[Mlir-commits] [mlir] c57c4f8 - [mlir][linalg] linalg.tiled_loop peeling

Matthias Springer llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Sep 6 17:50:21 PDT 2021

Author: Matthias Springer
Date: 2021-09-07T09:50:08+09:00
New Revision: c57c4f888c5e826765db64b7cf5f77c9709c4a6f

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c57c4f888c5e826765db64b7cf5f77c9709c4a6f
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c57c4f888c5e826765db64b7cf5f77c9709c4a6f.diff

LOG: [mlir][linalg] linalg.tiled_loop peeling

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D108270




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index cb5e13f12131..9448a2d80967 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1036,6 +1036,31 @@ class ConvOpVectorization : public OpRewritePattern<ConvOp> {
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override;
+/// Rewrite a TiledLoopOp with bounds/step that potentially do not divide evenly
+/// into a TiledLoopOp where the step divides the iteration space evenly,
+/// followed by another TiledLoopOp for the last (partial) iteration (if any).
+/// This transformation is called "loop peeling".
+/// This function peels the `idx`-th loop of the TiledLoopOp. To tile all loops
+/// in the loop nest, this function must be called multiple times.
+/// After loop peeling, this function tries to simplify/canonicalize affine.min
+/// and affine.max ops in the body of the two TiledLoopOps. For more details,
+/// refer to `mlir::scf::peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop`.
+/// The return value indicates whether the loop was rewritten or not. Loops are
+/// not rewritten if:
+/// * Loop step size is 1 or
+/// * Loop bounds and step size are static, and step already divides the
+///   iteration space evenly.
+/// Note: This function rewrites the given TiledLoopOp in-place and clones the
+/// TileLoopOp operation for the last iteration. It replaces all uses of the
+/// unpeeled TiledLoopOp with the results of the newly generated TiledLoopOp.
+LogicalResult peelAndCanonicalizeTiledLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                           TiledLoopOp loopOp, int64_t idx,
+                                           TiledLoopOp &result);
 // Support for staged pattern application.

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h
index a9b8937a78af..4cbf43e42111 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h
@@ -111,6 +111,24 @@ void naivelyFuseParallelOps(Region &region);
 LogicalResult peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp,
                                          scf::IfOp &ifOp);
+/// Try to simplify a min/max operation `op` after loop peeling. This function
+/// can simplify min/max operations such as (ub is the previous upper bound of
+/// the unpeeled loop):
+/// ```
+/// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (s0, -d0 + s1)>
+/// %r = affine.min #affine.min #map(%iv)[%step, %ub]
+/// ```
+/// and rewrites them into (in the case the peeled loop):
+/// ```
+/// %r = %step
+/// ```
+/// min/max operations inside the partial iteration are rewritten in a similar
+/// way.
+LogicalResult rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
+                                    AffineMap map, ValueRange operands,
+                                    bool isMin, Value iv, Value ub, Value step,
+                                    bool insideLoop);
 /// Tile a parallel loop of the form
 ///   scf.parallel (%i0, %i1) = (%arg0, %arg1) to (%arg2, %arg3)
 ///                                             step (%arg4, %arg5)

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Loops.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Loops.cpp
index 487ad383756d..71a363cb4ccd 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Loops.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Loops.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Utils/Utils.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/Utils/Utils.h"
 #include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
 #include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
@@ -633,6 +634,119 @@ struct LowerTiledLoopsToSCF
 } // namespace
+/// Rewrite a TiledLoopOp with bounds/step that potentially do not divide evenly
+/// into two TiledLoopOps: One where the step divides the iteration space
+/// evenly, followed another one for the last (partial) iteration (if any). This
+/// function only rewrites the `idx`-th loop of the loop nest represented by
+/// the TiledLoopOp. To peel the entire loop nest, this function must be called
+/// multiple times.
+/// This function rewrites the given TiledLoopOp in-place and creates a new
+/// TiledLoopOp for the last iteration. It replaces all uses of the original
+/// TiledLoopOp with the results of the newly generated one.
+/// The newly generated TiledLoopOp is returned via `result`. The boundary
+/// at which the loop is split (new upper bound) is returned via `splitBound`.
+/// The return value indicates whether the TiledLoopOp was rewritten or not.
+static LogicalResult peelTiledLoop(RewriterBase &b, TiledLoopOp loopOp,
+                                   int64_t idx, TiledLoopOp &result,
+                                   Value &splitBound) {
+  Value lb = loopOp.lowerBound()[idx], ub = loopOp.upperBound()[idx],
+        step = loopOp.step()[idx];
+  auto ubInt = getConstantIntValue(ub);
+  auto loc = loopOp.getLoc();
+  AffineExpr exprLb, exprUb, exprStep;
+  bindSymbols(b.getContext(), exprLb, exprUb, exprStep);
+  // New upper bound: %ub - (%ub - %lb) mod %step
+  auto modMap = AffineMap::get(0, 3, {exprUb - ((exprUb - exprLb) % exprStep)});
+  SmallVector<Value> operands{lb, ub, step};
+  mlir::canonicalizeMapAndOperands(&modMap, &operands);
+  modMap = mlir::simplifyAffineMap(modMap);
+  RewriterBase::InsertionGuard guard(b);
+  b.setInsertionPoint(loopOp);
+  splitBound = b.createOrFold<AffineApplyOp>(loc, modMap, operands);
+  // No specialization necessary if step already divides upper bound evenly.
+  if (splitBound == ub || (ubInt && ubInt == getConstantIntValue(splitBound)))
+    return failure();
+  // Create remainder loop.
+  b.setInsertionPointAfter(loopOp);
+  auto remainderLoop = cast<TiledLoopOp>(b.clone(*loopOp.getOperation()));
+  loopOp.replaceAllUsesWith(remainderLoop->getResults());
+  // Outputs: Take tensors from main loop's results. Take memrefs from main
+  // loop's outputs.
+  SmallVector<Value> remainderOutputs;
+  for (unsigned o = 0, t = 0; o < loopOp.getNumOutputs(); ++o) {
+    remainderOutputs.push_back(loopOp.outputs()[o].getType().isa<MemRefType>()
+                                   ? loopOp.outputs()[o]
+                                   : loopOp->getResult(t++));
+  }
+  remainderLoop.outputsMutable().assign(remainderOutputs);
+  // Set new loop bounds.
+  b.updateRootInPlace(loopOp, [&]() {
+    SmallVector<Value> ubs = loopOp.upperBound();
+    ubs[idx] = splitBound;
+    loopOp.upperBoundMutable().assign(ubs);
+  });
+  SmallVector<Value> lbs = remainderLoop.lowerBound();
+  lbs[idx] = splitBound;
+  remainderLoop.lowerBoundMutable().assign(lbs);
+  result = remainderLoop;
+  return success();
+template <typename OpTy, bool IsMin>
+static void
+rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling(RewriterBase &rewriter, TiledLoopOp mainLoop,
+                            TiledLoopOp remainderLoop, Value mainIv,
+                            Value remainderIv, Value ub, Value step) {
+  mainLoop.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
+    AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
+    (void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
+                                     affineOp.operands(), IsMin, mainIv, ub,
+                                     step, /*insideLoop=*/true);
+  });
+  remainderLoop.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
+    AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
+    (void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
+                                     affineOp.operands(), IsMin, remainderIv,
+                                     ub, step, /*insideLoop=*/false);
+  });
+LogicalResult mlir::linalg::peelAndCanonicalizeTiledLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                                         TiledLoopOp loopOp,
+                                                         int64_t idx,
+                                                         TiledLoopOp &result) {
+  int64_t numLoops = loopOp.iterator_types().size();
+  if (idx < 0 || numLoops <= idx)
+    return failure();
+  // Only parallel iterator supported.
+  if (!isParallelIterator(loopOp.iterator_types()[idx]))
+    return failure();
+  Value ub = loopOp.upperBound()[idx];
+  TiledLoopOp remainderLoop;
+  Value splitBound;
+  if (failed(peelTiledLoop(rewriter, loopOp, idx, remainderLoop, splitBound)))
+    return failure();
+  // Rewrite affine.min and affine.max ops.
+  Value mainIv = loopOp.getInductionVars()[idx], step = loopOp.step()[idx],
+        remainderIv = remainderLoop.getInductionVars()[idx];
+  rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling<AffineMinOp, /*IsMin=*/true>(
+      rewriter, loopOp, remainderLoop, mainIv, remainderIv, ub, step);
+  rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling<AffineMaxOp, /*IsMin=*/false>(
+      rewriter, loopOp, remainderLoop, mainIv, remainderIv, ub, step);
+  result = remainderLoop;
+  return success();
 void mlir::linalg::populateTiledLoopToSCFPattern(RewritePatternSet &patterns) {

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
index b5e954317c12..fa6b5bcadfc4 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/LoopSpecialization.cpp
@@ -324,25 +324,25 @@ canonicalizeMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, AffineMap map,
 /// ```
 /// %r = %step
 /// ```
-/// min/max operations inside the generated scf.if operation are rewritten in
-/// a similar way.
+/// min/max operations inside the partial iteration are rewritten in a similar
+/// way.
 /// This function builds up a set of constraints, capable of proving that:
 /// * Inside the peeled loop: min(step, ub - iv) == step
-/// * Inside the scf.if operation: min(step, ub - iv) == ub - iv
+/// * Inside the partial iteration: min(step, ub - iv) == ub - iv
 /// Returns `success` if the given operation was replaced by a new operation;
 /// `failure` otherwise.
 /// Note: `ub` is the previous upper bound of the loop (before peeling).
 /// `insideLoop` must be true for min/max ops inside the loop and false for
-/// affine.min ops inside the scf.for op. For an explanation of the other
+/// affine.min ops inside the partial iteration. For an explanation of the other
 /// parameters, see comment of `canonicalizeMinMaxOpInLoop`.
-static LogicalResult rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
-                                           Operation *op, AffineMap map,
-                                           ValueRange operands, bool isMin,
-                                           Value iv, Value ub, Value step,
-                                           bool insideLoop) {
+LogicalResult mlir::scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
+                                               Operation *op, AffineMap map,
+                                               ValueRange operands, bool isMin,
+                                               Value iv, Value ub, Value step,
+                                               bool insideLoop) {
   FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints;
   constraints.appendDimId({iv, ub, step});
   if (auto constUb = getConstantIntValue(ub))
@@ -374,14 +374,16 @@ static void
 rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp, scf::IfOp ifOp,
                             Value iv, Value splitBound, Value ub, Value step) {
   forOp.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
-    (void)rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, affineOp.getAffineMap(),
-                                affineOp.operands(), IsMin, iv, ub, step,
-                                /*insideLoop=*/true);
+    AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
+    (void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
+                                     affineOp.operands(), IsMin, iv, ub, step,
+                                     /*insideLoop=*/true);
   ifOp.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
-    (void)rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, affineOp.getAffineMap(),
-                                affineOp.operands(), IsMin, splitBound, ub,
-                                step, /*insideLoop=*/false);
+    AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
+    (void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
+                                     affineOp.operands(), IsMin, splitBound, ub,
+                                     step, /*insideLoop=*/false);

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/tiled-loop-peeling.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/tiled-loop-peeling.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8df6f15ae674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/tiled-loop-peeling.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -allow-unregistered-dialect -test-linalg-transform-patterns=test-tiled-loop-peeling=2 -split-input-file | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-TILE-2
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -allow-unregistered-dialect -test-linalg-transform-patterns=test-tiled-loop-peeling=0,1,2 -split-input-file | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-TILE-012
+// CHECK-TILE-2-LABEL: func @tiled_loop_3d_tensor(
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:     %[[input:.*]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>, %[[s0:.*]]: index, %[[s1:.*]]: index, %[[s2:.*]]: index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c0:.*]] = constant 0 : index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c1:.*]] = constant 1 : index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c2:.*]] = constant 2 : index
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim0:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[input]], %[[c0]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim1:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[input]], %[[c1]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim2:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[input]], %[[c2]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[init_tensor:.*]] = linalg.init_tensor
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[split_bound:.*]] = affine.apply
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[r1:.*]] = linalg.tiled_loop (%[[iv0:.*]], %[[iv1:.*]], %[[iv2:.*]]) = (%[[c0]], %[[c0]], %[[c0]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       to (%[[dim0]], %[[dim1]], %[[split_bound]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       step (%[[s0]], %[[s1]], %[[s2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       ins (%[[loop_in1:.*]] = %[[input]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>)
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       outs (%[[loop_out1:.*]] = %[[init_tensor]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) {
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min0_1:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min1_1:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[in_slice1:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[loop_in1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_1]], %[[min1_1]], %[[s2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[out_slice1:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[loop_out1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_1]], %[[min1_1]], %[[s2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[mod_slice1:.*]] = tensor.insert_slice %{{.*}} into %[[loop_out1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_1]], %[[min1_1]], %[[s2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     linalg.yield %[[mod_slice1]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[r2:.*]] = linalg.tiled_loop (%[[iv0:.*]], %[[iv1:.*]], %[[iv2:.*]]) = (%[[c0]], %[[c0]], %[[split_bound]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       to (%[[dim0]], %[[dim1]], %[[dim2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       step (%[[s0]], %[[s1]], %[[s2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       ins (%[[loop_in2:.*]] = %[[input]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>)
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       outs (%[[loop_out2:.*]] = %[[r1]]: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) {
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min0_2:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min1_2:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[apply2:.*]] = affine.apply
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[in_slice2:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[loop_in1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_2]], %[[min1_2]], %[[apply2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[out_slice2:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[loop_out1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_2]], %[[min1_2]], %[[apply2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[mod_slice2:.*]] = tensor.insert_slice %{{.*}} into %[[loop_out1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_2]], %[[min1_2]], %[[apply2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     linalg.yield %[[mod_slice2]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   return %[[r2]]
+// CHECK-TILE-012-LABEL: func @tiled_loop_3d_tensor
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   linalg.tiled_loop {{.*}} {
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-012:   }
+//   CHECK-TILE-012-NOT: linalg.tiled_loop
+func @tiled_loop_3d_tensor(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>, %s0: index, %s1: index,
+                           %s2: index) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
+  %cst = constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+  %c0 = constant 0 : index
+  %c1 = constant 1 : index
+  %c2 = constant 2 : index
+  %c8 = constant 8 : index
+  %dim0 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim1 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c1 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim2 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c2 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %output = linalg.init_tensor [%dim0, %dim1, %dim2] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %result = linalg.tiled_loop
+           (%arg1, %arg2, %arg3) = (%c0, %c0, %c0) to (%dim0, %dim1, %dim2)
+           step (%s0, %s1, %s2) ins (%arg4 = %arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>)
+           outs (%arg5 = %output: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) {
+    %min0 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg1, %s0)[%dim0]
+    %min1 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg2, %s1)[%dim1]
+    %min2 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg3, %s2)[%dim2]
+    %in_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg4[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%min0, %min1, %min2] [1, 1, 1]: tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %out_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%min0, %min1, %min2] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %comp = "computation"(%in_slice, %out_slice) : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %updated_slice = tensor.insert_slice %comp into %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%min0, %min1, %min2] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    linalg.yield %updated_slice : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  }
+  return %result : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+// -----
+// CHECK-TILE-2-LABEL: func @tiled_loop_3d_memref(
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:     %[[input:.*]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>, %[[output:.*]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>, %[[s0:.*]]: index, %[[s1:.*]]: index, %[[s2:.*]]: index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c0:.*]] = constant 0 : index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c1:.*]] = constant 1 : index
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-DAG:   %[[c2:.*]] = constant 2 : index
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim0:.*]] = memref.dim %[[input]], %[[c0]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim1:.*]] = memref.dim %[[input]], %[[c1]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[dim2:.*]] = memref.dim %[[input]], %[[c2]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   %[[split_bound:.*]] = affine.apply
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   linalg.tiled_loop (%[[iv0:.*]], %[[iv1:.*]], %[[iv2:.*]]) = (%[[c0]], %[[c0]], %[[c0]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       to (%[[dim0]], %[[dim1]], %[[split_bound]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       step (%[[s0]], %[[s1]], %[[s2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       ins (%[[loop_in1:.*]] = %[[input]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>)
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       outs (%[[loop_out1:.*]] = %[[output]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>) {
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min0_1:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min1_1:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     memref.subview %[[loop_in1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_1]], %[[min1_1]], %[[s2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   linalg.tiled_loop (%[[iv0:.*]], %[[iv1:.*]], %[[iv2:.*]]) = (%[[c0]], %[[c0]], %[[split_bound]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       to (%[[dim0]], %[[dim1]], %[[dim2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       step (%[[s0]], %[[s1]], %[[s2]])
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       ins (%[[loop_in2:.*]] = %[[input]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>)
+//  CHECK-TILE-2-SAME:       outs (%[[loop_out2:.*]] = %[[output]]: memref<?x?x?xf32>) {
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min0_2:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[min1_2:.*]] = affine.min
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     %[[apply2:.*]] = affine.apply
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     memref.subview %[[loop_in1]][%[[iv0]], %[[iv1]], %[[iv2]]] [%[[min0_2]], %[[min1_2]], %[[apply2]]]
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:     linalg.yield
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   return
+// CHECK-TILE-012-LABEL: func @tiled_loop_3d_memref
+!memref_subview_type = type memref<?x?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2 + d2)>>
+func @tiled_loop_3d_memref(%arg0: memref<?x?x?xf32>, %output: memref<?x?x?xf32>,
+                           %s0: index, %s1: index, %s2: index) {
+  %cst = constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+  %c0 = constant 0 : index
+  %c1 = constant 1 : index
+  %c2 = constant 2 : index
+  %c8 = constant 8 : index
+  %dim0 = memref.dim %arg0, %c0 : memref<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim1 = memref.dim %arg0, %c1 : memref<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim2 = memref.dim %arg0, %c2 : memref<?x?x?xf32>
+  linalg.tiled_loop
+           (%arg1, %arg2, %arg3) = (%c0, %c0, %c0) to (%dim0, %dim1, %dim2)
+           step (%s0, %s1, %s2) ins (%arg4 = %arg0: memref<?x?x?xf32>)
+           outs (%arg5 = %output : memref<?x?x?xf32>) {
+    %min0 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg1, %s0)[%dim0]
+    %min1 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg2, %s1)[%dim1]
+    %min2 = affine.min affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d1, -d0 + s0)>(%arg3, %s2)[%dim2]
+    %in_slice = memref.subview %arg4[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%min0, %min1, %min2] [1, 1, 1]: memref<?x?x?xf32> to !memref_subview_type
+    "computation"(%in_slice) : (!memref_subview_type) -> memref<?x?x?xf32>
+    linalg.yield
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+// CHECK-TILE-2-LABEL: func @step_1_do_not_peel
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   linalg.tiled_loop
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-NOT:   linalg.tiled_loop
+// CHECK-TILE-012-LABEL: func @step_1_do_not_peel
+func @step_1_do_not_peel(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
+  %cst = constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+  %c0 = constant 0 : index
+  %c1 = constant 1 : index
+  %c2 = constant 2 : index
+  %c8 = constant 8 : index
+  %dim0 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim1 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c1 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim2 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c2 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %output = linalg.init_tensor [%dim0, %dim1, %dim2] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %result = linalg.tiled_loop
+           (%arg1, %arg2, %arg3) = (%c0, %c0, %c0) to (%dim0, %dim1, %dim2)
+           step (%c1, %c1, %c1) ins (%arg4 = %arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>)
+           outs (%arg5 = %output: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) {
+    %in_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg4[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1]: tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %out_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %comp = "computation"(%in_slice, %out_slice) : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %updated_slice = tensor.insert_slice %comp into %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    linalg.yield %updated_slice : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  }
+  return %result : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+// -----
+// CHECK-TILE-2-LABEL: func @divides_evenly_do_not_peel
+//       CHECK-TILE-2:   linalg.tiled_loop
+//   CHECK-TILE-2-NOT:   linalg.tiled_loop
+// CHECK-TILE-012-LABEL: func @divides_evenly_do_not_peel
+func @divides_evenly_do_not_peel(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>, %s: index)
+    -> tensor<?x?x?xf32> {
+  %cst = constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+  %c0 = constant 0 : index
+  %c1 = constant 1 : index
+  %c2 = constant 2 : index
+  %c8 = constant 8 : index
+  %c64 = constant 64 : index
+  %dim0 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c0 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim1 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c1 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %dim2 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c2 : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %output = linalg.init_tensor [%dim0, %dim1, %dim2] : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  %result = linalg.tiled_loop
+           (%arg1, %arg2, %arg3) = (%c0, %c0, %c0) to (%dim0, %dim1, %c64)
+           step (%s, %s, %c8) ins (%arg4 = %arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf32>)
+           outs (%arg5 = %output: tensor<?x?x?xf32>) {
+    %in_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg4[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1]: tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %out_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %comp = "computation"(%in_slice, %out_slice) : (tensor<?x?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    %updated_slice = tensor.insert_slice %comp into %arg5[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] [%c1, %c1, %c1] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x?xf32> into tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+    linalg.yield %updated_slice : tensor<?x?x?xf32>
+  }
+  return %result : tensor<?x?x?xf32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TestLinalgTransforms.cpp b/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TestLinalgTransforms.cpp
index 7bf84c205d37..108c25e9cda8 100644
--- a/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TestLinalgTransforms.cpp
+++ b/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TestLinalgTransforms.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 using namespace mlir;
 using namespace mlir::linalg;
@@ -109,6 +110,10 @@ struct TestLinalgTransforms
   ListOption<unsigned> testInterchangePattern{
       *this, "test-interchange-pattern", llvm::cl::MiscFlags::CommaSeparated,
       llvm::cl::desc("Test the interchange pattern.")};
+  ListOption<unsigned> testTiledLoopPeeling{
+      *this, "test-tiled-loop-peeling",
+      llvm::cl::desc("Test peeling of linalg.tiled_loop ops"),
+      llvm::cl::OneOrMore, llvm::cl::MiscFlags::CommaSeparated};
 } // end anonymous namespace
@@ -575,6 +580,65 @@ static void applyInterchangePattern(FuncOp funcOp,
   (void)applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(funcOp, std::move(interchangePattern));
+static constexpr char kPeeledLoopsLabel[] = "__peeled_loops__";
+namespace {
+/// Peel TiledLoopOps, i.e., split them into two loops: One loop where the
+/// `idx`-th loop contains only "full" iterations and a second loop for the
+/// remaining partial iteration (if any).
+struct TiledLoopPeelingPattern : public OpRewritePattern<TiledLoopOp> {
+  TiledLoopPeelingPattern(MLIRContext *ctx, int64_t idx)
+      : OpRewritePattern<TiledLoopOp>(ctx), idx(idx) {}
+  LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(TiledLoopOp loopOp,
+                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    SmallVector<int64_t> peeledLoops;
+    if (loopOp->hasAttr(kPeeledLoopsLabel)) {
+      auto attr = loopOp->getAttr(kPeeledLoopsLabel).cast<ArrayAttr>();
+      peeledLoops =
+          llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(attr, [](Attribute attr) {
+            return attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+          }));
+      // Check if the loop was already peeled.
+      if (llvm::find(peeledLoops, idx) != peeledLoops.end())
+        return failure();
+    }
+    if (static_cast<int64_t>(loopOp.iterator_types().size()) <= idx)
+      return failure();
+    // Peel loop and canonicalize.
+    TiledLoopOp result;
+    if (failed(linalg::peelAndCanonicalizeTiledLoop(rewriter, loopOp, idx,
+                                                    result)))
+      return failure();
+    peeledLoops.push_back(idx);
+    // Apply label, so that the same loop is not rewritten a second time.
+    rewriter.updateRootInPlace(loopOp, [&]() {
+      loopOp->setAttr(kPeeledLoopsLabel, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(peeledLoops));
+    });
+    result->setAttr(kPeeledLoopsLabel, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(peeledLoops));
+    return success();
+  }
+  /// Index of loop to peel.
+  int64_t idx;
+} // namespace
+static void applyTiledLoopPeelingPattern(FuncOp funcOp,
+                                         ArrayRef<unsigned> loops) {
+  MLIRContext *ctx = funcOp.getContext();
+  RewritePatternSet patterns(ctx);
+  for (unsigned idx : loops)
+    patterns.add<TiledLoopPeelingPattern>(ctx, idx);
+  (void)applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(funcOp, std::move(patterns));
+  // Drop the marker.
+  funcOp.walk([](TiledLoopOp op) { op->removeAttr(kPeeledLoopsLabel); });
 /// Apply transformations specified as patterns.
 void TestLinalgTransforms::runOnFunction() {
   auto lambda = [&](void *) {
@@ -612,6 +676,8 @@ void TestLinalgTransforms::runOnFunction() {
     return applyGeneralizePadTensorPatterns(getFunction());
   if (testSwapSubTensorPadTensor)
     return applyExtractSliceOfPadTensorSwapPattern(getFunction());
+  if (testTiledLoopPeeling.hasValue())
+    return applyTiledLoopPeelingPattern(getFunction(), testTiledLoopPeeling);
   if (testTileAndPadPattern)
     return applyTileAndPadPattern(getFunction(), tileSizesForPadding);
   if (testHoistPadding) {


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