[llvm-dev] Legacy PM deprecation for optimization pipeline timeline

Mats Larsen via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 4 10:41:15 PDT 2021

> No, it's more of an implementation detail that users don't need to worry
I see, I think we'll omit that parameter from the AfterPassFunc and
AfterPassInvalidatedFunc callbacks then.

> I'm not following. Isn't it like all the other things you're passing into
the PassBuilder?
Apologies, that was pretty terribly worded. The
PassInstrumentationCallbacks holds all of these "  using BeforePassFunc =
bool(StringRef, Any);" function types, where the llvm::Any is the IR unit
the pass ran over. It could be a llvm::Module, llvm::Function etc...
Wouldn't this be "problematic" for the C interface as we wouldn't be able
to tell what kind of IR unit it was?

> Separating it out into a different file from PassBuilder.cpp seems
cleanest to me. Maybe right along side it in the same directory? We can
always move it around later if we find somewhere better.
That sounds good to me. /llvm/lib/Passes/PassBuilderBindings.cpp maybe?

We should probably do something like heap allocate a PTO/PGOOptions and
provide an opaque pointer to it, and set those options, then pass it to the
final build/run function. Sort of like LLVMPassManagerRef, but the legacy
pass builder stored its options inside the pass builder itself, whereas the
new pass builder has a separate PTO. Then the equivalent of something like
LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops() would just modify the PTO.
> Yeah I think that's a nice approach. I believe that's what the MCJIT
bindings do with the LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions struct.

> The legacy PM API separates building the PM and running it on some IR.
I'm not sure if we necessarily want to do that when we can build it and run
it all at once. But maybe I'm missing a use case.
I also thought about that... I think either approach works, and we can
always add an API that separates it out or vice versa further down the road
if need be.

Let me know what you think. I'll start working on the API and submit a
patch for review soon.


On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 7:05 PM Arthur Eubanks <aeubanks at google.com> wrote:

> On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 12:11 PM Mats Larsen <me at supergrecko.com> wrote:
>> Greetings, I've had the time to take a better look at the code in the
>> NewPMDriver.cpp source and I believe I have a good overview of the task
>> now. Here are some things which I'm not too sure about so I'd like your
>> input on this:
>> - What are the PreservedAnalyses and how do we use them? Is it crucial
>> for the LLVM-C API?
> No, it's more of an implementation detail that users don't need to worry
> about.
>> - How do we want to handle the various callbacks for the
>> PassInstrumentationCallbacks? They're taking the templated IRUnit which
>> could be different types upon each invocation.
> I'm not following. Isn't it like all the other things you're passing into
> the PassBuilder?
>> - Where do we want the binding code itself? Some places have files like
>> ExecutionEngineBindings.cpp, while others have it at the end of files
>> relevant to the code being hooked into.
> Separating it out into a different file from PassBuilder.cpp seems
> cleanest to me. Maybe right along side it in the same directory? We can
> always move it around later if we find somewhere better.
>> - I see the C++ API accepts PGO Options, should that be hooked into as
>> well?
> Probably at some point, but that can come later. I don't see where the
> legacy PM's C API does that.
>> With that being said, I think I have a decent plan for the interface
>> itself. We'll provide a PassBuilder which we can construct with the
>> PassInstrumentationCallbacks, PipelineTuningOptions, etc. The various
>> *AnalysisManagers may also be added to the PassBuilder. The
>> StandardInstrumentation can be added by passing a
>> PassInstrumentationCallbacks and optionally a FunctionAnalysisManager like
>> the C++ llvm::StandardInstrumentation::registerCallbacks method does.
>> The PassBuilder will then be able to accept a Module and an opt-style
>> string with the passes to be used. A ModulePassManager will be constructed
>> as you described and it will run the passes over the module.
> The things that make the PassBuilder customizable are the
> PipelineTuningOptions, PGOOptions, and DebugLogging. We should probably do
> something like heap allocate a PTO/PGOOptions and provide an opaque pointer
> to it, and set those options, then pass it to the final build/run function.
> Sort of like LLVMPassManagerRef, but the legacy pass builder stored its
> options inside the pass builder itself, whereas the new pass builder has a
> separate PTO. Then the equivalent of something
> like LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops() would just modify the
> PTO.
> The legacy PM API separates building the PM and running it on some IR. I'm
> not sure if we necessarily want to do that when we can build it and run it
> all at once. But maybe I'm missing a use case.
>> Let me know what you think of an approach like this...
>> Best regards
>> Mats Larsen
>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 11:13 PM Mats Larsen <me at supergrecko.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Arthur, that sounds great. Using opt's pass name parser sounds
>>> like a good plan and a great way to save ourselves from complications with
>>> the different PM types. We can then construct the ModulePassManager and run
>>> that over an LLVM module the user passes to us.
>>> I'll have a closer look at this over the next few days and I'll possibly
>>> gather a tiny list of questions I may have before we get started.
>>> Mats
>>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 6:26 PM Arthur Eubanks <aeubanks at google.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 1:48 PM Mats Larsen <me at supergrecko.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone
>>>>> I wouldn't mind looking into hooking the new PM infrastructure into
>>>>> the LLVM C API. However, I would like to know a little more about the task.
>>>>> I've had a look at the new PM infrastructure, and from taking a quick
>>>>> glance at the available APIs and how it's used in the tests I assume we'd
>>>>> look to do something similar to the existing legacy PM hooks.
>>>>> Things are a bit different as far as I've understood because we have
>>>>> Module, CGSCC, Function, and Loop passes, each of which may be adapted into
>>>>> "higher" kinds, eg FunctionPM -> ModulePM, all of which differs a bit from
>>>>> the legacy PM. From what I've gathered, we'll need to set up the PMs
>>>>> themselves as you mentioned and we'll have to hook a set (all?) of the new
>>>>> PM passes into this. Would it be possible to get a more comprehensive list
>>>>> of what needs to be done?
>>>>> I'm pretty new around here so I'll probably require some guidance
>>>>> further down the line.
>>>>>> <https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/llvm-dev>
>>>>> Awesome, I'm happy to do reviews and answer any further questions.
>>>> I'm imagining a new PassBuilder.h in llvm/include/llvm-c where
>>>> PassManagerBuilder.h was.
>>>> Initially I was thinking we'd need wrappers around the various types of
>>>> pass managers as you've mentioned, as well as the adaptors
>>>> (e.g. createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor()). And each of the LLVMAdd*Pass()
>>>> would need a corresponding new PM alternative that adds the pass to the
>>>> proper pass manager type.
>>>> But now that I think about it some more, we might be able to bypass all
>>>> of that and instead use the new PM's pass pipeline text parsing (the same
>>>> thing that `opt -passes=foo` uses). This seems exactly the sort of thing it
>>>> would be useful for. We'll bypass the need to create wrappers for the
>>>> different types of pass managers since we just get back a ModulePassManager
>>>> from the PassBuilder.
>>>> The code in NewPMDriver.cpp should be a good starting place to figure
>>>> out what's necessary to create a PassBuilder, then how to get a
>>>> ModulePassManager from it and run it on some IR.
>>>> I imagine first you'll need some way to setup the options to pass to
>>>> the PassBuilder, so the C wrapper would probably own various things like
>>>> the various
>>>> *AnalysisManagers, PassInstrumentationCallbacks, StandardInstrumentations,
>>>> and PipelineTuningOptions. Then the user can ask for some pipeline via a
>>>> string, whether that's an individual pass like "instcombine" or a full
>>>> pipeline like "default<O2>", and you create a PassBuilder from the
>>>> options, then tell it to create the ModulePassManager via
>>>> PassBuilder::parsePassPipeline().
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