[Mlir-commits] [mlir] f8184d4 - [mlir] Lookup the latest value with a legal type when remapping values.

Alexander Belyaev llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Dec 16 00:53:38 PST 2020

Author: Alexander Belyaev
Date: 2020-12-16T09:53:19+01:00
New Revision: f8184d4c44dff1fab13122221f0c23ab50936647

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f8184d4c44dff1fab13122221f0c23ab50936647
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f8184d4c44dff1fab13122221f0c23ab50936647.diff

LOG: [mlir] Lookup the latest value with a legal type when remapping values.

The current condition implies that the target materialization will be
called even if the type is the new operand type is legal, but slightly
different. For example, if there is a bufferization pattern that changes
memref layout, then target materialization for an illegal type
(TensorType) would be called.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93126




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Transforms/Utils/DialectConversion.cpp b/mlir/lib/Transforms/Utils/DialectConversion.cpp
index 0a1a6b712ff2..61371b2c08b6 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Transforms/Utils/DialectConversion.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Transforms/Utils/DialectConversion.cpp
@@ -105,10 +105,15 @@ namespace {
 /// functionality, i.e. we will traverse if the mapped value also has a mapping.
 struct ConversionValueMapping {
   /// Lookup a mapped value within the map. If a mapping for the provided value
-  /// does not exist then return the provided value. If `desiredType` is
-  /// non-null, returns the most recently mapped value with that type. If an
-  /// operand of that type does not exist, defaults to normal behavior.
-  Value lookupOrDefault(Value from, Type desiredType = nullptr) const;
+  /// does not exist then return the provided value.
+  Value lookupOrDefault(Value from) const;
+  /// Lookup the latest legal value within the map. If a mapping for the
+  /// provided value does not exist then return the provided value. If
+  /// `converter` is non-null, returns the most recently mapped value with the
+  /// legal type. If an operand of that type does not exist, defaults to normal
+  /// behavior.
+  Value lookupLatestLegal(Value from, TypeConverter *converter) const;
   /// Lookup a mapped value within the map, or return null if a mapping does not
   /// exist. If a mapping exists, this follows the same behavior of
@@ -127,22 +132,24 @@ struct ConversionValueMapping {
 } // end anonymous namespace
-Value ConversionValueMapping::lookupOrDefault(Value from,
-                                              Type desiredType) const {
-  // If there was no desired type, simply find the leaf value.
-  if (!desiredType) {
-    // If this value had a valid mapping, unmap that value as well in the case
-    // that it was also replaced.
-    while (auto mappedValue = mapping.lookupOrNull(from))
-      from = mappedValue;
-    return from;
-  }
+Value ConversionValueMapping::lookupOrDefault(Value from) const {
+  // If this value had a valid mapping, unmap that value as well in the case
+  // that it was also replaced.
+  while (auto mappedValue = mapping.lookupOrNull(from))
+    from = mappedValue;
+  return from;
-  // Otherwise, try to find the deepest value that has the desired type.
-  Value desiredValue;
+Value ConversionValueMapping::lookupLatestLegal(
+    Value from, TypeConverter *converter) const {
+  if (!converter)
+    return lookupOrDefault(from);
+  // Otherwise, try to find the deepest value that has the legal type.
+  Value legalValue;
   do {
-    if (from.getType() == desiredType)
-      desiredValue = from;
+    if (converter->isLegal(from.getType()))
+      legalValue = from;
     Value mappedValue = mapping.lookupOrNull(from);
     if (!mappedValue)
@@ -151,7 +158,7 @@ Value ConversionValueMapping::lookupOrDefault(Value from,
   } while (true);
   // If the desired value was found use it, otherwise default to the leaf value.
-  return desiredValue ? desiredValue : from;
+  return legalValue ? legalValue : from;
 Value ConversionValueMapping::lookupOrNull(Value from) const {
@@ -1039,22 +1046,41 @@ LogicalResult ConversionPatternRewriterImpl::remapValues(
     Value operand = it.value();
     Type origType = operand.getType();
-    // If a converter was provided, get the desired legal types for this
-    // operand.
-    Type desiredType;
+    Value newOperand = mapping.lookupLatestLegal(operand, converter);
+    // Handle the case where the conversion was 1->1 and the new operand type
+    // isn't legal.
+    Type newOperandType = newOperand.getType();
     if (converter) {
-      // If there is no legal conversion, fail to match this pattern.
-      legalTypes.clear();
-      if (failed(converter->convertType(origType, legalTypes))) {
-        return notifyMatchFailure(loc, [=](Diagnostic &diag) {
-          diag << "unable to convert type for operand #" << it.index()
-               << ", type was " << origType;
-        });
+      if (!converter->isLegal(newOperandType)) {
+        legalTypes.clear();
+        // If there is no legal conversion, fail to match this pattern.
+        if (failed(converter->convertType(origType, legalTypes))) {
+          return notifyMatchFailure(loc, [=](Diagnostic &diag) {
+            diag << "unable to convert type for operand #" << it.index()
+                 << ", type was " << origType;
+          });
+        }
+        // TODO: There currently isn't any mechanism to do 1->N type conversion
+        // via the PatternRewriter replacement API, so for now we just ignore
+        // it.
+        if (legalTypes.size() != 1) {
+          remapped.push_back(newOperand);
+          continue;
+        }
+        Type desiredType = legalTypes.front();
+        newOperand = converter->materializeTargetConversion(
+            rewriter, loc, desiredType, newOperand);
+        if (!newOperand) {
+          return notifyMatchFailure(loc, [=](Diagnostic &diag) {
+            diag << "unable to materialize a conversion for "
+                    "operand #"
+                 << it.index() << ", from " << newOperandType << " to "
+                 << desiredType;
+          });
+        }
-      // TODO: There currently isn't any mechanism to do 1->N type conversion
-      // via the PatternRewriter replacement API, so for now we just ignore it.
-      if (legalTypes.size() == 1)
-        desiredType = legalTypes.front();
     } else {
       // TODO: What we should do here is just set `desiredType` to `origType`
       // and then handle the necessary type conversions after the conversion
@@ -1062,24 +1088,7 @@ LogicalResult ConversionPatternRewriterImpl::remapValues(
       // receiving the new operands even if the types change, so we keep the
       // original behavior here for now until all of the patterns relying on
       // this get updated.
-    }
-    Value newOperand = mapping.lookupOrDefault(operand, desiredType);
-    // Handle the case where the conversion was 1->1 and the new operand type
-    // isn't legal.
-    Type newOperandType = newOperand.getType();
-    if (converter && desiredType && newOperandType != desiredType) {
       // Attempt to materialize a conversion for this new value.
-      newOperand = converter->materializeTargetConversion(
-          rewriter, loc, desiredType, newOperand);
-      if (!newOperand) {
-        return notifyMatchFailure(loc, [=](Diagnostic &diag) {
-          diag << "unable to materialize a conversion for "
-                  "operand #"
-               << it.index() << ", from " << newOperandType << " to "
-               << desiredType;
-        });
-      }


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