[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 7d29933 - [mlir][arith] Add integration tests for addi emulation

Jakub Kuderski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Sep 20 15:55:08 PDT 2022

Author: Jakub Kuderski
Date: 2022-09-20T18:54:53-04:00
New Revision: 7d299333cbce18c37fdef94569720cf5c61c760a

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7d299333cbce18c37fdef94569720cf5c61c760a
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7d299333cbce18c37fdef94569720cf5c61c760a.diff

LOG: [mlir][arith] Add integration tests for addi emulation

This includes tests with the exact expected values and comparison-based tests.

Reviewed By: antiagainst

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D134321




diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-addi-i16.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-addi-i16.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..96a54696adf49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-addi-i16.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Check that the wide integer addition emulation produces the same result as
+// wide addition. Emulate i16 ops with i8 ops.
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s --convert-scf-to-cf --convert-cf-to-llvm --convert-vector-to-llvm \
+// RUN:             --convert-func-to-llvm --convert-arith-to-llvm | \
+// RUN:   mlir-cpu-runner -e entry -entry-point-result=void \
+// RUN:                   --shared-libs=%mlir_lib_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext | \
+// RUN:   FileCheck %s --match-full-lines
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s --test-arith-emulate-wide-int="widest-int-supported=8" \
+// RUN:             --convert-scf-to-cf --convert-cf-to-llvm --convert-vector-to-llvm \
+// RUN:             --convert-func-to-llvm --convert-arith-to-llvm | \
+// RUN:   mlir-cpu-runner -e entry -entry-point-result=void \
+// RUN:                   --shared-libs=%mlir_lib_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext | \
+// RUN:   FileCheck %s --match-full-lines
+// Ops in this function *only* will be emulated using i8 types.
+func.func @emulate_addi(%lhs : i16, %rhs : i16) -> (i16) {
+  %res = arith.addi %lhs, %rhs : i16
+  return %res : i16
+func.func @check_addi(%lhs : i16, %rhs : i16) -> () {
+  %res = func.call @emulate_addi(%lhs, %rhs) : (i16, i16) -> (i16)
+  vector.print %res : i16
+  return
+func.func @entry() {
+  %cst0 = arith.constant 0 : i16
+  %cst1 = arith.constant 1 : i16
+  %cst_1 = arith.constant -1 : i16
+  %cst_3 = arith.constant -3 : i16
+  %cst13 = arith.constant 13 : i16
+  %cst37 = arith.constant 37 : i16
+  %cst42 = arith.constant 42 : i16
+  %cst256 = arith.constant 256 : i16
+  %cst_i16_max = arith.constant 32767 : i16
+  %cst_i16_min = arith.constant -32768 : i16
+  // CHECK: 0
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst0, %cst0) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 1
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst0, %cst1) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 2
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst1, %cst1) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 0
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst1, %cst_1) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -2
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_1, %cst_1) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -2
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst1, %cst_3) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 26
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst13, %cst13) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 50
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst13, %cst37) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 79
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst37, %cst42) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 255
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_1, %cst256) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 269
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst256, %cst13) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 293
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst256, %cst37) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 253
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst256, %cst_3) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -32756
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst13, %cst_i16_max) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -32731
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_i16_min, %cst37) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -2
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_i16_max, %cst_i16_max) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: -32755
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_i16_min, %cst13) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  // CHECK-NEXT: 0
+  func.call @check_addi(%cst_i16_min, %cst_i16_min) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+  return

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-compare-results-i16.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-compare-results-i16.mlir
index 2b1afb3cad9e4..6ca279037d5f0 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-compare-results-i16.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arithmetic/CPU/test-wide-int-emulation-compare-results-i16.mlir
@@ -62,6 +62,53 @@ func.func @xhash(%i : i16) -> (i16) {
   return %res : i16
+// Test arith.addi
+// Ops in this function will be emulated using i8 ops.
+func.func @emulate_addi(%lhs : i16, %rhs : i16) -> (i16) {
+  %res = arith.addi %lhs, %rhs : i16
+  return %res : i16
+// Performs both wide and emulated `arith.muli`, and checks that the results
+// match.
+func.func @check_addi(%lhs : i16, %rhs : i16) -> () {
+  %wide = arith.addi %lhs, %rhs : i16
+  %emulated = func.call @emulate_addi(%lhs, %rhs) : (i16, i16) -> (i16)
+  func.call @check_results(%lhs, %rhs, %wide, %emulated) : (i16, i16, i16, i16) -> ()
+  return
+// Checks that `arith.addi` is emulated properly by sampling the input space.
+// In total, this test function checks 500 * 500 = 250k input pairs.
+func.func @test_addi() -> () {
+  %idx0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %idx1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %idx500 = arith.constant 500 : index
+  %cst0 = arith.constant 0 : i16
+  %cst1 = arith.constant 1 : i16
+  scf.for %lhs_idx = %idx0 to %idx500 step %idx1 iter_args(%lhs = %cst0) -> (i16) {
+    %arg_lhs = func.call @xhash(%lhs) : (i16) -> (i16)
+    scf.for %rhs_idx = %idx0 to %idx500 step %idx1 iter_args(%rhs = %cst0) -> (i16) {
+        %arg_rhs = func.call @xhash(%rhs) : (i16) -> (i16)
+        func.call @check_addi(%arg_lhs, %arg_rhs) : (i16, i16) -> ()
+        %rhs_next = arith.addi %rhs, %cst1 : i16
+        scf.yield %rhs_next : i16
+    }
+    %lhs_next = arith.addi %lhs, %cst1 : i16
+    scf.yield %lhs_next : i16
+  }
+  return
 // Test arith.muli
@@ -161,6 +208,7 @@ func.func @test_shrui() -> () {
 func.func @entry() {
+  func.call @test_addi() : () -> ()
   func.call @test_muli() : () -> ()
   func.call @test_shrui() : () -> ()


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