[llvm-dev] Managing buildbots through the Web UI

Michael Kruse via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 24 18:08:44 PDT 2021

Rights to do actions are listed in
The role you are in is determined by github:
https://github.com/orgs/llvm/teams. I don't know how the "owner" and
"worker-owner" are determined, but I can stop build from by own
workers (But ironically, I am not allowed to control the worker
itself, e.g. pause it). In a previous exchange Galina mentioned that
the email in the worker's info/admin file must match the primary
GitHub email.


Am Do., 24. Juni 2021 um 15:20 Uhr schrieb Nemanja Ivanovic via
llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>:
> I was under the impression that all I need to do in order to be able to perform management tasks on the buildbots through the Web UI is to be logged into GitHub with the same email as is listed for the buildbot admin.
> I just tried that for https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/88 and I am not able to cancel the queue nor cancel the current build. When I try to do the former, it doesn't give me any output but doesn't cancel the queue. When I try to do the latter, it gives me the following message:
> Cannot Stop: you need to have role 'worker-owner'
> How do I ensure I have that role?
> Another strange thing is that the above mentioned buildbot seems to wait a very long time (10-15 minutes) between when it finishes one build and when it starts the next. Considering that builds on that bot take less than 10 minutes, that wait time means that the bot spend more than half its time waiting rather than doing anything useful even though it has a lengthy queue of requested builds.
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