[Mlir-commits] [mlir] b1fd8a1 - [mlir] Vectorize linalg.pad_tensor consumed by subtensor_insert

Matthias Springer llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sun Jun 13 18:04:48 PDT 2021

Author: Matthias Springer
Date: 2021-06-14T09:59:38+09:00
New Revision: b1fd8a13cc1ab15b53d42996f9cc46aa487d8dbf

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b1fd8a13cc1ab15b53d42996f9cc46aa487d8dbf
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b1fd8a13cc1ab15b53d42996f9cc46aa487d8dbf.diff

LOG: [mlir] Vectorize linalg.pad_tensor consumed by subtensor_insert

Vectorize linalg.pad_tensor without generating a linalg.init_tensor when consumed by a subtensor_insert.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D103780




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
index 819b8382432de..955ac113c03c4 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
@@ -650,6 +650,27 @@ mlir::linalg::vectorizeLinalgOp(OpBuilder &b, Operation *op,
 // Misc. vectorization patterns.
+/// Helper function that retrieves the value of an IntegerAttr.
+static int64_t getIntFromAttr(Attribute attr) {
+  return attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+/// Given an ArrayRef of OpFoldResults, return a vector of Values. IntegerAttrs
+/// are converted to ConstantIndexOps. Other attribute types are not supported.
+static SmallVector<Value> ofrToIndexValues(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                           ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> ofrs) {
+  SmallVector<Value> result;
+  llvm::for_each(ofrs, [&](auto o) {
+    if (auto val = o.template dyn_cast<Value>()) {
+      result.push_back(val);
+    } else {
+      result.push_back(builder.create<ConstantIndexOp>(
+          loc, getIntFromAttr(o.template get<Attribute>())));
+    }
+  });
+  return result;
 /// Rewrite a PadTensorOp into a sequence of InitTensorOp, TransferReadOp and
 /// TransferWriteOp. For now, this only applies when all low and high paddings
 /// are determined to be zero.
@@ -763,12 +784,87 @@ struct PadTensorOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPattern
+/// Rewrite use of PadTensorOp result in SubtensorInsertOp. E.g.:
+/// ```
+/// %0 = linalg.pad_tensor %src ... : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<17x5xf32>
+/// %r = subtensor_insert %0 into %dest[%a, %b, 0, 0] [1, 1, 17, 5] [1, 1, 1, 1]
+///     : tensor<17x5xf32> into tensor<?x?x17x5xf32>
+/// ```
+/// is rewritten to:
+/// ```
+/// %0 = vector.transfer_read %src[%c0, %c0], %padding
+///     : tensor<?x?xf32>, vector<17x5xf32>
+/// %r = vector.transfer_write %0, %dest[%a, %b, %c0, %c0]
+///     {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<17x5xf32>, tensor<?x?x17x5xf32>
+/// ```
+/// This rewrite is possible if:
+/// - Low padding is static 0.
+/// - `padOp` result shape is static.
+/// - The entire padded tensor is inserted.
+///   (Implies that sizes of `insertOp` are all static.)
+/// - Only unit strides in `insertOp`.
+/// - Single, scalar padding value.
+struct PadTensorOpVectorizationWithSubTensorInsertPattern
+    : public VectorizePadTensorOpUserPattern<SubTensorInsertOp> {
+  using VectorizePadTensorOpUserPattern<
+      SubTensorInsertOp>::VectorizePadTensorOpUserPattern;
+  LogicalResult rewriteUser(PatternRewriter &rewriter, PadTensorOp padOp,
+                            SubTensorInsertOp insertOp) const override {
+    // Low padding must be static 0.
+    if (!padOp.hasZeroLowPad()) return failure();
+    // Only unit stride supported.
+    if (!insertOp.hasUnitStride()) return failure();
+    // Pad value must be a constant.
+    auto padValue = padOp.getConstantPaddingValue();
+    if (!padValue)
+      return failure();
+    // Dynamic shapes not supported.
+    if (!padOp.result().getType().cast<ShapedType>().hasStaticShape())
+      return failure();
+    auto vecType = VectorType::get(padOp.getType().getShape(),
+                                   padOp.getType().getElementType());
+    unsigned vecRank = vecType.getRank();
+    unsigned tensorRank = insertOp.getType().getRank();
+    // Check if sizes match: Insert the entire tensor into most minor dims.
+    // (No permutations allowed.)
+    SmallVector<int64_t> expectedSizes(tensorRank - vecRank, 1);
+    expectedSizes.append(vecType.getShape().begin(), vecType.getShape().end());
+    if (!llvm::all_of(
+            llvm::zip(insertOp.getMixedSizes(), expectedSizes),
+            [](auto it) { return isEqualConstantInt(std::get<0>(it),
+                                                    std::get<1>(it)); }))
+      return failure();
+    // Generate TransferReadOp: Read entire source tensor and add high padding.
+    SmallVector<Value> readIndices(
+        vecRank, rewriter.create<ConstantIndexOp>(padOp.getLoc(), 0));
+    auto read = rewriter.create<vector::TransferReadOp>(
+        padOp.getLoc(), vecType, padOp.source(), readIndices, padValue);
+    // Generate TransferWriteOp: Write to SubTensorInsertOp's dest tensor at
+    // specified offsets. Write is fully in-bounds because a SubTensorInsertOp's
+    // source must fit into the destination at the specified offsets.
+    auto writeIndices =
+        ofrToIndexValues(rewriter, padOp.getLoc(), insertOp.getMixedOffsets());
+    SmallVector<bool> inBounds(vecRank, true);
+    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<vector::TransferWriteOp>(
+        insertOp, read, insertOp.dest(), writeIndices, inBounds);
+    return success();
+  }
 void mlir::linalg::populatePadTensorOpVectorizationPatterns(
     RewritePatternSet &patterns, PatternBenefit baseBenefit) {
       patterns.getContext(), baseBenefit);
   // Try these specialized patterns first before resorting to the generic one.
-  patterns.add<PadTensorOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPattern>(
+  patterns.add<PadTensorOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPattern,
+               PadTensorOpVectorizationWithSubTensorInsertPattern>(
       patterns.getContext(), baseBenefit.getBenefit() + 1);

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization.mlir
index ab55f879f8ae0..04c3d8435884e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization.mlir
@@ -580,6 +580,28 @@ func @pad_and_transfer_read(%arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> vector<7x9xf32> {
 // -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_subtensor_insert
+//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<12x13xf32>
+//   CHECK-NOT:   linalg.pad_tensor
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C0:.*]] = constant 0 : index
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C5:.*]] = constant 5.0
+//       CHECK:   %[[READ:.*]] = vector.transfer_read %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[C5]] : tensor<5x6xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[WRITE:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[READ]], %[[ARG1]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<12x13xf32>
+//       CHECK:   return %[[WRITE]]
+func @pad_and_subtensor_insert(
+    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>, %arg1: tensor<12x13xf32>) -> tensor<12x13xf32> {
+  %c0 = constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = linalg.pad_tensor %arg0 low[0, 0] high[2, 3] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      linalg.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<7x9xf32>
+  %r = subtensor_insert %0 into %arg1[0, 0][7, 9][1, 1] : tensor<7x9xf32> into tensor<12x13xf32>
+  return %r : tensor<12x13xf32>
+// -----
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[$M0:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1, 0)>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sum_exp


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