[llvm-dev] Adding an execution result keyword in LIT

Anshil Gandhi via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 20 14:50:59 PDT 2021

Hey all,

I am working on adding an execution result keyword such as `PASSED`,
`FAILED`, `XFAILED`, etc. to LIT to indicate the result for each RUN
execution. For example,

: 'RUN: at line 1' *(PASSED)*;
/home/anshil/amd-workspace/llvm-project/build/bin/llc -march=amdgcn
-mcpu=tahiti -verify-machineinstrs <
| /home/anshil/amd-workspace/llvm-project/build/bin/FileCheck

I was wondering what would be the most appropriate place to implement this?
I was thinking somewhere under
`parseIntegratedTestScriptsCommands(source_path, keywords)` in
TestRunner.py but I am open to suggestions.


Anshil Gandhi
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