[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 4e08ce7 - Revert "Upstream MLIR PyTACO implementation."

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 13 15:14:42 PST 2022

Author: Mehdi Amini
Date: 2022-01-13T23:14:13Z
New Revision: 4e08ce7adb575e86282632b0a4324f03a05bae09

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/4e08ce7adb575e86282632b0a4324f03a05bae09
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/4e08ce7adb575e86282632b0a4324f03a05bae09.diff

LOG: Revert "Upstream MLIR PyTACO implementation."

This reverts commit 778a264da9eba0c8523cdc10a10822fd3e458dd3.

This broke the bot: tests are failing at the moment.




diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/MTTKRP_test.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/MTTKRP_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09972c27ae317..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/MTTKRP_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# RUN: SUPPORTLIB=%mlir_runner_utils_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import sys
-import tempfile
-_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-from tools import mlir_pytaco_api as pt
-# This PyTACO part is taken from the TACO open-source project.
-# See http://tensor-compiler.org/docs/data_analytics/index.html.
-compressed = pt.compressed
-dense = pt.dense
-# Define fmts for storing the sparse tensor and dense matrices.
-csf = pt.format([compressed, compressed, compressed])
-rm = pt.format([dense, dense])
-# Load a sparse three-dimensional tensor from file (stored in the FROSTT
-# format) and store it as a compressed sparse fiber tensor. We use a small
-# tensor for the purpose of testing. To run the program using the data from
-# the real application, please download the data from:
-# http://frostt.io/tensors/nell-2/
-B = pt.read(os.path.join(_SCRIPT_PATH, "data/nell-2.tns"), csf)
-# These two lines have been modified from the original program to use static
-# data to support result comparison.
-C = pt.from_array(np.full((B.shape[1], 25), 1, dtype=np.float64))
-D = pt.from_array(np.full((B.shape[2], 25), 2, dtype=np.float64))
-# Declare the result to be a dense matrix.
-A = pt.tensor([B.shape[0], 25], rm)
-# Declare index vars.
-i, j, k, l = pt.get_index_vars(4)
-# Define the MTTKRP computation.
-A[i, j] = B[i, k, l] * D[l, j] * C[k, j]
-# CHECK: Compare result True
-# Perform the MTTKRP computation and write the result to file.
-with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as test_dir:
-  actual_file = os.path.join(test_dir, "A.tns")
-  pt.write(actual_file, A)
-  actual = np.loadtxt(actual_file, np.float64)
-  expected = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(_SCRIPT_PATH, "data/gold_A.tns"),
-                        np.float64)
-  print(f"Compare result {np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=0.01)}")

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/README.md b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 96c15b2d6ac24..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# MLIR-PyTACO: Implementing PyTACO with MLIR
-TACO (http://tensor-compiler.org/) is a tensor algebra compiler. TACO defines
-PyTACO, a domain specific language in Python, for writing tensor algebra
-This directory contains the implementation of PyTACO using MLIR. In particular,
-we implement a Python layer that accepts the PyTACO language, generates MLIR
-linalg.generic OPs with sparse tensor annotation to represent the tensor
-computation, and invokes the MLIR sparse tensor code generator
-(https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/Dialects/SparseTensorOps/) as well as other MLIR
-compilation passes to generate an executable. Then, we invoke the MLIR execution
-engine to execute the program and pass the result back to the Python layer.
-As can be seen from the tests in this directory, in order to port a PyTACO
-program to MLIR-PyTACO, we basically only need to replace this line that
-imports PyTACO:
-import pytaco as pt
-with this line to import MLIR-PyTACO:
-from tools import mlir_pytaco_api as pt

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/SpMV_test.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/SpMV_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d89fec89e5f..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/SpMV_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# RUN: SUPPORTLIB=%mlir_runner_utils_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import sys
-import tempfile
-_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-from tools import mlir_pytaco_api as pt
-# This PyTACO part is taken from the TACO open-source project.
-# See http://tensor-compiler.org/docs/scientific_computing/index.html.
-compressed = pt.compressed
-dense = pt.dense
-# Define formats for storing the sparse matrix and dense vectors.
-csr = pt.format([dense, compressed])
-dv = pt.format([dense])
-# Load a sparse matrix stored in the matrix market format) and store it
-# as a CSR matrix.  The matrix in this test is a reduced version of the data
-# downloaded from here:
-# https://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/MM/Boeing/pwtk.tar.gz
-# In order to run the program using the matrix above, you can download the
-# matrix and replace this path to the actual path to the file.
-A = pt.read(os.path.join(_SCRIPT_PATH, "data/pwtk.mtx"), csr)
-# These two lines have been modified from the original program to use static
-# data to support result comparison.
-x = pt.from_array(np.full((A.shape[1],), 1, dtype=np.float64))
-z = pt.from_array(np.full((A.shape[0],), 2, dtype=np.float64))
-# Declare the result to be a dense vector
-y = pt.tensor([A.shape[0]], dv)
-# Declare index vars
-i, j = pt.get_index_vars(2)
-# Define the SpMV computation
-y[i] = A[i, j] * x[j] + z[i]
-# CHECK: Compare result True
-# Perform the SpMV computation and write the result to file
-with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as test_dir:
-  actual_file = os.path.join(test_dir, "y.tns")
-  pt.write(actual_file, y)
-  actual = np.loadtxt(actual_file, np.float64)
-  expected = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(_SCRIPT_PATH, "data/gold_y.tns"),
-                        np.float64)
-  print(f"Compare result {np.allclose(actual, expected, rtol=0.01)}")

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_A.tns b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_A.tns
deleted file mode 100644
index b66caa12106a9..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_A.tns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-1 1 12
-1 2 12
-1 3 12
-1 4 12
-1 5 12
-1 6 12
-1 7 12
-1 8 12
-1 9 12
-1 10 12
-1 11 12
-1 12 12
-1 13 12
-1 14 12
-1 15 12
-1 16 12
-1 17 12
-1 18 12
-1 19 12
-1 20 12
-1 21 12
-1 22 12
-1 23 12
-1 24 12
-1 25 12
-2 1 6
-2 2 6
-2 3 6
-2 4 6
-2 5 6
-2 6 6
-2 7 6
-2 8 6
-2 9 6
-2 10 6
-2 11 6
-2 12 6
-2 13 6
-2 14 6
-2 15 6
-2 16 6
-2 17 6
-2 18 6
-2 19 6
-2 20 6
-2 21 6
-2 22 6
-2 23 6
-2 24 6
-2 25 6

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_y.tns b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_y.tns
deleted file mode 100644
index a9eab90a0627a..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/gold_y.tns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# See http://frostt.io/tensors/file-formats.html for FROSTT (.tns) format
-1 37102
-2 -20.4138
-3 804927

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/nell-2.tns b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/nell-2.tns
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c570c3c7d8f..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/nell-2.tns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-1 1 1 1.0
-1 2 2 2.0
-1 3 4 3.0
-2 1 1 1.0
-2 4 3 2.0

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/pwtk.mtx b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/pwtk.mtx
deleted file mode 100644
index ec1cebc1c8f82..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/data/pwtk.mtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric
-% To download a matrix for a real world application
-% https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/
-3 3 5
-1 1 37423.0879671
-2 1 -22.4050781162
-3 1 -300.654980157
-3 2 -.00869762944058
-3 3 805225.750212

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/simple_tensor_algebra_test.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/simple_tensor_algebra_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 021519028496c..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/simple_tensor_algebra_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# RUN: SUPPORTLIB=%mlir_runner_utils_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
-import os
-import sys
-_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-from tools import mlir_pytaco_api as pt
-compressed = pt.compressed
-dense = pt.dense
-# Ensure that we can run an unmodified PyTACO program with a simple tensor
-# algebra expression using tensor index notation, and produce the expected
-# result.
-i, j = pt.get_index_vars(2)
-A = pt.tensor([2, 3])
-B = pt.tensor([2, 3])
-C = pt.tensor([2, 3])
-D = pt.tensor([2, 3], dense)
-A.insert([0, 1], 10)
-A.insert([1, 2], 40)
-B.insert([0, 0], 20)
-B.insert([1, 2], 30)
-C.insert([0, 1], 5)
-C.insert([1, 2], 7)
-D[i, j] = A[i, j] + B[i, j] - C[i, j]
-# CHECK: [20. 5. 0. 0. 0. 63.]

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/lit.local.cfg b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 650ca33613cc6..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Files in this directory are tools, not tests.
-config.unsupported = True

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ec7358ac5ebd4..0000000000000
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1765 +0,0 @@
-#  Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#  See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-"""Experimental MLIR-PyTACO with sparse tensor support.
-See http://tensor-compiler.org/ for TACO tensor compiler.
-This module implements the Python classes for PyTACO index notation. These
-include classes for data types, tensor dimension formats (aka mode formats),
-tensor dimension orderings (aka mode ordering), tensor storage formats, and
-The PyTACO API doesn't follow the naming conversion required by the style guide
-for this module. As such, we first implement the supporting classes and routines
-following the style guide, and then define the type aliases and constants to
-support the PyTACO API in the pytaco_api module.
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
-import abc
-import ctypes
-import dataclasses
-import enum
-import numpy as np
-import functools
-import operator
-import os
-import threading
-# Import MLIR related modules.
-from mlir import all_passes_registration  # Register MLIR compiler passes.
-from mlir import execution_engine
-from mlir import ir
-from mlir import runtime
-from mlir.dialects import arith
-from mlir.dialects import builtin
-from mlir.dialects import linalg
-from mlir.dialects import std
-from mlir.dialects import sparse_tensor
-from mlir.dialects.linalg.opdsl import lang
-from mlir.passmanager import PassManager
-from . import mlir_pytaco_utils as utils
-# TACO naming prefixes.
-# Bitwidths for pointers and indices.
-# The name for the environment variable that provides the full path for the
-# supporting library.
-# The default supporting library if the environment variable is not provided.
-_DEFAULT_SUPPORTLIB = "libmlir_c_runner_utils.so"
-# The JIT compiler optimization level.
-# The entry point to the JIT compiled program.
-_ENTRY_NAME = "main"
-# Type aliases for type annotation.
-_BinaryOp = Callable[[Any, Any], Any]
-_ExprVisitor = Callable[..., None]
-_ExprInfoDict = Dict["IndexExpr", "_ExprInfo"]
-_LogicalOp = Callable[[bool, bool], bool]
-_ModeFormatOp = Callable[["ModeFormat", "ModeFormat"], "ModeFormat"]
-_SubtreeLeafChecker = Optional[Callable[..., bool]]
-class Type(enum.Enum):
-  """The data types supported by TACO.
-  We use numpy data types to implement the enum data types.
-  """
-  INT16 = np.int16
-  INT32 = np.int32
-  INT64 = np.int64
-  # numpy _ctype_from_dtype_scalar can't handle float16 yet.
-  FLOAT32 = np.float32
-  FLOAT64 = np.float64
-# All floating point type enums.
-_FLOAT_TYPES = (Type.FLOAT32, Type.FLOAT64)
-# All integral type enums.
-_INT_TYPES = (Type.INT16, Type.INT32, Type.INT64)
-# Type alias for any numpy type used to implement the runtime support for the
-# enum data types.
-_AnyRuntimeType = Union[np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64]
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class DType:
-  """The data type class.
-  We support the TACO API dtype class with an alias of this class.
-  The following methods are defined by the TACO API:
-    is_float: Returns whether the data type represents a floating point value.
-    is_int:   Returns whether the data type represents an integral value.
-  Attributes:
-    kind: A Type enum representing the data type.
-    value: The numpy data type for the TACO data type.
-  """
-  kind: Type = Type.FLOAT64
-  def is_float(self) -> bool:
-    """Returns whether the data type represents a floating point value."""
-    return self.kind in _FLOAT_TYPES
-  def is_int(self) -> bool:
-    """Returns whether the data type represents an integral value."""
-    return self.kind in _INT_TYPES
-  @property
-  def value(self) -> _AnyRuntimeType:
-    """Returns the numpy dtype for the data type."""
-    return self.kind.value
-def _mlir_type_from_taco_type(dtype: DType) -> ir.Type:
-  """Returns the MLIR type corresponding to the given TACO type."""
-  dtype_to_irtype = {
-      Type.INT16: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(16),
-      Type.INT32: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(32),
-      Type.INT64: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(64),
-      Type.FLOAT32: ir.F32Type.get(),
-      Type.FLOAT64: ir.F64Type.get()
-  }
-  return dtype_to_irtype[dtype.kind]
-def _compile_mlir(module: ir.Module) -> ir.Module:
-  """Compiles an MLIR module and returns the compiled module."""
-  pipeline = (
-      f"sparsification,"
-      f"sparse-tensor-conversion,"
-      f"builtin.func(linalg-bufferize,convert-linalg-to-loops,convert-vector-to-scf),"
-      f"convert-scf-to-std,"
-      f"func-bufferize,"
-      f"tensor-constant-bufferize,"
-      f"builtin.func(tensor-bufferize,std-bufferize,finalizing-bufferize),"
-      f"convert-vector-to-llvm{{reassociate-fp-reductions=1 enable-index-optimizations=1}},"
-      f"lower-affine,"
-      f"convert-memref-to-llvm,"
-      f"convert-std-to-llvm,"
-      f"reconcile-unrealized-casts")
-  PassManager.parse(pipeline).run(module)
-  return module
- at functools.lru_cache()
-def _get_support_lib_name() -> str:
-  """Returns the string for the supporting C shared library."""
-def _ctype_pointer_from_array(array: np.ndarray) -> ctypes.pointer:
-  """Returns the ctype pointer for the given numpy array."""
-  return ctypes.pointer(
-      ctypes.pointer(runtime.get_ranked_memref_descriptor(array)))
-class ModeFormat(enum.Enum):
-  """The tensor dimension storage format class.
-  We support the TACO API mode_format class with an alias of this class.
-  In TACO, a tensor dimension is called a mode and the storage format for a
-  tensor dimension is called a mode format.
-  """
-  DENSE = sparse_tensor.DimLevelType.dense
-  COMPRESSED = sparse_tensor.DimLevelType.compressed
-def _mode_format_operation(a: ModeFormat, b: ModeFormat,
-                           op: _LogicalOp) -> ModeFormat:
-  """Implements the given operator on ModeFormat."""
-  return (ModeFormat.COMPRESSED
-          if op(a == ModeFormat.COMPRESSED, b == ModeFormat.COMPRESSED) else
-          ModeFormat.DENSE)
-def _mode_format_estimator(op: _BinaryOp) -> _ModeFormatOp:
-  """Produces a ModeFormat operator for the given binary operator.
-  The ModeFormat operator is used as a heuristic to derive the destination
-  dimension sparsity from the source dimension sparsity. In particular, if the
-  binary operator produces a disjunction of the zero values from its source
-  operands, such as the MUL operator, we return a ModeFormat operator that
-  uses operator.or_. That is, we estimate that a dimension for the MUL
-  operation result to be sparse if either of its source operands is sparse.
-  On the other hand, if the binary operator produces a conjunction of the
-  zero values from its source operands, such as the ADD operator, we return
-  a ModeFormat operator that uses operator.and_. In this case, we estimate
-  that a dimension for the ADD operation result to be sparse if both of its
-  source operands are sparse.
-  Args:
-    op: A _BinaryOp object representing a supporting operator on tensors.
-  Returns:
-    A ModeFormatOp for estimating the destination dimension sparsity from
-    the source dimension sparsity.
-  """
-  conjunction = functools.partial(_mode_format_operation, op=operator.and_)
-  disjunction = functools.partial(_mode_format_operation, op=operator.or_)
-  return conjunction if op(0, 1) != 0 else disjunction
-def _all_instance_of(collection: Iterable, cls: Any) -> bool:
-  """Returns true if all elements of the iterable is an instance of cls."""
-  return all(isinstance(e, cls) for e in collection)
-def _identity_ordering(rank: int) -> List[int]:
-  """Returns the identity ordering for tensor of given rank."""
-  return list(range(rank))
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class ModeOrdering:
-  """The tensor dimension ordering class.
-  We support the the TACO API mode_ordering class with an alias of this class.
-  Attributes:
-    ordering: A list of integers representing the ordering of the tensor
-      dimensions.
-  """
-  ordering: List[int]
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies the value in ordering.
-    Raises:
-       ValueError: If ordering is not a list of integers.
-    """
-    if (not isinstance(self.ordering, list) or
-        not _all_instance_of(self.ordering, int)):
-      raise ValueError("Ordering must be a list of integers: "
-                       f"{self.ordering}")
-    # Check that ordering is a permutation of the dimension numbers.
-    if sorted(self.ordering) != _identity_ordering(self.rank()):
-      raise ValueError(f"Invalid ordering: {self.ordering} != "
-                       f"permutation{_identity_ordering(self.rank())}.")
-  def rank(self) -> int:
-    """Returns the number of dimensions represented by the ordering."""
-    return len(self.ordering)
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class ModeFormatPack:
-  """The tensor dimension format class.
-  We support the TACO API mode_format_pack class with an alias of this class.
-  The storage format of a tensor contains one mode_format for each tensor
-  dimension.
-  Attributes:
-    formats: A list of ModeFormat representing the storage format for each of
-      the tensor dimension.
-  """
-  formats: List[ModeFormat]
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies the value in formats.
-    Raises:
-       ValueError: If formats is not a list of ModeFormats.
-    """
-    if (not isinstance(self.formats, list) or
-        not _all_instance_of(self.formats, ModeFormat)):
-      raise ValueError("Formats must be a list of ModeFormat: "
-                       f"{self.formats}")
-  def rank(self) -> int:
-    """Returns the number of dimensions represented by the format pack."""
-    return len(self.formats)
- at dataclasses.dataclass
-class Format:
-  """The tensor format class defined by the TACO API.
-  Attributes:
-    format_pack: A ModeFormatPack representing the storage format for the tensor
-      dimensions.
-    ordering: A ModeOrdering representing the tensor dimension ordering in the
-      storage.
-  """
-  format_pack: ModeFormatPack
-  ordering: Optional[ModeOrdering] = None
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies and fixes up the values in format_pack and ordering.
-    Verifies and fixes up the values in format_pack and ordering to supports the
-    initializer syntax defined by the TACO API. If format_pack is a list of
-    ModeFormat, replaces it with ModeFormatPack constructed from the list. If
-    ordering is not provided, set ordering to the natural ordering for the rank
-    corresponding to format_pack.
-    Raises:
-       ValueError: If format_pack is not an instance of ModeFormatPack or if
-         ordering is not an instance of ModeOrdering.
-    """
-    if isinstance(self.format_pack, list):
-      if not _all_instance_of(self.format_pack, ModeFormat):
-        raise ValueError(f"Expected a list of ModeFormat: {self.format_pack}")
-      self.format_pack = ModeFormatPack(self.format_pack)
-    if not isinstance(self.format_pack, ModeFormatPack):
-      raise ValueError(f"Expected ModeFormatpack: {self.format_pack}")
-    if self.ordering is None:
-      self.ordering = ModeOrdering(list(range(self.rank())))
-    if not isinstance(self.ordering, ModeOrdering):
-      raise ValueError(f"Expected ModeOrdering: {self.ordering}")
-    if self.format_pack.rank() != self.ordering.rank():
-      raise ValueError("Inconsistent ModeFormatPack and ModeOrdering: "
-                       f"len({self.format_pack}) != "
-                       f"len({self.ordering})")
-  def is_dense(self) -> bool:
-    """Returns true if all the Tensor dimensions have a dense format."""
-    return all([f == ModeFormat.DENSE for f in self.format_pack.formats])
-  def rank(self) -> int:
-    """Returns the number of dimensions represented by the format."""
-    return self.format_pack.rank()
-  def mlir_tensor_attr(self) -> Optional[sparse_tensor.EncodingAttr]:
-    """Constructs the MLIR attributes for the tensor format."""
-    if self.is_dense():
-      return None
-    order = (
-        range(self.rank()) if
-        (self.ordering is None) else self.ordering.ordering)
-    mlir_storage_format = [f.value for f in self.format_pack.formats]
-    return sparse_tensor.EncodingAttr.get(mlir_storage_format,
-                                          ir.AffineMap.get_permutation(order),
-                                          _POINTER_BIT_WIDTH, _INDEX_BIT_WIDTH)
-def _make_format(formats: List[ModeFormat],
-                 ordering: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> Format:
-  """Constructs a format from a list of ModeFormat and an optional ordering.
-  Args:
-    formats: A list of ModeFormat, one for each dimension of a tensor.
-    ordering: An optional list of integer, for the ordering of the tensor
-      dimensions. When an ordering is not given, the identity ordering is used.
-  Returns:
-    A tensor format object.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError: If formats is not a list of ModeFormat or the length of formats
-      is not consistent with the len of ordering.
-  """
-  ordering = ordering or _identity_ordering(len(formats))
-  return Format(ModeFormatPack(formats), ModeOrdering(ordering))
-class _AtomicCounter:
-  """An atomic counter."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._counter = 0
-    self._counter_lock = threading.Lock()
-  def increment(self) -> int:
-    """Increments the counter by one and returns the old value."""
-    old_value = self._counter
-    with self._counter_lock:
-      self._counter = self._counter + 1
-    return old_value
-class IndexVar:
-  """The tensor index class.
-  We support the TACO API index_var class with an alias of this class.
-  An IndexVar object represents an index variable in tensor index notation.
-  Attributes:
-    name: A unique string name of the IndexVar.
-  """
-  _counter = _AtomicCounter()
-  def __init__(self):
-    id = self._counter.increment()
-    self._name = f"{_TACO_INDEX_PREFIX}{id}"
-  def __repr__(self) -> str:
-    return f"IndexVar(name={repr(self._name)})"
-  @property
-  def name(self) -> str:
-    """Returns the name of the IndexVar."""
-    return self._name
-def get_index_vars(n: int) -> List[IndexVar]:
-  """Returns a list of n IndexVar.
-  This routine is defined by the TACO API.
-  Args:
-    n: An interger representing the number of IndexVar to get.
-  Returns:
-    A list of IndexVar.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError: if n is not a positive integer.
-  """
-  if not isinstance(n, int) or n <= 0:
-    raise ValueError(f"Expected an integer: {n}.")
-  # If lock contention ever becomes an issue, we could implement a bulk getter
-  # that returns a range by only claiming the lock once.
-  return [IndexVar() for i in range(n)]
-def _mlir_symbols_from_index_vars(
-    index_vars: Tuple[IndexVar, ...]) -> Tuple[lang.SymbolDef, ...]:
-  """Returns a tuple of MLIR symbols for the given tuple of index_var."""
-  return tuple(getattr(lang.S, i.name) for i in index_vars)
-def _mlir_dimensions_from_index_vars(
-    index_vars: Tuple[IndexVar, ...]) -> Tuple[lang.DimDef, ...]:
-  """Returns a tuple of MLIR dimensions for the given tuple of index_var."""
-  return tuple(getattr(lang.D, i.name) for i in index_vars)
-def _mlir_tensor_type(
-    dtype: DType, shape: Tuple[int, ...],
-    attr: Optional[sparse_tensor.EncodingAttr]) -> ir.RankedTensorType:
-  """Returns an MLIR tensor type.
-  Args:
-    dtype: An DType object for the element data type of the tensor.
-    shape: A tuple of integer for the shape of the tensor.
-    attr: An optional MLIR sparse tensor attribute, only provided if the tensor
-      is a sparse tensor.
-  Returns:
-    An MLIR ranked tensor type.
-  """
-  ir_type = _mlir_type_from_taco_type(dtype)
-  return ir.RankedTensorType.get(shape, ir_type, attr)
-def _verify_and_normalize_indices(indices) -> Tuple[IndexVar, ...]:
-  """Verifies and normalizes the indices for a tensor access.
-  Args:
-    indices: The index expression used to access a tensor, which could be any
-      Python object from user inputs.
-  Returns:
-    A tuple of IndexVar.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError: If indices is not an IndexVar or a tuple of IndexVar.
-  """
-  if isinstance(indices, IndexVar):
-    return (indices,)
-  elif isinstance(indices, tuple) and _all_instance_of(indices, IndexVar):
-    return indices
-  raise ValueError(f"Expected IndexVars: {indices}")
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class _StructOpInfo:
-  """Information for generating a structured op in the linalg dialect.
-  This information is associated with an expression node that serves as the
-  root for an expression subtree implemented with a structured op.
-  Attributes:
-    dst_indices: A tuple of IndexVar, representing the result dimensions of the
-      structured op. This is used to construct the temporary variable for the
-      tensor to hold the structured op result.
-    dst_dims: A tuple of int, representing the result shape of the structured
-      op.
-    dst_dtype: A DType representing the data type of the structured op result.
-    dst_name: A string representing the name of the structured op result.
-    dst_format: A Format object representing the destination tensor format.
-  """
-  dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...]
-  dst_dims: Tuple[int, ...]
-  dst_dtype: DType
-  dst_name: str
-  dst_format: Format
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies the integrity of the attribute values."""
-    assert len(self.dst_indices) == len(self.dst_dims)
-    assert self.dst_format is not None
-  def emit_tensor_init(self) -> ir.RankedTensorType:
-    """Returns an initialization for the destination tensor."""
-    if self.dst_format.is_dense():
-      # Initialize the dense tensor.
-      ir_type = _mlir_type_from_taco_type(self.dst_dtype)
-      tensor = linalg.InitTensorOp(self.dst_dims, ir_type).result
-      zero = arith.ConstantOp(ir_type, 0.0)
-      return linalg.FillOp(output=tensor, value=zero).results[0]
-    # Initialize the sparse tensor.
-    mlir_type = _mlir_tensor_type(self.dst_dtype, self.dst_dims,
-                                  self.dst_format.mlir_tensor_attr())
-    index_type = ir.IndexType.get()
-    dims = [arith.ConstantOp(index_type, d).result for d in mlir_type.shape]
-    return sparse_tensor.InitOp(mlir_type, dims)
-class _Stats:
-  """Information to describe how a tensor expression is implemented.
-  Currently, we only record the temporary tensors introduced for splitting the
-  original expression.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._temps = []
-  def __repr__(self) -> str:
-    return f"_Stats({repr(self._temps)})"
-  def add_element(self, structop: _StructOpInfo):
-    """Adds a temporary tensor."""
-    self._temps.append(structop)
-  def get_total(self) -> int:
-    """Gets the total number of temporary tensors."""
-    return len(self._temps)
-  def _get_element(self, idx: int) -> _StructOpInfo:
-    """Gets the ith temporary tensor."""
-    assert idx < self.get_total()
-    return self._temps[idx]
-  def get_dimensions(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[int]:
-    """Gets the dimensions for the ith temporary tensor."""
-    return self._get_element(idx).dst_dims
-  def get_formats(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[ModeFormat]:
-    """Gets the ModeFormats for the ith temporary tensor."""
-    return tuple(self._get_element(idx).dst_format.format_pack.formats)
-class Tensor:
-  """The tensor class.
-  We support the TACO API tensor class with an alias of this class.
-  This class is part of the TACO API with the following methods:
-    insert: Inserts a value to the given coordinate in the tensor.
-    to_array: Returns a numpy ndarray for the tensor.
-  TACO API also defines the following arrtibutes for the class:
-    dtype: A dtype object representing the data type of the tensor.
-    format: A format object representing the storage format of the tensor.
-    name: A string object representing the name of the tensor.
-    order: An integral rank of the tensor.
-    shape: A list of integers representing the shape of the tensor.
-  We currently ignore the tensor dimension ordering for dense tensor.
-  """
-  _counter = _AtomicCounter()
-  def _get_unique_name(self) -> str:
-    """Returns a unique name for creating a new Tensor."""
-    return f"{_TACO_TENSOR_PREFIX}{self._counter.increment()}"
-  def _init_format(self, fmt: Union[ModeFormat, List[ModeFormat],
-                                    Format]) -> None:
-    """Process the fmt argument for the Tensor constructor.
-    Args:
-      fmt: This argument can be a ModeFormat, List[ModeFormat], or format. If
-        this argument is a ModeFormat, uses this ModeFormat for all the tensor
-        dimensions. If this argument is a list of ModeFormat, the len of the
-        list should equal to the rank of the tensor. If this argument is a
-        format, uses it for the format of the tensor.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If fmt is not one of the expected type or is inconsistent
-        with the rank of the tensor. This is because fmt could be an users
-        input.
-    """
-    if isinstance(fmt, ModeFormat):
-      self._format = _make_format([fmt] * self.order)
-    elif isinstance(fmt, list):
-      if len(fmt) == self.order and isinstance(fmt[0], ModeFormat):
-        self._format = _make_format(fmt)
-      else:
-        raise ValueError("Inconsistent shape and format: "
-                         f"{self._shape}, {fmt}.")
-    elif isinstance(fmt, Format):
-      if fmt.rank() != self.order:
-        raise ValueError("Inconsistent shape and format: "
-                         f"{self._shape}, {fmt}.")
-      else:
-        self._format = fmt
-    else:
-      raise ValueError(f"Invalid format argument: {fmt}.")
-  def __init__(self,
-               value_or_shape: Optional[Union[List[int], Tuple[int, ...], float,
-                                              int]] = None,
-               fmt: Optional[Union[ModeFormat, List[ModeFormat],
-                                   Format]] = None,
-               dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
-               name: Optional[str] = None):
-    """The tensor constructor interface defined by TACO API.
-    Args:
-      value_or_shape: This argument is optional and can be int, float,
-        List[int], or Tuple[int, ...]. If this argument is an int or float,
-        creates a scalar tensor and initializes it with the value. If this
-        argument is a list or tuple of int, uses it as the shape to create a
-        tensor.
-      fmt: This argument can be a ModeFormat, List[ModeFormat], or format. If
-        this argument is a ModeFormat, uses this ModeFormat for all the tensor
-        dimensions. If this argument is a list of ModeFormat, the len of the
-        list should equal to the rank of the tensor. If this argument is a
-        format, uses it for the format of the tensor.
-      dtype: An object of dtype, representing the data type of the tensor.
-      name: A string name of the tensor. If a name is not given, creates a
-        unique name for the tensor.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If there is any inconsistency among the input arguments.
-    """
-    # Take care of the argument default values.
-    fmt = fmt or ModeFormat.COMPRESSED
-    dtype = dtype or DType(Type.FLOAT64)
-    self._name = name or self._get_unique_name()
-    self._dtype = dtype
-    # We currently use _coords and _values to host the sparse tensor value with
-    # COO format, and _dense_storage to host the dense tensor value. We haven't
-    # implement the conversion between the two storages yet. This will be
-    # improved in a follow up CL.
-    self._coords = []
-    self._values = []
-    self._dense_storage = None
-    self._stats = _Stats()
-    if value_or_shape is None or isinstance(value_or_shape, int) or isinstance(
-        value_or_shape, float):
-      # Create a scalar tensor and ignore the fmt parameter.
-      self._shape = []
-      self._format = _make_format([], [])
-      if value_or_shape is not None:
-        self._dense_storage = np.array(value_or_shape, dtype=self._dtype.value)
-    elif (isinstance(value_or_shape, tuple) or isinstance(
-        value_or_shape, list)) and _all_instance_of(value_or_shape, int):
-      # Create a tensor with the specified shape and format.
-      self._shape = list(value_or_shape)
-      self._init_format(fmt)
-    else:
-      raise ValueError("Invalid first argument. "
-                       "Must be a tuple or list for a shape or a single value"
-                       f"if initializing a scalar tensor: {value_or_shape}.")
-  def __repr__(self) -> str:
-    value_str = (f"{repr(self._dense_storage)})" if self.is_dense() else
-                 f"{repr(self._coords)} {repr(self._values)})")
-    return (f"Tensor(_name={repr(self._name)} "
-            f"_dtype={repr(self._dtype)} : ") + value_str
-  def insert(self, coords: List[int], val: Union[float, int]) -> None:
-    """Inserts a value to the given coordinate.
-    Args:
-      coords: A list of integer coordinates. The length of the list must be the
-        same as the rank of the tensor.
-      val: A value being inserted. It is either an integral or a floating point
-        value. This value will be converted to the data type of the tensor.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: When there is any problem in the parameters.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(coords, list):
-      raise ValueError(f"Non list coordinate detected: {coords}.")
-    if not _all_instance_of(coords, int):
-      raise ValueError(f"Non integer coordinate detected: {coords}.")
-    if (len(coords) != self.order or
-        any([c < 0 or c >= self._shape[i] for i, c in enumerate(coords)])):
-      raise ValueError("Invalid coordinate for rank: "
-                       f"{self.order}, {coords}.")
-    if not isinstance(val, int) and not isinstance(val, float):
-      raise ValueError(f"Value is neither int nor float: {val}.")
-    self._coords.append(tuple(coords))
-    self._values.append(self._dtype.value(val))
-  def is_dense(self) -> bool:
-    """Returns true if all the Tensor dimensions have a dense format."""
-    return self._format.is_dense()
-  def to_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
-    """Returns the numpy array for the Tensor.
-    This is currenly only implemented for dense Tensor.
-    """
-    if not self.is_dense():
-      raise ValueError("Conversion from non-dense Tensor "
-                       "to numpy array not supported yet.")
-    return self._dense_storage
-  @staticmethod
-  def from_array(array: np.ndarray) -> "Tensor":
-    """Returns a dense tensor with the value copied from the input array.
-    We currently only support the conversion of float64 numpy arrays to Tensor.
-    Args:
-      array: The numpy array that provides the data type, shape and value for
-        the tensor.
-    Returns:
-      A Tensor object.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError if the data type of the numpy array is not float64.
-    """
-    if array.dtype != np.float64:
-      raise ValueError(f"Expected float64 value type: {array.dtype}.")
-    tensor = Tensor(array.shape, ModeFormat.DENSE)
-    tensor._dense_storage = np.copy(array)
-    return tensor
-  @staticmethod
-  def from_coo(
-      coordinates: List[Tuple[int, ...]],
-      values: List[_AnyRuntimeType],
-      fmt: Format,
-      dtype: DType,
-  ) -> "Tensor":
-    """Converts coordinates and values to a sparse tensor representation.
-    Args:
-      coordinates: A list of coordinates with non-zero values.
-      values: The non-zero values.
-      fmt: The tensor storage format.
-      dtype: The tensor element data type.
-    Returns:
-      A tensor with the given non-zero values and storage format. The shape of
-      the tensor has the minimum size for each dimension to make the given
-      coordinates valid.
-    """
-    assert (isinstance(coordinates, List) and
-            _all_instance_of(coordinates, Tuple))
-    assert (isinstance(values, List) and _all_instance_of(values, dtype.value))
-    assert isinstance(fmt, Format)
-    rank = fmt.rank()
-    assert all(len(c) == rank and _all_instance_of(c, int) for c in coordinates)
-    # Find the maximum coordinate value for each dimension.
-    max_coordinate = list(map(max, zip(*coordinates)))
-    # The size of each dimension is one more that such a maximum coordinate
-    # value.
-    shape = [c + 1 for c in max_coordinate]
-    tensor = Tensor(shape, fmt)
-    tensor._coords = coordinates
-    tensor._values = values
-    return tensor
-  @property
-  def dtype(self) -> DType:
-    """Returns the data type for the Tensor."""
-    return self._dtype
-  @property
-  def format(self) -> Format:
-    """Returns the storage format for the Tensor."""
-    return self._format
-  @property
-  def name(self) -> str:
-    """Returns the name for the Tensor."""
-    return self._name
-  @property
-  def order(self) -> int:
-    """Returns the rank of the Tensor."""
-    return len(self._shape)
-  @property
-  def shape(self) -> List[int]:
-    """Returns the shape of the Tensor."""
-    return self._shape
-  def __getitem__(self, key) -> "Access":
-    """Verifies and processes a tensor access.
-    In the tensor index notation, a tensor access T[i, j] is represented as
-    retrieving a value with key (i, j) from the tensor object T in Python. This
-    routine verifies the key for the tensor access and returns a tensor access
-    object.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to access the tensor, which could be any Python object
-        from user inputs.
-    Returns:
-      The corresponding tensor access object.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If key is not an IndexVar or a tuple of IndexVar.
-    """
-    indices = _verify_and_normalize_indices(key)
-    return Access(self, indices)
-  def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:
-    """Verifies and processes a tensor assignment.
-    In the tensor index notation, a tensor assignment "T[i, j] = ..." is
-    represented as setting a value for a tensor object T via key (i, j) in
-    Python. This routine verifies the key, evaluates the value, and assigns the
-    value to the tensor.
-    We only support assignment of dense tensor currently.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to access the tensor, which could be any Python object
-        from user inputs.
-      value: The value assigned to the tensor, which could be any Python object
-        from user inputs.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If tensor is not a dense tensor, or the key is not an IndexVar
-        or a tuple of IndexVar, or the length of the indices is not the same as
-        the rank of the tensor.
-    """
-    indices = _verify_and_normalize_indices(key)
-    if len(indices) != self.order:
-      raise ValueError("Mismatch between indices and tensor rank: "
-                       f"len({indices}) != {self.order}.")
-    result = value.evaluate(self, indices)
-    if self.is_dense():
-      assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
-      self._dense_storage = result
-    else:
-      assert _all_instance_of(result, np.ndarray) and len(result) == 2
-      assert (result[0].ndim, result[1].ndim) == (1, 2)
-      (self._values, self._coords) = result
-  def mlir_tensor_type(self) -> ir.RankedTensorType:
-    """Returns the MLIR type for the tensor."""
-    return _mlir_tensor_type(self._dtype, tuple(self._shape),
-                             self._format.mlir_tensor_attr())
-  def dense_dst_ctype_pointer(self) -> ctypes.pointer:
-    """Returns the ctypes pointer for the pointer to an MemRefDescriptor.
-    For a dense tensor output, the MLIR compiler allocates the storage for
-    the tensor. This routine returns the pointer to an MLIR MemRefDescriptor for
-    receiving the tensor.
-    """
-    assert self.is_dense()
-    mem_ref_desc = runtime.make_nd_memref_descriptor(
-        self.order, np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(self.dtype.value))()
-    return ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(mem_ref_desc))
-  def ctype_pointer(self) -> ctypes.pointer:
-    """Returns the ctypes pointer for the pointer to the input tensor."""
-    if self.is_dense():
-      if self._dense_storage is None:
-        self._dense_storage = np.zeros(self._shape, self._dtype.value)
-      return _ctype_pointer_from_array(self._dense_storage)
-    shape = np.array(self._shape, np.int64)
-    indices = np.array(self._coords, np.int64)
-    values = np.array(self._values, self._dtype.value)
-    ptr = utils.coo_tensor_to_sparse_tensor(_get_support_lib_name(), shape,
-                                            values, indices)
-    return ctypes.pointer(ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_void_p))
-  def get_coordinates_and_values(
-      self) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, ...]], List[_AnyRuntimeType]]:
-    """Returns the coordinates and values for the non-zero elements."""
-    if not self.is_dense():
-      return (self._coords, self._values)
-    # Coordinates for non-zero elements, grouped by dimensions.
-    coords_by_dims = self._dense_storage.nonzero()
-    # Coordinates for non-zero elements, grouped by elements.
-    coords = np.transpose(coords_by_dims)
-    values = self._dense_storage[coords_by_dims]
-    return (coords, values)
-  def _record_stats(self, structop: "_StructOpInfo"):
-    """Collects information for temporary tensors."""
-    # Exclude user specified destination tensors.
-    if structop.dst_name == self.name:
-      return
-    self._stats.add_element(structop)
-def _emit_operand(op_def: lang.LinalgOpDef, indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-                  name: str, kind: lang.OperandKind) -> lang.OperandDef:
-  """Emits an operand for a tensor access in the current linalg operation.
-  Args:
-    op_def: A LinalgOpDef representing the current linalg dialect operation.
-    indices: A tuple of IndexVar used to access the tensor.
-    name: A unique string name of the tensor.
-    kind: An OperandKind for the operand.
-  Returns:
-    An OperandDef representing the operand.
-  """
-  dim_sym = _mlir_symbols_from_index_vars(indices)
-  opnd = lang.OperandDef(kind, lang.T, dim_sym)
-  op_def.add_operand(name, opnd)
-  return opnd
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class _DimInfo:
-  """Information for an operand dimension.
-  Attributes:
-    dim: An integer for the size of the dimension.
-    mode_format: A ModeFormat for the dimension sparsity.
-  """
-  dim: int
-  mode_format: ModeFormat
- at dataclasses.dataclass()
-class _ExprInfo:
-  """Expression information for validation and code generation.
-  Attributes:
-    src_indices: A tuple of IndexVar for the indices used by the tensors in the
-      expression tree.
-    dim_infos: A tuple of _DimInfo, representing the dimension information
-      corresponding to the src_indices.
-    reduce_indices: A set of IndexVar for the indices reduced by the expression.
-    acc_reduce_indices: An accumulated set of IndexVar for the indices reduced
-      by the expression and its children.
-    structop_info: Information to support the code generation for a structured
-      op in the linalg dialect, if the corresponding expression node is the root
-      of a subtree for a structured op.
-    mlir_value: The MLIR value generated for the structured op.
-  """
-  src_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...]
-  dim_infos: Tuple[_DimInfo, ...]
-  reduce_indices: Optional[Set[IndexVar]] = None
-  acc_reduce_indices: Optional[Set[IndexVar]] = None
-  structop_info: Optional[_StructOpInfo] = None
-  mlir_value: Optional[ir.Value] = None
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies and fix up attribute values.
-    Verifies the consistency of the attributes and modifies the default values
-    to support convenient initializer syntax.
-    """
-    assert len(self.src_indices) == len(self.dim_infos)
-    self.reduce_indices = self.reduce_indices or set()
-    self.acc_reduce_indices = self.acc_reduce_indices or set()
-class IndexExpr(abc.ABC):
-  """The index notation base class.
-  We support the TACO API index_expression class with an alias of this class.
-  """
-  def _verify_operand_and_build_expr(self, rhs, op: _BinaryOp) -> "_BinaryExpr":
-    """Verifies the RHS operand and returns a binary expression.
-    Args:
-      rhs: The RHS of the binary operation, which could be any Python object
-        from user inputs.
-      op: A _BinaryOp object representing the binary operator.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If rhs is not an IndexExpr.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(rhs, IndexExpr):
-      raise ValueError(f"Expected IndexExpr: {rhs}")
-    return _BinaryExpr(op, self, rhs)
-  def __add__(self, rhs) -> "_BinaryExpr":
-    """Defines the operator +.
-    Args:
-      rhs: The value being added, which could be any Python object from user
-        inputs.
-    Returns:
-      A _BinaryExpr object representing the operation.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If rhs is not an IndexExpr.
-    """
-    return self._verify_operand_and_build_expr(rhs, operator.add)
-  def __mul__(self, rhs) -> "_BinaryExpr":
-    """Defines the operator *.
-    Args:
-      rhs: The value being multiplied, which could be any Python object from
-        user inputs.
-    Returns:
-      A _BinaryExpr object representing the operation.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If rhs is not an IndexExpr.
-    """
-    return self._verify_operand_and_build_expr(rhs, operator.mul)
-  def __sub__(self, rhs) -> "_BinaryExpr":
-    """Defines the operator -.
-    Args:
-      rhs: The value being subtracted, which could be any Python object from
-        user inputs.
-    Returns:
-      A _BinaryExpr object representing the operation.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If rhs is not an IndexExpr.
-    """
-    return self._verify_operand_and_build_expr(rhs, operator.sub)
-  @abc.abstractmethod
-  def _visit(self,
-             func: _ExprVisitor,
-             args,
-             *,
-             leaf_checker: _SubtreeLeafChecker = None) -> None:
-    """A post-order visitor.
-    Args:
-      func: A callable applied to each node in the expression tree.
-      args: The variable-length arguments passed to the callable. These
-        arguments are grouped as an iterable and will be unpacked before passing
-        to the callable. This is to enable the keyword argument only syntax
-        after this argument.
-      leaf_checker: A callable object to identify nodes that should be treated
-        as leaf nodes to support partial tree visiting.
-    """
-    pass
-  @abc.abstractmethod
-  def _emit_expression(
-      self,
-      expr_to_opnd: Dict["IndexExpr", lang.OperandDef],
-      expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-  ) -> lang.ScalarExpression:
-    """Emits MLIR for the expression tree.
-    Args:
-      expr_to_opnd: A dictionary for looking up structured op input operands for
-        the input nodes of the structured op.
-      expr_to_info: A dictionary for looking up code generation information for
-        expressions.
-    Returns:
-      A linalg dialect ScalarExpression for the expression.
-    """
-    pass
-  @abc.abstractmethod
-  def dtype(self) -> DType:
-    """Returns the data type for the result of the expression."""
-    pass
-  def _emit_structured_op(self, expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict) -> None:
-    """Emits a structured op in the linalg dialect for the expression tree.
-    We define a DefineOpcallable in the domain specific language for the linalg
-    dialect and execute the callable to generate the structured op. Self is the
-    root of the expression tree for the structured op.
-    Args:
-      expr_to_info: A dictionary for looking up code generation information for
-        expressions.
-    """
-    op_info = expr_to_info[self].structop_info
-    op_name = op_info.dst_name
-    op_def = lang.LinalgOpDef(name=op_name)
-    op_callable = lang.DefinedOpCallable(op_name, op_def)
-    # Collect the input expression nodes for the structured op.
-    expr_inputs = []
-    self._visit(
-        _gather_structured_op_input,
-        (self, expr_to_info, expr_inputs),
-        leaf_checker=_is_structured_op_leaf,
-    )
-    # Create a linalg structured op operand for each input expression node and
-    # build a dictionary for looking up the information.
-    expr_to_input_opnd = {
-        e: _emit_structured_op_input(e, expr_to_info, op_def)
-        for e in expr_inputs
-    }
-    # Emit the expression tree, which produces the value assigned to the
-    # destination tensor.
-    value = self._emit_expression(expr_to_input_opnd, expr_to_info)
-    # Emit the structured op representation for the destination tensor.
-    dst_opnd = _emit_operand(op_def, op_info.dst_indices, op_info.dst_name,
-                             lang.OperandKind.OutputTensor)
-    dst_dim_syms = _mlir_dimensions_from_index_vars(op_info.dst_indices)
-    dst_use = lang.TensorUse(dst_opnd, dst_dim_syms)
-    expr_info = expr_to_info[self]
-    # If the structured op reduces some indices, explicitly represent the
-    # reduction. This is done by generating a ReduceFn for the dimensions being
-    # reduced in the linalg dialect and calling the function with the value
-    # being reduced. We only support add reduction currently.
-    if expr_info.reduce_indices:
-      reduce_dims = _mlir_dimensions_from_index_vars(expr_info.reduce_indices)
-      value = lang.ReduceFn.add[reduce_dims](value)
-    # Emit the assignment as a comprehension in the linalg dialect.
-    comp = lang.Comprehension((dst_use, value))
-    op_def.comprehensions.append(comp)
-    # The structured op in the linalg dialect requires an explicit
-    # initialization for the destination tensor. Emit MLIR to initialize the
-    # destination tensor.
-    init = op_info.emit_tensor_init()
-    # Collect MLIR values for the linalg input operands, with the assumption
-    # that dictionary preserves the insertion order.
-    args = [
-        expr_to_info[expr].mlir_value
-        for expr, opnd in expr_to_input_opnd.items()
-    ]
-    # Execute the DefineOpcallable object for the linalg dialect operation to
-    # emit MLIR for the linalg structured op.
-    expr_info.mlir_value = op_callable(*args, outs=[init])
-  def _identify_structured_ops(
-      self,
-      expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-      dst: Tensor,
-      dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-  ) -> List["IndexExpr"]:
-    """Returns expression nodes for the roots of the identified structured ops.
-    A structured op in the linalg dialect only supports reduction performed on
-    the whole expression. If the expression tree contains reduction that are
-    performed on part of the expression tree, the expression tree needs to be
-    implemented with multiple structured ops. This routine identifies all the
-    expression nodes that contain reduction as the root of structured ops in the
-    linalg dialect.
-    Args:
-      expr_to_info: A dictionary for looking up code generation information for
-        expressions.
-      dst: A destination Tensor that accepts the value of the expression tree.
-      dst_indices: The indices used by the destination index expression.
-    Returns:
-      An ordered list of IndexExpr for the root expressions of the structured
-      ops, where child expressions go before parent expressions that use their
-      results.
-    """
-    reduce_indices = tuple(
-        set(expr_to_info[self].src_indices) - set(dst_indices))
-    for reduce_index in reduce_indices:
-      _mark_structured_op_root(self, reduce_index, expr_to_info)
-    self._visit(_accumulate_reduce_indices, (expr_to_info,))
-    structop_roots = []
-    self._visit(_gather_structured_op, (expr_to_info, structop_roots))
-    # Handle the root of the top level expression.
-    if not structop_roots or structop_roots[-1] != self:
-      # The top level expression is not a reduction. Add the top level
-      # expression as a structured op root.
-      structop_roots.append(self)
-    # Use user specified information for the destination tensor to build an
-    # _StructOpInfo for the top level expression.
-    expr_to_info[self].structop_info = _StructOpInfo(dst_indices,
-                                                     tuple(dst.shape),
-                                                     self.dtype(), dst.name,
-                                                     dst.format)
-    return structop_roots
-  def _validate_and_collect_expr_info(
-      self,
-      dst: Tensor,
-      dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-  ) -> _ExprInfoDict:
-    """Propagates expression information for validation.
-    Propagates the indices used by child expression nodes to parent expression
-    nodes. Also collects and validates the sizes for the dimensions
-    corresponding to the indices.
-    Args:
-      dst: A destination Tensor that accepts the value of the expression tree.
-      dst_indices: The indices used by the destination index expression.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError if there is any inconsistency in indices or dimensional
-      values.
-    Returns:
-      A dictionary of (IndexExpr, _ExprInfo).
-    """
-    expr_to_info = {}
-    # Validate the expression tree and construct expression information.
-    self._visit(_validate_and_collect_expr_info, (expr_to_info,))
-    # Validate the destination dimension information.
-    info = expr_to_info[self]
-    index_to_dim_info = {i: d for i, d in zip(info.src_indices, info.dim_infos)}
-    for i, d, in zip(dst_indices, dst.shape):
-      if i not in index_to_dim_info:
-        raise ValueError("Destination IndexVar not used in the "
-                         f"source expression: {i}")
-      else:
-        if d != index_to_dim_info[i].dim:
-          raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent destination dimension for {i}: "
-                           f"{d} vs {index_to_dim_info[i].dim}")
-    return expr_to_info
-  def _emit_assignment(
-      self,
-      module: ir.Module,
-      dst: Tensor,
-      dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-      expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-      input_accesses: List["Access"],
-  ) -> None:
-    """Emits an MLIR function for assigning the expression to a tensor."""
-    input_types = [a.tensor.mlir_tensor_type() for a in input_accesses]
-    # Build the kernel for the operations.
-    with ir.InsertionPoint(module.body):
-      @builtin.FuncOp.from_py_func(*input_types, name=_ENTRY_NAME)
-      def linalg_funcop(*args):
-        # Set up the mapping from the Access nodes to their MLIR values.
-        for e, mlir in zip(input_accesses, args):
-          expr_to_info[e].mlir_value = mlir
-        # Emit structured ops in the linalg dialect to implement the assignment.
-        for structop_root in self._identify_structured_ops(
-            expr_to_info, dst, dst_indices):
-          structop_root._emit_structured_op(expr_to_info)
-          dst._record_stats(expr_to_info[structop_root].structop_info)
-        # The function returns the MLIR value of the root expression.
-        return expr_to_info[self].mlir_value
-      linalg_funcop.func_op.attributes[
-          "llvm.emit_c_interface"] = ir.UnitAttr.get()
-  def evaluate(
-      self,
-      dst: Tensor,
-      dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-  ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
-    """Evaluates tensor assignment dst[dst_indices] = expression.
-    Args:
-      dst: The destination tensor.
-      dst_indices: The tuple of IndexVar used to access the destination tensor.
-    Returns:
-      The result of the dense tensor represented in numpy ndarray or the sparse
-      tensor represented by two numpy ndarray for its non-zero values and
-      indices.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If the expression is not proper or not supported.
-    """
-    expr_to_info = self._validate_and_collect_expr_info(dst, dst_indices)
-    # Compute a list of input accesses.
-    input_accesses = []
-    self._visit(_gather_input_accesses_index_vars, (input_accesses,))
-    support_lib = _get_support_lib_name()
-    # Build and compile the module to produce the execution engine.
-    with ir.Context(), ir.Location.unknown():
-      module = ir.Module.create()
-      self._emit_assignment(module, dst, dst_indices, expr_to_info,
-                            input_accesses)
-      compiled_module = _compile_mlir(module)
-      # We currently rely on an environment to pass in the full path of a
-      # supporting library for the execution engine.
-      engine = execution_engine.ExecutionEngine(
-          compiled_module, opt_level=_OPT_LEVEL, shared_libs=[support_lib])
-    # Gather the pointers for the input buffers.
-    input_pointers = [a.tensor.ctype_pointer() for a in input_accesses]
-    if dst.is_dense():
-      # The pointer to receive dense output is the first argument to the
-      # execution engine.
-      arg_pointers = [dst.dense_dst_ctype_pointer()] + input_pointers
-    else:
-      # The pointer to receive sparse output is the last argument to the
-      # execution engine. The pointer to receive a sparse tensor output is a
-      # pointer to pointer of char.
-      arg_pointers = input_pointers + [
-          ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_char(0)))
-      ]
-    # Invoke the execution engine to run the module and return the result.
-    engine.invoke(_ENTRY_NAME, *arg_pointers)
-    if dst.is_dense():
-      return runtime.ranked_memref_to_numpy(arg_pointers[0][0])
-    # Check and return the sparse tensor output.
-    rank, nse, shape, values, indices = utils.sparse_tensor_to_coo_tensor(
-        support_lib,
-        ctypes.cast(arg_pointers[-1][0], ctypes.c_void_p),
-        np.float64,
-    )
-    assert (np.equal(rank, dst.order) and np.equal(shape, dst.shape) and
-            np.equal(values.ndim, 1) and np.equal(values.shape[0], nse) and
-            np.equal(indices.ndim, 2) and np.equal(indices.shape[0], nse) and
-            np.equal(indices.shape[1], rank))
-    return (values, indices)
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class Access(IndexExpr):
-  """The tensor access class.
-  We support the TACO API access class with an alias of this class.
-  Attributes:
-    tensor: A Tensor being accessed.
-    indices: A tuple of IndexVar, representing the indices used to access the
-      Tensor.
-  """
-  tensor: Tensor
-  indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...]
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies the tensor and indices for a tensor access.
-    Raises:
-       ValueError: If indices is not a list of IndexVar or the len of indices
-       doesn't equal to the rank of the tensor.
-    """
-    if (not isinstance(self.indices, tuple) or
-        not _all_instance_of(self.indices, IndexVar)):
-      raise ValueError(f"Indices contain non IndexVar: {str(self.indices)}.")
-    if self.tensor.order != len(self.indices):
-      raise ValueError("Invalid indices for rank: "
-                       f"str{self.tensor.order} != len({str(self.indices)}).")
-  def _emit_expression(
-      self,
-      expr_to_opnd: Dict[IndexExpr, lang.OperandDef],
-      expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-  ) -> lang.ScalarExpression:
-    """Emits a linalg dialect TensorUse expression for the tensor access."""
-    assert self in expr_to_opnd
-    dims = _mlir_dimensions_from_index_vars(self.indices)
-    return lang.TensorUse(expr_to_opnd[self], dims)
-  def _visit(self,
-             func: _ExprVisitor,
-             args,
-             *,
-             leaf_checker: _SubtreeLeafChecker = None) -> None:
-    if leaf_checker:
-      assert leaf_checker(self, *args)
-    func(self, *args)
-  def dtype(self) -> DType:
-    return self.tensor.dtype
-def _gather_input_accesses_index_vars(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    input_accesses: List[Access],
-) -> None:
-  """Collects Access nodes."""
-  if isinstance(expr, Access) and expr not in input_accesses:
-    input_accesses.append(expr)
-def _op_to_callable(op: _BinaryOp) -> lang.ArithFnType:
-  """Returns the linalg dialect function object for the given operation."""
-  op_to_callable = {
-      operator.add: lang.ArithFn.add,
-      operator.sub: lang.ArithFn.sub,
-      operator.mul: lang.ArithFn.mul,
-  }
-  return op_to_callable[op]
- at dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)
-class _BinaryExpr(IndexExpr):
-  """The representation for a binary operation.
-  Attributes:
-  op: A _BinaryOp representing the binary operation.
-  a: An IndexExpr representing the first operand of the operation.
-  b: An IndexExpr representing the second operand of the operation.
-  """
-  op: _BinaryOp
-  a: IndexExpr
-  b: IndexExpr
-  def __post_init__(self) -> None:
-    """Verifies that the operands being added are IndexExpr."""
-    assert isinstance(self.a, IndexExpr) and isinstance(self.b, IndexExpr)
-  def _emit_expression(
-      self,
-      expr_to_opnd: Dict[IndexExpr, lang.OperandDef],
-      expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-  ) -> lang.ScalarExpression:
-    """Emits the expression tree and returns the expression."""
-    # The current expression node is an internal node of the structured op.
-    if self not in expr_to_opnd:
-      a = self.a._emit_expression(expr_to_opnd, expr_to_info)
-      b = self.b._emit_expression(expr_to_opnd, expr_to_info)
-      return _op_to_callable(self.op)(a, b)
-    # The current expression is a leaf node of the structured op. That is, it is
-    # a temporary tensor generated by its child structured op.
-    op_info = expr_to_info[self].structop_info
-    assert op_info is not None
-    dims = _mlir_dimensions_from_index_vars(op_info.dst_indices)
-    return lang.TensorUse(expr_to_opnd[self], dims)
-  def _visit(self,
-             func: _ExprVisitor,
-             args,
-             *,
-             leaf_checker: _SubtreeLeafChecker = None) -> None:
-    """A post-order visitor."""
-    if leaf_checker is None or not leaf_checker(self, *args):
-      self.a._visit(func, args, leaf_checker=leaf_checker)
-      self.b._visit(func, args, leaf_checker=leaf_checker)
-    func(self, *args)
-  def dtype(self) -> DType:
-    """Returns the data type of the binary operation."""
-    return self.a.dtype()
-def _validate_and_collect_dim_info(
-    index_to_dim_info: Dict[IndexVar, _DimInfo],
-    indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-    dim_infos: Tuple[_DimInfo, ...],
-    expr: _BinaryExpr,
-) -> None:
-  """Validates and collects the dimension information for an index notation.
-  Validates (indices, dim_infos) against the information collected from other
-  source operands and is represented by index_to_dim_info. In particular, we
-  ensure that each IndexVar corresponds to only one dimension size. We also
-  aggregate the new information represented in (indices, dim_infos) to
-  index_to_dim_info.
-  Args:
-    index_to_dim: A dictionary of (IndexVar, _DimInfo) collected from the
-      previous operands.
-    indices: The IndexVars to be validated.
-    dim_infos: The dimension information for the IndexVars to be validated.
-    expr: The binary expression where (indices, dim_infos) is used.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError if there is any problem in the IndexVars or dimensional values.
-  """
-  assert len(indices) == len(dim_infos)
-  for i, d in zip(indices, dim_infos):
-    if i not in index_to_dim_info:
-      index_to_dim_info[i] = d
-    else:
-      if d.dim != index_to_dim_info[i].dim:
-        raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent source dimension for {i}: "
-                         f"{d.dim} vs {index_to_dim_info[i].dim}")
-      mode_format = _mode_format_estimator(expr.op)(
-          index_to_dim_info[i].mode_format, d.mode_format)
-      index_to_dim_info[i] = _DimInfo(d.dim, mode_format)
-def _validate_and_collect_expr_info(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-) -> None:
-  """Validates dimension information and constructs _ExprInfo.
-  Validates that dimensional values for the same IndexVar are the same. Collects
-  a list of IndexVar used by the expression and their corresponding dimensional
-  values. Constructs an _ExprInfo object to record the information for the
-  IndexExpr.
-  This routine is passed to the post-order visitor as an _ExprVisitor object.
-  Args:
-    expr: The IndexExpr being validated.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary of (IndexExpr, _ExprInfo) for recording the
-      expression information.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError if there is any problem in the IndexVars or dimensional values.
-  """
-  # Objects of class Access can be shared by 
diff erent expressions. Avoid
-  # processing Access objects multiple times by skipping the processing if expr
-  # is already in the dictionary.
-  if expr in expr_to_info:
-    return
-  if isinstance(expr, Access):
-    src_indices = expr.indices
-    src_dims = tuple(expr.tensor.shape)
-    mode_formats = tuple(expr.tensor.format.format_pack.formats)
-    assert len(src_dims) == len(mode_formats)
-    dim_infos = tuple([_DimInfo(d, m) for d, m in zip(src_dims, mode_formats)])
-  else:
-    assert isinstance(expr, _BinaryExpr)
-    a_info = expr_to_info[expr.a]
-    index_to_dim_info = {
-        i: d for i, d in zip(a_info.src_indices, a_info.dim_infos)
-    }
-    b_info = expr_to_info[expr.b]
-    _validate_and_collect_dim_info(index_to_dim_info, b_info.src_indices,
-                                   b_info.dim_infos, expr)
-    # Here we rely on the fact that dictionaries keep the insertion order for
-    # keys and values.
-    src_indices = tuple(index_to_dim_info.keys())
-    dim_infos = tuple(index_to_dim_info.values())
-  expr_to_info[expr] = _ExprInfo(src_indices, dim_infos)
-def _mark_structured_op_root(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    reduce_index: IndexVar,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-) -> None:
-  """Identifies the root expression for a structured op in the linalg dialect.
-  An linalg structured op can only perform reduction on the whole expression.
-  For a TACO tensor algebra expression, the reduction on an IndexVar is done at
-  the smallest expression that contains all the uses of the IndexVar. If such an
-  expression is only part of the whole expression, we need to split this
-  sub-expression tree out from its parent and implement the sub-expression as a
-  structured op.
-  This routine identifies the root expression node for performing a reduction on
-  the given IndexVar. If the reduction of the given IndexVar should be performed
-  on expression X, then the IndexVar is added to expr_to_info[X].reduce_indices
-  Args:
-    expr: The root IndexExpr for the tensor algebra expression.
-    reduce_index: The IndexVar which we want to find out the proper expression
-      to perform a reduction.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary to look up _ExprInfo for IndexExpr.
-  """
-  assert (isinstance(expr, _BinaryExpr))
-  a_info = expr_to_info[expr.a]
-  b_info = expr_to_info[expr.b]
-  expr_info = expr_to_info[expr]
-  if reduce_index in a_info.src_indices and reduce_index in b_info.src_indices:
-    expr_info.reduce_indices.add(reduce_index)
-    return
-  if reduce_index in a_info.src_indices:
-    _mark_structured_op_root(expr.a, reduce_index, expr_to_info)
-  elif reduce_index in b_info.src_indices:
-    _mark_structured_op_root(expr.b, reduce_index, expr_to_info)
-  else:
-    assert False, "Unreachable path"
-def _accumulate_reduce_indices(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-) -> None:
-  """Propagates reduction indices from child expressions to parent expressions.
-  This routine is passed to the post-order visitor as an _ExprVisitor object.
-  Args:
-    expr: The IndexExpr being visited.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary of (IndexExpr, _ExprInfo) for recording the
-      expression information.
-  """
-  assert expr in expr_to_info
-  expr_info = expr_to_info[expr]
-  if isinstance(expr, _BinaryExpr):
-    a_info = expr_to_info[expr.a]
-    b_info = expr_to_info[expr.b]
-    expr_info.acc_reduce_indices = (
-        a_info.acc_reduce_indices | b_info.acc_reduce_indices
-        | expr_info.reduce_indices)
-  else:
-    assert isinstance(expr, Access)
-def _gather_structured_op(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-    structop_roots: List[IndexExpr],
-) -> None:
-  """Adds structured op root expression information to structop_roots.
-  This routine is passed to the post-order visitor as an _ExprVisitor object.
-  Args:
-    expr: The IndexExpr being visited.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary to look up _ExprInfo for IndexExpr.
-    structop_roots: The resulting list of IndexExpr that are the roots for
-      linalg structured ops.
-  """
-  if not expr_to_info[expr].reduce_indices:
-    return
-  # If the expression is the root for reducing some indices, collect the indices
-  # and dimensions for the reduction result.
-  dst_indices = []
-  dst_dims = []
-  mode_fmts = []
-  for i, d in zip(expr_to_info[expr].src_indices, expr_to_info[expr].dim_infos):
-    if i not in expr_to_info[expr].acc_reduce_indices:
-      dst_indices.append(i)
-      dst_dims.append(d.dim)
-      mode_fmts.append(d.mode_format)
-  # Add the information to the dictionary.
-  op_info = _StructOpInfo(
-      tuple(dst_indices),
-      tuple(dst_dims),
-      expr.dtype(),
-      f"temp{len(structop_roots)}",
-      _make_format(mode_fmts),
-  )
-  expr_to_info[expr].structop_info = op_info
-  # Add the expression to the list of structured op roots.
-  structop_roots.append(expr)
-def _is_structured_op_leaf(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    root: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-    *unused_args,
-) -> bool:
-  """Returns true iff the expression is a leaf node for a structured op.
-  The root of a structured op is a leaf of its parent structured op that uses
-  its result. An expression node is a leaf node for the current structured op if
-  it is an Access node or the root for a structured op that is not the current
-  structured op.
-  This routine is passed to the post-order visitor as a _SubtreeLeafChecker
-  object. Because the post-order visitor pass the same parameters to both
-  _SubtreeLeafChecker and _ExprVisitor, this routine may received unused
-  parameters.
-  Args:
-    expr: The IndexExpr being visited.
-    root: The root of the current structured op.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary to look up _ExprInfo for IndexExpr.
-  Returns:
-    True if the current IndexExpr is a leaf for the current structured op.
-  """
-  return (expr != root and
-          expr_to_info[expr].structop_info is not None) or isinstance(
-              expr, Access)
-def _gather_structured_op_input(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    root: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-    structop_inputs: List[IndexExpr],
-) -> None:
-  """Adds the IndexExpr to structop_inputs if it is an input.
-  If the current IndexExpr is an input for the current structured op, adds it to
-  structop_inputs. The current IndexExpr is an input if it is an Access node or
-  if it is the root for a structured op that is not the current structured op.
-  This routine is passed to the post-order visitor as an _ExprVisitor object.
-  Args:
-    expr: The IndexExpr being visited.
-    root: The root of the current structured op.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary to look up _ExprInfo for IndexExpr.
-    structop_inputs: The resulting list of IndexExpr that provide input to the
-      current structured op.
-  """
-  if (expr != root and expr not in structop_inputs) and (
-      isinstance(expr, Access) or
-      (expr in expr_to_info and expr_to_info[expr].structop_info)):
-    structop_inputs.append(expr)
-def _emit_structured_op_input(
-    expr: IndexExpr,
-    expr_to_info: _ExprInfoDict,
-    op_def: lang.LinalgOpDef,
-) -> lang.OperandDef:
-  """Emits OperandDef in the linalg dialect for the input IndexExpr.
-  Args:
-    expr: The input IndexExpr for the current structured op.
-    expr_to_info: The dictionary to look up _ExprInfo for IndexExpr.
-    op_def: The linalg operation for the current structured op.
-  Returns:
-    An OperandDef in the linalg dialect for the input IndexExpr.
-  """
-  op_info = expr_to_info[expr].structop_info
-  if op_info:
-    # The input is a temporary tensor produced by another structured op.
-    indices = op_info.dst_indices
-    name = op_info.dst_name
-  else:
-    # The input is a user provided tensor.
-    assert isinstance(expr, Access)
-    indices = expr.indices
-    name = expr.tensor.name
-  dim_sym = _mlir_symbols_from_index_vars(indices)
-  opnd = lang.OperandDef(lang.OperandKind.InputTensor, lang.T, dim_sym)
-  op_def.add_operand(name, opnd)
-  return opnd

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_api.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_api.py
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-#  Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#  See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-"""Supports the PyTACO API with the MLIR-PyTACO implementation.
-See http://tensor-compiler.org/ for TACO tensor compiler.
-This module exports the MLIR-PyTACO implementation through the language defined
-by PyTACO. In particular, it defines the function and type aliases and constants
-needed for the PyTACO API to support the execution of PyTACO programs using the
-MLIR-PyTACO implementation.
-from . import mlir_pytaco
-from . import mlir_pytaco_io
-# Functions defined by PyTACO API.
-get_index_vars = mlir_pytaco.get_index_vars
-from_array = mlir_pytaco.Tensor.from_array
-read = mlir_pytaco_io.read
-write = mlir_pytaco_io.write
-# Classes defined by PyTACO API.
-dtype = mlir_pytaco.DType
-mode_format = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormat
-mode_ordering = mlir_pytaco.ModeOrdering
-mode_format_pack = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormatPack
-format = mlir_pytaco.Format
-index_var = mlir_pytaco.IndexVar
-tensor = mlir_pytaco.Tensor
-index_expression = mlir_pytaco.IndexExpr
-access = mlir_pytaco.Access
-# Data type constants defined by PyTACO API.
-int16 = mlir_pytaco.DType(mlir_pytaco.Type.INT16)
-int32 = mlir_pytaco.DType(mlir_pytaco.Type.INT32)
-int64 = mlir_pytaco.DType(mlir_pytaco.Type.INT64)
-float32 = mlir_pytaco.DType(mlir_pytaco.Type.FLOAT32)
-float64 = mlir_pytaco.DType(mlir_pytaco.Type.FLOAT64)
-# Storage format constants defined by the PyTACO API. In PyTACO, each storage
-# format constant has two aliasing names.
-compressed = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormat.COMPRESSED
-Compressed = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormat.COMPRESSED
-dense = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormat.DENSE
-Dense = mlir_pytaco.ModeFormat.DENSE

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_io.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_io.py
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-#  Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#  See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-"""Experimental MLIR-PyTACO with sparse tensor support.
-See http://tensor-compiler.org/ for TACO tensor compiler.
-This module implements the PyTACO API for writing a tensor to a file or reading
-a tensor from a file.
-See the following links for Matrix Market Exchange (.mtx) format and FROSTT
-(.tns) format:
-  https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/formats.html
-  http://frostt.io/tensors/file-formats.html
-from typing import List, TextIO
-from . import mlir_pytaco
-# Define the type aliases so that we can write the implementation here as if
-# it were part of mlir_pytaco.py.
-Tensor = mlir_pytaco.Tensor
-Format = mlir_pytaco.Format
-DType = mlir_pytaco.DType
-Type = mlir_pytaco.Type
-# Constants used in the implementation.
-_MTX_HEAD = "%%MatrixMarket"
-_MTX_MATRIX = "matrix"
-_MTX_COORDINATE = "coordinate"
-_MTX_REAL = "real"
-_MTX_SYMMETRY = "symmetric"
-_MTX_GENERAL = "general"
-# The TACO supported header for .mtx has the following five fields:
-# . %%MatrixMarket
-# . matrix | tensor
-# . coordinate | array
-# . real
-# . symmetric | general
-# This is what we support currently.
-                            (_MTX_REAL,), (_MTX_GENERAL, _MTX_SYMMETRY))
-_A_SPACE = " "
-def _coordinate_from_strings(strings: List[str]) -> List[int]:
-  """"Return the coordinate represented by the input strings."""
-  # Coordinates are 1-based in the text file and 0-based in memory.
-  return [int(s) - 1 for s in strings]
-def _read_coordinate_format(file: TextIO, tensor: Tensor,
-                            is_symmetric: bool) -> None:
-  """Reads tensor values in coordinate format."""
-  rank = tensor.order
-  # Process the data for the tensor.
-  for line in file:
-    if not line:
-      continue
-    fields = line.split(_A_SPACE)
-    if rank != len(fields) - 1:
-      raise ValueError("The format and data have mismatched ranks: "
-                       f"{rank} vs {len(fields)-1}.")
-    coordinate = _coordinate_from_strings(fields[:-1])
-    value = float(fields[-1])
-    tensor.insert(coordinate, value)
-    if is_symmetric and coordinate[0] != coordinate[-1]:
-      coordinate.reverse()
-      tensor.insert(coordinate, value)
-def _read_mtx(file: TextIO, fmt: Format) -> Tensor:
-  """Inputs tensor from a text file with .mtx format."""
-  # The first line should have this five fields:
-  #   head tensor-kind format data-type symmetry
-  fields = file.readline().rstrip("\n").split(_A_SPACE)
-  tuple_to_str = lambda x: "|".join(x)
-  if len(fields) != len(_SUPPORTED_HEADER_FIELDS):
-    raise ValueError(
-        "Expected first line with theses fields "
-        f"{' '.join(map(tuple_to_str, _SUPPORTED_HEADER_FIELDS))}: "
-        f"{' '.join(fields)}")
-  for i, values in enumerate(_SUPPORTED_HEADER_FIELDS):
-    if fields[i] not in values:
-      raise ValueError(f"The {i}th field can only be one of these values "
-                       f"{tuple_to_str(values)}: {fields[i]}")
-  is_symmetric = (fields[_SYMMETRY_FIELD_ID] == _MTX_SYMMETRY)
-  # Skip leading empty lines or comment lines.
-  line = file.readline()
-  while not line or line[0] == _MTX_COMMENT:
-    line = file.readline()
-  # Process the first data line with dimensions and number of non-zero values.
-  fields = line.split(_A_SPACE)
-  rank = fmt.rank()
-  if rank != len(fields) - 1:
-    raise ValueError("The format and data have mismatched ranks: "
-                     f"{rank} vs {len(fields)-1}.")
-  shape = fields[:-1]
-  shape = [int(s) for s in shape]
-  num_non_zero = float(fields[-1])
-  # Read the tensor values in coordinate format.
-  tensor = Tensor(shape, fmt)
-  _read_coordinate_format(file, tensor, is_symmetric)
-  return tensor
-def _read_tns(file: TextIO, fmt: Format) -> Tensor:
-  """Inputs tensor from a text file with .tns format."""
-  rank = fmt.rank()
-  coordinates = []
-  values = []
-  dtype = DType(Type.FLOAT64)
-  for line in file:
-    # Skip empty lines and comment lines.
-    if not line or line[0] == _TNS_COMMENT:
-      continue
-    # Process each line with a coordinate and the value at the coordinate.
-    fields = line.split(_A_SPACE)
-    if rank != len(fields) - 1:
-      raise ValueError("The format and data have mismatched ranks: "
-                       f"{rank} vs {len(fields)-1}.")
-    coordinates.append(tuple(_coordinate_from_strings(fields[:-1])))
-    values.append(dtype.value(fields[-1]))
-  return Tensor.from_coo(coordinates, values, fmt, dtype)
-def _write_tns(file: TextIO, tensor: Tensor) -> None:
-  """Outputs a tensor to a file using .tns format."""
-  coords, non_zeros = tensor.get_coordinates_and_values()
-  assert len(coords) == len(non_zeros)
-  # Output a coordinate and the corresponding value in a line.
-  for c, v in zip(coords, non_zeros):
-    # The coordinates are 1-based in the text file and 0-based in memory.
-    plus_one_to_str = lambda x: str(x + 1)
-    file.write(f"{' '.join(map(plus_one_to_str,c))} {v}\n")
-def read(filename: str, fmt: Format) -> Tensor:
-  """Inputs a tensor from a given file.
-  The name suffix of the file specifies the format of the input tensor. We
-  currently only support .mtx format for support sparse tensors.
-  Args:
-    filename: A string input filename.
-    fmt: The storage format of the tensor.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError: If filename doesn't end with .mtx or .tns, or fmt is not an
-    instance of Format or fmt is not a sparse tensor.
-  """
-  if (not isinstance(filename, str) or
-      (not filename.endswith(_MTX_FILENAME_SUFFIX) and
-       not filename.endswith(_TNS_FILENAME_SUFFIX))):
-    raise ValueError("Expected string filename ends with "
-                     f"{_MTX_FILENAME_SUFFIX} or {_TNS_FILENAME_SUFFIX}: "
-                     f"{filename}.")
-  if not isinstance(fmt, Format) or fmt.is_dense():
-    raise ValueError(f"Expected a sparse Format object: {fmt}.")
-  with open(filename, "r") as file:
-    return (_read_mtx(file, fmt) if filename.endswith(_MTX_FILENAME_SUFFIX) else
-            _read_tns(file, fmt))
-def write(filename: str, tensor: Tensor) -> None:
-  """Outputs a tensor to a given file.
-  The name suffix of the file specifies the format of the output. We currently
-  only support .tns format.
-  Args:
-    filename: A string output filename.
-    tensor: The tensor to output.
-  Raises:
-    ValueError: If filename doesn't end with .tns or tensor is not a Tensor.
-  """
-  if (not isinstance(filename, str) or
-      not filename.endswith(_TNS_FILENAME_SUFFIX)):
-    raise ValueError("Expected string filename ends with"
-                     f" {_TNS_FILENAME_SUFFIX}: {filename}.")
-  if not isinstance(tensor, Tensor):
-    raise ValueError(f"Expected a Tensor object: {tensor}.")
-  with open(filename, "w") as file:
-    return _write_tns(file, tensor)

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_utils.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco_utils.py
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-#  Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#  See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-# This file contains the utilities to process sparse tensor outputs.
-from typing import Tuple
-import ctypes
-import functools
-import numpy as np
- at functools.lru_cache()
-def _get_c_shared_lib(lib_name: str) -> ctypes.CDLL:
-  """Loads and returns the requested C shared library.
-  Args:
-    lib_name: A string representing the C shared library.
-  Returns:
-    The C shared library.
-  Raises:
-    OSError: If there is any problem in loading the shared library.
-    ValueError: If the shared library doesn't contain the needed routines.
-  """
-  # This raises OSError exception if there is any problem in loading the shared
-  # library.
-  c_lib = ctypes.CDLL(lib_name)
-  try:
-    c_lib.convertToMLIRSparseTensor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-  except Exception as e:
-    raise ValueError("Missing function convertToMLIRSparseTensor from "
-                     f"the supporting C shared library: {e} ") from e
-  try:
-    c_lib.convertFromMLIRSparseTensor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-  except Exception as e:
-    raise ValueError("Missing function convertFromMLIRSparseTensor from "
-                     f"the C shared library: {e} ") from e
-  return c_lib
-def sparse_tensor_to_coo_tensor(
-    lib_name: str,
-    sparse_tensor: ctypes.c_void_p,
-    dtype: np.dtype,
-) -> Tuple[int, int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
-  """Converts an MLIR sparse tensor to a COO-flavored format tensor.
-  Args:
-     lib_name: A string for the supporting C shared library.
-     sparse_tensor: A ctypes.c_void_p to the MLIR sparse tensor descriptor.
-     dtype: The numpy data type for the tensor elements.
-  Returns:
-    A tuple that contains the following values for the COO-flavored format
-    tensor:
-    rank: An integer for the rank of the tensor.
-    nse: An interger for the number of non-zero values in the tensor.
-    shape: A 1D numpy array of integers, for the shape of the tensor.
-    values: A 1D numpy array, for the non-zero values in the tensor.
-    indices: A 2D numpy array of integers, representing the indices for the
-      non-zero values in the tensor.
-  Raises:
-    OSError: If there is any problem in loading the shared library.
-    ValueError: If the shared library doesn't contain the needed routines.
-  """
-  c_lib = _get_c_shared_lib(lib_name)
-  rank = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
-  nse = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
-  shape = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong)()
-  values = ctypes.POINTER(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(dtype))()
-  indices = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong)()
-  c_lib.convertFromMLIRSparseTensor(sparse_tensor, ctypes.byref(rank),
-                                    ctypes.byref(nse), ctypes.byref(shape),
-                                    ctypes.byref(values), ctypes.byref(indices))
-  # Convert the returned values to the corresponding numpy types.
-  shape = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shape, shape=[rank.value])
-  values = np.ctypeslib.as_array(values, shape=[nse.value])
-  indices = np.ctypeslib.as_array(indices, shape=[nse.value, rank.value])
-  return rank, nse, shape, values, indices
-def coo_tensor_to_sparse_tensor(lib_name: str, np_shape: np.ndarray,
-                                np_values: np.ndarray,
-                                np_indices: np.ndarray) -> int:
-  """Converts a COO-flavored format sparse tensor to an MLIR sparse tensor.
-  Args:
-     lib_name: A string for the supporting C shared library.
-     np_shape: A 1D numpy array of integers, for the shape of the tensor.
-     np_values: A 1D numpy array, for the non-zero values in the tensor.
-     np_indices: A 2D numpy array of integers, representing the indices for the
-       non-zero values in the tensor.
-  Returns:
-     An integer for the non-null ctypes.c_void_p to the MLIR sparse tensor
-     descriptor.
-  Raises:
-    OSError: If there is any problem in loading the shared library.
-    ValueError: If the shared library doesn't contain the needed routines.
-  """
-  rank = ctypes.c_ulonglong(len(np_shape))
-  nse = ctypes.c_ulonglong(len(np_values))
-  shape = np_shape.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong))
-  values = np_values.ctypes.data_as(
-      ctypes.POINTER(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np_values.dtype)))
-  indices = np_indices.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong))
-  c_lib = _get_c_shared_lib(lib_name)
-  ptr = c_lib.convertToMLIRSparseTensor(rank, nse, shape, values, indices)
-  assert ptr is not None, "Problem with calling convertToMLIRSparseTensor"
-  return ptr


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