[Mlir-commits] [mlir] b661d9f - [mlir][Linalg] NFC - Drop AliasInfo::existsNonDominatingRead

Nicolas Vasilache llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Jun 29 06:32:22 PDT 2021

Author: Nicolas Vasilache
Date: 2021-06-29T13:30:33Z
New Revision: b661d9f9c35e5d5689ec20b825de203c08404c9a

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b661d9f9c35e5d5689ec20b825de203c08404c9a
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b661d9f9c35e5d5689ec20b825de203c08404c9a.diff

LOG: [mlir][Linalg] NFC - Drop AliasInfo::existsNonDominatingRead

The case where a non-dominating read can be found is captured by slightly generalizing `AliasInfo::wouldCreaateReadAfterWriteInterference`.

This simplification will make it easier to implement bufferization across function call.

APIs are also simplified were possible.

Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D104845




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
index 287d2d47ca7f..3875965e9b92 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp
@@ -391,6 +391,35 @@ static OpResult getInplaceableOpResult(OpOperand &opOperand) {
   // clang-format on
+/// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `result` if the op is bufferized
+/// in place.
+/// Return None if the owner of `opOperand` does not have known
+/// bufferization aliasing behavior, which indicates that the op must allocate
+/// all of its tensor results.
+/// TODO: in the future this may need to evolve towards a list of OpOperand*.
+static Optional<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(OpResult result) {
+  if (!hasKnownBufferizationAliasingBehavior(result.getDefiningOp()))
+    return None;
+  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, OpOperand *>(result.getDefiningOp())
+      .Case([&](LinalgOp op) {
+        return op.getOutputTensorOperands()[result.getResultNumber()];
+      })
+      .Case([&](ExtractSliceOp op) { return &op->getOpOperand(0); })
+      .Case([&](InsertSliceOp op) { return &op->getOpOperand(1); })
+      .Case([&](vector::TransferWriteOp op) { return &op->getOpOperand(1); })
+      // In the case of scf::ForOp, this currently assumes the iter_args / yield
+      // are 1-1. This may fail and is verified at the end.
+      // TODO: update this.
+      .Case([&](scf::ForOp op) {
+        return &op.getIterOpOperands()[result.getResultNumber()];
+      })
+      .Default([&](Operation *op) {
+        op->dump();
+        llvm_unreachable("unexpected defining op");
+        return nullptr;
+      });
 /// Determine which OpResult will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
 /// in place. This is a superset of `getInplaceableOpResult`.
 /// Return None if the owner of `opOperand` does not have known
@@ -512,7 +541,7 @@ class BufferizationAliasInfo {
   void bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpResult result);
   /// Return true if it is possible to find an inplace write W among the uses of
-  /// aliasInfo[rootWrite], and a read R among the uses of aliasInfo[rootRead],
+  /// aliasInfo[result], and a read R among the uses of aliasInfo[result],
   /// such that W and R interfere.
   /// Such a (W, R) pair is an interference to the inplace bufferization of
   /// rootWrite when:
@@ -522,15 +551,9 @@ class BufferizationAliasInfo {
   ///      C interleaved between W and R (i.e. W -> C -> R where -> denotes
   ///      dominance).
-  wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(Value rootWrite, Value rootRead,
-                                        Operation *opToBufferize,
+  wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(OpResult result,
                                         const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const;
-  /// Return true if we find any read to opOperand.get() or any of its aliases,
-  /// that does not dominate opOperand.getOwner().
-  bool existsNonDominatingRead(OpOperand &opOperand,
-                               const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const;
   /// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to equivalent buffers.
   bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const {
     return equivalentInfo.getLeaderValue(v1) ==
@@ -612,8 +635,8 @@ class BufferizationAliasInfo {
   /// Capture possible cases where `aliasingWriteOp(alias(%rootWrite))` has no
   /// visible effect on `aliasingReadOp(alias(%rootRead))`.
-  bool isClobberedWriteBeforeRead(Operation *opToBufferize, Value rootRead,
-                                  Value rootWrite, OpOperand &aliasingRead,
+  bool isClobberedWriteBeforeRead(Operation *opToBufferize,
+                                  OpOperand &aliasingRead,
                                   OpOperand &aliasingWrite,
                                   const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const;
@@ -736,59 +759,77 @@ void BufferizationAliasInfo::bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpResult result) {
   setInPlaceOpResult(result, InPlaceSpec::False);
-/// Return true if merging the alias sets of `rootWrite` and `rootRead` would
-/// result in a semantic change in the program (i.e. RAW violation).
-/// This is the case when one can find an inplace write W among the aliases
-/// `rootWrite`, that may become an interference if W were to be bufferized
-/// inplace. A potential interference would be with respect to a read R among
-/// the aliases of `rootRead`.
+/// Return true if it is possible to find an inplace write W among the uses of
+/// aliasInfo[result], and a read R among the uses of aliasInfo[result],
+/// such that W and R interfere.
 /// Such a (W, R) pair is an interference to the inplace bufferization of
-/// rootWrite when R does not properly dominate W (i.e. W may come before R
-/// along some control-flow path).
+/// rootWrite when:
+///   1. R is not known properly dominate W (i.e. the effects of the write may
+///      be visible from R).
+///   2. one cannot find an intermediate clobbering write `C` to W, such that
+///      C interleaved between W and R (i.e. W -> C -> R where -> denotes
+///      dominance).
 bool BufferizationAliasInfo::wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
-    Value rootWrite, Value rootRead, Operation *opToBufferize,
-    const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const {
+    OpResult result, const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const {
+  Optional<OpOperand *> maybeAliasingOperand = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
+  if (!maybeAliasingOperand)
+    return false;
+  Operation *opToBufferize = result.getDefiningOp();
+  Value root = (*maybeAliasingOperand)->get();
   LDBG("----Start wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference\n");
+  LDBG("--------rootValue: " << root << "\n");
-  // Collect all the inplace write uses of some alias of `rootWrite`.
+  // Collect:
+  //   1. all the inplace write uses of some alias of `root`.
+  //   2. all the write uses that belong to `opToBufferize`.
+  // opToBufferize is not yet inplace, we want to determine if it can be inplace
+  // so we also consider all its write uses, not just the inplace ones.
   DenseSet<OpOperand *> usesWrite;
-  auto &aliasListWrite = getAliasInfoRef(rootWrite);
-  for (Value vWrite : aliasListWrite) {
+  for (Value vWrite : getAliasInfoRef(root)) {
     for (auto &uWrite : vWrite.getUses()) {
-      if (!bufferizesToMemoryWrite(uWrite, InPlaceSpec::True))
+      if (!bufferizesToMemoryWrite(uWrite))
-      usesWrite.insert(&uWrite);
+      if (uWrite.getOwner() == opToBufferize ||
+          bufferizesToMemoryWrite(uWrite, InPlaceSpec::True))
+        usesWrite.insert(&uWrite);
-  // Collect all the read uses of some alias of `rootRead`.
+  for (Value vWrite : getAliasInfoRef(result))
+    for (auto &uWrite : vWrite.getUses())
+      if (bufferizesToMemoryWrite(uWrite, InPlaceSpec::True))
+        usesWrite.insert(&uWrite);
+  // Collect all the reads of some alias of `root`.
+  // opToBufferize is not yet inplace, we want to determine if it can be inplace
+  // so we also consider all read uses of its result.
   DenseSet<OpOperand *> usesRead;
-  auto &aliasListRead = getAliasInfoRef(rootRead);
-  for (Value vRead : aliasListRead) {
-    for (auto &uRead : vRead.getUses()) {
-      if (!bufferizesToMemoryRead(uRead))
-        continue;
-      usesRead.insert(&uRead);
-    }
-  }
+  auto &aliasListRead = getAliasInfoRef(root);
+  for (Value vRead : aliasListRead)
+    for (auto &uRead : vRead.getUses())
+      if (bufferizesToMemoryRead(uRead))
+        usesRead.insert(&uRead);
+  for (Value vRead : getAliasInfoRef(result))
+    for (auto &uRead : vRead.getUses())
+      if (bufferizesToMemoryRead(uRead))
+        usesRead.insert(&uRead);
   for (OpOperand *uRead : usesRead) {
     Operation *aliasingReadOp = uRead->getOwner();
     LDBG("----++++aliasRead  #" << uRead->getOperandNumber()
                                 << " in: " << *aliasingReadOp << '\n');
     for (OpOperand *uWrite : usesWrite) {
-      // Don't consider self-use of the same operand.
-      // Uses within the same op is fine though.
+      // Don't consider self-use of the same operand for interference.
+      // Multiple 
diff erent uses within the same op is fair game though.
       if (uWrite == uRead)
       Operation *aliasingWriteOp = uWrite->getOwner();
       LDBG("----    aliasWrite #" << uWrite->getOperandNumber()
                                   << " in: " << *aliasingWriteOp << '\n');
-      // If read and written value already alias, no interference would be added
-      // by bufferizing inplace.
-      if (getAliasInfoRef(uRead->get()).contains(uWrite->get()))
+      // If the candidate write is the one that produces the read value (in the
+      // SSA def-use sense), this is not considered an interference.
+      if (getInplaceableOpResult(*uWrite) == uRead->get())
       // If aliasingReadOp properly dominates aliasingWriteOp, the read cannot
       // be affected by the write: there is no interference.
@@ -801,12 +842,8 @@ bool BufferizationAliasInfo::wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
                                           << "): " << *aliasingReadOp << '\n');
       LDBG("     Interfering write (op #" << uWrite->getOperandNumber()
                                           << "): " << *aliasingWriteOp << '\n');
-      LDBG("         aliases rootRead: " << rootRead << '\n');
-      LDBG("         aliases rootWrite: " << rootWrite << '\n');
       LDBG("---->opportunity to clobber RaW interference\n");
-      if (isClobberedWriteBeforeRead(opToBufferize, rootRead, rootWrite, *uRead,
-                                     *uWrite, domInfo)) {
+      if (isClobberedWriteBeforeRead(opToBufferize, *uRead, *uWrite, domInfo)) {
         LDBG("---->clobbered! -> skip\n");
@@ -819,35 +856,6 @@ bool BufferizationAliasInfo::wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
   return false;
-/// Return true if we find any read to opOperand.get() or any of its aliases,
-/// that does not dominate opOperand.getOwner().
-bool BufferizationAliasInfo::existsNonDominatingRead(
-    OpOperand &opOperand, const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const {
-  LDBG("----Start existsNonDominatingRead\n");
-  Operation *op = opOperand.getOwner();
-  for (Value alias : getAliasInfoRef(opOperand.get())) {
-    for (OpOperand &wantReadUse : alias.getUses()) {
-      LDBG("--------current operand #" << wantReadUse.getOperandNumber() << ": "
-                                       << *(wantReadUse.getOwner()) << '\n');
-      if (!bufferizesToMemoryRead(wantReadUse)) {
-        LDBG("------------not a read -> skip\n");
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (&wantReadUse == &opOperand) {
-        LDBG("------------self-read is not an interference -> skip\n");
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (domInfo.properlyDominates(wantReadUse.getOwner(), op)) {
-        LDBG("------------read properly dominates -> skip\n");
-        continue;
-      }
-      LDBG("----found interfering read of " << wantReadUse.get() << '\n');
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
 /// Return true if the source of a `insertSliceOp` bufferizes to an
 /// equivalent ExtractSliceOp.
 bool BufferizationAliasInfo::isSourceEquivalentToAMatchingExtractSliceOp(
@@ -981,20 +989,13 @@ bool BufferizationAliasInfo::existsInterleavedValueClobber(
 ///   3. Clobbers the write that would be interfering with the read.
 bool BufferizationAliasInfo::isClobberedWriteBeforeRead(
-    Operation *opToBufferize, Value rootRead, Value rootWrite,
-    OpOperand &aliasingRead, OpOperand &aliasingWrite,
+    Operation *opToBufferize, OpOperand &aliasingRead, OpOperand &aliasingWrite,
     const DominanceInfo &domInfo) const {
   Operation *aliasingReadOp = aliasingRead.getOwner();
   Operation *aliasingWriteOp = aliasingWrite.getOwner();
   assert(!domInfo.properlyDominates(aliasingReadOp, aliasingWriteOp) &&
          "Unexpected aliasingReadOp properly dominates aliasingWriteOp");
-  assert(((rootRead.isa<OpResult>() &&
-           rootRead.getDefiningOp() == opToBufferize) ||
-          (rootWrite.isa<OpResult>() &&
-           rootWrite.getDefiningOp() == opToBufferize)) &&
-         "Expected rootRead or rootWrite to be produced by opToBufferize");
   // Bail if the write does not dominate the read: it may clobber but only on
   // a strict subset of paths, which is not enough for safety.
   if (!domInfo.dominates(aliasingWriteOp, aliasingReadOp)) {
@@ -1581,14 +1582,9 @@ bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(ExtractSliceOp extractSliceOp,
   // an interfering write?
   OpResult r = extractSliceOp->getResult(0);
   OpOperand &s = extractSliceOp->getOpOperand(0);
-  bool foundInterference = wouldCreateAliasingWriteToNonWriteableBuffer ||
-                           // Do not consider (s, s) and (r, r) as all the
-                           // aliasings already exist by construction; we are
-                           // interested in new interfering aliases only.
-                           aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
-                               s.get(), r, extractSliceOp, domInfo) ||
-                           aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
-                               r, s.get(), extractSliceOp, domInfo);
+  bool foundInterference =
+      wouldCreateAliasingWriteToNonWriteableBuffer ||
+      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(r, domInfo);
   if (foundInterference)
@@ -1618,8 +1614,10 @@ bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(OpOperand &operand, OpResult result,
                                        << result << '\n');
   // `result` must bufferize to a writeable buffer to be a candidate.
-  // This means the use->def chain not backpropagate to a function that is
-  // not inplaceable or to a constant op to be considered.
+  // This means the operand  must not alias either:
+  //   1. a function bbArg that is not inplaceable or
+  //   2. a constant op.
+  // to be considered for inplace bufferization
   bool wouldCreateAliasingWriteToNonWriteableBuffer =
   if (wouldCreateAliasingWriteToNonWriteableBuffer)
@@ -1627,15 +1625,10 @@ bufferizableInPlaceAnalysis(OpOperand &operand, OpResult result,
     LDBG("->bufferizes to writeable inplace buffer\n");
-  Value s = operand.get(), r = result;
+  assert(result == getInplaceableOpResult(operand));
   bool foundInterference =
       wouldCreateAliasingWriteToNonWriteableBuffer ||
-      aliasInfo.existsNonDominatingRead(operand, domInfo) ||
-      // Do not consider (s, s) and (r, r) as all the aliasings already
-      // exist by construction; we are interested in new interfering aliases
-      // only.
-      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(s, r, op, domInfo) ||
-      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(r, s, op, domInfo);
+      aliasInfo.wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(result, domInfo);
   if (foundInterference)


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