- ty.predicate> {
- let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($0)";
-// The mere presence of unit attributes has a meaning. Therefore, unit
-// attributes are always treated as optional and accessors to them return
-// "true" if the attribute is present and "false" otherwise.
-def UnitAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::UnitAttr>($_self)">, "unit attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::UnitAttr }];
- let constBuilderCall = "(($0) ? $_builder.getUnitAttr() : nullptr)";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self != nullptr";
- let returnType = "bool";
- let defaultValue = "false";
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let isOptional = 1;
-// Composite attribute kinds
-class DictionaryAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
- Attr<condition, summary> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DictionaryAttr }];
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getDictionaryAttr($0)";
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DictionaryAttr }];
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-def DictionaryAttr
- : DictionaryAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DictionaryAttr>($_self)">,
- "dictionary of named attribute values">;
-class ElementsAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
- Attr<condition, summary> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::ElementsAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::ElementsAttr }];
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-def ElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ElementsAttr>($_self)">,
- "constant vector/tensor attribute">;
-class IntElementsAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> :
- ElementsAttrBase<And<[CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self)">,
- condition]>,
- summary> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr }];
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-class DenseArrayAttrBase<string denseAttrName, string cppType, string summaryName> :
- ElementsAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::" # denseAttrName # ">($_self)">,
- summaryName # " dense array attribute"> {
- let storageType = "::mlir::" # denseAttrName;
- let returnType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # cppType # ">";
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.get" # denseAttrName # "($0)";
-def DenseBoolArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseBoolArrayAttr", "bool", "i1">;
-def DenseI8ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI8ArrayAttr", "int8_t", "i8">;
-def DenseI16ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI16ArrayAttr", "int16_t", "i16">;
-def DenseI32ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI32ArrayAttr", "int32_t", "i32">;
-def DenseI64ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseI64ArrayAttr", "int64_t", "i64">;
-def DenseF32ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseF32ArrayAttr", "float", "f32">;
-def DenseF64ArrayAttr : DenseArrayAttrBase<"DenseF64ArrayAttr", "double", "f64">;
-def IndexElementsAttr
- : IntElementsAttrBase<CPred<[{::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self)
- .getType()
- .getElementType()
- .isIndex()}]>,
- "index elements attribute">;
-def AnyIntElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrBase<CPred<"true">, "integer elements attribute">;
-class IntElementsAttrOf<int width> : IntElementsAttrBase<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "getElementType().isInteger(" # width # ")">,
- width # "-bit integer elements attribute">;
-def AnyI32ElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrOf<32>;
-def AnyI64ElementsAttr : IntElementsAttrOf<64>;
-class SignlessIntElementsAttr<int width> : IntElementsAttrBase<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "getElementType().isSignlessInteger(" # width # ")">,
- width # "-bit signless integer elements attribute"> {
- // Note that this is only constructing scalar elements attribute.
- let constBuilderCall = "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>("
- "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
- "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({}, $_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")), "
- "::llvm::ArrayRef($0)))";
-def I32ElementsAttr : SignlessIntElementsAttr<32>;
-def I64ElementsAttr : SignlessIntElementsAttr<64>;
-// A `width`-bit signless integer elements attribute. The attribute should be
-// ranked and has a shape as specified in `dims`.
-class RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<int width, list<int> dims> :
- SignlessIntElementsAttr<width> {
- // Check that this has the specified shape.
- let predicate = And<[
- SignlessIntElementsAttr<width>.predicate,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>($_self).getType().getShape() == "
- "::mlir::ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") # "})">]>;
- let summary = width # "-bit signless int elements attribute of shape [" #
- !interleave(dims, ", ") # "]";
- let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr::get("
- "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") #
- "}, $_builder.getIntegerType(" # width # ")), ::llvm::ArrayRef($0))";
-class RankedI32ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> :
- RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<32, dims>;
-class RankedI64ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> :
- RankedSignlessIntElementsAttr<64, dims>;
-class FloatElementsAttr<int width> : ElementsAttrBase<
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self) &&"
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "getElementType().isF" # width # "()">,
- width # "-bit float elements attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
- // Note that this is only constructing scalar elements attribute.
- let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
- "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({}, $_builder.getF" # width # "Type()),"
- "::llvm::ArrayRef($0))";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-def F64ElementsAttr : FloatElementsAttr<64>;
-// A `width`-bit floating point elements attribute. The attribute should be
-// ranked and has a shape as specified in `dims`.
-class RankedFloatElementsAttr<int width, list<int> dims> : ElementsAttrBase<
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self) &&"
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType()."
- "getElementType().isF" # width # "() && "
- // Check that this is ranked and has the specified shape.
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType().hasRank() && "
- "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>($_self).getType().getShape() == "
- "::mlir::ArrayRef<int64_t>({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") # "})">,
- width # "-bit float elements attribute of shape [" #
- !interleave(dims, ", ") # "]"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr }];
- let constBuilderCall = "::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr>("
- "::mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get("
- "::mlir::RankedTensorType::get({" # !interleave(dims, ", ") #
- "}, $_builder.getF" # width # "Type()), "
- "::llvm::ArrayRef($0)))";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-class RankedF32ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> : RankedFloatElementsAttr<32, dims>;
-class RankedF64ElementsAttr<list<int> dims> : RankedFloatElementsAttr<64, dims>;
-def StringElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::DenseStringElementsAttr>($_self)" >,
- "string elements attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::DenseElementsAttr }];
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-// Attributes containing affine maps.
-def AffineMapAttr : Attr<
-CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::AffineMapAttr>($_self)">, "AffineMap attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{::mlir::AffineMapAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::AffineMap }];
- let valueType = Index;
- let constBuilderCall = "::mlir::AffineMapAttr::get($0)";
-// Base class for array attributes.
-class ArrayAttrBase<Pred condition, string summary> : Attr<condition, summary> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::ArrayAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::ArrayAttr }];
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getArrayAttr($0)";
-def ArrayAttr : ArrayAttrBase<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)">,
- "array attribute">;
-// Base class for array attributes whose elements are of the same kind.
-// `element` specifies the element attribute kind stored in this array.
-class TypedArrayAttrBase<Attr element, string summary>: ArrayAttrBase<
- And<[
- // Guarantee this is an ArrayAttr first
- CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)">,
- // Guarantee all elements satisfy the constraints from `element`
- Concat<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self), "
- "[&](::mlir::Attribute attr) { return attr && (",
- SubstLeaves<"$_self", "attr", element.predicate>,
- "); })">]>,
- summary> {
- Attr elementAttr = element;
-def LocationArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<LocationAttr,
- "location array attribute">;
-def AffineMapArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<AffineMapAttr,
- "AffineMap array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getAffineMapArrayAttr($0)";
-def BoolArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<BoolAttr,
- "1-bit boolean array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getBoolArrayAttr($0)";
-def I32ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<I32Attr,
- "32-bit integer array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI32ArrayAttr($0)";
-def I64ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<I64Attr,
- "64-bit integer array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI64ArrayAttr($0)";
-// Variant of I64ArrayAttr whose user accessor is SmallVector<in64_t>.
-def I64SmallVectorArrayAttr :
- TypedArrayAttrBase<I64Attr, "64-bit integer array attribute"> {
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::SmallVector<int64_t, 8> }];
- let convertFromStorage = [{
- llvm::to_vector<4>(
- llvm::map_range($_self.getAsRange<mlir::IntegerAttr>(),
- [](IntegerAttr attr) { return attr.getInt(); }));
- }];
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getI64ArrayAttr($0)";
-def F32ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<F32Attr, "32-bit float array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getF32ArrayAttr($0)";
-def F64ArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<F64Attr, "64-bit float array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getF64ArrayAttr($0)";
-def StrArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<StrAttr, "string array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getStrArrayAttr($0)";
-def TypeArrayAttr : TypedArrayAttrBase<TypeAttr, "type array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getTypeArrayAttr($0)";
-def IndexListArrayAttr :
- TypedArrayAttrBase<I64ArrayAttr, "Array of 64-bit integer array attributes">;
-def DictArrayAttr :
- TypedArrayAttrBase<DictionaryAttr, "Array of dictionary attributes">;
-// Attributes containing symbol references.
-def SymbolRefAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::SymbolRefAttr>($_self)">,
- "symbol reference attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::SymbolRefAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::mlir::SymbolRefAttr }];
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let constBuilderCall =
- "::mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
-def FlatSymbolRefAttr : Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr>($_self)">,
- "flat symbol reference attribute"> {
- let storageType = [{ ::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr }];
- let returnType = [{ ::llvm::StringRef }];
- let valueType = NoneType;
- let constBuilderCall =
- "::mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)";
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";
-def SymbolRefArrayAttr :
- TypedArrayAttrBase<SymbolRefAttr, "symbol ref array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = ?;
-def FlatSymbolRefArrayAttr :
- TypedArrayAttrBase<FlatSymbolRefAttr, "flat symbol ref array attribute"> {
- let constBuilderCall = ?;
-// Derive attribute kinds
-// DerivedAttr are attributes whose value is computed from properties
-// of the operation. They do not require additional storage and are
-// materialized as needed.
-// Note: All derived attributes should be materializable as an Attribute. E.g.,
-// do not use DerivedAttr for things that could not have been stored as
-// Attribute.
-class DerivedAttr<code ret, code b, code convert = ""> :
- Attr<CPred<"true">, "derived attribute"> {
- let returnType = ret;
- code body = b;
- // Specify how to convert from the derived attribute to an attribute.
- //
- // ## Special placeholders
- //
- // Special placeholders can be used to refer to entities during conversion:
- //
- // * `$_builder` will be replaced by a mlir::Builder instance.
- // * `$_ctxt` will be replaced by the MLIRContext* instance.
- // * `$_self` will be replaced with the derived attribute (value produces
- // `returnType`).
- let convertFromStorage = convert;
-// Derived attribute that returns a mlir::Type.
-class DerivedTypeAttr<code body> : DerivedAttr<"::mlir::Type", body> {
- let convertFromStorage = "::mlir::TypeAttr::get($_self)";
-// Constant attribute kinds
-// Represents a constant attribute of specific Attr type. A constant
-// attribute can be specified only of attributes that have a constant
-// builder call defined. The constant value is specified as a string.
-// If used as a constraint, it generates a matcher on a constant attribute by
-// using the constant value builder of the attribute and the value.
-class ConstantAttr<Attr attribute, string val> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"$_self == " # !subst("$0", val, attribute.constBuilderCall)>,
- "constant attribute " # val> {
- Attr attr = attribute;
- string value = val;
-class ConstF32Attr<string val> : ConstantAttr<F32Attr, val>;
-def ConstBoolAttrFalse : ConstantAttr<BoolAttr, "false">;
-def ConstBoolAttrTrue : ConstantAttr<BoolAttr, "true">;
-def ConstUnitAttr : ConstantAttr<UnitAttr, "true">;
-// Constant string-based attribute. Wraps the desired string in escaped quotes.
-class ConstantStrAttr<Attr attribute, string val>
- : ConstantAttr<attribute, "\"" # val # "\"">;
-// Common attribute constraints
-// A general mechanism to further confine the given `attr` with all the
-// `constraints`. This allows to compose complex constraints out of a series
-// of more primitive ones.
-class ConfinedAttr<Attr attr, list<AttrConstraint> constraints> : Attr<
- And<!listconcat([attr.predicate],
- !foreach(pred, constraints, pred.predicate))>,
- !foldl(/*init*/attr.summary, /*list*/constraints,
- prev, cur, prev # " " # cur.summary)> {
- let storageType = attr.storageType;
- let returnType = attr.returnType;
- let convertFromStorage = attr.convertFromStorage;
- let constBuilderCall = attr.constBuilderCall;
- let defaultValue = attr.defaultValue;
- let valueType = attr.valueType;
- let isOptional = attr.isOptional;
- let baseAttr = attr;
-// An AttrConstraint that holds if all attr constraints specified in
-// 'constraints' hold.
-class AllAttrOf<list<AttrConstraint> constraints> : AttrConstraint<
- And<!listconcat([!head(constraints).predicate],
- !foreach(pred, !tail(constraints), pred.predicate))>,
- !interleave(!foreach(con, constraints, con.summary), " and ")> {
-class IntNEQValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() != " # n>,
- "whose minimum value is " # n>;
-class IntMinValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() >= " # n>,
- "whose minimum value is " # n>;
-class IntMaxValue<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() <= " # n>,
- "whose maximum value is " # n>;
-def IntNonNegative : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"!::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getValue().isNegative()">,
- "whose value is non-negative">;
-def IntPositive : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getValue().isStrictlyPositive()">,
- "whose value is positive">;
-class ArrayMinCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() >= " # n>,
- "with at least " # n # " elements">;
-class ArrayCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() == " #n>,
- "with exactly " # n # " elements">;
-class DenseArrayCount<int n> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::DenseArrayAttr>($_self).size() == " #n>,
- "with exactly " # n # " elements">;
-class DenseArrayStrictlyPositive<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType #">($_self).asArrayRef(), "
- "[&](auto v) { return v > 0; })">,
- "whose value is positive">;
-class DenseArrayNonNegative<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"::llvm::all_of(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType #">($_self).asArrayRef(), "
- "[&](auto v) { return v >= 0; })">,
- "whose value is non-negative">;
-class DenseArraySorted<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"llvm::is_sorted(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())">,
- "should be in non-decreasing order">;
-class DenseArrayStrictlySorted<DenseArrayAttrBase arrayType> : AttrConstraint<
- And<[
- CPred<"llvm::is_sorted(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())">,
- // Check that no two adjacent elements are the same.
- CPred<"[](" # arrayType.returnType # " a) {\n"
- "return std::adjacent_find(std::begin(a), std::end(a)) == "
- "std::end(a);\n"
- "}(::llvm::cast<" # arrayType # ">($_self).asArrayRef())"
- >]>,
- "should be in increasing order">;
-class IntArrayNthElemEq<int index, int value> : AttrConstraint<
- And<[
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
- # index # "]).getInt() == " # value>
- ]>,
- "whose " # index # "-th element must be " # value>;
-class IntArrayNthElemMinValue<int index, int min> : AttrConstraint<
- And<[
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
- # index # "]).getInt() >= " # min>
- ]>,
- "whose " # index # "-th element must be at least " # min>;
-class IntArrayNthElemMaxValue<int index, int max> : AttrConstraint<
- And<[
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
- # index # "]).getInt() <= " # max>
- ]>,
- "whose " # index # "-th element must be at most " # max>;
-class IntArrayNthElemInRange<int index, int min, int max> : AttrConstraint<
- And<[
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self).size() > " # index>,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
- # index # "]).getInt() >= " # min>,
- CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>(::llvm::cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>($_self)["
- # index # "]).getInt() <= " # max>
- ]>,
- "whose " # index # "-th element must be at least " # min # " and at most " # max>;
-def IsNullAttr : AttrConstraint<
- CPred<"!$_self">, "empty attribute (for optional attributes)">;
-// Region definitions
-class Region<Pred condition, string descr = ""> :
- RegionConstraint<condition, descr>;
-// Any region.
-def AnyRegion : Region<CPred<"true">, "any region">;
-// A region with the given number of blocks.
-class SizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
- CPred<"::llvm::hasNItems($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
- "region with " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
-// A region with at least the given number of blocks.
-class MinSizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
- CPred<"::llvm::hasNItemsOrMore($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
- "region with at least " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
-// A region with at most the given number of blocks.
-class MaxSizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
- CPred<"::llvm::hasNItemsOrLess($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
- "region with at most " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
-// A variadic region constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base region.
-class VariadicRegion<Region region>
- : Region<region.predicate, region.summary>;
-// Successor definitions
-class Successor<Pred condition, string descr = ""> :
- SuccessorConstraint<condition, descr>;
-// Any successor.
-def AnySuccessor : Successor<?, "any successor">;
-// A variadic successor constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base
-// successor.
-class VariadicSuccessor<Successor successor>
- : Successor<successor.predicate, successor.summary>;
-// Trait definitions
-// Trait represents a trait regarding an attribute, operation, or type.
-class Trait;
-// Define a Trait corresponding to a list of Traits, this allows for specifying
-// a list of traits as trait. Avoids needing to do `[Traits, ...] # ListOfTraits
-// # [Others, ...]` while still allowing providing convenient groupings.
-class TraitList<list<Trait> props> : Trait {
- list<Trait> traits = props;
-// NativeTrait corresponds to the MLIR C++ trait mechanism. The purpose to wrap
-// around C++ symbol string with this class is to make traits specified for
-// entities in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
-// `extraConcreteClassDeclaration` and `extraConcreteClassDefinition` code
-// get injected into the entities in which the NativeTrait is specified for.
-class NativeTrait<string name, string entityType,
- code extraClassDeclaration = [{}],
- code extraClassDefinition = [{}]> : Trait {
- string trait = name;
- string cppNamespace = "::mlir::" # entityType # "Trait";
- code extraConcreteClassDeclaration = extraClassDeclaration;
- code extraConcreteClassDefinition = extraClassDefinition;
-// ParamNativeTrait corresponds to the template-parameterized traits in the C++
-// implementation. MLIR uses nested class templates to implement such traits
-// leading to constructs of the form "TraitName<Parameters>::Impl". Use the
-// value in `prop` as the trait name and the value in `params` as parameters to
-// construct the native trait class name.
-class ParamNativeTrait<string prop, string params, string entityType>
- : NativeTrait<prop # "<" # params # ">::Impl", entityType>;
-// GenInternalTrait is a trait that does not have direct C++ mapping but affects
-// an entities definition generator internals, like how operation builders and
-// operand/attribute/result getters are generated.
-class GenInternalTrait<string prop, string entityType> : Trait {
- string trait = "::mlir::" # entityType # "Trait::" # prop;
-// PredTrait is a trait implemented by way of a predicate on an entity.
-class PredTrait<string descr, Pred pred> : Trait {
- string summary = descr;
- Pred predicate = pred;
+include "mlir/IR/Interfaces.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Properties.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Traits.td"
+include "mlir/IR/Utils.td"
+include "mlir/IR/AttrTypeBase.td"
// OpTrait definitions
@@ -2196,200 +176,63 @@ def AttrSizedResultSegments :
def NoRegionArguments : NativeOpTrait<"NoRegionArguments">, StructuralOpTrait;
-// Interface definitions
+// Successor definitions
-// Marker used to identify the argument list for an op or interface method.
-def ins;
-// This class represents a typed argument with optional default value for C
-// function signatures, e.g. builders or methods.
-class CArg<string ty, string value = ""> {
- string type = ty;
- string defaultValue = value;
-// InterfaceTrait corresponds to a specific 'Interface' class defined in C++.
-// The purpose to wrap around C++ symbol string with this class is to make
-// interfaces specified for ops in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
-class InterfaceTrait<string name> : NativeTrait<"", ""> {
- let trait = name # "::Trait";
- let cppNamespace = "";
- // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in the
- // interface trait declaration.
- code extraTraitClassDeclaration = "";
-// OpInterfaceTrait corresponds to a specific 'OpInterface' class defined in
-// C++. The purpose to wrap around C++ symbol string with this class is to make
-// interfaces specified for ops in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
-class OpInterfaceTrait<string name, code verifyBody = [{}],
- list<Trait> traits = []>
- : InterfaceTrait<name> {
- // Specify the body of the verification function. `$_op` will be replaced with
- // the operation being verified.
- code verify = verifyBody;
- // A bit indicating if the verifier needs to access the ops in the regions. If
- // it set to `1`, the region ops will be verified before invoking this
- // verifier.
- bit verifyWithRegions = 0;
- // Specify the list of traits that need to be verified before the verification
- // of this OpInterfaceTrait.
- list<Trait> dependentTraits = traits;
-// This class represents a single, optionally static, interface method.
-// Note: non-static interface methods have an implicit parameter, either
-// $_op/$_attr/$_type corresponding to an instance of the derived value.
-class InterfaceMethod<string desc, string retTy, string methodName,
- dag args = (ins), code methodBody = [{}],
- code defaultImplementation = [{}]> {
- // A human-readable description of what this method does.
- string description = desc;
- // The name of the interface method.
- string name = methodName;
- // The c++ type-name of the return type.
- string returnType = retTy;
+class Successor<Pred condition, string descr = ""> :
+ SuccessorConstraint<condition, descr>;
- // A dag of string that correspond to the arguments of the method.
- dag arguments = args;
+// Any successor.
+def AnySuccessor : Successor<?, "any successor">;
- // An optional body to the method.
- code body = methodBody;
+// A variadic successor constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base
+// successor.
+class VariadicSuccessor<Successor successor>
+ : Successor<successor.predicate, successor.summary>;
- // An optional default implementation of the method.
- code defaultBody = defaultImplementation;
+// Region definitions
-// This class represents a single static interface method.
-class StaticInterfaceMethod<string desc, string retTy, string methodName,
- dag args = (ins), code methodBody = [{}],
- code defaultImplementation = [{}]>
- : InterfaceMethod<desc, retTy, methodName, args, methodBody,
- defaultImplementation>;
+class Region<Pred condition, string descr = ""> :
+ RegionConstraint<condition, descr>;
-// Interface represents a base interface.
-class Interface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfacesArg = []> {
- // A human-readable description of what this interface does.
- string description = "";
+// Any region.
+def AnyRegion : Region<CPred<"true">, "any region">;
- // The name given to the c++ interface class.
- string cppInterfaceName = name;
+// A region with the given number of blocks.
+class SizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
+ CPred<"::llvm::hasNItems($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
+ "region with " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
- // The C++ namespace that this interface should be placed into.
- //
- // To specify nested namespaces, use "::" as the delimiter, e.g., given
- // "A::B", ops will be placed in `namespace A { namespace B { <def> } }`.
- string cppNamespace = "";
- // The list of methods defined by this interface.
- list<InterfaceMethod> methods = [];
- // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in the
- // interface declaration.
- code extraClassDeclaration = "";
- // An optional code block containing extra declarations to place in both
- // the interface and trait declaration.
- code extraSharedClassDeclaration = "";
- // An optional code block for adding additional "classof" logic. This can
- // be used to better enable "optional" interfaces, where an entity only
- // implements the interface if some dynamic characteristic holds.
- // `$_attr`/`$_op`/`$_type` may be used to refer to an instance of the
- // entity being checked.
- code extraClassOf = "";
- // An optional set of base interfaces that this interface
- // "derives" from.
- list<Interface> baseInterfaces = baseInterfacesArg;
+// A region with at least the given number of blocks.
+class MinSizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
+ CPred<"::llvm::hasNItemsOrMore($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
+ "region with at least " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
-// AttrInterface represents an interface registered to an attribute.
-class AttrInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
- : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, InterfaceTrait<name>,
- Attr<CPred<"::llvm::isa<"
- # !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name # ">($_self)">,
- name # " instance"
- > {
- let storageType = !if(!empty(cppNamespace), "", cppNamespace # "::") # name;
- let returnType = storageType;
- let convertFromStorage = "$_self";
+// A region with at most the given number of blocks.
+class MaxSizedRegion<int numBlocks> : Region<
+ CPred<"::llvm::hasNItemsOrLess($_self, " # numBlocks # ")">,
+ "region with at most " # numBlocks # " blocks">;
-// OpInterface represents an interface registered to an operation.
-class OpInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
- : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, OpInterfaceTrait<name>;
-// TypeInterface represents an interface registered to a type.
-class TypeInterface<string name, list<Interface> baseInterfaces = []>
- : Interface<name, baseInterfaces>, InterfaceTrait<name>,
- Type<CPred<"::llvm::isa<"
- # !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name # ">($_self)">,
- name # " instance",
- !if(!empty(cppNamespace),"", cppNamespace # "::") # name
- >;
-// Whether to declare the interface methods in the user entity's header. This
-// class simply wraps an Interface but is used to indicate that the method
-// declarations should be generated. This class takes an optional set of methods
-// that should have declarations generated even if the method has a default
-// implementation.
-class DeclareInterfaceMethods<list<string> overridenMethods = []> {
- // This field contains a set of method names that should always have their
- // declarations generated. This allows for generating declarations for
- // methods with default implementations that need to be overridden.
- list<string> alwaysOverriddenMethods = overridenMethods;
-class DeclareAttrInterfaceMethods<AttrInterface interface,
- list<string> overridenMethods = []>
- : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
- AttrInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
- let description = interface.description;
- let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
- let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
- let methods = interface.methods;
- let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
-class DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<OpInterface interface,
- list<string> overridenMethods = []>
- : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
- OpInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
- let description = interface.description;
- let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
- let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
- let methods = interface.methods;
- let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
-class DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<TypeInterface interface,
- list<string> overridenMethods = []>
- : DeclareInterfaceMethods<overridenMethods>,
- TypeInterface<interface.cppInterfaceName, interface.baseInterfaces> {
- let description = interface.description;
- let cppInterfaceName = interface.cppInterfaceName;
- let cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
- let methods = interface.methods;
- let baseInterfaces = interface.baseInterfaces;
+// A variadic region constraint. It expands to zero or more of the base region.
+class VariadicRegion<Region region>
+ : Region<region.predicate, region.summary>;
-// Op definitions
+// Markers
-// Marker used to identify the result list for an op.
-def outs;
-// Marker used to identify the region list for an op.
+// Marker used to identify the region list.
def region;
-// Marker used to identify the successor list for an op.
+// Marker used to identify the successor list.
def successor;
+// Op definitions
// Class for defining a custom builder.
// TableGen generates several generic builders for each op by default (see
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Properties.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Properties.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3d7de7e4f460e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Properties.td
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+//===-- Properties.td - Properties definition file ----------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This is the base properties defination file.
+// Base class for defining properties.
+class Property<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> {
+ // User-readable one line summary used in error reporting messages. If empty,
+ // a generic message will be used.
+ string summary = desc;
+ // The full description of this property.
+ string description = "";
+ code storageType = storageTypeParam;
+ code interfaceType = storageTypeParam;
+ // The expression to convert from the storage type to the Interface
+ // type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
+ // enum class.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
+ // - `$_ctxt` will contain an `MLIRContext *`.
+ code convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
+ // The call expression to build a property storage from the interface type.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
+ // - `$_value` will contain the property in the user interface type.
+ code assignToStorage = "$_storage = $_value";
+ // The call expression to convert from the storage type to an attribute.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
+ // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
+ //
+ // The expression must result in an Attribute.
+ code convertToAttribute = [{
+ convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage)
+ }];
+ // The call expression to convert from an Attribute to the storage type.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
+ // - `$_attr` is the attribute.
+ // - `$_diag` is an optional Diagnostic pointer to emit error.
+ //
+ // The expression must return a LogicalResult
+ code convertFromAttribute = [{
+ return convertFromAttribute($_storage, $_attr, $_diag);
+ }];
+ // The call expression to hash the property.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` is the variable to hash.
+ //
+ // The expression should define a llvm::hash_code.
+ code hashProperty = [{
+ llvm::hash_value($_storage);
+ }];
+ // The call expression to emit the storage type to bytecode.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
+ // - `$_writer` is a `DialectBytecodeWriter`.
+ // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
+ code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
+ writeToMlirBytecode($_writer, $_storage)
+ }];
+ // The call expression to read the storage type from bytecode.
+ //
+ // Format:
+ // - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
+ // - `$_reader` is a `DialectBytecodeReader`.
+ // - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
+ code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
+ if (::mlir::failed(readFromMlirBytecode($_reader, $_storage)))
+ return ::mlir::failure();
+ }];
+ // Default value for the property.
+ string defaultValue = ?;
+/// Implementation of the Property class's `readFromMlirBytecode` field using
+/// the default `convertFromAttribute` implementation.
+/// Users not wanting to implement their own `readFromMlirBytecode` and
+/// `writeToMlirBytecode` implementations can opt into using this implementation
+/// by writing:
+/// let writeToMlirBytecode = writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute;
+/// let readFromMlirBytecode = readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute;
+/// in their property definition.
+/// Serialization and deserialization is performed using the attributes
+/// returned by `convertFromAttribute` and `convertToAttribute`.
+/// WARNING: This implementation creates a less than optimal encoding.
+/// Users caring about optimal encoding should not use this implementation and
+/// implement `readFromMlirBytecode` and `writeToMlirBytecode` themselves.
+defvar readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute = [{
+ ::mlir::Attribute attr;
+ if (::mlir::failed($_reader.readAttribute(attr)))
+ return ::mlir::failure();
+ if (::mlir::failed(convertFromAttribute($_storage, attr, nullptr)))
+ return ::mlir::failure();
+/// Implementation of the Property class's `writeToMlirBytecode` field using
+/// the default `convertToAttribute` implementation.
+/// See description of `readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute` above for
+/// details.
+defvar writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute = [{
+ $_writer.writeAttribute(convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage))
+// Primitive property kinds
+// Any kind of integer stored as properties.
+class IntProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> :
+ Property<storageTypeParam, desc> {
+ code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
+ $_writer.writeVarInt($_storage);
+ }];
+ code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
+ uint64_t val;
+ if (failed($_reader.readVarInt(val)))
+ return ::mlir::failure();
+ $_storage = val;
+ }];
+class ArrayProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", int n, string desc = ""> :
+ Property<storageTypeParam # "[" # n # "]", desc> {
+ let interfaceType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # storageTypeParam # ">";
+ let convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
+ let assignToStorage = "::llvm::copy($_value, $_storage)";
+#endif // PROPERTIES
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Traits.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Traits.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..221f8633ad954e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Traits.td
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+//===-- Traits.td - Trait definations file ------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains definations for traits.
+#ifndef TRAITS_TD
+#define TRAITS_TD
+include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
+// Trait definitions
+// Trait represents a trait regarding an attribute, operation, or type.
+class Trait;
+// Define a Trait corresponding to a list of Traits, this allows for specifying
+// a list of traits as trait. Avoids needing to do `[Traits, ...] # ListOfTraits
+// # [Others, ...]` while still allowing providing convenient groupings.
+class TraitList<list<Trait> props> : Trait {
+ list<Trait> traits = props;
+// NativeTrait corresponds to the MLIR C++ trait mechanism. The purpose to wrap
+// around C++ symbol string with this class is to make traits specified for
+// entities in TableGen less alien and more integrated.
+// `extraConcreteClassDeclaration` and `extraConcreteClassDefinition` code
+// get injected into the entities in which the NativeTrait is specified for.
+class NativeTrait<string name, string entityType,
+ code extraClassDeclaration = [{}],
+ code extraClassDefinition = [{}]> : Trait {
+ string trait = name;
+ string cppNamespace = "::mlir::" # entityType # "Trait";
+ code extraConcreteClassDeclaration = extraClassDeclaration;
+ code extraConcreteClassDefinition = extraClassDefinition;
+// ParamNativeTrait corresponds to the template-parameterized traits in the C++
+// implementation. MLIR uses nested class templates to implement such traits
+// leading to constructs of the form "TraitName<Parameters>::Impl". Use the
+// value in `prop` as the trait name and the value in `params` as parameters to
+// construct the native trait class name.
+class ParamNativeTrait<string prop, string params, string entityType>
+ : NativeTrait<prop # "<" # params # ">::Impl", entityType>;
+// GenInternalTrait is a trait that does not have direct C++ mapping but affects
+// an entities definition generator internals, like how operation builders and
+// operand/attribute/result getters are generated.
+class GenInternalTrait<string prop, string entityType> : Trait {
+ string trait = "::mlir::" # entityType # "Trait::" # prop;
+// PredTrait is a trait implemented by way of a predicate on an entity.
+class PredTrait<string descr, Pred pred> : Trait {
+ string summary = descr;
+ Pred predicate = pred;
+#endif // TRAITS_TD
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Utils.td b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Utils.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..651706099d9b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/IR/Utils.td
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+//===-- Utils.td - General utilities file ------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains a number of utilities which can be used across tablegen
+// files.
+#ifndef UTILS_TD
+#define UTILS_TD
+// Helper for marking deprecated classes or defs in TableGen. To mark a def as
+// deprecated, mix in the `Deprecate` class with a reason.
+// Usage of a deprecated def within TableGen will cause a warning with the
+// given message.
+class Deprecated<string reason> {
+ string odsDeprecated = reason;
+// Helper for marking entities in ODS generated C++ as deprecated.
+// Usage of such an entity from C++ code will cause a warning being emitted by
+// the C++ compiler with the given message.
+// Note: Support has to be implemented by the code generator of a given
+// entity.
+class CppDeprecated<string reason> {
+ string odsCppDeprecated = reason;
+// A workaround for the inability to define functions in Tablegen.
+// The template parameter defines a string that can be extracted from an
+// instance of this class by accessing the "result" member. Subclasses can take
+// their own template parameters as function "arguments" and use them to
+// populate result.
+// For example, if it didn't already exist, a concat function could be defined
+// like:
+// class StrConcat<list<string> strings> :
+// StrFunc<!foldl("", strings, prev, cur, prev # cur)>
+// and then called like
+// StrConcat<["a", "b", "c"]>.result
+// to get the string "abc"
+class StrFunc<string r> {
+ string result = r;
+// Marker used to identify the argument list.
+def ins;
+// Marker used to identify the result list.
+def outs;
+// This class represents a typed argument with optional default value for C
+// function signatures, e.g. builders or methods.
+class CArg<string ty, string value = ""> {
+ string type = ty;
+ string defaultValue = value;
+#endif // UTILS_TD
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