[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 1ca35fc - [mlir][linalg][bufferize] Move BufferizableOpInterface implementations

Matthias Springer llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 2 02:36:14 PDT 2021

Author: Matthias Springer
Date: 2021-11-02T18:30:01+09:00
New Revision: 1ca35fc89e68fb2d0276856d8621bb5e68600919

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1ca35fc89e68fb2d0276856d8621bb5e68600919
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1ca35fc89e68fb2d0276856d8621bb5e68600919.diff

LOG: [mlir][linalg][bufferize] Move BufferizableOpInterface implementations

This commit moves parts of the existing bufferization code into external op interface implementations. Furthermore, Comprehensive Bufferize is adapted to use the new interface.

Future commits will decouple the interface and its op implementations from Comprehensive Bufferize and the Linalg dialect, as well as split them into multiple files with their own build targets. This commit leaves the file structure and build rules mostly unchanged.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D112900




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.h
index fbb168e05545e..c69f382dcee6f 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.h
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ bufferizeOp(Operation *op, BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
             AllocationCallbacks allocationFns,
             DenseMap<FuncOp, FunctionType> *bufferizedFunctionTypes = nullptr);
+/// Register external models implemented for the `BufferizableOpInterface`.
+void registerBufferiableOpInterfaceExternalModels(DialectRegistry &registry);
 } // namespace linalg
 } // namespace mlir

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
index 82424c897b4e5..8deed135aa6ca 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static void setInPlaceOpResult(OpResult opResult,
 /// result can be buferized inPlace.
 /// If no InPlaceSpec attribute has been set for `opResult`, return
 /// InPlaceSpec::None.
-static InPlaceSpec getInPlace(OpResult opResult) {
+LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static InPlaceSpec getInPlace(OpResult opResult) {
   if (!opResult)
     return InPlaceSpec::None;
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static void removeBufferizationFuncArguments(BlockArgument bbArg) {
-LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static InPlaceSpec getInPlace(Value v) {
+static InPlaceSpec getInPlace(Value v) {
   if (auto bbArg = v.dyn_cast<BlockArgument>())
     return getInPlace(bbArg);
   return getInPlace(v.cast<OpResult>());
@@ -414,227 +414,39 @@ static std::string printValueInfo(Value value, bool prefix) {
-// Op-specific semantics helper to retrieve matching inplaceable result.
-// These should become proper interfaces interfaces when the time is right.
-// Modulo better naming, these helpers / interfaces comprise information on:
-//   1. Whether an op has a known bufferization behavior (i.e. an instance of
-//      BufferizableOpInterface).
-//   2. Whether an op, when bufferized inplace, can guarantee an
-//      (OpOperand, OpResult) pair bufferizes to equivalent (i.e. the same)
-//      buffers in memory.
-//   3. Whether an op operand, when bufferized inplace, aliases a return value.
-//   4. Whether an op return value, when bufferized inplace, aliases an operand.
-//   5. Whether an op bufferizes to a memory read.
-//   6. Whether an op bufferizes to a memory write.
-//   7. The buffer relationship between an operand and it corresponding result
-//      (in case of in-place bufferization).
-// These interfaces are necessary to distinguish between various cases and allow
-// special inplace behavior for (ExtractSliceOp, InsertSliceOp) pairs.
+// Helper functions for BufferizableOpInterface
-/// Return `true` if the op is explicitly supported by bufferization or if it
-/// has no result tensors.
-/// Other cases must be conservative.
-static bool hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(Operation *op) {
-  return
-      // clang-format off
-      isa<CallOpInterface,
-          tensor::CastOp,
-          ConstantOp,
-          tensor::DimOp,
-          ExtractSliceOp,
-          scf::IfOp,
-          scf::ForOp,
-          InsertSliceOp,
-          InitTensorOp,
-          LinalgOp,
-          ReturnOp,
-          TiledLoopOp,
-          VectorTransferOpInterface,
-          linalg::YieldOp,
-          scf::YieldOp>(op)
-      // clang-format on
-      || (none_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor) &&
-          none_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor));
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// Return null if no such result exists.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(TiledLoopOp op, OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  return op.getTiedOpResult(opOperand);
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// Return null if no such result exists.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(scf::ForOp forOp, OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (!opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
-    return OpResult();
-  return forOp.getResultForOpOperand(opOperand);
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// Return null if no such result exists.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(LinalgOp linalgOp,
-                                       OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (!opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
-    return OpResult();
-  // For now assume inputs are never inplaceable.
-  // TODO: refine this.
-  if (opOperand.getOperandNumber() < linalgOp.getNumInputs())
-    return OpResult();
-  int64_t outputOperandIndex =
-      opOperand.getOperandNumber() - linalgOp.getNumInputs();
-  int64_t numOutputBuffers = 0;
-  for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < outputOperandIndex; ++idx)
-    if (!linalgOp.getOutputOperand(idx)->get().getType().isa<TensorType>())
-      ++numOutputBuffers;
-  return linalgOp->getResult(outputOperandIndex - numOutputBuffers);
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// Return null if no such result exists.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(VectorTransferOpInterface op,
-                                       OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (opOperand.get() != op.source() ||
-      !op.source().getType().isa<TensorType>() ||
-      isa<vector::TransferReadOp>(op))
-    return OpResult();
-  return op->getResult(0);
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// Return null if no such result exists.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(InsertSliceOp op, OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (&opOperand != &op->getOpOperand(1) /*dest*/)
-    return OpResult();
-  return op->getResult(0);
-/// Return the OpResult that may bufferize into the same buffer as `opOperand`
-/// when the op is bufferized inplace.
-/// The inplace analysis uses this information along with interfering read
-/// analysis to determine which op results reuse the same buffer as some
-/// operand.
-static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, OpResult>(opOperand.getOwner())
-      // clang-format off
-        // Ops that perform destructive updates on operand(s) to produce
-        // result(s).
-        .Case<scf::ForOp,
-              InsertSliceOp,
-              LinalgOp,
-              TiledLoopOp,
-              VectorTransferOpInterface>(
-            [&](auto op) { return getInplaceableOpResult(op, opOperand); })
-        // Some ops just return an alias to an operand when bufferized inplace.
-        // Such OpResults are never inplaceable on an OpOperand.
-        .Case<ExtractSliceOp, tensor::CastOp>(
-            [] (auto op) { return OpResult(); })
-        // CallOpInterface is special, it needs to wait for the callee to be
-        // bufferized and needs to inspect the BufferAliasInfo object. It can't
-        // make a proper determination by itself and needs to be conservative.
-        .Case([&](CallOpInterface op) { return OpResult(); })
-        // Other ops.
-        .Default([&](Operation *op) { return OpResult(); });
-  // clang-format on
-/// Either one of the corresponding yield values from the then/else branches
-/// may alias with the result.
-static void populateAliasingOpOperands(scf::IfOp op, OpResult result,
-                                       SmallVector<OpOperand *> &operands) {
-  size_t resultNum = std::distance(op->getOpResults().begin(),
-                                   llvm::find(op->getOpResults(), result));
-  operands.push_back(&op.thenYield()->getOpOperand(resultNum));
-  operands.push_back(&op.elseYield()->getOpOperand(resultNum));
 /// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `result` if the op is bufferized
-/// in place. Note that multiple OpOperands can may potentially alias with an
-/// OpResult. E.g.: std.select in the future.
+/// in place. Return an empty vector if the op is not bufferizable.
 static SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(OpResult result) {
-  SmallVector<OpOperand *> r;
-  // Unknown ops are handled conservatively and never bufferize in-place.
-  if (!hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(result.getDefiningOp()))
-    return SmallVector<OpOperand *>();
-  TypeSwitch<Operation *>(result.getDefiningOp())
-      .Case([&](scf::IfOp op) { populateAliasingOpOperands(op, result, r); })
-      .Case<ExtractSliceOp, tensor::CastOp>(
-          [&](auto op) { r.push_back(&op->getOpOperand(0)); })
-      // In the case of scf::ForOp, this currently assumes the iter_args / yield
-      // are 1-1. This may fail and is verified at the end.
-      // TODO: update this.
-      .Case([&](scf::ForOp op) {
-        r.push_back(&op.getIterOpOperands()[result.getResultNumber()]);
-      })
-      .Case([&](InsertSliceOp op) { r.push_back(&op->getOpOperand(1)); })
-      .Case([&](LinalgOp op) {
-        r.push_back(op.getOutputTensorOperands()[result.getResultNumber()]);
-      })
-      .Case([&](TiledLoopOp op) {
-        // TODO: TiledLoopOp helper method to avoid leaking impl details.
-        r.push_back(&op->getOpOperand(op.getNumControlOperands() +
-                                      op.getNumInputs() +
-                                      result.getResultNumber()));
-      })
-      .Case([&](vector::TransferWriteOp op) {
-        r.push_back(&op->getOpOperand(1));
-      })
-      .Case<arith::ConstantOp, ConstantOp, CallOpInterface, InitTensorOp>(
-          [&](auto op) {})
-      .Default([&](Operation *op) {
-        op->dump();
-        llvm_unreachable("unexpected defining op");
-      });
-  return r;
-/// If the an ExtractSliceOp is bufferized in-place, the source operand will
-/// alias with the result.
-static OpResult getAliasingOpResult(ExtractSliceOp op, OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (&op->getOpOperand(0) == &opOperand)
-    return op->getResult(0);
-  return OpResult();
-/// If the a tensor::CastOp is bufferized in-place, the source operand will
-/// alias with the result.
-static OpResult getAliasingOpResult(tensor::CastOp op, OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  if (&op->getOpOperand(0) == &opOperand)
-    return op->getResult(0);
-  return OpResult();
+  if (Operation *op = result.getDefiningOp())
+    if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
+      return bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpOperand(result);
+  return {};
 /// Determine which OpResult will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
-/// in place. This is a superset of `getInplaceableOpResult`.
-/// TODO: in the future this may need to evolve towards a list of OpResult.
+/// in place. This is a superset of `getInplaceableOpResult`. Return an empty
+/// OpResult if the op is not bufferizable.
 static OpResult getAliasingOpResult(OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, OpResult>(opOperand.getOwner())
-      // Some ops are 
diff erent: Their result is not inplaceable on an OpOperand
-      // but when bufferized inplace, their result is aliasing (a subregion of)
-      // an OpOperand.
-      .Case<ExtractSliceOp, tensor::CastOp>(
-          [&](auto op) { return getAliasingOpResult(op, opOperand); })
-      // All other ops, return the result of `getInplaceableOpResult`.
-      .Default(
-          [&](Operation *op) { return getInplaceableOpResult(opOperand); });
+  if (auto bufferizableOp =
+          dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
+    return bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(opOperand);
+  return OpResult();
 /// Return `true` if the given OpOperand does not bufferize to a memory read or
-/// write, but creates an alias when bufferized inplace.
+/// write, but creates an alias when bufferized inplace. Return `false` if the
+/// op is not bufferizable.
 static bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  Operation *owner = opOperand.getOwner();
-  // TODO: In the future this may need to evolve into a TypeSwitch. For all
-  // currently supported ops, the aliasing-only OpOperand is always the first
-  // one.
-  return isa<ExtractSliceOp, TensorCollapseShapeOp, TensorExpandShapeOp,
-             tensor::CastOp>(owner) &&
-         &opOperand == &owner->getOpOperand(0);
+  if (auto bufferizableOp =
+          dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
+    return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand);
+  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
+  // Conservatively return false.
+  return false;
 // Predeclaration of function.
@@ -661,72 +473,40 @@ static bool isValueRead(Value value) {
   return false;
-/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read.
+/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read. Return `true` if the
+/// op is not bufferizable.
 static bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support
-  // it. Conservatively return true.
-  if (!hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return true;
-  // Some ops alone do not bufferize to a memory read, but one of their uses
-  // may.
-  if (bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand))
-    return false;
-  // scf::ForOp alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses of its
-  // matching bbArg may.
-  if (auto forOp = dyn_cast<scf::ForOp>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return isValueRead(forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(opOperand));
-  // TiledLoop alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses of its
-  // matching bbArg may.
-  if (auto tiledLoopOp = dyn_cast<TiledLoopOp>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return isValueRead(tiledLoopOp.getTiedBlockArgument(opOperand));
-  // CallOpInterface alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses
-  // of the matching bbArg may. It is the responsibility of the caller to
-  // inspect bbArgs. In the absence of a BufferizationAliasInfo, we need to be
-  // conservative.
-  if (auto callOp = dyn_cast<CallOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return true;
-  if (auto linalgOp = dyn_cast<LinalgOp>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return linalgOp.isInputTensor(&opOperand) ||
-           linalgOp.isInitTensor(&opOperand);
-  // All other cases are considered to bufferize to memory reads.
-  // In particular, terminators are often the last use and need to be considered
-  // as reads to return the proper value and avoid WAW clobbers.
+  if (auto bufferizableOp =
+          dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
+    return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToMemoryRead(opOperand);
+  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
+  // Conservatively return true.
   return true;
-/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write.
+/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write. Return
+/// `true` if the op is not bufferizable.
 static bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand) {
-  // These terminators are not writes.
-  if (isa<ReturnOp, linalg::YieldOp, scf::YieldOp>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return false;
-  // Some ops alone do not bufferize to a memory write, but one of their uses
-  // may.
-  if (bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand))
-    return false;
-  // CallOpInterface alone doesn't bufferize to a memory write, one of the uses
-  // of the matching bbArg may. It is the responsibility of the caller to
-  // inspect bbArgs. In the absence of a BufferizationAliasInfo, we need to be
-  // conservative.
-  if (auto callOp = dyn_cast<CallOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return true;
-  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support
-  // it. Conservatively return true.
-  if (!hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(opOperand.getOwner()))
-    return true;
-  OpResult opResult = getAliasingOpResult(opOperand);
-  // Only supported op with a matching result for opOperand bufferize to a
-  // write. E.g., ReturnOp does not bufferize to a write.
-  return static_cast<bool>(opResult);
+  if (auto bufferizableOp =
+          dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
+    return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(opOperand);
+  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
+  // Conservatively return true.
+  return true;
-/// Returns the relationship between the operand and the its corresponding
-/// OpResult that it may alias with.
-static BufferRelation bufferRelation(OpOperand &operand) {
-  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, BufferRelation>(operand.getOwner())
-      // ExtractSliceOp returns a subview of the original tensor.
-      .Case([&](ExtractSliceOp op) { return BufferRelation::None; })
-      // All other ops: Buffers are equivalent.
-      .Default([&](Operation *op) { return BufferRelation::Equivalent; });
+/// Return the relationship between the operand and the its corresponding
+/// OpResult that it may alias with. Return None if the op is not bufferizable.
+static BufferRelation bufferRelation(OpOperand &opOperand) {
+  if (auto bufferizableOp =
+          dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(opOperand.getOwner()))
+    return bufferizableOp.bufferRelation(opOperand);
+  // Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
+  // Conservatively return None.
+  return BufferRelation::None;
@@ -814,7 +594,7 @@ bool BufferizationAliasInfo::aliasesNonWritableBuffer(Value value) const {
     if (Operation *op = v.getDefiningOp()) {
       if (isa<arith::ConstantOp>(op) ||
-          !hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(op)) {
+          !dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op)) {
         LDBG("-----------notWritable op\n");
         return true;
@@ -934,13 +714,14 @@ static Value findLastPrecedingWrite(Value value) {
         Operation *op = value.getDefiningOp();
         if (!op)
           return true;
-        if (!hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(op))
+        auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op);
+        if (!bufferizableOp)
           return true;
         if (isa<scf::IfOp>(op))
           return true;
         SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands =
-            getAliasingOpOperand(value.cast<OpResult>());
+            bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpOperand(value.cast<OpResult>());
         assert(opOperands.size() <= 1 &&
                "op with multiple aliasing OpOperands not expected");
@@ -1507,83 +1288,6 @@ static Value getResultBuffer(OpBuilder &b, OpResult result,
   return operandBuffer;
-/// Helper function for LinalgOp bufferization.
-/// When allocating a new buffer, analyze whether `op` wants to read form that
-/// buffer. Only in that case, a copy of the result buffer may be needed.
-static LogicalResult allocateBuffersForResults(
-    OpBuilder &b, Location loc, LinalgOp op,
-    SmallVectorImpl<Value> &resultBuffers, BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-    BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo, AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(op);
-  // TODO: provide the proper interface to iterate on OpResults and get the
-  // matching OpOperands.
-  for (OpOperand *opOperand : op.getOutputOperands()) {
-    OpResult opResult = getInplaceableOpResult(*opOperand);
-    assert(opResult && "could not find correspond OpResult");
-    bool skipCopy = !op.payloadUsesValueFromOperand(opOperand);
-    Value resultBuffer =
-        getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns, skipCopy);
-    if (!resultBuffer)
-      return failure();
-    resultBuffers.push_back(resultBuffer);
-  }
-  if (op->getNumResults())
-    map(bvm, op->getResults(), resultBuffers);
-  return success();
-/// Generic conversion for any LinalgOp on tensors.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp op,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  // Ensure op has only tensors. Allow mixed tensor-buffer mode on a per-need
-  // basis.
-  if (!op.hasTensorSemantics())
-    return op->emitError() << "op does not have tensor semantics";
-  Location loc = op.getLoc();
-  SmallVector<Value> newInputBuffers;
-  newInputBuffers.reserve(op.getNumInputs());
-  for (OpOperand *opOperand : op.getInputOperands()) {
-    if (op.isScalar(opOperand)) {
-      newInputBuffers.push_back(opOperand->get());
-      continue;
-    }
-    newInputBuffers.push_back(lookup(bvm, opOperand->get()));
-    assert(newInputBuffers.back() && "missing buffer");
-  }
-  SmallVector<Value> newOutputBuffers;
-  // Try to allocate new buffers depending on op's inplace semantics.
-  if (failed(allocateBuffersForResults(b, loc, op, newOutputBuffers, bvm,
-                                       aliasInfo, allocationFns)))
-    return failure();
-  // Clone the newly bufferized op.
-  SmallVector<Value> newOperands = newInputBuffers;
-  newOperands.append(newOutputBuffers.begin(), newOutputBuffers.end());
-  // Set insertion point now that potential alloc/dealloc are introduced.
-  b.setInsertionPoint(op);
-  op.clone(b, loc, /*resultTypes=*/TypeRange{}, newOperands);
-  // Replace the results of the old op with the new output buffers.
-  if (op->getNumResults())
-    map(bvm, op->getResults(), newOutputBuffers);
-  // The original op will be DCE'd away later.
-  return success();
 /// In a first approximation, all the function arguments of a FuncOp are marked
 /// inplaceable. For now, it is the responsibility of the `callOp` bufferization
 /// to allow FuncOp that are inplaceable to write inPlace.
@@ -1725,142 +1429,6 @@ bufferize(OpBuilder &b, CallOpInterface callOp, BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
   return success();
-/// tensor::CastOp bufferizes to memref::CastOp.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, tensor::CastOp castOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(castOp);
-  Value resultBuffer =
-      getResultBuffer(b, castOp->getResult(0), bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-  if (!resultBuffer)
-    return failure();
-  Type sourceType = resultBuffer.getType();
-  auto rankedMemRefType = sourceType.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
-  auto unrankedMemRefType = sourceType.dyn_cast<UnrankedMemRefType>();
-  assert(rankedMemRefType || unrankedMemRefType);
-  Attribute memorySpace = rankedMemRefType
-                              ? rankedMemRefType.getMemorySpace()
-                              : unrankedMemRefType.getMemorySpace();
-  TensorType tensorType = castOp.getResult().getType().cast<TensorType>();
-  MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout =
-      rankedMemRefType && tensorType.isa<RankedTensorType>()
-          ? rankedMemRefType.getLayout()
-          : MemRefLayoutAttrInterface();
-  Type memRefType = getContiguousOrUnrankedMemRefType(
-      castOp.getResult().getType(), layout, memorySpace);
-  Value res =
-      b.create<memref::CastOp>(castOp.getLoc(), memRefType, resultBuffer);
-  aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(res, castOp.getResult());
-  map(bvm, castOp.getResult(), res);
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, arith::ConstantOp constantOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  assert(constantOp.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>() &&
-         "not a constant ranked tensor");
-  auto moduleOp = constantOp->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>();
-  if (!moduleOp) {
-    return constantOp.emitError(
-        "cannot bufferize constants not within builtin.module op");
-  }
-  GlobalCreator globalCreator(moduleOp);
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(constantOp);
-  auto globalMemref = globalCreator.getGlobalFor(constantOp);
-  Value memref = b.create<memref::GetGlobalOp>(
-      constantOp.getLoc(), globalMemref.type(), globalMemref.getName());
-  aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(memref, constantOp.getResult());
-  map(bvm, constantOp, memref);
-  return success();
-/// DimOp tensor operand is modified inplace. This allows leaving dead
-/// tensors behind that will get DCE'd.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, tensor::DimOp dimOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(dimOp);
-  if (dimOp.source().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>()) {
-    Value v = lookup(bvm, dimOp.source());
-    assert(v && "missing buffer");
-    dimOp.result().replaceAllUsesWith(
-        b.create<memref::DimOp>(dimOp.getLoc(), v, dimOp.index()));
-  }
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, scf::ForOp forOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  for (OpResult opResult : forOp->getResults()) {
-    if (!opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
-      continue;
-    // TODO: Atm we bail on unranked TensorType because we don't know how to
-    // alloc an UnrankedMemRefType + its underlying ranked MemRefType.
-    assert(opResult.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
-           "unsupported unranked tensor");
-    // TODO: More general: Matching bbArg does not bufferize to a read.
-    Value resultBuffer =
-        getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-    if (!resultBuffer)
-      return failure();
-    OpOperand &opOperand = forOp.getOpOperandForResult(opResult);
-    BlockArgument bbArg = forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(opOperand);
-    aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(bbArg, resultBuffer);
-    map(bvm, bbArg, resultBuffer);
-    map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
-  }
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, scf::IfOp ifOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  for (OpResult opResult : ifOp->getResults()) {
-    if (!opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
-      continue;
-    // TODO: Atm we bail on unranked TensorType because we don't know how to
-    // alloc an UnrankedMemRefType + its underlying ranked MemRefType.
-    assert(opResult.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
-           "unsupported unranked tensor");
-    Value resultBuffer =
-        getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-    if (!resultBuffer)
-      return failure();
-    aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
-    map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
-  }
-  return success();
 /// FuncOp always creates TensorToMemRef ops.
 static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, FuncOp funcOp,
                                BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
@@ -1887,444 +1455,40 @@ static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, FuncOp funcOp,
   return success();
-/// InitTensor always allocates (unless it was eliminated).
-/// TODO: consider hoisting across function boundaries prior to bufferization.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, InitTensorOp initTensorOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // The InitTensorOp may have been eliminated.
-  if (initTensorOp->getUses().empty())
-    return success();
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(initTensorOp);
-  Value alloc = createNewAllocDeallocPairForShapedValue(
-      b, initTensorOp->getLoc(), initTensorOp.result(), aliasInfo,
-      allocationFn);
-  map(bvm, initTensorOp.result(), alloc);
-  return success();
-/// ReturnOp always creates memref::TensorLoadOp.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, ReturnOp returnOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  // Cannot insert after returnOp.
-  b.setInsertionPoint(returnOp);
-  assert(isa<FuncOp>(returnOp->getParentOp()) &&
-         "only support FuncOp parent for ReturnOp");
-  for (OpOperand &operand : returnOp->getOpOperands()) {
-    auto tensorType = operand.get().getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
-    if (!tensorType)
-      continue;
-    Value v = lookup(bvm, operand.get());
-    assert(v && "missing buffer for result");
-    Value returnTensor = b.create<memref::TensorLoadOp>(returnOp.getLoc(), v);
-    operand.set(returnTensor);
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(returnTensor, v);
-    map(bvm, returnTensor, v);
-  }
-  return success();
-/// Bufferization for TiledLoopOp..
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, TiledLoopOp tiledLoopOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  // Allocate output buffers if needed, forward output tensor args to the
-  // terminator.
-  Operation *yieldOp = tiledLoopOp.getBody()->getTerminator();
-  Block *body = tiledLoopOp.getBody();
-  // Take copies of the old input and output operands, so we can insert inplace
-  // easily.
-  auto oldInputs = llvm::to_vector<4>(tiledLoopOp.inputs());
-  auto oldOutputs = llvm::to_vector<4>(tiledLoopOp.outputs());
-  int numLoops = tiledLoopOp.getNumLoops();
-  int numControlOperands = tiledLoopOp.getNumControlOperands();
-  // Add buffers for outputs and the corresponding block arguments.
-  // Keep separate iterators to increment without further leaking impl. details.
-  // Start with outputs to avoid interference from new input buffers.
-  int numNewOutputBuffers = 0;
-  int resultIndex = 0;
-  int oldOutputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size();
-  int nextOutputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size() + oldOutputs.size();
-  int nextOutputOperandIndex =
-      numControlOperands + oldInputs.size() + oldOutputs.size();
-  for (Value oldOutputTensor : oldOutputs) {
-    if (!oldOutputTensor.getType().isa<TensorType>()) {
-      // Skip and increment the old bbarg index only.
-      ++oldOutputBBArgIndex;
-      // Do not increment resultIndex as only tensors are returned.
-      // TODO: better interface to avoid leaking such impl details.
-      continue;
-    }
-    assert(oldOutputTensor.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
-           "bufferizable output must be a ranked tensor");
-    const OpResult &opResult = tiledLoopOp->getResult(resultIndex);
-    OpOperand &yieldOperand = yieldOp->getOpOperand(resultIndex);
-    Value resultBuffer =
-        getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-    if (!resultBuffer)
-      return failure();
-    // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
-    aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(opResult, resultBuffer);
-    map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
-    // Insert new operand and bbArg.
-    tiledLoopOp->insertOperands(nextOutputOperandIndex, resultBuffer);
-    BlockArgument newBufferBBArg =
-        body->insertArgument(nextOutputBBArgIndex, resultBuffer.getType());
-    BlockArgument oldTensorBBArg = body->getArgument(oldOutputBBArgIndex);
-    // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
-    aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(newBufferBBArg);
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
-    map(bvm, oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
-    // Set operand of `linalg.yield` to the bbArg so it just canonicalizes away
-    // later.
-    yieldOperand.set(oldTensorBBArg);
-    // Increment indices.
-    ++numNewOutputBuffers;
-    ++resultIndex;
-    ++oldOutputBBArgIndex;
-    ++nextOutputBBArgIndex;
-    ++nextOutputOperandIndex;
-  }
-  // Add buffers for inputs and the corresponding block arguments.
-  // Keep separate iterators to increment without further leaking impl. details.
-  int numNewInputBuffers = 0;
-  int oldInputBBArgIndex = numLoops;
-  int nextInputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size();
-  int nextInputOperandIndex = numControlOperands + oldInputs.size();
-  for (Value oldInputTensor : oldInputs) {
-    if (!oldInputTensor.getType().isa<TensorType>()) {
-      // Skip and increment the old bbarg index only.
-      ++oldInputBBArgIndex;
-      continue;
-    }
+// Bufferization analyses.
-    Value inputBuffer = lookup(bvm, oldInputTensor);
-    assert(inputBuffer && " missing buffer for operand");
+/// Determine if `operand` can be bufferized in-place with `result`. If so, set
+/// InPlaceSpec::True on the result. Otherwise, set InPlaceSpec::False on the
+/// result.
+static LogicalResult
+bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(OpOperand &operand, OpResult result,
+                                BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                                const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
+  assert(llvm::find(opOperands, &operand) != opOperands.end() &&
+         "operand and result do not match");
+#endif // NDEBUG
-    // Insert new operand and bbArg.
-    tiledLoopOp->insertOperands(nextInputOperandIndex, inputBuffer);
-    BlockArgument newBufferBBArg =
-        body->insertArgument(nextInputBBArgIndex, inputBuffer.getType());
-    BlockArgument oldTensorBBArg = body->getArgument(oldInputBBArgIndex);
+  int64_t resultNumber = result.getResultNumber();
+  (void)resultNumber;
+  LDBG('\n');
+  LDBG("Inplace analysis for <- #" << resultNumber << " -> #"
+                                   << operand.getOperandNumber() << " in "
+                                   << printValueInfo(result) << '\n');
-    // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
-    aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(newBufferBBArg);
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
-    map(bvm, oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
+  bool foundInterference =
+      aliasInfo.wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(operand, result) ||
+      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(operand, result, domInfo);
-    // Increment indices.
-    ++numNewInputBuffers;
-    ++oldInputBBArgIndex;
-    ++nextInputBBArgIndex;
-    ++nextInputOperandIndex;
-  }
+  if (foundInterference)
+    aliasInfo.bufferizeOutOfPlace(result);
+  else
+    aliasInfo.bufferizeInPlace(result, operand);
-  // Update segment sizes.
-  // TODO: Helper method to avoid leaking impl details.
-  tiledLoopOp->setAttr(
-      TiledLoopOp::getOperandSegmentSizeAttr(),
-      b.getI32VectorAttr(
-          {numLoops, numLoops, numLoops,
-           static_cast<int>(oldInputs.size()) + numNewInputBuffers,
-           static_cast<int>(oldOutputs.size()) + numNewOutputBuffers}));
-  return success();
-/// Bufferize ExtractSliceOp to subview with optional alloc + copy depending on
-/// whether or not it is marked inplaceable.
-/// Note that `getInplaceableOpResult` on a ExtractSliceOp always returns null.
-/// As consequence a ExtractSliceOp always alloc + copy when taken in
-/// isolation.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, ExtractSliceOp extractSliceOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  LDBG("bufferize: " << *extractSliceOp << '\n');
-  Location loc = extractSliceOp.getLoc();
-  // Bail if source was not bufferized.
-  Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, extractSliceOp.source());
-  if (!srcMemref)
-    return failure();
-  auto srcMemrefType = srcMemref.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
-  auto dstTensorType =
-      extractSliceOp.result().getType().cast<RankedTensorType>();
-  // If not inplaceable, alloc.
-  Value alloc;
-  auto inPlace = getInPlace(extractSliceOp->getResult(0));
-  if (inPlace != InPlaceSpec::True)
-    alloc = createNewAllocDeallocPairForShapedValue(
-        b, loc, extractSliceOp.result(), aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-  // Set insertion point now that potential alloc/dealloc are introduced.
-  b.setInsertionPoint(extractSliceOp);
-  // Bufferize to subview.
-  auto subviewMemRefType =
-      memref::SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
-          dstTensorType.getRank(), srcMemrefType,
-          extractSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(), extractSliceOp.getMixedSizes(),
-          extractSliceOp.getMixedStrides())
-          .cast<MemRefType>();
-  Value subView = b.create<memref::SubViewOp>(
-      loc, subviewMemRefType, srcMemref, extractSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
-      extractSliceOp.getMixedSizes(), extractSliceOp.getMixedStrides());
-  // Insert new alias.
-  aliasInfo.insertNewBufferAlias(subView, srcMemref);
-  /// If not inplaceable, copy.
-  if (alloc) {
-    // Do not copy if the copied data is never read.
-    if (isValueRead(extractSliceOp.result()))
-      b.create<CopyOp>(extractSliceOp.getLoc(), subView, alloc);
-    subView = alloc;
-  }
-  map(bvm, extractSliceOp.result(), subView);
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, InsertSliceOp insertSliceOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(insertSliceOp);
-  LDBG("bufferize: " << *insertSliceOp << '\n');
-  Location loc = insertSliceOp.getLoc();
-  // Since insert_slice arise from tiling and introducing loops, this
-  // case is generally a deal breaker. When used with loops, this ends up
-  // cloning the whole tensor on every single iteration and is a symptom
-  // of a catastrophically bad scheduling decision.
-  // TODO: be very loud about it or even consider failing the pass.
-  // Alloc a copy for `insertSliceOp.dest()`, it will become the result
-  // buffer.
-  Value dstMemref = getResultBuffer(b, insertSliceOp->getResult(0), bvm,
-                                    aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-  if (!dstMemref)
-    return failure();
-  auto dstMemrefType = dstMemref.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
-  Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, insertSliceOp.source());
-  if (!srcMemref)
-    return failure();
-  auto subviewMemRefType =
-      memref::SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
-          insertSliceOp.getSourceType().getRank(), dstMemrefType,
-          insertSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(), insertSliceOp.getMixedSizes(),
-          insertSliceOp.getMixedStrides())
-          .cast<MemRefType>();
-  // A copy of the source buffer is needed if either:
-  //   - The producer of `source` is not inplace. This is the case where a
-  //     slice is computed out of place into the inplace full tensor.
-  //   - The result is not inplace. This is the case where the whole tensor is
-  //     cloned and the clone needs to be updated.
-  auto inPlace = getInPlace(insertSliceOp->getResult(0));
-  // TODO: Is this necessary?
-  if (!aliasInfo.isSourceEquivalentToAMatchingInplaceExtractSliceOp(
-          insertSliceOp) ||
-      inPlace != InPlaceSpec::True) {
-    LDBG("insert_slice needs extra source copy: " << insertSliceOp.source()
-                                                  << " -> copy\n");
-    // Take a subview of the dst.
-    Value subView = b.create<memref::SubViewOp>(
-        loc, subviewMemRefType, dstMemref, insertSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
-        insertSliceOp.getMixedSizes(), insertSliceOp.getMixedStrides());
-    // Insert new alias.
-    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferAlias(subView, dstMemref);
-    b.create<CopyOp>(insertSliceOp.getLoc(), srcMemref, subView);
-  }
-  map(bvm, insertSliceOp.result(), dstMemref);
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, VectorTransferOpInterface op,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                               AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(op);
-  if (op.getShapedType().isa<MemRefType>())
-    return failure();
-  /// transfer_read from buffer always reads from the bufferized
-  /// op.source().
-  if (auto readOp = dyn_cast<vector::TransferReadOp>(op.getOperation())) {
-    Value v = lookup(bvm, op.source());
-    assert(v && "missing buffer");
-    readOp.sourceMutable().assign(v);
-    return success();
-  }
-  // Create a new transfer_write on buffer that doesn't have a return value.
-  // Leave the previous transfer_write to dead code as it still has uses at
-  // this point.
-  auto writeOp = cast<vector::TransferWriteOp>(op.getOperation());
-  Value resultBuffer =
-      getResultBuffer(b, op->getResult(0), bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
-  if (!resultBuffer)
-    return failure();
-  b.create<vector::TransferWriteOp>(
-      op.getLoc(), writeOp.vector(), resultBuffer, writeOp.indices(),
-      writeOp.permutation_map(),
-      writeOp.in_bounds() ? *writeOp.in_bounds() : ArrayAttr());
-  map(bvm, op->getResult(0), resultBuffer);
-  return success();
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, scf::YieldOp yieldOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  // Cannot create IR past a yieldOp.
-  b.setInsertionPoint(yieldOp);
-  if (auto execOp = dyn_cast<scf::ExecuteRegionOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp())) {
-    if (execOp->getNumResults() != 0)
-      return execOp->emitError(
-          "expected result-less scf.execute_region containing op");
-    return success();
-  }
-  if (auto ifOp = dyn_cast<scf::IfOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp()))
-    return success();
-  scf::ForOp forOp = dyn_cast<scf::ForOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp());
-  if (!forOp)
-    return yieldOp->emitError("expected scf::ForOp parent for scf::YieldOp");
-  for (OpOperand &operand : yieldOp->getOpOperands()) {
-    auto tensorType = operand.get().getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
-    if (!tensorType)
-      continue;
-    OpOperand &forOperand = forOp.getOpOperandForResult(
-        forOp->getResult(operand.getOperandNumber()));
-    auto bbArg = forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(forOperand);
-    Value yieldedBuffer = lookup(bvm, operand.get());
-    Value bbArgBuffer = lookup(bvm, bbArg);
-    if (!aliasInfo.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(yieldedBuffer, bbArgBuffer)) {
-      // TODO: this could get resolved with copies but it can also turn into
-      // swaps so we need to be careful about order of copies.
-      return yieldOp->emitError()
-             << "Yield operand #" << operand.getOperandNumber()
-             << " does not bufferize to an equivalent buffer to the matching"
-             << " enclosing scf::for operand";
-    }
-    // Buffers are equivalent so the work is already done and we just yield the
-    // bbArg so that it later canonicalizes away.
-    operand.set(bbArg);
-  }
-  return success();
-/// Bufferization for linalg::YieldOp either does not involve tensors or just
-/// results in later canonicalization. In either case it does nothing.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, linalg::YieldOp yieldOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  // Cannot create IR past a yieldOp.
-  b.setInsertionPoint(yieldOp);
-  // No tensors -> success.
-  if (!llvm::any_of(yieldOp.getOperandTypes(), isaTensor))
-    return success();
-  // linalg::YieldOp nested under TiledLoop must just canonicalize.
-  if (yieldOp->getParentOfType<TiledLoopOp>())
-    return success();
-  llvm_unreachable("unexpected yieldOp");
-/// Bufferization for tensor::ExtractOp just translate to memref.load, it only
-/// reads the tensor.
-static LogicalResult bufferize(OpBuilder &b, tensor::ExtractOp extractOp,
-                               BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
-                               BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
-  // Take a guard before anything else.
-  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
-  b.setInsertionPoint(extractOp);
-  Location loc = extractOp.getLoc();
-  Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, extractOp.tensor());
-  Value l = b.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, srcMemref, extractOp.indices());
-  extractOp.replaceAllUsesWith(l);
-  return success();
-// Bufferization analyses.
-/// Determine if `operand` can be bufferized in-place with `result`. If so, set
-/// InPlaceSpec::True on the result. Otherwise, set InPlaceSpec::False on the
-/// result.
-static LogicalResult
-bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(OpOperand &operand, OpResult result,
-                                BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
-                                const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
-  assert(llvm::find(opOperands, &operand) != opOperands.end() &&
-         "operand and result do not match");
-#endif // NDEBUG
-  int64_t resultNumber = result.getResultNumber();
-  (void)resultNumber;
-  LDBG('\n');
-  LDBG("Inplace analysis for <- #" << resultNumber << " -> #"
-                                   << operand.getOperandNumber() << " in "
-                                   << printValueInfo(result) << '\n');
-  bool foundInterference =
-      aliasInfo.wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(operand, result) ||
-      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(operand, result, domInfo);
-  if (foundInterference)
-    aliasInfo.bufferizeOutOfPlace(result);
-  else
-    aliasInfo.bufferizeInPlace(result, operand);
-  LDBG("Done inplace analysis for result #" << resultNumber << '\n');
+  LDBG("Done inplace analysis for result #" << resultNumber << '\n');
   return success();
@@ -2348,7 +1512,9 @@ static LogicalResult
 bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisAliasOnlyOp(OpOperand &operand,
                                        BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
                                        const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
-  OpResult result = getAliasingOpResult(operand);
+  auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(operand.getOwner());
+  assert(bufferizableOp && "expected op with known bufferization behavior");
+  OpResult result = bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(operand);
   assert(result && "expected that the OpOperand has an aliasing OpResult");
   return bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(operand, result, aliasInfo, domInfo);
@@ -2360,10 +1526,12 @@ static LogicalResult
 bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(OpOperand &operand,
                             BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
                             const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
-  OpResult result = getInplaceableOpResult(operand);
-  if (!result)
+  auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(operand.getOwner());
+  if (!bufferizableOp)
     return success();
-  return bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(operand, result, aliasInfo, domInfo);
+  if (OpResult result = bufferizableOp.getInplaceableOpResult(operand))
+    return bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(operand, result, aliasInfo, domInfo);
+  return success();
 /// Analyze the `ops` to determine which OpResults are inplaceable. Walk ops in
@@ -2383,17 +1551,18 @@ LogicalResult mlir::linalg::inPlaceAnalysis(SmallVector<Operation *> &ops,
   // Walk ops in reverse for better interference analysis.
   for (Operation *op : reverse(ops)) {
-    for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands()) {
-      if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(opOperand, aliasInfo, domInfo)))
-        return failure();
-      // Special logic to analyze OpOperands that are not inplaceable on an
-      // OpResult but may create an alias.
-      if (bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand))
-        if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisAliasOnlyOp(opOperand, aliasInfo,
-                                                          domInfo)))
+    for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
+      if (opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>()) {
+        if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(opOperand, aliasInfo, domInfo)))
           return failure();
-    }
+        // Special logic to analyze OpOperands that are not inplaceable on an
+        // OpResult but may create an alias.
+        if (bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand))
+          if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisAliasOnlyOp(
+                  opOperand, aliasInfo, domInfo)))
+            return failure();
+      }
   return success();
@@ -2529,42 +1698,31 @@ LogicalResult mlir::linalg::bufferizeOp(
     AllocationCallbacks allocationFns,
     DenseMap<FuncOp, FunctionType> *bufferizedFunctionTypes) {
   OpBuilder b(op->getContext());
-  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(op)
-      // Skip BufferCast and TensorLoad ops.
-      .Case<memref::BufferCastOp, memref::TensorLoadOp>(
-          [&](auto) { return success(); })
-      .Case<ExtractSliceOp, InitTensorOp, InsertSliceOp, LinalgOp, scf::ForOp,
-            scf::IfOp, tensor::CastOp, TiledLoopOp, VectorTransferOpInterface>(
-          [&](auto op) {
-            LDBG("Begin bufferize:\n" << op << '\n');
-            return bufferize(b, op, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns);
-          })
-      .Case<tensor::DimOp, tensor::ExtractOp, ReturnOp, linalg::YieldOp,
-            scf::YieldOp>([&](auto op) {
-        LDBG("Begin bufferize:\n" << op << '\n');
-        return bufferize(b, op, bvm, aliasInfo);
-      })
-      .Case([&](CallOpInterface op) {
-        LDBG("Begin bufferize:\n" << op << '\n');
-        if (!bufferizedFunctionTypes)
-          llvm_unreachable(
-              "null bufferizedFunctionTypes when bufferizing CallOpInterface");
-        return bufferize(b, op, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns,
-                         *bufferizedFunctionTypes);
-      })
-      .Case([&](arith::ConstantOp op) {
-        if (!isaTensor(op.getResult().getType()))
-          return success();
-        LDBG("Begin bufferize:\n" << op << '\n');
-        return bufferize(b, op, bvm, aliasInfo);
-      })
-      .Default([&](Operation *op) -> LogicalResult {
-        auto isaTensor = [](Type t) { return t.isa<TensorType>(); };
-        if (any_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor) ||
-            any_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor))
-          return op->emitError() << "unsupported op with tensors";
-        return success();
-      });
+  // CallOps are handled separately.
+  if (auto callOp = dyn_cast<CallOpInterface>(op)) {
+    LDBG("Begin bufferize:\n" << callOp << '\n');
+    if (!bufferizedFunctionTypes)
+      llvm_unreachable(
+          "null bufferizedFunctionTypes when bufferizing CallOpInterface");
+    return bufferize(b, callOp, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns,
+                     *bufferizedFunctionTypes);
+  }
+  // Skip BufferCast and TensorLoad ops.
+  if (isa<memref::BufferCastOp, memref::TensorLoadOp>(op))
+    return success();
+  // Bufferize using `BufferizableOpInterface`.
+  if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
+    return bufferizableOp.bufferize(b, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns);
+  // Other op with tensors. No bufferization method specified.
+  auto isaTensor = [](Type t) { return t.isa<TensorType>(); };
+  if (any_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor) ||
+      any_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor))
+    return op->emitError() << "unsupported op with tensors";
+  return success();
 static LogicalResult bufferizeFuncOpInternals(
@@ -2883,7 +2041,11 @@ struct LinalgComprehensiveModuleBufferize
   void runOnOperation() override;
   void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
-    registry.insert<linalg::LinalgDialect, memref::MemRefDialect>();
+    registry
+        .insert<linalg::LinalgDialect, memref::MemRefDialect,
+                tensor::TensorDialect, vector::VectorDialect, scf::SCFDialect,
+                arith::ArithmeticDialect, StandardOpsDialect>();
+    registerBufferiableOpInterfaceExternalModels(registry);
@@ -3189,3 +2351,1167 @@ void LinalgComprehensiveModuleBufferize::runOnOperation() {
 std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::createLinalgComprehensiveModuleBufferizePass() {
   return std::make_unique<LinalgComprehensiveModuleBufferize>();
+// BufferizableOpInterface Implementations
+// TODO: Move these to a 
diff erent file and BUILD target, so that they are
+// decoupled from ComprehensiveBufferize.
+namespace mlir {
+namespace linalg {
+namespace arith_ext {
+struct ConstantOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<ConstantOpInterface,
+                                                    arith::ConstantOp> {
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {};
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto constantOp = cast<arith::ConstantOp>(op);
+    if (!isaTensor(constantOp.getResult().getType()))
+      return success();
+    assert(constantOp.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>() &&
+           "not a constant ranked tensor");
+    auto moduleOp = constantOp->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>();
+    if (!moduleOp) {
+      return constantOp.emitError(
+          "cannot bufferize constants not within builtin.module op");
+    }
+    GlobalCreator globalCreator(moduleOp);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(constantOp);
+    auto globalMemref = globalCreator.getGlobalFor(constantOp);
+    Value memref = b.create<memref::GetGlobalOp>(
+        constantOp.getLoc(), globalMemref.type(), globalMemref.getName());
+    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(memref, constantOp.getResult());
+    map(bvm, constantOp, memref);
+    return success();
+  }
+} // namespace arith_ext
+// TODO: Ops in the linalg dialect can directly implement this interface.
+namespace linalg_ext {
+/// Helper function for LinalgOp bufferization.
+/// When allocating a new buffer, analyze whether `op` wants to read form that
+/// buffer. Only in that case, a copy of the result buffer may be needed.
+static LogicalResult allocateBuffersForResults(
+    OpBuilder &b, Location loc, LinalgOp op,
+    SmallVectorImpl<Value> &resultBuffers, BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+    BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo, AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns) {
+  // Take a guard before anything else.
+  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+  b.setInsertionPoint(op);
+  // TODO: provide the proper interface to iterate on OpResults and get the
+  // matching OpOperands.
+  for (OpOperand *opOperand : op.getOutputOperands()) {
+    OpResult opResult = cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op.getOperation())
+                            .getInplaceableOpResult(*opOperand);
+    assert(opResult && "could not find correspond OpResult");
+    bool skipCopy = !op.payloadUsesValueFromOperand(opOperand);
+    Value resultBuffer =
+        getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFns, skipCopy);
+    if (!resultBuffer)
+      return failure();
+    resultBuffers.push_back(resultBuffer);
+  }
+  if (op->getNumResults())
+    map(bvm, op->getResults(), resultBuffers);
+  return success();
+/// Generic conversion for any LinalgOp on tensors.
+static LogicalResult bufferizeLinalgOp(OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp op,
+                                       BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                                       BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                                       AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns) {
+  // Take a guard before anything else.
+  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+  // Ensure op has only tensors. Allow mixed tensor-buffer mode on a per-need
+  // basis.
+  if (!op.hasTensorSemantics())
+    return op->emitError() << "op does not have tensor semantics";
+  Location loc = op.getLoc();
+  SmallVector<Value> newInputBuffers;
+  newInputBuffers.reserve(op.getNumInputs());
+  for (OpOperand *opOperand : op.getInputOperands()) {
+    if (op.isScalar(opOperand)) {
+      newInputBuffers.push_back(opOperand->get());
+      continue;
+    }
+    newInputBuffers.push_back(lookup(bvm, opOperand->get()));
+    assert(newInputBuffers.back() && "missing buffer");
+  }
+  SmallVector<Value> newOutputBuffers;
+  // Try to allocate new buffers depending on op's inplace semantics.
+  if (failed(allocateBuffersForResults(b, loc, op, newOutputBuffers, bvm,
+                                       aliasInfo, allocationFns)))
+    return failure();
+  // Clone the newly bufferized op.
+  SmallVector<Value> newOperands = newInputBuffers;
+  newOperands.append(newOutputBuffers.begin(), newOutputBuffers.end());
+  // Set insertion point now that potential alloc/dealloc are introduced.
+  b.setInsertionPoint(op);
+  op.clone(b, loc, /*resultTypes=*/TypeRange{}, newOperands);
+  // Replace the results of the old op with the new output buffers.
+  if (op->getNumResults())
+    map(bvm, op->getResults(), newOutputBuffers);
+  // The original op will be DCE'd away later.
+  return success();
+template <typename OpTy>
+struct LinalgOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<LinalgOpInterface<OpTy>,
+                                                    OpTy> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    auto genericOp = cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(op);
+    return genericOp.isInputTensor(&opOperand) ||
+           genericOp.isInitTensor(&opOperand);
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    auto genericOp = cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(op);
+    return genericOp.isOutputTensor(&opOperand);
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    auto genericOp = cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(op);
+    return {genericOp.getOutputTensorOperands()[opResult.getResultNumber()]};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    auto genericOp = cast<linalg::LinalgOp>(op);
+    if (!opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
+      return OpResult();
+    // For now assume inputs are never inplaceable.
+    // TODO: refine this.
+    if (opOperand.getOperandNumber() < genericOp.getNumInputs())
+      return OpResult();
+    int64_t outputOperandIndex =
+        opOperand.getOperandNumber() - genericOp.getNumInputs();
+    int64_t numOutputBuffers = 0;
+    for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < outputOperandIndex; ++idx)
+      if (!genericOp.getOutputOperand(idx)->get().getType().isa<TensorType>())
+        ++numOutputBuffers;
+    return genericOp->getResult(outputOperandIndex - numOutputBuffers);
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    return bufferizeLinalgOp(b, cast<LinalgOp>(op), bvm, aliasInfo,
+                             allocationFn);
+  }
+struct InitTensorOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<InitTensorOpInterface,
+                                                    linalg::InitTensorOp> {
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {};
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto initTensorOp = cast<linalg::InitTensorOp>(op);
+    // The InitTensorOp may have been eliminated.
+    if (initTensorOp->getUses().empty())
+      return success();
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(initTensorOp);
+    Value alloc = createNewAllocDeallocPairForShapedValue(
+        b, initTensorOp->getLoc(), initTensorOp.result(), aliasInfo,
+        allocationFn);
+    map(bvm, initTensorOp.result(), alloc);
+    return success();
+  }
+struct TiledLoopOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<TiledLoopOpInterface,
+                                                    linalg::TiledLoopOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // TiledLoop alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses of
+    // its matching bbArg may.
+    auto tiledLoopOp = cast<linalg::TiledLoopOp>(op);
+    return isValueRead(tiledLoopOp.getTiedBlockArgument(opOperand));
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // TiledLoop alone doesn't bufferize to a memory write, one of the uses of
+    // its matching bbArg may.
+    auto bufferizableOp = cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op);
+    return static_cast<bool>(bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(opOperand));
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    // TODO: TiledLoopOp helper method to avoid leaking impl details.
+    auto tiledLoopOp = cast<linalg::TiledLoopOp>(op);
+    return {&op->getOpOperand(tiledLoopOp.getNumControlOperands() +
+                              tiledLoopOp.getNumInputs() +
+                              opResult.getResultNumber())};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    auto tiledLoopOp = cast<linalg::TiledLoopOp>(op);
+    return tiledLoopOp.getTiedOpResult(opOperand);
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto tiledLoopOp = cast<linalg::TiledLoopOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    // Allocate output buffers if needed, forward output tensor args to the
+    // terminator.
+    Operation *yieldOp = tiledLoopOp.getBody()->getTerminator();
+    Block *body = tiledLoopOp.getBody();
+    // Take copies of the old input and output operands, so we can insert
+    // inplace easily.
+    auto oldInputs = llvm::to_vector<4>(tiledLoopOp.inputs());
+    auto oldOutputs = llvm::to_vector<4>(tiledLoopOp.outputs());
+    int numLoops = tiledLoopOp.getNumLoops();
+    int numControlOperands = tiledLoopOp.getNumControlOperands();
+    // Add buffers for outputs and the corresponding block arguments.
+    // Keep separate iterators to increment without further leaking impl.
+    // details. Start with outputs to avoid interference from new input buffers.
+    int numNewOutputBuffers = 0;
+    int resultIndex = 0;
+    int oldOutputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size();
+    int nextOutputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size() + oldOutputs.size();
+    int nextOutputOperandIndex =
+        numControlOperands + oldInputs.size() + oldOutputs.size();
+    for (Value oldOutputTensor : oldOutputs) {
+      if (!oldOutputTensor.getType().isa<TensorType>()) {
+        // Skip and increment the old bbarg index only.
+        ++oldOutputBBArgIndex;
+        // Do not increment resultIndex as only tensors are returned.
+        // TODO: better interface to avoid leaking such impl details.
+        continue;
+      }
+      assert(oldOutputTensor.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
+             "bufferizable output must be a ranked tensor");
+      const OpResult &opResult = tiledLoopOp->getResult(resultIndex);
+      OpOperand &yieldOperand = yieldOp->getOpOperand(resultIndex);
+      Value resultBuffer =
+          getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+      if (!resultBuffer)
+        return failure();
+      // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
+      aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(opResult, resultBuffer);
+      map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
+      // Insert new operand and bbArg.
+      tiledLoopOp->insertOperands(nextOutputOperandIndex, resultBuffer);
+      BlockArgument newBufferBBArg =
+          body->insertArgument(nextOutputBBArgIndex, resultBuffer.getType());
+      BlockArgument oldTensorBBArg = body->getArgument(oldOutputBBArgIndex);
+      // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
+      aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(newBufferBBArg);
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
+      map(bvm, oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
+      // Set operand of `linalg.yield` to the bbArg so it just canonicalizes
+      // away later.
+      yieldOperand.set(oldTensorBBArg);
+      // Increment indices.
+      ++numNewOutputBuffers;
+      ++resultIndex;
+      ++oldOutputBBArgIndex;
+      ++nextOutputBBArgIndex;
+      ++nextOutputOperandIndex;
+    }
+    // Add buffers for inputs and the corresponding block arguments.
+    // Keep separate iterators to increment without further leaking impl.
+    // details.
+    int numNewInputBuffers = 0;
+    int oldInputBBArgIndex = numLoops;
+    int nextInputBBArgIndex = numLoops + oldInputs.size();
+    int nextInputOperandIndex = numControlOperands + oldInputs.size();
+    for (Value oldInputTensor : oldInputs) {
+      if (!oldInputTensor.getType().isa<TensorType>()) {
+        // Skip and increment the old bbarg index only.
+        ++oldInputBBArgIndex;
+        continue;
+      }
+      Value inputBuffer = lookup(bvm, oldInputTensor);
+      assert(inputBuffer && " missing buffer for operand");
+      // Insert new operand and bbArg.
+      tiledLoopOp->insertOperands(nextInputOperandIndex, inputBuffer);
+      BlockArgument newBufferBBArg =
+          body->insertArgument(nextInputBBArgIndex, inputBuffer.getType());
+      BlockArgument oldTensorBBArg = body->getArgument(oldInputBBArgIndex);
+      // Insert mapping and aliasing info.
+      aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(newBufferBBArg);
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
+      map(bvm, oldTensorBBArg, newBufferBBArg);
+      // Increment indices.
+      ++numNewInputBuffers;
+      ++oldInputBBArgIndex;
+      ++nextInputBBArgIndex;
+      ++nextInputOperandIndex;
+    }
+    // Update segment sizes.
+    // TODO: Helper method to avoid leaking impl details.
+    tiledLoopOp->setAttr(
+        TiledLoopOp::getOperandSegmentSizeAttr(),
+        b.getI32VectorAttr(
+            {numLoops, numLoops, numLoops,
+             static_cast<int>(oldInputs.size()) + numNewInputBuffers,
+             static_cast<int>(oldOutputs.size()) + numNewOutputBuffers}));
+    return success();
+  }
+struct YieldOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<YieldOpInterface,
+                                                    linalg::YieldOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto yieldOp = cast<linalg::YieldOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    // Cannot create IR past a yieldOp.
+    b.setInsertionPoint(yieldOp);
+    // No tensors -> success.
+    if (!llvm::any_of(yieldOp.getOperandTypes(), isaTensor))
+      return success();
+    // linalg::YieldOp nested under TiledLoop must just canonicalize.
+    if (yieldOp->getParentOfType<TiledLoopOp>())
+      return success();
+    llvm_unreachable("unexpected yieldOp");
+  }
+} // namespace linalg_ext
+namespace scf_ext {
+struct IfOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<IfOpInterface, scf::IfOp> {
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    auto ifOp = cast<scf::IfOp>(op);
+    // Either one of the corresponding yield values from the then/else branches
+    // may alias with the result.
+    size_t resultNum = std::distance(op->getOpResults().begin(),
+                                     llvm::find(op->getOpResults(), opResult));
+    return {&ifOp.thenYield()->getOpOperand(resultNum),
+            &ifOp.elseYield()->getOpOperand(resultNum)};
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto ifOp = cast<scf::IfOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    for (OpResult opResult : ifOp->getResults()) {
+      if (!opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
+        continue;
+      // TODO: Atm we bail on unranked TensorType because we don't know how to
+      // alloc an UnrankedMemRefType + its underlying ranked MemRefType.
+      assert(opResult.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
+             "unsupported unranked tensor");
+      Value resultBuffer =
+          getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+      if (!resultBuffer)
+        return failure();
+      aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
+      map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
+    }
+    return success();
+  }
+struct ForOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<ForOpInterface,
+                                                    scf::ForOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // scf::ForOp alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses of
+    // its matching bbArg may.
+    auto forOp = cast<scf::ForOp>(op);
+    return isValueRead(forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(opOperand));
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // Tensor iter_args of scf::ForOps are always considered as a write. This is
+    // to simplify the analysis.
+    // TODO: Consider doing sth. like isValueWritten.
+    return true;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    auto forOp = cast<scf::ForOp>(op);
+    return {&forOp.getIterOpOperands()[opResult.getResultNumber()]};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    auto forOp = cast<scf::ForOp>(op);
+    if (!opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
+      return OpResult();
+    return forOp.getResultForOpOperand(opOperand);
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto forOp = cast<scf::ForOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    for (OpResult opResult : forOp->getResults()) {
+      if (!opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
+        continue;
+      // TODO: Atm we bail on unranked TensorType because we don't know how to
+      // alloc an UnrankedMemRefType + its underlying ranked MemRefType.
+      assert(opResult.getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
+             "unsupported unranked tensor");
+      // TODO: More general: Matching bbArg does not bufferize to a read.
+      Value resultBuffer =
+          getResultBuffer(b, opResult, bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+      if (!resultBuffer)
+        return failure();
+      OpOperand &opOperand = forOp.getOpOperandForResult(opResult);
+      BlockArgument bbArg = forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(opOperand);
+      aliasInfo.createAliasInfoEntry(resultBuffer);
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(bbArg, resultBuffer);
+      map(bvm, bbArg, resultBuffer);
+      map(bvm, opResult, resultBuffer);
+    }
+    return success();
+  }
+struct YieldOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<YieldOpInterface,
+                                                    scf::YieldOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto yieldOp = cast<scf::YieldOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    // Cannot create IR past a yieldOp.
+    b.setInsertionPoint(yieldOp);
+    if (auto execOp = dyn_cast<scf::ExecuteRegionOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp())) {
+      if (execOp->getNumResults() != 0)
+        return execOp->emitError(
+            "expected result-less scf.execute_region containing op");
+      return success();
+    }
+    if (auto ifOp = dyn_cast<scf::IfOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp()))
+      return success();
+    scf::ForOp forOp = dyn_cast<scf::ForOp>(yieldOp->getParentOp());
+    if (!forOp)
+      return yieldOp->emitError("expected scf::ForOp parent for scf::YieldOp");
+    for (OpOperand &operand : yieldOp->getOpOperands()) {
+      auto tensorType = operand.get().getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
+      if (!tensorType)
+        continue;
+      OpOperand &forOperand = forOp.getOpOperandForResult(
+          forOp->getResult(operand.getOperandNumber()));
+      auto bbArg = forOp.getRegionIterArgForOpOperand(forOperand);
+      Value yieldedBuffer = lookup(bvm, operand.get());
+      Value bbArgBuffer = lookup(bvm, bbArg);
+      if (!aliasInfo.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(yieldedBuffer,
+                                                   bbArgBuffer)) {
+        // TODO: this could get resolved with copies but it can also turn into
+        // swaps so we need to be careful about order of copies.
+        return yieldOp->emitError()
+               << "Yield operand #" << operand.getOperandNumber()
+               << " does not bufferize to an equivalent buffer to the matching"
+               << " enclosing scf::for operand";
+      }
+      // Buffers are equivalent so the work is already done and we just yield
+      // the bbArg so that it later canonicalizes away.
+      operand.set(bbArg);
+    }
+    return success();
+  }
+} // namespace scf_ext
+namespace std_ext {
+struct CallOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<CallOpInterface, CallOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // CallOpInterface alone doesn't bufferize to a memory read, one of the uses
+    // of the matching bbArg may. It is the responsibility of the caller to
+    // inspect bbArgs. In the absence of a BufferizationAliasInfo, we need to be
+    // conservative.
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // CallOpInterface alone doesn't bufferize to a memory write, one of the
+    // uses of the matching bbArg may. It is the responsibility of the caller to
+    // inspect bbArgs. In the absence of a BufferizationAliasInfo, we need to be
+    // conservative.
+    return true;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    // TODO: Can we do better?
+    return {};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    // CallOpInterface is special, it needs to wait for the callee to be
+    // bufferized and needs to inspect the BufferAliasInfo object. It can't
+    // make a proper determination by itself and needs to be conservative.
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    llvm_unreachable("CallOps are handled separately");
+    return failure();
+  }
+struct ReturnOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<ReturnOpInterface,
+                                                    ReturnOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto returnOp = cast<ReturnOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    // Cannot insert after returnOp.
+    b.setInsertionPoint(returnOp);
+    assert(isa<FuncOp>(returnOp->getParentOp()) &&
+           "only support FuncOp parent for ReturnOp");
+    for (OpOperand &operand : returnOp->getOpOperands()) {
+      auto tensorType = operand.get().getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
+      if (!tensorType)
+        continue;
+      Value v = lookup(bvm, operand.get());
+      assert(v && "missing buffer for result");
+      Value returnTensor = b.create<memref::TensorLoadOp>(returnOp.getLoc(), v);
+      operand.set(returnTensor);
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(returnTensor, v);
+      map(bvm, returnTensor, v);
+    }
+    return success();
+  }
+} // namespace std_ext
+namespace tensor_ext {
+struct CastOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<CastOpInterface,
+                                                    tensor::CastOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {&op->getOpOperand(0)};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  OpResult getAliasingOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return op->getResult(0);
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto castOp = cast<tensor::CastOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(castOp);
+    Value resultBuffer =
+        getResultBuffer(b, castOp->getResult(0), bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+    if (!resultBuffer)
+      return failure();
+    Type sourceType = resultBuffer.getType();
+    auto rankedMemRefType = sourceType.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
+    auto unrankedMemRefType = sourceType.dyn_cast<UnrankedMemRefType>();
+    assert(rankedMemRefType || unrankedMemRefType);
+    Attribute memorySpace = rankedMemRefType
+                                ? rankedMemRefType.getMemorySpace()
+                                : unrankedMemRefType.getMemorySpace();
+    TensorType tensorType = castOp.getResult().getType().cast<TensorType>();
+    MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout =
+        rankedMemRefType && tensorType.isa<RankedTensorType>()
+            ? rankedMemRefType.getLayout()
+            : MemRefLayoutAttrInterface();
+    Type memRefType = getContiguousOrUnrankedMemRefType(
+        castOp.getResult().getType(), layout, memorySpace);
+    Value res =
+        b.create<memref::CastOp>(castOp.getLoc(), memRefType, resultBuffer);
+    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(res, castOp.getResult());
+    map(bvm, castOp.getResult(), res);
+    return success();
+  }
+struct DimOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<DimOpInterface,
+                                                    tensor::DimOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto dimOp = cast<tensor::DimOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(dimOp);
+    if (dimOp.source().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>()) {
+      Value v = lookup(bvm, dimOp.source());
+      assert(v && "missing buffer");
+      dimOp.result().replaceAllUsesWith(
+          b.create<memref::DimOp>(dimOp.getLoc(), v, dimOp.index()));
+    }
+    return success();
+  }
+struct ExtractSliceOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<ExtractSliceOpInterface,
+                                                    tensor::ExtractSliceOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {&op->getOpOperand(0) /*source*/};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  OpResult getAliasingOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return &opOperand == &op->getOpOperand(0) /*source*/
+               ? op->getResult(0)
+               : OpResult();
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::None;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto extractSliceOp = cast<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    LDBG("bufferize: " << *extractSliceOp << '\n');
+    Location loc = extractSliceOp.getLoc();
+    // Bail if source was not bufferized.
+    Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, extractSliceOp.source());
+    if (!srcMemref)
+      return failure();
+    auto srcMemrefType = srcMemref.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+    auto dstTensorType =
+        extractSliceOp.result().getType().cast<RankedTensorType>();
+    // If not inplaceable, alloc.
+    Value alloc;
+    auto inPlace = getInPlace(extractSliceOp->getResult(0));
+    if (inPlace != InPlaceSpec::True)
+      alloc = createNewAllocDeallocPairForShapedValue(
+          b, loc, extractSliceOp.result(), aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+    // Set insertion point now that potential alloc/dealloc are introduced.
+    b.setInsertionPoint(extractSliceOp);
+    // Bufferize to subview.
+    auto subviewMemRefType =
+        memref::SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
+            dstTensorType.getRank(), srcMemrefType,
+            extractSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(), extractSliceOp.getMixedSizes(),
+            extractSliceOp.getMixedStrides())
+            .cast<MemRefType>();
+    Value subView = b.create<memref::SubViewOp>(
+        loc, subviewMemRefType, srcMemref, extractSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
+        extractSliceOp.getMixedSizes(), extractSliceOp.getMixedStrides());
+    // Insert new alias.
+    aliasInfo.insertNewBufferAlias(subView, srcMemref);
+    /// If not inplaceable, copy.
+    if (alloc) {
+      // Do not copy if the copied data is never read.
+      if (isValueRead(extractSliceOp.result()))
+        b.create<CopyOp>(extractSliceOp.getLoc(), subView, alloc);
+      subView = alloc;
+    }
+    map(bvm, extractSliceOp.result(), subView);
+    return success();
+  }
+struct ExtractOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<ExtractOpInterface,
+                                                    tensor::ExtractOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto extractOp = cast<tensor::ExtractOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(extractOp);
+    Location loc = extractOp.getLoc();
+    Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, extractOp.tensor());
+    Value l = b.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, srcMemref, extractOp.indices());
+    extractOp.replaceAllUsesWith(l);
+    return success();
+  }
+struct InsertSliceOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<InsertSliceOpInterface,
+                                                    tensor::InsertSliceOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return &opOperand == &op->getOpOperand(1) /*dest*/;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {&op->getOpOperand(1) /*dest*/};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return &opOperand == &op->getOpOperand(1) /*dest*/
+               ? op->getResult(0)
+               : OpResult();
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto insertSliceOp = cast<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(insertSliceOp);
+    LDBG("bufferize: " << *insertSliceOp << '\n');
+    Location loc = insertSliceOp.getLoc();
+    // Since insert_slice arise from tiling and introducing loops, this
+    // case is generally a deal breaker. When used with loops, this ends up
+    // cloning the whole tensor on every single iteration and is a symptom
+    // of a catastrophically bad scheduling decision.
+    // TODO: be very loud about it or even consider failing the pass.
+    // Alloc a copy for `insertSliceOp.dest()`, it will become the result
+    // buffer.
+    Value dstMemref = getResultBuffer(b, insertSliceOp->getResult(0), bvm,
+                                      aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+    if (!dstMemref)
+      return failure();
+    auto dstMemrefType = dstMemref.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+    Value srcMemref = lookup(bvm, insertSliceOp.source());
+    if (!srcMemref)
+      return failure();
+    auto subviewMemRefType =
+        memref::SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
+            insertSliceOp.getSourceType().getRank(), dstMemrefType,
+            insertSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(), insertSliceOp.getMixedSizes(),
+            insertSliceOp.getMixedStrides())
+            .cast<MemRefType>();
+    // A copy of the source buffer is needed if either:
+    //   - The producer of `source` is not inplace. This is the case where a
+    //     slice is computed out of place into the inplace full tensor.
+    //   - The result is not inplace. This is the case where the whole tensor is
+    //     cloned and the clone needs to be updated.
+    auto inPlace = getInPlace(insertSliceOp->getResult(0));
+    // TODO: Is this necessary?
+    if (!aliasInfo.isSourceEquivalentToAMatchingInplaceExtractSliceOp(
+            insertSliceOp) ||
+        inPlace != InPlaceSpec::True) {
+      LDBG("insert_slice needs extra source copy: " << insertSliceOp.source()
+                                                    << " -> copy\n");
+      // Take a subview of the dst.
+      Value subView = b.create<memref::SubViewOp>(
+          loc, subviewMemRefType, dstMemref, insertSliceOp.getMixedOffsets(),
+          insertSliceOp.getMixedSizes(), insertSliceOp.getMixedStrides());
+      // Insert new alias.
+      aliasInfo.insertNewBufferAlias(subView, dstMemref);
+      b.create<CopyOp>(insertSliceOp.getLoc(), srcMemref, subView);
+    }
+    map(bvm, insertSliceOp.result(), dstMemref);
+    return success();
+  }
+} // namespace tensor_ext
+namespace vector_ext {
+struct TransferReadOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<TransferReadOpInterface,
+                                                    vector::TransferReadOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    assert(opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
+           "only tensor types expected");
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    assert(opOperand.get().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
+           "only tensor types expected");
+    return false;
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return OpResult();
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto transferReadOp = cast<vector::TransferReadOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(op);
+    if (transferReadOp.getShapedType().isa<MemRefType>())
+      return failure();
+    // TransferReadOp always reads from the bufferized op.source().
+    Value v = lookup(bvm, transferReadOp.source());
+    assert(v && "missing buffer");
+    transferReadOp.sourceMutable().assign(v);
+    return success();
+  }
+struct TransferWriteOpInterface
+    : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<TransferWriteOpInterface,
+                                                    vector::TransferWriteOp> {
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    assert(opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>() &&
+           "only tensor types expected");
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    assert(opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>() &&
+           "only tensor types expected");
+    return true;
+  }
+  SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
+                                                OpResult opResult) const {
+    return {&op->getOpOperand(1)};
+  }
+  OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    assert(opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>() &&
+           "only tensor types expected");
+    return op->getOpResult(0);
+  }
+  BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
+    return BufferRelation::Equivalent;
+  }
+  LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
+                          BlockAndValueMapping &bvm,
+                          BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
+                          AllocationCallbacks &allocationFn) const {
+    auto writeOp = cast<vector::TransferWriteOp>(op);
+    // Take a guard before anything else.
+    OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
+    b.setInsertionPoint(op);
+    if (writeOp.getShapedType().isa<MemRefType>())
+      return failure();
+    // Create a new transfer_write on buffer that doesn't have a return value.
+    // Leave the previous transfer_write to dead code as it still has uses at
+    // this point.
+    Value resultBuffer =
+        getResultBuffer(b, op->getResult(0), bvm, aliasInfo, allocationFn);
+    if (!resultBuffer)
+      return failure();
+    b.create<vector::TransferWriteOp>(
+        writeOp.getLoc(), writeOp.vector(), resultBuffer, writeOp.indices(),
+        writeOp.permutation_map(),
+        writeOp.in_bounds() ? *writeOp.in_bounds() : ArrayAttr());
+    map(bvm, op->getResult(0), resultBuffer);
+    return success();
+  }
+} // namespace vector_ext
+namespace {
+/// Helper structure that iterates over all LinalgOps in `OpTys` and registers
+/// the `BufferizableOpInterface` with each of them.
+template <typename... OpTys> struct LinalgOpInterfaceHelper;
+template <typename First, typename... Others>
+struct LinalgOpInterfaceHelper<First, Others...> {
+  static void registerOpInterface(DialectRegistry &registry) {
+    registry.addOpInterface<First, linalg_ext::LinalgOpInterface<First>>();
+    LinalgOpInterfaceHelper<Others...>::registerOpInterface(registry);
+  }
+template <> struct LinalgOpInterfaceHelper<> {
+  static void registerOpInterface(DialectRegistry &registry) {}
+} // namespace
+void registerBufferiableOpInterfaceExternalModels(DialectRegistry &registry) {
+  registry.addOpInterface<arith::ConstantOp, arith_ext::ConstantOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<linalg::InitTensorOp,
+                          linalg_ext::InitTensorOpInterface>();
+  registry
+      .addOpInterface<linalg::TiledLoopOp, linalg_ext::TiledLoopOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<linalg::YieldOp, linalg_ext::YieldOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<scf::ForOp, scf_ext::ForOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<scf::IfOp, scf_ext::IfOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<scf::YieldOp, scf_ext::YieldOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<CallOp, std_ext::CallOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<ReturnOp, std_ext::ReturnOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<tensor::CastOp, tensor_ext::CastOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<tensor::DimOp, tensor_ext::DimOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<tensor::ExtractSliceOp,
+                          tensor_ext::ExtractSliceOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<tensor::ExtractOp, tensor_ext::ExtractOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<tensor::InsertSliceOp,
+                          tensor_ext::InsertSliceOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<vector::TransferReadOp,
+                          vector_ext::TransferReadOpInterface>();
+  registry.addOpInterface<vector::TransferWriteOp,
+                          vector_ext::TransferWriteOpInterface>();
+  // Register all Linalg structured ops. `LinalgOp` is an interface and it is
+  // not possible to attach an external interface to an existing interface.
+  // Therefore, attach the `BufferizableOpInterface` to all ops one-by-one.
+  LinalgOpInterfaceHelper<
+#define GET_OP_LIST
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgStructuredOps.cpp.inc"
+      >::registerOpInterface(registry);
+} // namespace linalg
+} // namespace mlir


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