[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 6c22dad - [mlir][sparse] Macros to clean up StridedMemRefType in the SparseTensorRuntime

wren romano llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Nov 14 13:49:45 PST 2022

Author: wren romano
Date: 2022-11-14T13:49:38-08:00
New Revision: 6c22dad9c2b72c63e7be482f0bfb9df17f919242

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6c22dad9c2b72c63e7be482f0bfb9df17f919242
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6c22dad9c2b72c63e7be482f0bfb9df17f919242.diff

LOG: [mlir][sparse] Macros to clean up StridedMemRefType in the SparseTensorRuntime

In particular, this silences warnings from [-Wsign-compare].

Depends On D137681

Reviewed By: aartbik

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D137735




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
index d23a3ca5ab33..1e9a363d1091 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 #include "mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.h"
 #include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
 #include <numeric>
 using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
@@ -213,6 +214,37 @@ fromMLIRSparseTensor(const SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V> *tensor,
   *pIndices = indices;
+// Utilities for manipulating `StridedMemRefType`.
+#define ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(MEMREF)                                               \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    assert((MEMREF) && "Memref is nullptr");                                   \
+    assert(((MEMREF)->strides[0] == 1) && "Memref has non-trivial stride");    \
+  } while (false)
+// All our functions use `uint64_t` for ranks, but `StridedMemRefType::sizes`
+// uses `int64_t`.  And we must make the cast explicit for the sake of
+// `operator==`, or else it will generate a [-Wsign-compare] warning.
+#define MEMREF_GET_USIZE(MEMREF) static_cast<uint64_t>((MEMREF)->sizes[0])
+#define MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(MEMREF) ((MEMREF)->data + (MEMREF)->offset)
+// We make this a function rather than a macro mainly for type safety
+// reasons.  This function does not modify the vector, but it cannot
+// be marked `const` because it is stored into the non-`const` memref.
+template <typename T>
+static void vectorToMemref(std::vector<T> &v, StridedMemRefType<T, 1> &ref) {
+  ref.basePtr = ref.data = v.data();
+  ref.offset = 0;
+  assert(v.size() <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() && "Size overflow");
+  ref.sizes[0] = static_cast<int64_t>(v.size());
+  ref.strides[0] = 1;
 } // anonymous namespace
 extern "C" {
@@ -286,20 +318,21 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvl2dimRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType ptrTp,
     OverheadType indTp, PrimaryType valTp, Action action, void *ptr) {
-  assert(dimSizesRef && dimSizesRef->strides[0] == 1);
-  assert(lvlSizesRef && lvlSizesRef->strides[0] == 1);
-  assert(lvlTypesRef && lvlTypesRef->strides[0] == 1);
-  assert(lvl2dimRef && lvl2dimRef->strides[0] == 1);
-  assert(dim2lvlRef && dim2lvlRef->strides[0] == 1);
-  const uint64_t dimRank = dimSizesRef->sizes[0];
-  const uint64_t lvlRank = lvlSizesRef->sizes[0];
-  assert(dim2lvlRef->sizes[0] == dimRank);
-  assert(lvlTypesRef->sizes[0] == lvlRank && lvl2dimRef->sizes[0] == lvlRank);
-  const index_type *dimSizes = dimSizesRef->data + dimSizesRef->offset;
-  const index_type *lvlSizes = lvlSizesRef->data + lvlSizesRef->offset;
-  const DimLevelType *lvlTypes = lvlTypesRef->data + lvlTypesRef->offset;
-  const index_type *lvl2dim = lvl2dimRef->data + lvl2dimRef->offset;
-  const index_type *dim2lvl = dim2lvlRef->data + dim2lvlRef->offset;
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimSizesRef);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(lvlSizesRef);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(lvlTypesRef);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(lvl2dimRef);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dim2lvlRef);
+  const uint64_t dimRank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimSizesRef);
+  const uint64_t lvlRank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(lvlSizesRef);
+  assert(MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dim2lvlRef) == dimRank);
+  assert(MEMREF_GET_USIZE(lvlTypesRef) == lvlRank);
+  assert(MEMREF_GET_USIZE(lvl2dimRef) == lvlRank);
+  const index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimSizesRef);
+  const index_type *lvlSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(lvlSizesRef);
+  const DimLevelType *lvlTypes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(lvlTypesRef);
+  const index_type *lvl2dim = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(lvl2dimRef);
+  const index_type *dim2lvl = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dim2lvlRef);
   // Rewrite kIndex to kU64, to avoid introducing a bunch of new cases.
   // This is safe because of the static_assert above.
@@ -424,10 +457,8 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
     assert(ref &&tensor);                                                      \
     std::vector<V> *v;                                                         \
     static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->getValues(&v);             \
-    ref->basePtr = ref->data = v->data();                                      \
-    ref->offset = 0;                                                           \
-    ref->sizes[0] = v->size();                                                 \
-    ref->strides[0] = 1;                                                       \
+    assert(v);                                                                 \
+    vectorToMemref(*v, *ref);                                                  \
     assert(ref &&tensor);                                                      \
     std::vector<TYPE> *v;                                                      \
     static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->LIB(&v, d);                \
-    ref->basePtr = ref->data = v->data();                                      \
-    ref->offset = 0;                                                           \
-    ref->sizes[0] = v->size();                                                 \
-    ref->strides[0] = 1;                                                       \
+    assert(v);                                                                 \
+    vectorToMemref(*v, *ref);                                                  \
 #define IMPL_SPARSEPOINTERS(PNAME, P)                                          \
   IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(sparsePointers##PNAME, P, getPointers)
       void *lvlCOO, StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref,                             \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimIndRef,                             \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef) {                          \
-    assert(lvlCOO &&vref &&dimIndRef &&dim2lvlRef);                            \
-    assert(dimIndRef->strides[0] == 1 && dim2lvlRef->strides[0] == 1);         \
-    const uint64_t rank = dimIndRef->sizes[0];                                 \
-    assert(dim2lvlRef->sizes[0] == rank);                                      \
-    const index_type *dimInd = dimIndRef->data + dimIndRef->offset;            \
-    const index_type *dim2lvl = dim2lvlRef->data + dim2lvlRef->offset;         \
+    assert(lvlCOO &&vref);                                                     \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimIndRef);                                               \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dim2lvlRef);                                              \
+    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimIndRef);                         \
+    assert(MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dim2lvlRef) == rank);                              \
+    const index_type *dimInd = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimIndRef);                  \
+    const index_type *dim2lvl = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dim2lvlRef);                \
     std::vector<index_type> lvlInd(rank);                                      \
     for (uint64_t d = 0; d < rank; ++d)                                        \
       lvlInd[dim2lvl[d]] = dimInd[d];                                          \
-    V *value = vref->data + vref->offset;                                      \
+    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
     static_cast<SparseTensorCOO<V> *>(lvlCOO)->add(lvlInd, *value);            \
     return lvlCOO;                                                             \
   bool _mlir_ciface_getNext##VNAME(void *iter,                                 \
                                    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,     \
                                    StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {            \
-    assert(iter &&iref &&vref);                                                \
-    assert(iref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    index_type *indx = iref->data + iref->offset;                              \
-    V *value = vref->data + vref->offset;                                      \
-    const uint64_t isize = iref->sizes[0];                                     \
+    assert(iter &&vref);                                                       \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
+    index_type *indx = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                               \
+    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
+    const uint64_t isize = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(iref);                             \
     const Element<V> *elem =                                                   \
         static_cast<SparseTensorIterator<V> *>(iter)->getNext();               \
     if (elem == nullptr)                                                       \
   void _mlir_ciface_lexInsert##VNAME(void *tensor,                             \
                                      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,   \
                                      StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {          \
-    assert(tensor &&cref &&vref);                                              \
-    assert(cref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    index_type *cursor = cref->data + cref->offset;                            \
+    assert(tensor &&vref);                                                     \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
+    index_type *cursor = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
     assert(cursor);                                                            \
-    V *value = vref->data + vref->offset;                                      \
+    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
     static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->lexInsert(cursor, *value); \
       void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                    \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 1> *vref, StridedMemRefType<bool, 1> *fref,         \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *aref, index_type count) {              \
-    assert(tensor &&cref &&vref &&fref &&aref);                                \
-    assert(cref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    assert(vref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    assert(fref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    assert(aref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    assert(vref->sizes[0] == fref->sizes[0]);                                  \
-    index_type *cursor = cref->data + cref->offset;                            \
-    V *values = vref->data + vref->offset;                                     \
-    bool *filled = fref->data + fref->offset;                                  \
-    index_type *added = aref->data + aref->offset;                             \
+    assert(tensor);                                                            \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(vref);                                                    \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(fref);                                                    \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(aref);                                                    \
+    assert(MEMREF_GET_USIZE(vref) == MEMREF_GET_USIZE(fref));                  \
+    index_type *cursor = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
+    V *values = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                      \
+    bool *filled = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(fref);                                   \
+    index_type *added = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(aref);                              \
     static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->expInsert(                 \
         cursor, values, filled, added, count);                                 \
@@ -646,9 +676,9 @@ index_type getSparseTensorReaderDimSize(void *p, index_type d) {
 void _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderDimSizes(
     void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dref) {
-  assert(p && dref);
-  assert(dref->strides[0] == 1);
-  index_type *dimSizes = dref->data + dref->offset;
+  assert(p);
+  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dref);
   SparseTensorReader &file = *static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p);
   const index_type *sizes = file.getDimSizes();
   index_type rank = file.getRank();
@@ -664,12 +694,12 @@ void delSparseTensorReader(void *p) {
   void _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderNext##VNAME(                          \
       void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,                         \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {                                         \
-    assert(p &&iref &&vref);                                                   \
-    assert(iref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    index_type *indices = iref->data + iref->offset;                           \
+    assert(p &&vref);                                                          \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
+    index_type *indices = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                            \
     SparseTensorReader *stfile = static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p);         \
     index_type rank = stfile->getRank();                                       \
-    V *value = vref->data + vref->offset;                                      \
+    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
     *value = stfile->readCOOElement<V>(rank, indices);                         \
@@ -693,10 +723,10 @@ void delSparseTensorWriter(void *p) {
 void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(
     void *p, index_type rank, index_type nnz,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dref) {
-  assert(p && dref);
-  assert(dref->strides[0] == 1);
+  assert(p);
   assert(rank != 0);
-  index_type *dimSizes = dref->data + dref->offset;
+  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dref);
   SparseTensorWriter &file = *static_cast<SparseTensorWriter *>(p);
   file << rank << " " << nnz << std::endl;
   for (index_type r = 0; r < rank - 1; ++r)
@@ -708,13 +738,13 @@ void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(
   void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterNext##VNAME(                          \
       void *p, index_type rank, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,        \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {                                         \
-    assert(p &&iref &&vref);                                                   \
-    assert(iref->strides[0] == 1);                                             \
-    index_type *indices = iref->data + iref->offset;                           \
+    assert(p &&vref);                                                          \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
+    index_type *indices = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                            \
     SparseTensorWriter &file = *static_cast<SparseTensorWriter *>(p);          \
     for (uint64_t r = 0; r < rank; ++r)                                        \
       file << (indices[r] + 1) << " ";                                         \
-    V *value = vref->data + vref->offset;                                      \
+    V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
     file << *value << std::endl;                                               \
 } // extern "C"


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