[Mlir-commits] [mlir] afd43a7 - [mlir][vulkan-runner] add support for memref of i8, i16 types in vulkan runner
Thomas Raoux
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jun 18 13:26:06 PDT 2020
Author: Thomas Raoux
Date: 2020-06-18T13:24:51-07:00
New Revision: afd43a7a7878ea448079feab4ec922109c0eb6cf
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/afd43a7a7878ea448079feab4ec922109c0eb6cf
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/afd43a7a7878ea448079feab4ec922109c0eb6cf.diff
LOG: [mlir][vulkan-runner] add support for memref of i8, i16 types in vulkan runner
This extends the types supported as kernel arguments when using vulkan runner.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D82068
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Conversion/GPUToVulkan/ConvertLaunchFuncToVulkanCalls.cpp b/mlir/lib/Conversion/GPUToVulkan/ConvertLaunchFuncToVulkanCalls.cpp
index bc13d177a62e..10394b795daa 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Conversion/GPUToVulkan/ConvertLaunchFuncToVulkanCalls.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Conversion/GPUToVulkan/ConvertLaunchFuncToVulkanCalls.cpp
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@
using namespace mlir;
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef1DFloat = "bindMemRef1DFloat";
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef2DFloat = "bindMemRef2DFloat";
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef3DFloat = "bindMemRef3DFloat";
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef1DInt = "bindMemRef1DInt";
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef2DInt = "bindMemRef2DInt";
-static constexpr const char *kBindMemRef3DInt = "bindMemRef3DInt";
static constexpr const char *kCInterfaceVulkanLaunch =
static constexpr const char *kDeinitVulkan = "deinitVulkan";
@@ -76,12 +70,6 @@ class VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass
llvmPointerType = LLVM::LLVMType::getInt8PtrTy(llvmDialect);
llvmInt32Type = LLVM::LLVMType::getInt32Ty(llvmDialect);
llvmInt64Type = LLVM::LLVMType::getInt64Ty(llvmDialect);
- llvmMemRef1DFloat = getMemRefType(1, llvmFloatType);
- llvmMemRef2DFloat = getMemRefType(2, llvmFloatType);
- llvmMemRef3DFloat = getMemRefType(3, llvmFloatType);
- llvmMemRef1DInt = getMemRefType(1, llvmInt32Type);
- llvmMemRef2DInt = getMemRefType(2, llvmInt32Type);
- llvmMemRef3DInt = getMemRefType(3, llvmInt32Type);
LLVM::LLVMType getMemRefType(uint32_t rank, LLVM::LLVMType elemenType) {
@@ -108,17 +96,10 @@ class VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass
llvmArrayRankElementSizeType, llvmArrayRankElementSizeType});
- LLVM::LLVMType getFloatType() { return llvmFloatType; }
LLVM::LLVMType getVoidType() { return llvmVoidType; }
LLVM::LLVMType getPointerType() { return llvmPointerType; }
LLVM::LLVMType getInt32Type() { return llvmInt32Type; }
LLVM::LLVMType getInt64Type() { return llvmInt64Type; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef1DFloat() { return llvmMemRef1DFloat; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef2DFloat() { return llvmMemRef2DFloat; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef3DFloat() { return llvmMemRef3DFloat; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef1DInt() { return llvmMemRef1DInt; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef2DInt() { return llvmMemRef2DInt; }
- LLVM::LLVMType getMemRef3DInt() { return llvmMemRef3DInt; }
/// Creates a LLVM global for the given `name`.
Value createEntryPointNameConstant(StringRef name, Location loc,
@@ -160,8 +141,14 @@ class VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass
StringRef stringifyType(LLVM::LLVMType type) {
if (type.isFloatTy())
return "Float";
- if (type.isIntegerTy())
- return "Int";
+ if (type.isHalfTy())
+ return "Half";
+ if (type.isIntegerTy(32))
+ return "Int32";
+ if (type.isIntegerTy(16))
+ return "Int16";
+ if (type.isIntegerTy(8))
+ return "Int8";
llvm_unreachable("unsupported type");
@@ -176,12 +163,6 @@ class VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass
LLVM::LLVMType llvmPointerType;
LLVM::LLVMType llvmInt32Type;
LLVM::LLVMType llvmInt64Type;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef1DFloat;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef2DFloat;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef3DFloat;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef1DInt;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef2DInt;
- LLVM::LLVMType llvmMemRef3DInt;
// TODO: Use an associative array to support multiple vulkan launch calls.
std::pair<StringAttr, StringAttr> spirvAttributes;
@@ -264,6 +245,14 @@ void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::createBindMemRefCalls(
auto symbolName =
llvm::formatv("bindMemRef{0}D{1}", rank, stringifyType(type)).str();
+ // Special case for fp16 type. Since it is not a supported type in C we use
+ // int16_t and bitcast the descriptor.
+ if (type.isHalfTy()) {
+ auto memRefTy =
+ getMemRefType(rank, LLVM::LLVMType::getInt16Ty(llvmDialect));
+ ptrToMemRefDescriptor = builder.create<LLVM::BitcastOp>(
+ loc, memRefTy.getPointerTo(), ptrToMemRefDescriptor);
+ }
// Create call to `bindMemRef`.
loc, ArrayRef<Type>{getVoidType()},
@@ -338,24 +327,27 @@ void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::declareVulkanFunctions(Location loc) {
-#define CREATE_VULKAN_BIND_FUNC(MemRefType) \
- if (!module.lookupSymbol(kBind##MemRefType)) { \
- builder.create<LLVM::LLVMFuncOp>( \
- loc, kBind##MemRefType, \
- LLVM::LLVMType::getFunctionTy(getVoidType(), \
- {getPointerType(), getInt32Type(), \
- getInt32Type(), \
- get##MemRefType().getPointerTo()}, \
- /*isVarArg=*/false)); \
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
+ for (LLVM::LLVMType type : {LLVM::LLVMType::getFloatTy(llvmDialect),
+ LLVM::LLVMType::getInt32Ty(llvmDialect),
+ LLVM::LLVMType::getInt16Ty(llvmDialect),
+ LLVM::LLVMType::getInt8Ty(llvmDialect),
+ LLVM::LLVMType::getHalfTy(llvmDialect)}) {
+ std::string fnName = "bindMemRef" + std::to_string(i) + "D" +
+ std::string(stringifyType(type));
+ if (type.isHalfTy())
+ type = getMemRefType(i, LLVM::LLVMType::getInt16Ty(llvmDialect));
+ if (!module.lookupSymbol(fnName)) {
+ auto fnType = LLVM::LLVMType::getFunctionTy(
+ getVoidType(),
+ {getPointerType(), getInt32Type(), getInt32Type(),
+ getMemRefType(i, type).getPointerTo()},
+ /*isVarArg=*/false);
+ builder.create<LLVM::LLVMFuncOp>(loc, fnName, fnType);
+ }
+ }
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kInitVulkan)) {
loc, kInitVulkan,
diff --git a/mlir/test/mlir-vulkan-runner/addi8.mlir b/mlir/test/mlir-vulkan-runner/addi8.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..094186d5731d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/mlir-vulkan-runner/addi8.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// RUN: mlir-vulkan-runner %s --shared-libs=%vulkan_wrapper_library_dir/libvulkan-runtime-wrappers%shlibext,%linalg_test_lib_dir/libmlir_runner_utils%shlibext --entry-point-result=void | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK-COUNT-64: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
+module attributes {
+ gpu.container_module,
+ spv.target_env = #spv.target_env<
+ #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], [SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class, SPV_KHR_8bit_storage]>,
+ {max_compute_workgroup_invocations = 128 : i32,
+ max_compute_workgroup_size = dense<[128, 128, 64]> : vector<3xi32>}>
+} {
+ gpu.module @kernels {
+ gpu.func @kernel_addi(%arg0 : memref<8xi8>, %arg1 : memref<8x8xi8>, %arg2 : memref<8x8x8xi32>)
+ kernel attributes { spv.entry_point_abi = {local_size = dense<[1, 1, 1]>: vector<3xi32>}} {
+ %x = "gpu.block_id"() {dimension = "x"} : () -> index
+ %y = "gpu.block_id"() {dimension = "y"} : () -> index
+ %z = "gpu.block_id"() {dimension = "z"} : () -> index
+ %0 = load %arg0[%x] : memref<8xi8>
+ %1 = load %arg1[%y, %x] : memref<8x8xi8>
+ %2 = addi %0, %1 : i8
+ %3 = zexti %2 : i8 to i32
+ store %3, %arg2[%z, %y, %x] : memref<8x8x8xi32>
+ gpu.return
+ }
+ }
+ func @main() {
+ %arg0 = alloc() : memref<8xi8>
+ %arg1 = alloc() : memref<8x8xi8>
+ %arg2 = alloc() : memref<8x8x8xi32>
+ %value0 = constant 0 : i32
+ %value1 = constant 1 : i8
+ %value2 = constant 2 : i8
+ %arg3 = memref_cast %arg0 : memref<8xi8> to memref<?xi8>
+ %arg4 = memref_cast %arg1 : memref<8x8xi8> to memref<?x?xi8>
+ %arg5 = memref_cast %arg2 : memref<8x8x8xi32> to memref<?x?x?xi32>
+ call @fillResource1DInt8(%arg3, %value1) : (memref<?xi8>, i8) -> ()
+ call @fillResource2DInt8(%arg4, %value2) : (memref<?x?xi8>, i8) -> ()
+ call @fillResource3DInt(%arg5, %value0) : (memref<?x?x?xi32>, i32) -> ()
+ %cst1 = constant 1 : index
+ %cst8 = constant 8 : index
+ "gpu.launch_func"(%cst8, %cst8, %cst8, %cst1, %cst1, %cst1, %arg0, %arg1, %arg2) { kernel = @kernels::@kernel_addi }
+ : (index, index, index, index, index, index, memref<8xi8>, memref<8x8xi8>, memref<8x8x8xi32>) -> ()
+ %arg6 = memref_cast %arg5 : memref<?x?x?xi32> to memref<*xi32>
+ call @print_memref_i32(%arg6) : (memref<*xi32>) -> ()
+ return
+ }
+ func @fillResource1DInt8(%0 : memref<?xi8>, %1 : i8)
+ func @fillResource2DInt8(%0 : memref<?x?xi8>, %1 : i8)
+ func @fillResource3DInt(%0 : memref<?x?x?xi32>, %1 : i32)
+ func @print_memref_i32(%ptr : memref<*xi32>)
diff --git a/mlir/tools/mlir-vulkan-runner/vulkan-runtime-wrappers.cpp b/mlir/tools/mlir-vulkan-runner/vulkan-runtime-wrappers.cpp
index 11b5203c7b18..5742750e13c2 100644
--- a/mlir/tools/mlir-vulkan-runner/vulkan-runtime-wrappers.cpp
+++ b/mlir/tools/mlir-vulkan-runner/vulkan-runtime-wrappers.cpp
@@ -71,6 +71,17 @@ struct MemRefDescriptor {
int64_t strides[N];
+template <typename T, uint32_t S>
+void bindMemRef(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
+ BindingIndex bindIndex, MemRefDescriptor<T, S> *ptr) {
+ uint32_t size = sizeof(T);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < S; i++)
+ size *= ptr->sizes[i];
+ VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{ptr->allocated, size};
+ reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
+ ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
extern "C" {
/// Initializes `VulkanRuntimeManager` and returns a pointer to it.
void *initVulkan() { return new VulkanRuntimeManager(); }
@@ -100,75 +111,30 @@ void setBinaryShader(void *vkRuntimeManager, uint8_t *shader, uint32_t size) {
->setShaderModule(shader, size);
-/// Binds the given 1D float memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
-/// index.
-void bindMemRef1DFloat(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<float, 1> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated, static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * sizeof(float))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
-/// Binds the given 2D float memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
-/// index.
-void bindMemRef2DFloat(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<float, 2> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated,
- static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] * sizeof(float))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
-/// Binds the given 3D float memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
-/// index.
-void bindMemRef3DFloat(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<float, 3> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated, static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] *
- ptr->sizes[2] * sizeof(float))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
-/// Binds the given 1D int memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
-/// index.
-void bindMemRef1DInt(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<int32_t, 1> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated, static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * sizeof(int32_t))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
-/// Binds the given 2D int memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
+/// Binds the given memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
/// index.
-void bindMemRef2DInt(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<int32_t, 2> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated,
- static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] * sizeof(int32_t))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
+#define DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(size, type, typeName) \
+ void bindMemRef##size##D##typeName( \
+ void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex, \
+ BindingIndex bindIndex, MemRefDescriptor<type, size> *ptr) { \
+ bindMemRef<type, size>(vkRuntimeManager, setIndex, bindIndex, ptr); \
+ }
-/// Binds the given 3D int memref to the given descriptor set and descriptor
-/// index.
-void bindMemRef3DInt(void *vkRuntimeManager, DescriptorSetIndex setIndex,
- BindingIndex bindIndex,
- MemRefDescriptor<int32_t, 3> *ptr) {
- VulkanHostMemoryBuffer memBuffer{
- ptr->allocated, static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] *
- ptr->sizes[2] * sizeof(int32_t))};
- reinterpret_cast<VulkanRuntimeManager *>(vkRuntimeManager)
- ->setResourceData(setIndex, bindIndex, memBuffer);
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(1, float, Float)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(2, float, Float)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(3, float, Float)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(1, int32_t, Int32)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(2, int32_t, Int32)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(3, int32_t, Int32)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(1, int16_t, Int16)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(2, int16_t, Int16)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(3, int16_t, Int16)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(1, int8_t, Int8)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(2, int8_t, Int8)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(3, int8_t, Int8)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(1, int16_t, Half)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(2, int16_t, Half)
+DECLARE_BIND_MEMREF(3, int16_t, Half)
/// Fills the given 1D float memref with the given float value.
void _mlir_ciface_fillResource1DFloat(MemRefDescriptor<float, 1> *ptr, // NOLINT
@@ -207,4 +173,23 @@ void _mlir_ciface_fillResource3DInt(MemRefDescriptor<int32_t, 3> *ptr, // NOLINT
std::fill_n(ptr->allocated, ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] * ptr->sizes[2],
+/// Fills the given 1D int memref with the given int8 value.
+void _mlir_ciface_fillResource1DInt8(MemRefDescriptor<int8_t, 1> *ptr, // NOLINT
+ int8_t value) {
+ std::fill_n(ptr->allocated, ptr->sizes[0], value);
+/// Fills the given 2D int memref with the given int8 value.
+void _mlir_ciface_fillResource2DInt8(MemRefDescriptor<int8_t, 2> *ptr, // NOLINT
+ int8_t value) {
+ std::fill_n(ptr->allocated, ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1], value);
+/// Fills the given 3D int memref with the given int8 value.
+void _mlir_ciface_fillResource3DInt8(MemRefDescriptor<int8_t, 3> *ptr, // NOLINT
+ int8_t value) {
+ std::fill_n(ptr->allocated, ptr->sizes[0] * ptr->sizes[1] * ptr->sizes[2],
+ value);
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