[llvm-dev] Question about post-commit review

Nigel Perks via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 18 08:27:17 PDT 2021

Thanks very much, that’s very clear.

Yes, I understand this is the exceptional case!



From: paul.robinson at sony.com <paul.robinson at sony.com>
Sent: 18 March 2021 15:25
To: Nigel Perks <nigelp at xmos.com>
Cc: llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Subject: RE: Question about post-commit review

[Re-send, remembering to re-add the list this time]

It means, you may commit without prior review, but you must still respond to anyone who chooses to review afterward.  You are not expected to find reviewers.  It is possible the commit will not be reviewed, although I believe there are people who like to look at a lot of NFC/”obvious” commits.  There will be no formal record of who (if anyone) looked at it, unless someone does have a comment.

You are expected to use this power only for good purposes. 😊

From: llvm-dev <llvm-dev-bounces at lists.llvm.org<mailto:llvm-dev-bounces at lists.llvm.org>> On Behalf Of Nigel Perks via llvm-dev
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 10:50 AM
To: llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org<mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>
Subject: [llvm-dev] Question about post-commit review

Does post-commit review mean that the author must find reviewers, in the same way as for a patch, except after the commit?

Or does it mean that the author commits without a review, and then must respond to people who choose to review, but the commit might go unreviewed?

I understand from [1] that “where there is any uncertainty, a patch should be reviewed prior to being committed”. I just want to be clear, when a small change does qualify for post-commit review, what the author has to do. [1] says “prior to an explicit review”: I’m not sure if that means an explicit review must happen eventually.



[1] https://llvm.org/docs/CodeReview.html<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/llvm.org/docs/CodeReview.html__;!!JmoZiZGBv3RvKRSx!qQOIyYI5pykJYv7u7b23sarG4Bi02PEzLwtWXJ-zMOn6P3-FIuxSe88HiyLP_wYnbw$>
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